Transportation Research Congress 2016: Innovations in Transportation Research Infrastructure


  • Proceedings of the Transportation Research Congress 2016, held in Beijing, China, June 6–8, 2016. Sponsored by China Research Institute of Highway, Tongji University, Southeast University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chang'An University, University of Science and Technology Beijing, and the Construction Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 68 peer-reviewed papers on transportation infrastructure.

    Topics include: characterization and modeling of pavement materials; properties and performance of pavement materials; bridge infrastructure; asphalt, cementitious, and base pavement materials; preventive maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements; and foundations, excavations, and tunneling.

    This proceedings will be of interest to researchers, educators, practitioners, and government officials working in all areas of transportation infrastructure.

For selected items:


Pavement Structure


Bridge Engineering