Resilient and Sustainable Buildings


  • Sponsored by the Social Science, Policy, Economics, Education, and Decision (SPEED) Committee of the Infrastructure Resilience Division of ASCE

    Resilient and Sustainable Buildings, IRP 7, provides a high-level overview of the methods and outcomes of four major projects funded by the National Science Foundation that focus on different aspects of resilient and sustainable buildings (RSB), ranging from a single building to a full community.

    Topics include

    A comprehensive overview of the four multiyear research efforts,

    Commonalities between the projects in approaches and methods and in research gaps,

    Differences between the projects in methods as a function of scale and hazard,

    Multiresilient and sustainable soil foundation structural envelope (SFSE) building systems, and

    Decision frameworks for selecting among alternative building system designs.

    IRP 7 will be of interest to civil engineers, urban planners, architects, and laboratory researchers, among others, who wish to learn about the direction of research for RSB projects.

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