Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments: Earth and Space 2004


  • Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, held in League City/Houston, Texas, March 7-10, 2004. Sponsored by the Aerospace Division of ASCE. This collection contains 139 papers addressing technology challenges relevant to space, Earth, and other planetary bodies, including the Moon and Mars. Papers examine the challenges facing today's aerospace and civil engineering industry and the technology needed for future generations. Topics include: lunar and Martian exploration and development; new frontiers in technology; life support systems; structures and materials; engineering and architecture in extreme environments; advanced space systems; field sensing and robotics; space engineering, construction, and architecture; space exploration and transportation; advanced technologies for infrastructure monitoring; remote sensing, GPS and GIS; and space-based water resources, hydroclimatology and hydrometeorology.

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