Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site and Contaminant Characterization, Containment Facilities, Solid Waste Materials, and Contaminated Ground Interventions


  • Sponsored by the Geoenvironmental Engineering Committee of the Technical Coordination Council of the Geo-Institute of ASCE

    Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Contaminant Characterization, Containment Facilities, Solid Waste Materials, and Contaminated Ground Interventions, MOP 159, provides an overview of a variety of aspects of geoenvironmental engineering, outlining design procedures and recommendations in engineering practice where appropriate.

    Topics include

    Waste and site characterization,

    Waste material properties,

    Containment systems,

    Mine waste geotechnics,

    Contaminated ground interventions, and


    MOP 159 aims to be a consensus document that provides a concise state of the practice for geoenvironmental engineering practitioners.

For selected items: