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Technical Papers
Aug 2, 2024

Lunar Leap Robot: 3M Architecture–Enhanced Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Quadruped Robot Jumping in Low-Gravity Environment

Publication: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Volume 37, Issue 6


Legged robots offer advantages such as rapid mobility, adept obstacle-surmounting capabilities, and long mission life in lunar exploration missions. The low-gravity environment on the Moon enhances these benefits, particularly in enabling efficient jumps. However, challenges arise from the complexity of the jumping motion and the difficulty in maintaining stability. This paper introduces an innovative algorithm that integrates deep reinforcement learning with a main point trajectory generator, thus providing a reference for training with minimal reliance on human intuition and prior knowledge. Additionally, fine-grained policy optimization is achieved through a multistage reward structure based on the decomposition of the jumping process. Further, the concept of multitask experience-sharing is proposed to facilitate efficient learning across tasks involving plain terrain jumping and overcoming large obstacles. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in achieving precise and stable jumps, reaching heights approximately five times the robot’s height and distances over five times its body length under lunar gravity. Moreover, the robot exhibits agile strategies, successfully overcoming platforms with a height of 2.5 times its body.


Lunar exploration has gained prominence in recent years, necessitating advanced robotics for ground operations and construction missions on the lunar surface. The Moon’s unique conditions, such as a weak gravitational field and lunar dust, present challenges for robot functionality.
Researchers have been focusing on developing more flexible and efficient rovers (Kolvenbach et al. 2019; Haldane et al. 2016), and legged robots stand out for their adaptability to diverse terrains and ability to execute effective jumping actions in a weak gravitational field. Traditional tracked or wheeled rovers maintain a grip on the ground to generate friction for moving forward on a continuous path. They lack traction in low-gravity environments and are susceptible to unstable bouncing upon encountering obstacles, resulting in slow speeds and subpar adaptability to rugged surfaces (Yu et al. 2018). In contrast, legged robots, particularly quadrupeds with various gaits, demonstrate remarkable potential in lunar exploration applications (Qi et al. 2023a).
Yet, controlling the jumping gait is challenging (Zhang et al. 2020; Luo and Luo 2022; Chignoli et al. 2022; Li et al. 2021). The robot propels itself off the ground and enters a contactless underactuated flight phase, which is prolonged under low gravity, and must maintain balance against the significant impulse during the subsequent landing. The switching between different contact configurations poses control challenges, particularly considering the high-dimensional and nonlinear discontinuous dynamics of quadruped robots (Li et al. 2023b; Qi et al. 2023b; Roscia et al. 2023).
Traditional quadruped motion control algorithms typically simplify the nonlinear control problem into a linear one to circumvent complex nonlinear differential equations. Common control methods include virtual model control (Gehring et al. 2013; Ajallooeian et al. 2013a, b), model predictive control (Li et al. 2023a; Villarreal et al. 2020; Ding et al. 2021), and whole-body control (Katayama and Ohtsuka 2022), which tackle optimization problems through quadratic programming and adjust various feedback parameters to track the planned motion trajectories correctly. However, these methods require complex modeling and derivation of dynamics (Manchester and Kuindersma 2017) as well as much expertise and tedious manual adjustments (Tan et al. 2018). Stable jumping actions were achieved by combining trajectory optimization and high-frequency tracking controllers (Nguyen et al. 2019). A scheme for motion planning and control of jumping is developed based on tractable quadratic programming (Chen et al. 2020). However, these approaches only address fixed tasks based on customized programs. For complex tasks where optimal behavior does not follow predetermined patterns, traditional control methods struggle to achieve high performance (Zhu et al. 2019).
