Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies: Energy and Water Infrastructure; Transportation Infrastructure; and Planning and Financing


  • Selected peer-reviewed papers from the ASCE India Conference 2017, held in New Delhi, India, December 12-14, 2017. Organized by the American Society of Civil Engineers and co-sponsored by the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and the Institution of Engineers (India).

    This collection contains 81 papers on planning and financing to meet growing demand; transportation around and beneath existing cities; and water, environment, and energy infrastructure in urban areas.

    Topics include: mass transportation, multi-modal transportation, and traffic management; solid and industrial waste management, water and wastewater treatment, and urban pollution; urban watershed and drainage management; innovation in energy infrastructure; urban renewal and development; and financing, policy, and government issues. A companion volume, Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies: Resilience and Sustainability of Infrastructure, is also available.

    This collection will be of interest to civil engineers, urban architects, and policy and government professionals working toward resilient sustainable cities and infrastructure in emerging economies.

For selected items:

Energy and Water Infrastructure Needed to Meet the Demands of Exploding Population in Urban Areas

Planning and Financing to Meet the Growing Demand

Transportation around and beneath Existing Cities