Earth & Space 2008: Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments


  • Proceedings of the 11th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, held in Long Beach, California, March 3-5, 2008. Sponsored by the Aerospace Division of ASCE. This collection contains 211 papers on issued related to challenging environments. Topics include: structures; materials; dynamics and controls; field and remote sensing and robotics; space engineering and construction; aerodynamics; advanced space systems; lunar and Martian exploration and development; granular materials, including lunar and Martian soils and regolith; in situ resource utilization and development; international space station; human exploration and development of space; research in space environments; space exploration and transportation; fluid distribution and flow in porous media; life-support systems; space architecture and operations; space power; space science; space commercialization; engineering and science in Earth-based extreme regions; and measurement in challenging environments.

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