Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (2002)


  • Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, held in Boston, Massachusetts, August 5-7, 2002. This collection contains 121 technical papers covering four areas of transportation engineering: advanced technologies in transportation; transportation infrastructure management; information technology in transportation; and transportation planning and modeling. Topics include traveler information systems; data collection and estimation; information technology system (ITS) practices and technologies; incident detection and congestion management; advanced systems in hardware, information, and fuel; design, safety, and mobility; high speed transportation; advanced information systems and transportation policies; condition assessment; performance modeling of infrastructure systems; asset management; global information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) applications; remote sensing and spatial data application; planning and modeling; emergency preparedness and responses; public transportation systems; application of genetic algorithms; simulation; application of artificial neural networks; and new approaches in transportation computing.

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