Earth and Space 2010: Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments


  • Proceedings of the 12th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments and the 4th NASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Exploration, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14-17, 2010. This collection contains 369 papers covering many technology areas. Topics include: structures, structural vibrations, dynamics and controls, smart structures, and intelligent sensors and actuators; exploration and utilization of extraterrestrial bodies; advanced materials for sustainable development; advanced issues and challenges in control of aerospace vehicles and structures; advanced topics in offshore wind turbine research; fluid dynamics and heat transfer in challenging environment; innovative techniques in structural health monitoring; nanotechnology in active materials; advanced technology in composite material processing; disaster mitigation; earthquake engineering; new developments and challenging issues in 21st engineering education in dynamics, dynamics, controls, and structures; field sensing and robotics; space engineering and construction; in situ resource utilization and development; human exploration and development of space; advanced space transportation systems; space environment; terrestrial and space architecture in challenging environments; space power systems; and engineering and science in earth-based extreme regions.

For selected items:

Symposium 1: 4th NASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Exploration

Symposium 2: Advanced Materials for Sustainable Development

Symposium 3: Ballistic Impact and Crashworthiness

Symposium 4: Exploration and Utilization of Extraterrestrial Bodies

Symposium 5: Intelligent Sensors and Actuators

Symposium 6: Advanced Issues and Challenges in Control of Aerospace

Symposium 7: Advanced Topics in Offshore Wind Turbine Research

Symposium 8: Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfers

Symposium 9: Innovative Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring

Symposium 10: Disaster Mitigation

Symposium 11: Structural Vibration Control

Symposium 12: Nano Technology in Active Materials

Symposium 13: Advanced Construction Materials

Symposium 14: Advanced Technology in Composite Material Processing

Symposium 15: New Development and Challenging Issues in 21st Engineering Education in Dynamics, Controls, and Structures