Reinforcement learning (RL) methods do not require accurate dynamics to model the motion process (Aractingi et al. 2023a, b; Sang and Wang 2022; Ji et al. 2019). To utilize these methods, individuals implicitly guide the learning of model parameters through the reward function, eliminating the need for manual tuning (Haarnoja et al. 2018b). Jumping on an asteroid was achieved by using end-to-end multiagent reinforcement learning. These methods demonstrate robustness and adaptability to external disturbances and unknown environments (Ji et al. 2022; Nahrendra et al. 2023). However, end-to-end RL encompasses a large search space. Especially for tasks with complex actions like jumping in low gravity, learning entirely from scratch does not yield effective strategies (Bussola et al. 2023) but rather results in unnatural and unstable locomotion. To address this issue, it is necessary to develop specific algorithms based on RL.
Several studies have explored hybrid methods, which integrate traditional methods with RL (Li et al. 2023b; Lee et al. 2020; Bellegarda and Ijspeert 2022; Pinosky et al. 2023; Baek et al. 2022; Johannink et al. 2019; Rana et al. 2023; Shi et al. 2022; Srouji et al. 2018; Iscen et al. 2018). A notable hybrid approach is the residual RL framework, which aims to learn corrective residual strategies to enhance control priors (Rana et al. 2023). It divides control problems into two parts: a part that can be effectively solved by conventional feedback control methods; and a part that can be solved by RL. The final control strategy is a superposition of the two control signals (Johannink et al. 2019). A structured control network is proposed (Srouji et al. 2018), partitioning a general multilayer perceptron (MLP) into two submodules: nonlinear control for forward and global control; and linear control for stabilizing local dynamics around global control residuals. A method that combines a learned predictive model with a state-action policy network based on empirical data (Pinosky et al. 2023) is developed to enhance the learning ability of robotic systems. A hybrid of learning and model-based control is proposed (Baek et al. 2022), combining an optimal controller and integrated deep reinforcement learning soft actor-critic (SAC). Moreover, RL is employed to track the optimal trajectory of a simplified sagittal plane model based on the dynamic model (Li et al. 2023b). These hybrid methods mitigate the shortcomings of traditional methods regarding strategy robustness and flexibility but still require extensive design work for the traditional controller based on dynamics.
A method that combines central pattern generators (CPG) with deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is proposed (Bellegarda and Ijspeert 2022), where the agent directly adjusts the set values (amplitude and frequency) of intrinsic oscillators and coordinates the rhythmic behavior among different oscillators to achieve weight-bearing locomotion. The policies modulating trajectory generator (PMTG) architecture (Iscen et al. 2018) is used to provide prior-generated knowledge of locomotion-related gait parameters in the form of parameterized trajectory generators for learning, enabling robust walking of quadruped robots in complex terrains (Lee et al. 2020). Prior foot trajectories of different locomotion tasks are optimized using evolutionary algorithms, with RL enhancing the generated residual signals (Shi et al. 2022). These hybrid methods employ more intuitive and simpler prior information and have achieved good results in various application tasks. However, there is a lack of attempts to control unstable low-gravity jumping gait with these hybrid methods.
In our previous attempts with prior foot trajectory and existing hybrid methods, we have found that uniformly sparse sampling throughout the entire jumping cycle is not the most effective approach. Since each stage of the jump has a different impact on performance, the trajectory needs to retain its simplicity of design while focusing on guiding effectiveness with emphasis. This paper introduces a novel hybrid algorithm that combines DRL with the main point trajectory generator (MPTG), aiming to maximize the use of the prior trajectory while minimizing reliance on human intuition. Simulation experiments of jumping under lunar gravity validate its effectiveness.
The three major contributions of this paper are: (1) the introduction of the MPTG for low-gravity jumping tasks, which eliminates the need for complex dynamics and minimizes dependence on intuitive human priors. MPTG concentrates on critical moments pivotal to task success, provides effective priors for DRL, and directs the agent toward the right training path for optimal actions. (2) A hierarchical multistage reward of DRL is designed to generate compensatory optimal strategies. The jumping task is systematically decomposed into four stages; each stage is assigned specific objectives at various levels, resulting in a more controllable optimization process. (3) A multitask experience-sharing framework is proposed, allowing different tasks to share transition data with the same replay buffer during training, enhancing generalization abilities and facilitating sample efficiency for each task.


A quadruped motion controller driven by learning can be formulated as a Markov decision process denoted by a tuple (S, A, P, r, p), where S represents the set of all possible states, A represents the set of actions, P(st+1|st,at) constitutes the probability transition function, r(st,at) denotes the reward, and P(s0) indicates the initial state distribution. At each time step t, the controller furnishes a control signal at, grounded in the current state st. Then, the robot then follows the provided control signal, leading to a reward rt. The subsequent state st+1 is contingent on the state transition function.
The SAC (Haarnoja et al. 2018c) is the choice for this study because of its superior performance in robotic continuous control tasks compared with alternatives such as proximal policy optimization (PPO), trust region policy optimization (TRPO), and TD3 (Haarnoja et al. 2018a). SAC merges the advantages of stochastic policy frameworks with off-policy learning and introduces the maximum entropy model, allowing for a broader exploration of action spaces while maintaining high sample efficiency.
The SAC algorithm is designed based on the actor-critic network framework and consists of an actor network and four critic networks. The four critic networks include V critic and target V critic networks of value estimation, Q0 critic, and Q1 critic networks of action-state value estimation.
The goal of the controller learned based on the SAC algorithm is to find an optimal controller π* that maximizes the weighted objective of rewards and the policy entropy
where α = the coefficient of the entropy reward and represents the importance of the entropy. The calculation formula for the entropy is defined as
Transition (st, at, st+1, rt+1) is extracted from the experience replay buffer to update network parameters. The loss function for updating the parameters of the Q0 critic and Q1 critic networks is
where Ut(q) = the true value estimate of state st based on the optimal Bellman equation
where qi(i=0,1) = the predicted value estimate of the state st based on the actual action; B = the experience replay buffer; and the loss is a mean square error loss, where a batch of data is taken from the replay buffer to calculate the average. The loss function for the update of the V critic network is
where Ut(v) = the true value output by the V critic network and is the value estimate of the state, including the following entropy term:
The loss function for updating the actor network is
where at = the action predicted by the actor network.


This section introduces a novel quadruped jumping method, named 3M-DRL, which stands for main point trajectory generator, multistage reward, and multitask experience-sharing deep reinforcement learning. The overall controller architecture is depicted in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Controller architecture of 3M-DRL.
This architecture is divided into high-level planning and low-level tracking components. High-level planning integrates MPTG and DRL to output the robot’s desired joint angle positions at each time step. Initially, MPTG generates prior trajectories based on key jumping actions. Subsequently, DRL develops a compensatory strategy employing a multistage reward system derived from task decomposition. During the DRL training process, various tasks contribute experience data to a shared replay buffer, which is used to update the network parameters. The complete high-level policy output at is a vector of the desired angles for all joints, representing coordination strategies for all legs. This output is the sum of the prior trajectories generated by MPTG and the compensatory strategies from DRL, as shown
Next, the low-level PD tracker implements the calculated torques on the robot, and the current state data are fed back to the DRL for observation. The observed state includes the position, attitude, linear and angular velocity of the robot body, the angle, angular velocity, and torque of each joint as well as Boolean values that indicate the foot-contact state.

