CICTP 2021: Advanced Transportation, Enhanced Connection


  • Papers from the 21st COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, held in Xi’an, China, December 16–19, 2021. Sponsored by the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 250 peer-reviewed papers on advanced transportation developments and trends.

    Topics include: advanced transportation information and control; vehicle operation engineering; transportation system management; transportation planning and policy; transportation behavior, safety, and security; highway and railway engineering; and transportation responses to COVID-19.

    Transportation professionals, both academic and practitioner, will find this collection a valuable resource for current trends in transportation science and engineering.

For selected items:

Advanced Transportation Information and Control Engineering

Critical Transportation Issues in Response to COVID-19

Highway and Railway Engineering

Transportation Behavior, Safety, and Security

Transportation Planning and Policy

Vehicle Operation Engineering and Transportation System Management