ICTIS 2011: Multimodal Approach to Sustained Transportation System Development: Information, Technology, Implementation


  • Proceedings of the First International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, held in Wuhan, China, June 30-July 2, 2011. Sponsored and organized by Wuhan University of Technology; Transportation and Development Institute of ASCE; China Communications and Transportation Association; National Natural Science Foundation of China; Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. This collection contains 355 reviewed papers examining the problems and opportunities addressed by a multimodal approach for the sustained development of the transportation system in China. Modern information technologies and innovations in transportation safety management are key to improving the system efficiency and enhancing traffic safety. Multimodal and system-wide approaches are needed to develop solutions that are technically effective, socially equitable, environmentally sound, and economically viable. These papers promote sustainable transportation system development in the context of information systems and safety for four transportation areas: highways, air, rail, and water.

For selected items:

Volume I: Highway Transportation

Volume II: Air Transportation

Volume III: Rail Transportation

Volume IV: Water Transportation