Main Points Trajectory Generator

To provide feasible guidance for DRL training, reduce manual design efforts, and minimize the risk of tumbling under low gravity conditions, We employ the MPTG design where all four legs move consistently. The study focuses on the kinematics of a single leg, which includes upper and lower links, along with motors for hip, thigh, and knee joints following a roll-pitch-pitch scheme (Fig. 2). The analysis primarily addresses the forward and vertical movements, which form a 2D plane in the coordinate system of the thigh joint (Fig. 3).
Fig. 2. Overview of the leg configuration.
Fig. 3. The main points design within the xz plane in the thigh joint coordinate system.
Drawing on previous work (Shi et al. 2022) and deconstructing the jumping process, we have identified several essential actions. As demonstrated in Fig. 3, these actions can be sufficiently and comprehensively represented by six main points. The takeoff action requires rapid acceleration over a brief period to achieve maximum velocity before leaving the ground. This incorporates the stretch-shortening cycle mechanism found in nature and necessitates three main points to simulate the quick transition from the initial posture to the lowest squat and then to the bounce. Additionally, three more main points are needed to guide the leg during flight, prepare to land, and back to the initial posture.
The foot-end trajectory includes the foot’s positional coordinates of these actions relative to the thigh joint coordinate system and their corresponding time points within the jumping sequence. After completing the foot-end trajectory design, denoted as ftr0(i)=[t(i),x(i),z(i)], in which i represents the ith main point, it is then interpolated by a spline to generate the complete foot trajectory ftr(k)=[t(k),x(k),z(k)], in which k represents the kth interpolation point. Subsequently, through inverse kinematics, the trajectory is transformed into a joint angle trajectory jtr(k)=[t(k),q(k)], serving as the benchmark for DRL. Fig. 4 illustrates the schematic diagram for solving the inverse kinematics of a single leg, defining the rotation angles of the three joints as q1, q2, and q3. The superscript h denotes the hip joint coordinate system, and t denotes the thigh coordinate system. In our simplified planar problem, where the hip joint coordinate system is parallel to the body coordinate system (q1=0), the inverse kinematics are simplified to solve the values of joint angles (q2, q3) at each time step by referring to the known coordinate position of the foot fp=(x(t),0,z(t))
Fig. 4. Inverse kinematic diagram of a single leg.
Meanwhile, the following geometric relationships exist:
where lu = the length of the upper link; ll = the length of the lower link; and lb can be solved by Eqs. (10) and (11)
The values of q2 and q3 can be calculated as follows:
The specific steps of MPTG are presented in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1. Main Points Trajectory Generator
Input: ftr0, the position of the foot at main points and their corresponding time points; n, number of interpolation control points; Δt, interpolation time interval, equal to the duration of one cycle divided by n; J, the number of columns in ftr0:
1. Initialize an empty interpolation control point list: ftr=[]
2. obtain the time series t from ftr0
3. generate a time series ts with time intervals incrementing by Δt
4. for each j in {1J} do
5.  tg(j)=spline(ts,ftr0[:,j])
6.  append tg(j) into ftr[:,j]
7. end for
8. Initialize an empty joint angle trajectory list: jtr=[]
9. extract the foot position fp from ftr
10. for each k in {1n} do
11.  joint_angle [k,:] = inverse_kinematics (f_p[k,:])
12.  [with Eqs. (9)(14)]
13.  append ts(k), joint_angle [k,:] into j_tr[k,:]
14. end for
Output: the joint angle trajectory jtr, aMPTG(t)=j_tr(t)

Multistage Reward

To address the challenge that generic sparse reward fails to evaluate intermediate actions during intricate jumping progress and leads to convergence issues, this study employs a multistage reward strategy based on task decomposition.
The jumping process is divided into takeoff, aerial flight, landing, and posture recovery stages based on their distinct control requirements. The border between takeoff and aerial flight is identified when foot-end force sensors all register zero and this state lasts for more than 0.1 s. The landing stage starts when the robot reaches peak height, and the posture recovery starts when the robot’s descent speed is reduced to zero and this state lasts for more than 0.1 s. Within each stage, rewards are categorized into core, important, and marginal objectives with a weight ratio decreased in sequence to balance various coupled reward items and prevent overoptimization of inappropriate indicators.
This framework is described in Eqs. (15) and (16), where the agent receives a reward r at each time step as a weighted sum of different components
where v ranges from 1 to 4, representing the vth stage.
The following exponential decay function is given to describe a reward term where the expectation u approaches zero:
where α>0 = the scaling coefficient. When u represents the difference between two vectors, this formula expects the two vectors to be as close as possible. Reward items and the corresponding weight coefficients in each stage are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Reward items and the corresponding weight coefficients
Takeoff520.1vBz+vBx100 if nontactile contact pointexp(0.3q˙B)
Aerial flight531exp(0.3qB0qB)exp(0.3q˙J)100 if nontactile contact point
Landing7.531100 if nontactile contact pointexp(0.3qB0qB)0
Posture recovery521exp(0.3qJ0qJ)100 if nontactile contact pointexp(0.3q˙B)
The first stage is the takeoff. The core objective vBz+vBx is to maximize vertical and forward speed to facilitate powerful jumping movements. The important objective is to minimize falls by imposing a significant penalty (100) when the nontactile contact is TRUE. In PyBullet (Coumans and Bai 2016), nontactile contact is detected if the robot has more than one nonfoot contact point. The marginal objective q˙B as exp(α1·q˙B) is to encourage the maintenance of body angle to assist stability.
The second stage is the aerial flight. The core objective exp(α2·qB0qB) is to maintain stability and prevent flips by penalizing deviations from the initial posture using the exponential decay function. The important objective (α3·q˙J) is to avoid interference from leg shaking on the stability of the robot body. The marginal objective is to assist in maintaining body stability through a significant penalty (100) for falling.
The third stage is the landing. The core objective is to avoid falling through a significant penalty (100). The important objective exp(0.3qB0qB) is to maintain body stability by encouraging alignment with the initial posture. The marginal objective is set to zero to maintain simplicity in design since the first two items encompass all requirements.
The last stage is the posture recovery. The core objective exp(α4·qJ0qJ) is to facilitate a rapid return to stable posture by encouraging minimizing the deviation from initial joint angles. The important objective is to avoid imbalance led by improper recovery actions through a significant penalty (100) for falling. The marginal objective exp(0.3q˙B) is to prevent instability caused by abrupt changes by controlling the rate of change in body angle.
The weight coefficients in Table 1 were determined through grid search experiments. Initial magnitudes of weight coefficients for core, important, and marginal objectives were provided based on tuning experience, with search ranges set as [2.5, 5, 7.5, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4], and [0.1, 1, 1.5], respectively. The optimal parameter combinations for each stage were selected from permutations within the search ranges.
This reward mechanism enables more controllable optimization through precise stage-specific objective definitions, increases training efficiency without being overwhelmed by the complexity of the entire task, and enhances adaptability by allowing the agent to adjust to varying requirements and environmental changes through task decomposition.
Under this reward mechanism, the study employs the SAC algorithm to train the DRL part. The employed neural network structure comprises an MLP with two hidden layers, each consisting of 256 neurons with ReLU activation.

