Geo-Congress 2023: Geotechnical Data Analysis and Computation


  • Selected papers from sessions of Geo-Congress 2023, held in Los Angeles, California, March 26–29, 2023. Sponsored by the Geo-Institute of ASCE.

    This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 59 peer-reviewed papers on geotechnical data analysis and computation.

    Topics include: computational geotechnics; data and software for geotechnical engineering; data, remote sensing, and cloud computing; education for geotechnical engineering; and virtual/mixed reality.

    GSP 342 will be valuable to practitioners and researchers working in the area of geotechnical data analysis and computation.

For selected items:

Computational Geotechnics

Data and Software for Geotechnical Engineering

Data, Remote Sensing, and Cloud Computing

Education for Geotechnical Engineering

Virtual/Mixed Reality