CICTP 2023: Innovation-Empowered Technology for Sustainable, Intelligent, Decarbonized, and Connected Transportation


  • Selected papers from the 23rd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, held in Beijing, China, July 14–17, 2023. Sponsored by the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA), Beijing University of Technology, and the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 280 peer-reviewed papers on advanced transportation developments and trends.

    Topics include: emerging transportation technology for carbon neutrality; AI-driven informatics and big data analytics; multimodal transportation systems; transportation systems security and emergency response; integrated public transportation; electrified and automated mobility; AI and machine learning in transportation applications; traffic safety modeling and analysis; mixed traffic flow; transportation planning, optimization, and logistics; metropolitan urban transportation planning; and transportation systems risk and resilience analysis.

    Transportation professionals, both academic and practitioner, will find this collection a valuable resource for current trends in transportation science and engineering.

For selected items:

Emerging Transportation Technologies for Achieving Carbon Neutrality

AI-Driven Informatics, Sensing, Imaging, and Big Data Analytics for Connected and Automated Vehicles

Intelligence and Digitalization in Multimodal Transportation Systems

Cyber-Physical Transportation Systems Security and Emergency Response

Reliable and Integrated Public Transportation

Shared, Electrified, and Automated Mobility

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Transportation Applications

Data-Driven Traffic Safety Modeling and Analysis

Emerging Innovations and Theories in Mixed Traffic Flow of Human-Driven Vehicles and CAV Operations

Transportation Systems Planning, Optimization, and Humanitarian Logistics

Spatiotemporal Behavior, Accessibility, and Mobility Issues of Vulnerable Urban Groups

Metropolitan Urban Transportation Planning in a New Era

Transportation Systems Risk and Resilience Analysis

Other Topics