Experience Sharing

To enhance the efficiency of data utilization and generalization ability, this study employs a multitask experience-sharing approach, thereby optimizing the neural network policies of different tasks separately and alternately while sharing the interaction transition data (st, at, r, st+1).
The training framework is presented in Fig. 5, where each task operates with its dedicated policy network, and the network parameters are updated by randomly sampling data from the shared replay buffer. The approach employs a task-switching mechanism to alternate between different tasks based on a predesignated number of design episodes, determining the current task undergoing interactive training. In traditional offline DRL training, each task independently generates interaction data to train its corresponding models, resulting in inefficient data resource utilization and model redundancy. In the experience-sharing approach, interaction data from multiple tasks is consolidated into a shared replay buffer, enhancing task performance by leveraging existing interaction data resources and introducing data augmentation. Given potential correlations between tasks, the model can extract additional information from samples of other tasks, facilitating knowledge transfer and performance improvement. During network parameter optimization for a specific task, the network parameters of other tasks remain frozen.
Fig. 5. Multitask experience-sharing framework with a shared replay buffer.
The complete steps of the proposed 3M-DRL are detailed in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2. 3M-DRL Algorithm
Input: E, maximum training step for DRL in each iteration; εN(0,1), Gaussian noise for exploration; R, number of training episodes in each alternation:
1. Initialize actor networks, critic networks, and target networks for each task
2. Initialize a shared experience pool B
3. while not converged do
4.  /* Set a counter to record training episodes */
5.  training_counter = 0
6.  /* switch to the next task every R episodes */
7.  if training_counter% R==0 then
8.   env_index = (training_counter// R) % len(env)
9.   set_env(env[env_index])
10. end if
11. while not reach maximum training Step E do
12.   /* MPTG strategy */
13.   joint angle trajectory aMPTG(t) with Algorithm 3.1
14.   /* DRL strategy */
15.   πθ(s) = network.select_action(state)
16.   residual control signal: aDRL(t)=πθ(s)+ε
17.   /* final strategy */
18.   a(t)=aMPTG(t)+aDRL(t)
19.   execute a(t) in the current task environment
20.   state = next state
21.   episode_reward + = reward
22.   append the transition (st, at, r, st+1) into B
23.   /* sample a batch of data from B to update network parameters */
24.   update Q critic network with Eq. (3)
25.   update V critic network with Eq. (5)
26.   update actor network with Eq. (7)
27.   update target networks through soft updates
28.   save parameter data to the current task model
29.  end while
30.  training_counter + = 1
31. end while

