Permission to Use ASCE Materials

Types of Permission Granted by Copyright Clearance Center
ASCE Publications employs Copyright Clearance Center, an online permission service, to enable customers to request permission for licensing content directly.

First, locate the content record in the ASCE Library, the Civil Engineering Database, or the ASCE Bookstore. Open the bibliographic or product record, and click on the "Permission for Reuse" or “Permissions” link. In ASCE Library, the link is located in the "Tools" menu. This link will take you directly to Copyright Clearance Center, where you can fill out the online form to make your request and receive instant feedback. Copyright Clearance Center is not a document delivery service. Copyright Clearance Center provides permission for reuse only.

For technical questions, email Copyright Clearance Center, call 877-622-5543 (toll-free) or 978-777-9929, or fax them at 978-774-9213.

Translation Rights
If you are interested in translating and publishing any of ASCE’s publications, please contact ASCE directly.

ASCE Permissions
Permission is required for:
  • reusing an excerpt of 100 words or more from an ASCE journal, periodical, or proceedings paper
  • reusing an excerpt of 500 words or more from any ASCE book or standard
  • reusing any figures, tables, charts, or images

Permission will be denied if:

  • the requested ASCE copyrighted content constitutes more than 25% of your work in a new publication
  • you request to republish an entire article or chapter from an ASCE journal, periodical, conference proceeding, book or standard
  • you request to post an entire ASCE journal article, proceedings paper, book or standard on the Internet
  • you request to use any figures, tables, charts, or images from Civil Engineering magazine and GEOSTRATA magazine. ASCE is not the copyright holder for most of these materials. You must request permission from the copyright holders. The copyright information can be found in the credit line.
  • the total number of requested figures, tables, charts, or images exceeds the limit allowed based on type of use

Altering, recompiling, copying, reselling, redistributing, publishing or republishing (beyond brief quotations with customary acknowledgment of the source) of any text, output, search results, or other information from any ASCE Licensed Material, or any portion thereof, including without limitation, copyright, trade secret, proprietary and/or other legal notices contained therein, in any form or medium is prohibited.

If you are an author interested in making your own article open access, or if you would like to sponsor open access for a particular article, please consult our Open Access Options and Rights policy.

It is the requesting party’s responsibility to determine if an article or paper has been published as open access. Please consult the abstract page for that article or paper in the ASCE Library.

It is the requesting party’s responsibility to ensure that the material is original to ASCE and that the material was not reprinted with permission from a non-ASCE source. Please note that many of the photographs and images used in ASCE publications are not copyrighted by ASCE. You need to contact the copyright holders of those photographs or images if you would like permission to reuse them.

Copyright Clearance Center Permissions

Reuse of ASCE content may be requested from Copyright Clearance Center for the following options:

ASCE copyrighted content includes all ASCE publications: journal articles, proceedings papers, books (standards, manuals, committee reports, ASCE Press), Civil Engineering magazine, and ASCE News.

  • Book or Textbook: Permission is limited to only the edition of the book to be published as specified during the ordering process.
  • Journal or Magazine: Permission will not be granted to republish an entire article in another journal or magazine.
  • Conference Proceeding: Permission will not be granted to republish an entire article or paper in another conference proceedings.
  • Promotional Material: Any such use does not imply an endorsement by ASCE of a commercial product, service, or supplier.
  • Presentation or Slidekit
  • Coursepack: If the request is for an online coursepack, the site must be password-protected and posted for the semester only.
  • Training Material: If the training material is posted online, the site must be password-protected.
  • Thesis or Dissertation: Reuse is permitted, provided the content in total does not account for more than 25% of the new work.
  • Government Report: Any such use does not negate ASCE's copyright interest by placing the work in the public domain.
  • Intranet posting: Permission is limited to your organization’s intranet, which must be password-protected and is not open to the public
  • Internet posting: Posting of an entire ASCE copyrighted article or book is strictly prohibited. However, we do allow posting of limited excerpts or figures, tables, charts, or images.
  • Documentary/TV program/movie
  • Photocopies: Does not include online or digital reproduction

If you are STM signatory publisher, please review our STM Permission Guidelines.

If you are an ASCE author and you are seeking permission to reuse your own journal article or proceedings paper, please review our policies for author reuse.

