Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015: Resilient Coastal Communities


  • Papers from the Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference 2015, held in Boston, Massachusetts, September 9–11, 2015. Sponsored by the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 94 peer-reviewed papers on coastal structures and coastal disasters. Topics include: natural and nature-based designs for coastal defense; wave run up and overtopping; wave loads on coastal structures; tsunamis; wave-soil-structure interaction; armor stability; urban shorelines and coastal structures; coastal risk and resilience; sea level rise and climate change; advances in coastal modeling; case studies; performance-based design of coastal infrastructure; field measurements and forensic studies; hurricanes and coastal storms; social and behavioral aspects of coastal disasters; coastal hazards mapping; coastal erosion and shoreline change; and vulnerability assessment and loss estimation.

    This proceedings is a companion to Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015: Tsunamis and will be valuable to engineers, managers, planners, scientists, geologists, economists, oceanographers, and meteorologists working to reduce future impacts of coastal hazards.

For selected items:


Coastal Dunes Performance and Modelling

Climate Change—Changing Hazards and Effects

Coastal Flood Barriers

Coastal Flood Hazards Mapping

Coastal Hazards and the Built Environment

Coastal Modelling

Coastal Storms

Coastal Zone Management

Urban Shorelines

Evaluation of Nature-Based Options and Performance

Nature-Based Breakwaters

Nature-Based Shore Protection

Performance-Based Design


Resilience and Assessment of Protection Structures

Wave Loads

Wave Runup and Overtopping

Wave Soil Structures

Armor Stability