Earth and Space 2016: Engineering for Extreme Environments


  • Proceedings of the 15th Biennial ASCE Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, held in Orlando, Florida, April 11–15, 2016.

    Sponsored by the Aerospace Division of ASCE.

    Earth and Space 2016 contains 110 peer-reviewed papers addressing technology and engineering challenges relevant to difficult environments.

    Topics include: physical properties and geotechnics of regolith; interactions between regolith, tools, rovers, and rocket exhaust; planetary drilling, excavation, and surface sampling; regolith as a construction material; in situ resource utilization, or ISRU; smart structures and sensors; monitoring and diagnosis of structures in challenging environments; advanced materials and designs for hydraulic, earth, and aerospace structures; and exploration and utilization of extraterrestrial bodies.

    This collection will be of interest to scientists, engineers, and other professionals working in extreme environments on earth and in space.

For selected items:

Granular Materials in Space Exploration

Exploration and Utilization of Extra-Terrestrial Bodies

Advanced Materials and Designs for Hydraulic, Earth, and Aerospace Structures

Structures in Challenging Environments: Dynamics, Controls, Smart Structures, Health Monitoring, and Sensors