More information on pricing and types of reuse is presented when completing the request form on

ASCE Publications employs Copyright Clearance Center, an online permission service, to enable customers to request permission for licensing content directly.

First, locate the content record in the ASCE Library, the Civil Engineering Database, or the ASCE Bookstore. Open the bibliographic or product record, and click on the "Permission for Reuse" or “Permissions” link. In ASCE Library, the link is located in the "Tools" menu. This link will take you directly to Copyright Clearance Center, where you can fill out the online form to make your request and receive instant feedback. Copyright Clearance Center is not a document delivery service. Copyright Clearance Center provides permission for reuse only.

For technical questions, email the Copyright Clearance Center, call 877-622-5543 (toll-free) or 978-777-9929, or fax them at 978-774-9213.

Terms and Conditions

ASCE Terms and Conditions for Permissions Requests

The publisher for this copyrighted material is The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). You agree that the following terms and conditions apply to this transaction, along with the billing and payment terms and conditions.

All sales are final.


Each license is unique, covering only the terms and conditions specified in it. Even if you have obtained a license for certain ASCE copyrighted content, you will need to obtain another license if you plan to reuse that content outside the terms of the existing license. For example: If you already have a license to reuse a figure in a journal, you still need a new license to reuse the same figure in a magazine. You need a separate license for each edition.


A full credit line must be added to the material being reprinted.


  • For reuse in non-ASCE publications, add the words "With permission from ASCE" to your source citation.
  • For Intranet posting, add the following additional notice: "This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of ASCE. This material may be found at [URL/link of abstract in the ASCE Library or Civil Engineering Database].”

The site must be password-protected and posted for the semester or quarter only.


Permissions will be granted only for text from Civil Engineering magazine. Permission to use figures, tables, charts, or images must be requested from the copyright owner as noted in the credit line. 


ASCE authors frequently submit manuscripts for publication that include materials—especially illustrations—that come from non-ASCE sources. If you wish to publish these materials, you must locate the original copyright holders and obtain permission from them. If the requested content is from a joint publication of ASCE with another publisher(s), you must determine whether ASCE or the other publisher(s) owns the copyright and make your request to the copyright holder. Generally, the copyright holder is the publisher of the work. For books, the copyright holder is usually identified on the page immediately following the title page. For journals, the copyright holder is usually identified in the front matter or on the first page of each article.


The foregoing License shall not take effect unless and until ASCE receives the payment. Failure to fully comply with the terms of this License shall automatically render this License null and void.

ASCE may, at any time, deny the permissions described in this License at their sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, with a full refund payable to you. Notice of such denial will be made using the contact information provided by you. Failure to receive such notice will not alter or invalidate the denial. In no event will ASCE be responsible or liable for any costs, expenses or damage incurred by you as a result of a denial of your permission request, other than a refund of the amount(s) paid by you to ASCE.

Reuse Author's Own Material

Reuse Author's Own Material

As the original author of an ASCE journal article or proceedings paper, you are permitted to reuse your own content for another ASCE or non-ASCE publication.

The following restrictions apply:
  • Permission is denied if you request to republish an entire article in an ASCE or a non-ASCE publication.
  • Permission is denied if the requested content constitutes more than 25% of your work in a new publication.
  • Internet posting of the published version of your article is strictly prohibited.
  • If the request is for an online coursepack, the site must be password-protected.
  • If you wish to photocopy your content, the total number of copies cannot exceed 100. If you need more than 100 copies, please contact ASCE Permissions directly.
If the content has been prepared by an employee within the scope of employment, the employer shall enjoy the same rights as the authors.

If the content was prepared under a U.S. government contract, the federal government shall have the rights under the copyright law to the extent required by the contract.


Published Article
Authors may post a PDF of the ASCE-published version of their work on their employers' Intranet with password protection.

Draft Manuscript
Authors may post the final draft of their work on open, unrestricted Internet sites or deposit it in an institutional repository when the draft contains a link to the bibliographic record of the published version in the ASCE Library or Civil Engineering Database. "Final draft" means the version submitted to ASCE after peer review and prior to copyediting or other ASCE production activities; it does not include the copyedited version, the page proof, or a PDF of the published version.

When posting online, please add the statement: "This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers. This material may be found at [URL/link of abstract in the ASCE Library or Civil Engineering Database].”

