ICTE 2013


  • Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering, held in Chengdu, China, October 19-20, 2013. Sponsored by Southwest Jiaotong University; China Communications and Transportation Association; the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE; Mao Yisheng Science and Technology Education Foundation; and Zhan Tianyou Development Foundation for Science and Technology. Hosted by the School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University.

    This collection contains 459 peer-reviewed papers reflecting current transportation engineering research, with a special focus on China.s high-speed rail network.

    Topics include: transportation planning and system optimization; traffic control and information technology; transportation and socioeconomic development; transportation security, environmental protection, and sustainable development; urban public transport; high-speed railway operation, organization, and safety; integrated transportation systems, including theory and applications; modern logistics and supply chain management; road and railway engineering; vehicle operation application engineering; and green and low-carbon transportation.

    The papers in this collection will be of particular interest to transportation engineers, transportation planners, and government officials.

For selected items:
