ICSDC 2011: Integrating Sustainability Practices in the Construction Industry


  • Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction, held in Kansas City, Missouri, March 23-25, 2011. Sponsored by the Construction Institute of ASCE; University of Kansas.

    This collection contains 88 papers examining the state of the art and practice in sustainable design and construction around the world. Construction researchers, educators, and practitioners describe new techniques and technologies to support sustainable design and construction. Many papers invoke integrated project design (IPD), which brings key members of the design and construction team together with the owner and others from the start of the project to deliver a project that is not only functional and economical but also environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

    Topics include: climate change, emissions, and modeling of carbon and energy use; case studies on sustainability implementation; sustainable policy, corporate sustainability, and social sustainability; education in sustainability; energy sustainability, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, and net zero energy; sustainability implementation on projects; design and process sustainability; sustainable materials; urban sustainability; and infrastructure and transportation sustainability.

    These papers will be of interest to owners and developers; engineers and architects; construction professionals, educators, and researchers; students; and other professionals working to promote sustainable design and construction

For selected items:

Climate Change and Emissions and Modeling of Carbon and Energy Use

Case Studies and Verifications of Sustainability Implementation

Sustainable Policy and Corporate Sustainability

Social Sustainability and Education in Sustainability

Energy Sustainability Part I: Energy Efficiency

Energy Sustainability Part II: Renewable Energy and Net Zero Energy

Sustainability Implementation on Projects

Design and Process Sustainability

Sustainable Materials

Urban Sustainability

Infrastructure and Transportation Sustainability