Open Access Options and Rights

ASCE offers several options for authors to make their papers Open Access and freely available to the public.

Gold Open Access
ASCE OPEN: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering is a Gold Open Access journal. All accepted submissions will be published Open Access. Authors pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication fees, and their article is made freely available online at the time of publication. APC fees for ASCE OPEN are $2,000 per article. Authors will retain copyright of their articles under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).

Hybrid Open Access
ASCE’s specialty journals operate under a hybrid model. (This includes all ASCE journals except ASCE OPEN: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering). Authors have the option to select Open Access for their accepted manuscript and pay an APC of $2,500. Authors choosing hybrid Open Access will retain copyright of their articles under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

The CC BY license allows authors to retain copyright but licenses the use of the article to ASCE as the publisher. Others may use all or portions of the content of the paper without seeking permission from ASCE or the author. Any such use must contain an attribution to the original author.

Once a submitted manuscript has been accepted for publication, the corresponding author will have the option to request that his or her paper be Open Access. Open Access papers will be published online and will be accessible without a subscription to anyone who accesses the paper at The paper will be open immediately upon online publication. Authors who choose this option will retain copyright and be asked to accept a licensing agreement following Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY).

APC fees must be received before a paper will be published. Authors may pay directly or request an invoice if their Institution or a sponsor is making the payment.

ASCE believes researchers should have the broadest choice of publication venues to best disseminate their work—including fully Open Access (OA) journals. Therefore, ASCE offers an APC-waiver program to support authors looking to publish in ASCE OPEN. Researchers interested in applying for funding waivers to publish in ASCE OPEN qualify based first on their geographic location, and second if they have no access to other funding sources. If you qualify on both counts, submit an Open Access Waiver request.


Information about gaining permission to reuse ASCE content is available. Please note that ASCE does not permit digital reuse of entire articles, chapters or books.

To sponsor Open Access of an article, email your request to us.


For papers that have already been published online, ASCE offers Sponsored Access. Any party that wishes to allow access to content to the general public may request that ASCE lift subscription restrictions to an article. Under this arrangement, the sponsor may link to the open article but may not post the PDF or the full-text HTML on an external site. Email your request to Sponsor an article or paper.

ASCE will retain copyright per the copyright transfer agreement signed by the author prior to publication. No changes to the copyright agreement will be permitted.

Journal Articles: The fee for this service is $1000.00 and is only available for articles that are 24 months past online publication. A Free Access icon will appear with the paper to indicate that it is freely available.

Conference Papers: The fee for this service is $500.00 and is available for articles immediately upon online publication. A Free Access icon will appear with the paper to indicate that it is freely available.

Civil Engineering Magazine Articles: The fee for this service is $1000.00 and is only available for articles that are posted in the ASCE Library. A Free Access icon will appear with the paper to indicate that it is freely available.

STM Permission Guidelines

Permission is, or in the case of an express permission requirement should be, granted free of charge, with respect to a particular journal article or book being prepared for publication, to:

ASCE is a signatory to the STM Permission Guidelines. STM Permission Guidelines allow fellow signatory publishers to reuse certain and limited materials at no charge.

  • use up to three figures (including tables) from a journal article or book chapter, but:
  • not more than five figures from a whole book or journal issue/edition;
  • not more than six figures from an annual journal volume; and
  • not more than three figures from works published by a single publisher for an article, and not more than three figures from works published by a single publisher for a book chapter (and in total not more than thirty figures from a single publisher for re-publication in a book, including a multi-volume book, with different authors per chapter)
  • use single text extracts of less than 400 words from a journal article or book chapter, but
  • not more than a total of 800 words from a whole book or journal issue/edition

You are still required to obtain a license through Copyright Clearance Center and comply with the license terms and conditions.

Bibliographic indexes

More than two million article downloads each year is strong evidence that researchers and practitioners can easily find content published in ASCE Library.

As a member of Crossref, ASCE Library articles include outbound reference links to other publisher content registered in the Crossref system.

ASCE Library is indexed by Google, Google Scholar, and Baidu.

Abstracting and indexing for all content in ASCE Library is provided by all the major services, including Elsevier (Ei Compendex), Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science), ProQuest, Civil Engineering Database, TRID, OCLC (WorldCat), IET/INSPEC, CNKI, CNPIEC and EBSCOHost.

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