Traffic and Transportation Studies (2002)


  • Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Studies, held in Guilin, Guangxi, China, July 23-25, 2002. Sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology. Cosponsored by ASCE; Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies; Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Institute of Transport Engineers; Japan Society of Civil Engineers; China Highway and Transportation Society; China Land Society; China Railway Society; Chinese Society for Urban Studies; Northern Jaiotong University; The Geographical Society of China. This collection contains 219 peer-reviewed technical papers that explore the key policy and management issues, innovative technologies, current projects, and future prospects for traffic and transportation studies. Topics include: transportation policy, environment and sustainability, transportation planning and operation, traffic flow models and applications, urban traffic management and control, traffic accident and road safety, mass transit systems, applications of advanced technologies in transportation, transportation economics, physical distribution and logistics, transportation infrastructure and pavement systems, and transportation issues in developing countries.

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