Simulation Experiments

This section utilized the simulation engine Pybullet (Coumans and Bai 2016) to test the performance of our algorithm. The gravitational coefficient of the lunar surface is set as 1.633  m/s2. The official URDF file of the Unitree A1 Robot was imported to establish the quadruped model for the simulations. The hardware configuration includes the NVIDIA RTX A4000 GPU with a video memory capacity of 16,183 MB and two Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210R CPUs.
The simulation results of 3M-DRL are presented in comparison with the baseline SAC across two jumping tasks under lunar gravity. The tasks involve continuous periodic jumping on a plane terrain and leaping over a platform with a height of 1 m. Subsequently, MPTG, multistage reward, and experience-sharing are removed separately from 3M-DRL, generating three variants to verify the individual effectiveness of the three innovative modules.
The metrics for measuring the jumps in the plane terrain jumping task include the maximum jump height/distance, which reflects the ultimate jumping capability, and the distribution of the jump height and distance calculated with 20 sets of data of consecutive jumping, which reflects the accuracy of the jumping. In the platform jumping task, it is assessed whether the robot can complete the task through three checkpoints: (1) whether it can successfully land on the platform; (2) jump off the platform; and (3) keep jumping after going back to the ground.
The generic hyperparameter settings for SAC and 3M-DRL are a learning rate of 3×104, a discount factor of 0.99, a batch size of 256, and an entropy coefficient of 0.005. In experience-sharing, the shared replay buffer size is 1.5×106; in normal separate training, the size of the replay buffer is set to 1×106. The adaptive moment estimation is adopted as the optimizer for network training.

3M-DRL Result

This section showcases the superior simulation results of 3M-DRL compared with the baseline SAC in the plane terrain jumping and platform jumping tasks. The platform, at a height of 1 m, poses a significant challenge, being 2.5 times the height of the robot’s body. Both tasks underwent training for one million episodes with identical settings.

Plane Terrain Jumping Task

The limitations of the baseline SAC are evident when the robot performs continuous periodic jumping on plane terrain. As illustrated in the snapshots [Fig. 6(b)] and the robot body trajectory (Fig. 7), the robot displays immature jumping postures and insufficient body control. In the lunar environment, where a minor jumping error can send the robot soaring above its body length, these deficiencies are critical. Poor takeoff actions can generate significant rotational torque, causing the robot to spin uncontrollably in the air due to the conservation of angular momentum. Consequently, the robot loses balance and falls, proving that the baseline SAC is unsuitable for the successful completion of the jumping task.
Fig. 6. Motion snapshots of plane terrain jumping compared between 3M-DRL and the baseline: (a) jumping under lunar gravity with 3M-DRL; and (b) jumping under lunar gravity with baseline SAC.
Fig. 7. Body trajectory of plane terrain jumping compared between 3M-DRL and the baseline.
In contrast, the 3M-DRL addresses these deficiencies and significantly improves the robot’s jumping capabilities under low gravity. The snapshots [Fig. 6(a)] and the robot body trajectory (Fig. 7) illustrate the robot’s enhanced performance in continuous periodic jumping. With 3M-DRL, the robot achieves an average jumping height of 2.0012 m and an average jumping distance of 2.7421 m (Table 2). The selected snapshots [Fig. 6(a)] include the moments of initial attitude, take-off, ascent, highest point, descent, and landing, showing a successful jump cycle of the robot. It can be seen that, under the framework of 3M-DRL, the robot learns to tuck its forelimbs like a cat during ascent to improve the jumping performance; during the descent stage, the fore legs open forward, and the rear legs open backward to prepare for a smooth landing. Fig. 8 demonstrates the joint torques of the 3M-DRL algorithm within two jumping cycles, where the yellow zone corresponds to the take-off stage, green to the aerial flight stage, blue to the landing stage, and gray to the posture recovery stage. Following a brief take-off action, the thigh and knee joints continue to output torque stably to maintain balance during the jump, showcasing limb control throughout the entire cycle. The temporal variation of torque in each joint exhibits good regularity and coordination between the fore and rear legs, which is a key factor for the robot’s effective jumping and landing.
Table 2. Metrics comparison for plane terrain jumping
MetricStatistical type3M-DRLSACRemove MPTGRemove multistage rewardRemove experience sharing
Jumping height (m)Mean jump height2.00120.58671.7381
Standard deviation0.0575Fail0.0566Fail0.0897
Jumping distance (m)Mean jump distance2.74210.93212.4215
Standard deviation0.0705Fail0.0580Fail0.1328
Variance0.0049 0.0034 0.0176
Fig. 8. Torques of plane terrain jumping with 3M-DRL: (a) fore leg torques; and (b) rear leg torques.

