Electrical Transmission and Substation Structures 2018: Dedicated to Strengthening our Critical Infrastructure


  • Proceedings of the Electrical Transmission and Substation Structures Conference 2018, held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-8, 2018. Sponsored by the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 46 peer-reviewed papers on transmission line and substation structures and foundation construction issues.

    Topics include: structural analysis; foundations; structural failure analysis and investigation; substation design issues; seismic and special design considerations; structure upgrading; and construction challenges.

    This proceedings will provide up-to-date information to engineers, contractors, suppliers, and consultants in the electrical transmission industry.

For selected items:

Construction Challenges




Special Design Considerations

Structural Analysis

Structural Failure Analysis and Investigation

Structure Upgrading

Substation Design Issues