ICCTP 2011: Towards Sustainable Transportation Systems


  • Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, held in Nanjing, China, August 14-17, 2011. Organized by Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA); Southeast University. Sponsored by the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE; National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). This collection contains 434 peer-reviewed papers discussing critical transportation issues, sharing experience in transportation research and development, and exchanging ideas for future transportation studies. Topics include: transportation policy and economics; transportation planning and modeling; traffic operations, management, and control; intelligent transportation systems (ITS); traffic safety and emergency response; transportation and sustainability; transit and rail systems; transportation infrastructure design and construction; pavement and materials engineering, and highway maintenance; logistics and freight transportation; vehicle technologies; and water transportation and aviation.

For selected items:

Transportation Economics, Policy, and Strategy

Transportation Planning and Modeling

Traffic Operation, Management, and Control

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Traffic Safety and Emergency Management

Transportation and Sustainable Development

Public Transportation and Rail Transit

Traffic Infrastructure Design and Construction

Pavement and Materials Engineering and Highway Maintenance

Transportation Logistics

Vehicle Operation Engineering

Water and Air Transportation

Overseas Papers