International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016: Projects and Practices for Prosperity


  • Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Transportation and Development, held in Houston, Texas, June 26–29, 2016. Sponsored by the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 110 peer-reviewed papers focusing on smart transportation and development and innovations that contribute to competitiveness, efficiency, convenience, safety, and well-being.

    Topics include: transportation and development planning and financing; roadway design, assessment, and maintenance; social, economic, and environmental issues in development; freight and commuter rail systems management; concrete and asphalt pavement composition and maintenance; and traffic modeling and management.

    These papers will be of interest to transportation planners, engineers, designers, researchers, project managers, and others involved in transportation infrastructure and management.

For selected items:


Cross-Cutting Themes


Rail and Public Transit
