CICTP 2020: Transportation Evolution Impacting Future Mobility


  • NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference was cancelled. The proceedings have been published to provide readers access to the information that would have been presented.

    Selected papers from the 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, held in Xi’an, China, August 14–16, 2020. Sponsored by the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association, Chang’an University, and the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 443 peer-reviewed papers on current issues in transportation science and engineering.

    Topics include: advanced transportation information and control engineering; transportation infrastructure engineering; vehicle operation engineering and transportation management; transportation planning and policy; transportation behavior and safety; and modern logistics and future transportation systems.

    Transportation professionals, both academic and practitioner, will find this collection a valuable resource.

For selected items:

Advanced Transportation Information and Control Engineering

Transportation Infrastructure Engineering

Vehicle Operation Engineering and Transportation Management

Transportation Planning and Policy

Transportation Behavior and Safety

Future Transportation and Modern Logistics