Jun 1, 2007

Unified View of Sediment Transport by Currents and Waves. I: Initiation of Motion, Bed Roughness, and Bed-Load Transport

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Publication: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 133, Issue 6


Attention is given to the properties of sediment beds over the full range of conditions (silts to gravel), in particular the effect of fine silt on the bed composition and on initiation of motion (critical conditions) is discussed. High-quality bed-load transport data sets are identified and analyzed, showing that the bed-load transport in the sand range is related to velocity to power 2.5. The bed-load transport is not much affected by particle size. The prediction of bed roughness is addressed and the prediction of bed-load transport in steady river flow is extended to coastal flow applying an intrawave approach. Simplified bed-load transport formulas are presented, which can be used to obtain a quick estimate of bed-load transport in river and coastal flows. It is shown that the sediment transport of fine silts to coarse sand can be described in a unified model framework using fairly simple expressions. The proposed model is fully predictive in the sense that only the basic hydrodynamic parameters (depth, current velocity, wave height, wave period, etc.) and the basic sediment characteristics ( d10 , d50 , d90 , water temperature, and salinity) need to be known. The prediction of the effective bed roughness is an integral part of the model.

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The National Institute for Coasts and Sea (RIKZ /Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands) is gratefully acknowledged for providing research funds within the Generic Coastal Research Programme (VOP). Also acknowledged are the Basic Research Programme of Delft Hydraulics and the European Research Project Nos. UNSPECIFIEDSEDMOC, UNSPECIFIEDCOAST3D, and UNSPECIFIEDSANDPIT sponsored by the European Community Research Programme. J. R. van den Berg and M. Kleinhans of the University of Utrecht are gratefully acknowledged for their critical comments on the manuscript.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 133Issue 6June 2007
Pages: 649 - 667


Received: Jul 8, 2005
Accepted: Aug 2, 2006
Published online: Jun 1, 2007
Published in print: Jun 2007


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Leo C. van Rijn [email protected]
Professor, Delft Hydraulics and Univ. of Utrecht, P.O. Box 177, Delft 2600 MH, The Netherlands. E-mail [email protected]

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