Challenges and Advances in Sustainable Transportation Systems


  • Proceedings of the10th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference, held in Beijing, China, May 25-27, 2014. Sponsored by International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association, Beijing University of Technology, and Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference, held in Beijing, China, May 25-27, 2014. Sponsored by International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association, Beijing University of Technology, and Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE.

    Challenges and Advances in Sustainable Transportation Systems contains 86 peer-reviewed papers addressing the challenges facing transportation engineers in the design, construction, maintenance, and management of transportation facilities.

    Topics include: planning and design of sustainable public transport; asphalt mixtures in highway construction; rail and subway planning and design; intelligent transportation systems; tunnel design and construction; geotechnical design considerations; and bridge design, durability, monitoring, and evaluation.

    This proceedings will be of interest to academics, practitioners, planners, and managers working in the field of transportation engineering.

For selected items:

Sustainable Multi-Modal Transportation Systems

Strategies for Sustainable Development

Efficient City and Regional Transportation Planning and Land Use

Low Carbon Emissions and Energy Savings in Transportation

Transportation Infrastructure Design Criteria

Highway Infrastructure

Subway and Rail Transit Infrastructure Planning and Design

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Bridge and Tunnel Planning, Design, and Construction Technologies

Bridge Durability

Bridge Health Monitoring and Evaluation

Geotechnical Design and Construction