Pipelines 2020: Utility Engineering, Surveying, and Multidisciplinary Topics


  • NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference was held virtually. The proceedings have been published to provide readers access to the information that was presented.

    Selected papers from Pipelines 2020, held in San Antonio, Texas, August 9–12, 2020. Sponsored by the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 45 peer-reviewed papers on utility engineering, surveying, and multidisciplinary topics.

    Topics include: modeling pipeline systems; monitoring pressure and leaks; pipe joints; pipe materials; and surveying.

    This valuable resource for practitioners and researchers covers the most current state-of-the-art engineering technologies for pipeline and utilities infrastructure and engineering surveying.

For selected items:

Multidisciplinary Topics

Modeling and Monitoring

Pipe Joint Topics

Pipe Materials