Platform Jumping Task

The snapshots [Fig. 9(b)] and the robot body trajectory (Fig. 10) illustrate the failure of the baseline algorithm in the face of the challenging platform jumping task. However, 3M-DRL adeptly trains the robot to overcome this obstacle with strategic flexibility. The snapshots [Fig. 9(a)] capture key moments of the initial posture, ascent, platform landing, platform jumping off, and subsequent ground jump. Fig. 11 displays the joint torques throughout this process. When preparing to land on the platform, the robot retracts its fore legs to avoid collisions, indicated by stable torques. From 2.5 to 4 s, the irregular torque changes of the rear legs are adjustments for posture to prepare for the subsequent jump off the platform. Between 4 and 5 s, the robot adopts a strategy of less foreleg movement, primarily relying on lateral force from the rear legs for a forward jump to ensure stability and minimize impact when jumping off the platform. This strategic reversion signifies the versatility of 3M-DRL, allowing the robot to transition between different objectives and optimize its behavior based on the specific demands of the jumping task.
Fig. 9. Motion snapshots of platform jumping compared between 3M-DRL and the baseline: (a) jumping under lunar gravity with 3M-DRL; and (b) jumping under lunar gravity with baseline SAC.
Fig. 10. Body trajectory of platform jumping compared between 3M-DRL and the baseline.
Fig. 11. Torques of platform jumping with 3M-DRL: (a) fore leg torques; and (b) rear leg torques.

Effect of MPTG

To understand the necessity of MPTG in guiding learning, a variant that removes the MPTG module while retaining identical experimental settings to 3M-DRL is used.
The snapshots [Figs. 12(a) and 14(a)] provide a visual representation of the notable differences in jumping behaviors when MPTG is excluded. MPTG is an essential condition for RL to learn powerful jumping actions, it provides initial feasible solutions, without which RL struggles to learn jumping methods with strong explosive power from scratch. Jump trajectories (Figs. 13 and 15) and quantitative metrics, as summarized in Table 2, further highlight the impact. The inability to receive rewards that encourage high and long jump has resulted in agent leaning toward adopting conservative strategies to optimize stability and obtain stability rewards. Thus, the final result is a significant decrease in jumping height and distance, measuring only 0.293 and 0.34 times the values achieved by 3M-DRL, respectively. The convergence plots of the training process (Fig. 16) show a less effective training process without MPTG.
Fig. 12. Motion snapshots of plane terrain jumping with three variants: (a) remove MPTG; (b) remove multistage reward; and (c) remove experience sharing.
Fig. 13. Body trajectory of plane terrain jumping compared between 3M-DRL and three variants.
In addition, the violin plots (Fig. 17) provide a comprehensive statistical analysis of the data distribution from 20 jumps. The width of the violin corresponds to the probability density of the data at different values, while the embedded box plot reveals key statistical measures, including the median, quartiles, and potential outliers. The comparison of violin plots shows further that the difference in removing MPTG is still mainly reflected in the significantly reduced mean value of height and distance, while the centralization of height and distance data distribution does not have obvious disadvantages.
Moreover, in the platform terrain jumping task, the limitations become evident as the robot fails to overcome substantial obstacles. The insufficient height and distance diminish the inherent advantages of jumping under a low-gravity environment compared with other locomotion gaits.

Effect of Multistage Reward

To investigate the impact of the multistage reward on training effectiveness, it was replaced with a generic reward that does not differentiate between various stages of the task, emphasizing only the speed and energy consumption. Snapshots of the two tasks are given in Figs. 12(b) and 14(b). The robot body trajectory in Figs. 13 and 15 and the jumping metrics in Tables 2 and 3 further demonstrate the consequences of the absence of the multistage reward. In both jumping tasks, removing the fine-grained optimization provided by the multistage reward structure leads to a failure in balancing diverse requirements at each stage. Despite the continued integration of MPTG, the robot attempts to achieve a significant jump height but ultimately topples backward, unable to finish a complete jump.
Table 3. Metrics comparison for platform jumping
Metric3M-DRLSACRemove MPTGRemove multistage rewardRemove experience sharing
Landing on the platform: success (T/F)TFFFT
Jumping off the platform: success (T/F)TFFFF
Keep jumping: success (T/F)TFFFF

Effect of Experience Sharing

To evaluate the contributions of experience sharing to each of the two jumping tasks, separate training sessions were conducted for each task while maintaining consistent settings of other parameters. The snapshots demonstrating the results of these separate training are presented in Figs. 12(c) and 14(c).
Fig. 14. Motion snapshots of platform jumping with three variants.
Fig. 15. Body trajectory of platform jumping compared between 3M-DRL and three variants.
In the plane terrain jumping task, the completion of the task is not affected by the absence of experience sharing, as it mainly influences training data richness and efficiency. However, the performance of these jumps is less optimal than with a full algorithm. There are noticeable disparities in the robot’s jumping posture and landing strategy due to the lack of experience data from the platform jumping task. With experience sharing, the robot tends to adopt a posture with the body tilted upward, whereas, in separate training, it exhibits a flatter bounce. The jumping posture with the body tilted upward leads to more successful jumps, which is supported by the jump trajectory in Fig. 13, the metrics in Table 2, and the training convergence comparison illustrated in Fig. 16. The violin plots (Fig. 17) of removing experience sharing show a slightly lower average jump height and distance than 3M-DRL but has a wider distribution of jumping height and distance, which means that the stability of ultimate jumping ability has been reduced. The immature limb coordination trained after removing experience sharing not only reduces the maximum jumping performance but also potentially impacts the robot’s ability to consistently achieve a particular jump height and distance.
Fig. 16. Training process comparison between 3M-DRL and three variants: (a) task training of plane terrain jumping; and (b) task training of platform jumping.
Fig. 17. Violin plots of data under 3M-DRL, remove MPTG, and remove experience sharing: (a) jumping height distribution; and (b) jumping distance distribution.
In the platform jumping task, the impact of experience sharing is more prominent. Lack of successful jumping experiences on plane terrain hinders the robot’s ability to perform delicate trade-offs between achieving a greater height and ensuring stable platform landings. The robot performs forward jumps, surpasses the platform’s height with distorted actions, and eventually falls onto the platform. Subsequent attempts to readjust its posture and jump off the platform lead to a loss of balance, causing the robot to be expelled due to excessive body tilt. Further, the convergence plots of the training process (Fig. 16) show the role of experience sharing in optimizing data utilization efficiency.


This paper presents the 3M-DRL algorithm, a novel approach designed for effective jumping in lunar gravity. By integrating the MPTG, multistage reward, and multitask experience-sharing, 3M-DRL aims to guide the learning process efficiently, tackle the challenges of defining complex jump rewards, and improve data utilization. Simulation results show that the 3M-DRL framework significantly outperforms the baseline, achieving remarkable jumping distances and heights that exceed five times the robot’s body length and height, respectively. Ablation studies further reveal the contributions of each component. The removal of the MPTG results in a noticeable decrease in average jump height and distance, underlining its essential role in facilitating powerful jumps. The absence of the multistage reward leads to an inability to maintain balance in midair, underscoring the importance of fine-grained optimization. The elimination of multitask experience-sharing has negative impacts, such as poor limb coordination, scattered distribution of jump data, and impaired training convergence, highlighting the crucial role of experience-sharing in enhancing overall effectiveness in training.

Data Availability Statement

Some or all data, models, or codes that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


This work was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDA30010500, and the Lab funding of the Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, Grant No. CXJJ-22S021.


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Go to Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Volume 37Issue 6November 2024


Received: Dec 5, 2023
Accepted: May 14, 2024
Published online: Aug 2, 2024
Published in print: Nov 1, 2024
Discussion open until: Jan 2, 2025

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Graduate Student, Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 9, Dengzhuang South Rd., Haidian District, Beijing 100094, PR China; Graduate Student, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 1, Yanqihu East Rd., Huairou District, Beijing 101408, PR China. ORCID:
Professor, Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 9, Dengzhuang South Rd., Haidian District, Beijing 100094, PR China; Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 1 Yanqihu East Rd., Huairou District, Beijing 101408, PR China (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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