Earth and Space 2018: Engineering for Extreme Environments


  • Proceedings of the 16th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, held in Cleveland, Ohio, April 9-12, 2018. Sponsored by the Aerospace Division of ASCE.

    This collection contains 115 peer-reviewed papers on the expanding scope of engineering in the exploration of space and challenging regions on Earth.

    Topics include: regolith geotechnics, physical properties, and simulants; interactions between regolith, tools, rovers, and rocket exhaust; regolith as construction material; planetary drilling, excavation, and surface sampling; civil engineering in space; architecture; acquisition, processing, and utilization of natural space materials (in situ resource utilization, or ISRU); mechanical behavior of advanced materials; hydraulic and earth structures under extreme conditions; smart structures and sensors; structure diagnostic and monitoring methods; advanced structures and actuators; seismic, tidal, and artificial loading on structures; and structure systems in challenging environments.

    This collection is of interest to engineers, scientists, educators, and other professionals working in extreme environments on Earth and in space.

For selected items:

Granular Materials in Space Exploration

Exploration and Utilization of Extra-Terrestrial Bodies

Advanced Materials and Designs for Hydraulic, Earth, and Aerospace Structures

Structures in Challenging Environments: Dynamics, Controls, Smart Structures, Health Monitoring, and Sensors