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Technical Papers
Apr 12, 2018

Application of MLR Procedure for Prediction of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spread Displacement

Publication: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 144, Issue 6


I presented the Kenneth L. Lee lecture at the 2016 Queen Mary Seminar, ASCE Los Angeles Geo-Institute Chapter, and publish it herein. The topic was lateral spread problems I have encountered as a consultant. The first issue was how deep to bury a pipeline at stream crossings to mitigate the lateral spread hazard. My answer is twice the bank height (2H) beneath approaches or 1H beneath the channel. For shallow liquefiable layers, a shear zone would form well above and not harm the pipe. For deep liquefiable layers, nonliquefiable soil above the pipe should buttress the channel against lateral spread. The second issue was finding the thinnest liquefiable layer that is susceptible to lateral spread. In the database of Youd et al. database, the thinnest layer is 1.0 m. For case histories used by Zhang et al. to verify their procedure, the minimum thickness is 0.6 m. Extrapolation to thinner layers adds uncertainty and a tendency for overprediction. The third issue was how to apply multiple linear regression (MLR) at a site with insufficient SPT data. CPT data were used to create ψ profiles; we then applied the criterion that ψ<0.08 indicates material too dilative for lateral spread to develop. Summing layer thicknesses with ψ>0.08 yielded estimates of T15 for use with MLR.


Over the last 50 years, I have conducted many postearthquake investigations and several literature reviews to identify sites of liquefaction and liquefaction-induced lateral spread. I and my associates drilled and tested many of those sites to compile case histories complete with geotechnical, geometric, and seismic data. I and my students used these and other case histories to develop the multiple linear regression (MLR) procedure for prediction of lateral spread displacement (Bartlett and Youd 1995; Youd et al. 2002). In recent years, I have consulted on several projects to assist engineers with evaluation and mitigation of liquefaction and lateral spread hazards. Those projects brought to my attention several practical problems and issues that need resolution to develop safe and cost-effective measures to mitigate lateral spread.
On April 13, 2016, I was honored to present the Kenneth L. Lee lecture at the Queen Mary Seminar, sponsored by the Los Angeles ASCE Geo-Institute Chapter, in which I discussed lateral spread hazard and mitigation measures. This paper honors requests to publish my presentation. During preparation of this paper, I added discussions of several unresolved issues and also responses to several criticisms of the MLR procedure.

Kenneth L. Lee

Prof. Kenneth L. Lee (Fig. 1) was a renowned geotechnical engineer and researcher and a good friend to me and many others. Ken and I had much in common, including both conducting research on liquefaction. Ken authored pioneering papers with Prof. H. Bolton Seed on laboratory tests used to define the basic mechanism of liquefaction and to introduce procedures for prediction of its occurrence. I read and greatly benefited from those papers. After I had conducted a few postearthquake investigations to identify and document liquefaction effects, Ken invited me to present lectures to his students at UCLA to inform them of new findings and discuss liquefaction issues. Ken and I also share a common birthday, although he was 7 years older than me. We also shared a common religion, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), and both of us served LDS proselyting missions to South Africa, although not at the same time. Thus, I was honored to present the 2016 Kenneth L. Lee lecture and to write this paper to further enhance the stature of Kenneth L. Lee and to contribute to the literature on liquefaction hazard.
Fig. 1. Kenneth L. Lee, 1931–1978, late Professor of Civil Engineering, UCLA (image courtesy of UCLA)

Liquefaction Mechanism

Fig. 2 diagrams the mechanism by which seismic liquefaction occurs. Seismic waves propagating through granular soils induce cyclic shear strains that distort granular structures, creating a tendency for volumetric contraction. If granular soils are saturated and with restricted drainage, volumetric contraction leads to the transfer of intergranular stress from grain-to-grain contacts to the interstitial pore water, causing pore-water pressures to rise, intergranular stresses to decrease, and the soil to soften. As subsequent waves propagate through the softened soil, shear strains increase, accelerating pore pressure rise and reduction of intergranular stress. As pore pressure reaches a critical level and intergranular stresses approach zero, the soil layer transforms from a solid state to a viscous liquid state, and liquefaction has occurred. Thus, the definition of liquefaction is “the transformation of a granular soil from a solid state to a liquid state due to increased pore water pressure and reduced effective stress” (Committee on Soil Dynamics 1978).
Fig. 2. Diagram of mechanics of liquefaction triggering

Damage Caused by Liquefaction

Liquefaction (the transformation of state) does not directly cause damage; damage occurs when liquefaction induces ground deformations, ground displacements, or ground failure that distresses human-made structures. Liquefaction-induced ground failures are divided into two general categories depending on whether ground displacements are primarily horizontal or primarily vertical. Ground failures characterized by horizontal displacement include flow failure, lateral spread, and ground oscillation. The bounds between these failure types are transitional. The type of failure and amount of displacement depend on local ground slope or nearness of a free face, soil properties, and liquefied layer thickness and extent (Youd 2003). Vertical displacements include ground settlement, ground slumps, or structural settlement (due to loss of bearing strength). Because lateral spread has been the most damaging consequence of liquefaction during recent earthquakes and because most of my consulting practice has addressed lateral spread hazard, the remainder of this paper treats lateral spread hazard, mitigation, and related issues.

Lateral Spread

Lateral spread is defined as lateral displacement of a soil layer riding on liquefied soil either down a gentle slope or toward a free face, such as an incised river channel (Fig. 3). Displacement occurs in response to a combination of gravitational and earthquake-generated inertial forces acting on soils within and above the liquefied layer. During lateral spread, surface layers commonly break into large blocks, which transiently jostle back and forth and up and down in the form of ground waves (ground oscillation) as soil blocks progressively migrate down gentle slopes or toward a free face. Displacements generally do not exceed a few meters, but for large earthquakes and highly vulnerable terrain, larger displacements may occur. Lateral spread creates a zone of extension, usually with open fissures, near the head of the spread; shear zones along the lateral margins; and compressional features at the toe. Zones of compression are commonly marked by buckled soil, pavements, or structures.
Fig. 3. Diagram of general character of lateral spread (reprinted from Youd 1984)
Because many attendees at the Queen Mary Seminar and perhaps many readers of this paper may not be familiar with the term lateral spread, I presented my investigation of the 1971 San Fernando Valley Juvenile Hall Lateral Spread as an example to illustrates the anatomy and character of a lateral spread and types and examples of consequent damage (Youd 1972, 1973). Because of space limitations, this illustrated example is not included here, but may be accessed online as Supplemental Data to this paper.

Prediction of Lateral Spread Displacement

A photograph of a BC Hydro electricity transmission tower, near the Pitt River east of Vancouver, British Columbia, is reproduced in Fig. 4. The supported transmission lines are a major source of electrical power to the Vancouver metropolitan area. During the 1990s, engineers with BC Hydro assessed seismic hazard to the power grid and became concerned with the stability of the Pitt River tower in the event of an earthquake generated lateral spread toward the river. The hazard was deformation and possible fracture of timber piles supporting the tower. At that time, Steve Bartlett and I had published preliminary reports on the MLR procedure for predicting lateral spread displacement [Bartlett and Youd 1995; updated by Youd et al. (2002)]. I was asked to apply MLR to estimate possible lateral spread displacement for the tower site.
Fig. 4. 1993 photograph of electricity transmission tower near the Pitt River east of Vancouver, British Columbia; MLR procedure was first applied here to predict lateral spread displacement beneath the tower due to a possible M=7 earthquake (image by author)
The MLR procedure [Eqs. (1) and (2)] was regressed from a database of observed and investigated lateral spread sites, compiled by my students and me. The database contains more than 400 documented lateral displacement localities with measured displacement vectors, generated by seven earthquakes in the United States and three in Japan, along with their appurtenant seismic, geomantic, and geotechnical data. The regressed equations were formulated into two general models: (1) free-face model with lateral spread shifting toward an open face, such as bluff or an incised river or canal; and (2) gently sloping ground where the lateral spread slips down a gentle slope. The equations developed, as updated by Youd et al. (2002), are
logDH=16.713+1.532M1.406logR*0.012R+0.592logW+0.540logT15+3.413log(100F15)0.795log(D5015+0.1  mm)
for free-face conditions and
logDH=16.213+1.532M1.406logR*0.012R+0.338logS+0.540logT15+3.413log(100F15)0.795log(D5015+0.1  mm)
for gently sloping ground conditions, where
where DH = predicted lateral displacement in meters; M = moment magnitude of earthquake; R = horizontal (map) distance from the site to the seismic energy source in km; T15 = cumulative thickness of saturated liquefiable granular layers with corrected blow counts, (N1)60<15, in m; F15 = average fines content (percent passing a No. 200 sieve) for granular materials within the T15 layer in percent; D5015 = average mean grain size for granular materials within the T15 layer in mm; S = ground slope in percent; and W = free-face ratio, in percent, defined as the ratio of the height of the free face to the horizontal distance (L) from the toe of the free face to the point in question.
About 300 of the 400 displacement vectors are from lateral spreads generated by the 1964 Niigata, Japan earthquake as compiled by Hamada (1992). Many of those lateral spreads contain multiple vectors, which were instrumental for defining geometrical relationships, including influences of free-face ratio W, ground slope S, and deformable layer thickness T15. Vectors from other earthquakes, with a variety of magnitudes and soil conditions, were instrumental for defining influences of magnitude (M), source distance R, average fines content F15, and average mean grainsize D5015.
Although T15 is defined as the cumulative thickness of liquefiable layers with (N1)60<15, all T15 in the database are from single layers. Cumulative thickness is stipulated by Bartlett and Youd (1995) and Youd et al. (2002) to assure conservative estimates in assessing T15 for layered soils. If there are significant differences in F15 and D5015 between component liquefiable layers, however, displacement predictions should be calculated separately for each component layer and then summed.
The performance of Eqs. (1) and (2) is shown in Fig. 5, where predicted displacements DH are plotted against measured displacement for the compiled lateral spread case-history sites. This plot indicates that more than 90% of predicted displacements lie between one-half and twice the measured displacement. This degree of accuracy is comparable to other geotechnical predictions, such as estimated ground settlement from consolidation tests.
Fig. 5. Predicted versus measured lateral displacements; more than 90% of predicted displacements are within a factor of 2 of corresponding measured displacements (reprinted from Youd et al. 2002, © ASCE)
Parametric limits for the equations and a flowchart to aid implementation are given in Youd et al. (2002). The MLR equations have gained wide application in engineering practice.
With respect to the Pitt River transmission tower, BC Hydro engineers had performed subsurface investigations to define soil layers and soil properties in the area beneath and surrounding the tower. Entering the appropriate data from those investigations into Eq. (1) (free-face condition because of the incised Pit River), the mean predicted displacement was 0.75 m, which is less than the 1.0 m BC Hydro had estimated would be required to fracture the timber piles. Thus, the tower was judged as safe by this analysis.
Some may question why I did not double the predicted displacement from 0.75 to 1.5 m to gain approximately 90% confidence that 1.0 m would not be exceeded. The reason I did not double the predicted displacement is that we made conservative estimates for the value for each parameter in Eq. (1), including M and R, which were estimated from a seismic hazard analysis. There were no mapped active faults within 100 km of the tower site nor epicenters from magnitude 5 or greater earthquakes during the previous 100 years. Thus, we used probabilistic seismic hazard estimates based on historic earthquakes in the region, which included the Puget Sound area of Washington, to select M=7.0 and R=10  km for the design earthquake. The latter values are quite uncertain and small changes to M or R would significantly affect the predicted displacement. Because of the conservatism and uncertainties in our analysis (particularly M and R), I felt that doubling the predicted displacement would be overly conservative. As a side note, the greatest uncertainty in most of the lateral spread analyses that I have conducted is the magnitude and source distance for the design earthquake; in most instances, uncertainties in other parameters are minor compared to uncertainties in M and R.

Application to Pipeline and Bridge Design

Much of my consulting practice over the past 30 years has been assisting pipeline engineers with evaluation and mitigation liquefaction and lateral spread hazard. The following problems were encountered, and the following solutions were developed.
The first problem is rather simple but addresses a question I am frequently asked. For a condition where the base of a liquefiable layer intersects a free face above the toe of the incision (Fig. 6), what should be the free-face height? My answer is the depth (Hb), that is, the depth to the base of the liquefiable layer.
Fig. 6. Diagram of liquefiable layer intersecting a free face; the height H of the free face for this condition should be Hb, the depth to the base of the liquefiable layer
The second problem is, for stream crossings, how deep should a pipeline be buried to mitigate lateral spread hazard for free-face conditions. My answer is twice the free-face height (2H) below the top of the bank or 1H below the low point of the channel. My rationale for these criteria is based on the following mechanistic logic (as illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8):
For a thick liquefiable layer extending more than 1H below the channel (Fig. 7), the shear zone generated by lateral spread would form within the liquefiable layer and near the elevation of the toe of the free face and would not extend much below the bottom of the channel. That shear zone would lie well above and be nondamaging to a pipe buried 1H below the channel. The reasons for a shallow shear-zone are (1) shear zones follow paths of least resistance; in this instance, a nearly horizontal shear path that may curve slightly upward into the base of the channel would encounter less shear resistance than a deeper-seated shear zone. (2) Collapse of loose granular structures within the liquefying layer would generate upward flow of water into the shear zone, further reducing shear resistance, especially if the liquefiable layer were overlain by soil with a lower permeability. (3) If granular soil within the shear zone is slightly to moderately dilative, a common condition, dilation during cyclic shear would suck water into the zone from deeper layers, further reducing shear resistance.
For a liquefiable layer that lies deeper than 2H below ground surface or 1H below the low point of the channel (1H of nonliquefiable soil over the pipe) and channel widths less than about 4H (Fig. 8), the cover soil should have adequate strength to buttress the channel against lateral spread. In applying this criterion, however, the strength of the cover soil should be verified through penetration resistance or laboratory testing.
Fig. 7. Diagram of shallow liquefiable layer and buried pipeline beneath stream channel; the burial depth required to protect the pipe against damage from lateral spread is 2H beneath the bank or 1H beneath the low point of the channel
Fig. 8. Diagram of deep liquefiable layer and buried pipeline; the burial depth required to protect the pipe from damage due to lateral spread is 2H beneath bank or 1H beneath the low point of the channel bottom, provided that the nonliquefiable soil has sufficient strength to buttress the channel against lateral spread
A third issue I have encountered is bridges spanning river channels. For thick shallow liquefiable layers, such as that depicted in Fig. 7, lateral spread is likely, and foundations must be designed to withstand the lateral displacement, or the liquefiable layer strengthened to resist lateral spread. For bridge sites with deep liquefiable layers such as the bridge diagrammatically depicted in Fig. 9, the overlying nonliquefiable layer might be expected to buttress the river banks against lateral spread as suggested in Fig. 8 for pipeline crossings. At one bridge crossing for which I was a consultant, the configuration of liquefiable layers was similar but more complex than the simple layering illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 9. However, no bore holes had been drilled within the river channel (a common omission due to access difficulty). Because of the lack of confirming strength data for soils beneath the channel, liquefaction-induced lateral spread or slumping was conservatively assumed, and the pile foundation strengthened to mitigate the hazard.
Fig. 9. Diagram of the deep liquefiable layer intersected by piles or caissons supporting the bridge; piles will be protected against lateral displacement by buttressing of nonliquefiable soil, preventing lateral spread, if nonliquefiable soil has sufficient strength, which must be confirmed by penetration resistance or laboratory testing

Thickness and Texture of Liquefiable Layers

An important issue in predicting lateral displacement is determining the thinnest liquefiable layer within which lateral spread has or could develop. Bartlett and Youd (1995) and Youd et al. (2002) partially answered this question through the case history database they compiled. The thinnest layer in that data set in which lateral spread developed is 1.0 m. Also, only granular materials (gravelly sands through nonplastic sandy silt) with corrected blow counts, (N1)60, less than 15, were documented as having deformed in lateral spread.
A commonly used alternative to the MLR procedure is that of Zhang et al. (2004), which estimates lateral displacement from CPT data. For the 13 lateral-spread case histories used by those authors to verify the procedure, the thinnest liquefiable layer was about 0.6 m; soils within the layers used for verification were also granular (sands, silty sands, and nonplastic sandy silts). Thus, the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure has been verified only for granular soils with layer thicknesses greater than 0.6 m.
Extrapolation of lateral spread predictions to layers thinner than 1.0 m (using SPT) or 0.6 m (using CPT) and to materials finer or more plastic than nonplastic sandy silts adds uncertainty to lateral displacement predictions. That uncertainty increases with the thinness and fineness of soils within liquefiable layers. Extrapolation to thin layers also generally leads to overprediction of displacement. Reasons for the increased uncertainty and tendency for overprediction include
Alluvial and fluvial deposits with granular layers less than 0.3 m thick are seldom continuous or without undulation over a sufficient aerial extent to generate lateral spread. Predictions based on one or two boreholes with an assumption of continuous layers often lead to overpredicted displacements due to layers of discontinuities.
Accurate SPT N-values can only be assured in layers 1 m or thicker.
Accurate CPT qc can only be assured in layers 0.3 m or thicker.

Example Calculation

The following example of predicted lateral spread displacements illustrates uncertainties and overpredictions that are intrinsic to extrapolation to layers thinner than 0.6 m and to materials finer than sandy silts. During the 1990s, Professor Kyle M. Rollins and several students at Brigham Young University (BYU) established a test site north of the main control tower at Salt Lake City International Airport (Rollins et al. 1998). Full-scale pile foundations were constructed and tested at that site. Soil layers beneath the site were characterized from laboratory tests on soil samples extracted from boreholes and from CPT soundings to depths as great as 14 m. Funding for the site came primarily from state highway departments, so data from the site are nonproprietary. Professor Rollins granted permission to use data from that site for the following calculations.
Fig. 10 contains one CPT log from the BYU test site and five interpretive plots prepared by Professor Peter K. Robertson (Gregg Drilling and Testing) showing soil behavior type (SBT), SBT index, and three predicted lateral displacement profiles (a), (b), and (c), which were calculated using the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure. Displacement Profile (a) displays a predicted lateral displacement profile with no corrections; Displacement Profile (b) incorporates corrections for transition zones; Displacement Profile (c) incorporates corrections for both transition zones and depth weighting.
Fig. 10. CPT log from the BYU test site at Salt Lake International Airport with interpretive plots for the soil behavior type (SBT) index, SBT, and predicted lateral displacements calculated using the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure (courtesy of Peter K. Robertson, Gregg Testing and Drilling, Inc., with permission): (a) predicted displacement without correction for transition zones or depth weighting; (b) predicted displacement with correction for transition zones; (c) predicted displacement with correction for transition zones and depth weighting
The SBT plot indicates that the upper 2.5 m of sediments are sands, silty sands, and sandy silts with a 0.9-m-thick layer of clayey silt at the bottom of that segment. The water table was at a depth of 1.7 m; thus, no liquefiable sediment was encountered in that segment.
From 2.5 to 8.25 m, the sediments contain thick layers of dense sand and silty sand with a 1-m-thick intermediate layer (4.75–5.75 m) of clay and clayey silt with interspersed thin layers of silty sand and sandy silt. The thick layers of sand and silty sand are characterized by CPT tip resistances greater than 10 MPa, indicating that those sands are too dense to generate lateral displacement (confirmed by corresponding vertical segments in the lateral displacement profiles).
Below a depth of 8.25 m, the sediment is thinly layered (0.1–0.5 m thick) sands, silty sands, sandy silts, clayey silts, and clays. Below about 10 m, the sediments are most likely late Pleistocene (11,000–25,000 years old) Lake Bonneville lacustrine deposits. The layers above about 10 m are likely Holocene (less than 11,000 years old) fluvial and alluvial deposits.
As plotted on Displacement Profile (a) (uncorrected), the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure predicts an estimated total lateral displacement of 155 cm for an M=7 earthquake with 0.5g peak ground acceleration and 0.5% ground slope. The displacement profile indicates that most of the lateral displacement (115 of 155 cm) originates from depths greater than 8.25 m and primarily from thinly layered fine-grained sediments. The sand and silty sand layers below 8.25 m are generally too dense to generate lateral displacement as indicated by vertical segments in the lateral displacement profiles. Thus, most of the predicted displacement originates from deep fine-grained sediments.
With the application of the correction for transition zones [Displacement Profile (b)], total predicted displacement at the BYU test site is reduced by about a factor of 2 (from 155 to 80 cm) compared to uncorrected displacements. However, most (about 70 out of 80 cm) of that displacement originates from fine-grained sediments below a depth of 9.0 m.
With application of the depth weighting factor [Displacement Profile (c)], predicted displacements are reduced by another factor of 2 (from 80 to 40 cm), but still most of that displacement (about 30 out of 40 cm) originates from fine-grained sediment below a depth of 9.0 m.
For comparison, I calculated displacements for the BYU test site using the MLR procedure. Geotechnical data came from laboratory tests on soil specimens taken from boreholes near the CPT sounding. Fig. 11 is a composite borehole log developed from split-spoon and other borehole samples taken from the BYU test site (Rollins et al. 1998). This log is less detailed than the CPT log (Fig. 10), but indicates the same general soil layering. (A major advantage of CPT is the development of more detailed soil profiles.) Because the upper sediment layers at the site are alluvial and fluvial, lateral variations occur in soil profiles, accounting for differences in actual soil layering between the CPT and borehole soil profiles.
Fig. 11. Borehole log from the BYU test site at Salt Lake International Airport (reprinted from Rollins et al. 1998, © ASCE)
Applying the MLR procedure to the soil profile plotted in Fig. 11, but analyzing each layer separately to evaluate component displacements from each layer, leads to the predicted lateral spread displacements tabulated in Table 1. The boreholes were not drilled and tested specifically for application of the MLR procedure, so some soil parameters had to be logically estimated from other available information, including the CPT log. The measured water depth was 1.7 m. The seismic factors applied in the MLR analysis were M=7.0 and R=9.0  km (distance to the nearest mapped trace of the Salt Lake segment, Wasatch fault, the source of the design earthquake). Predicted displacements from the principal soil layers, including soils with fines contents ranging from 55 to 90%, are tabulated in Table 1. All predicted MLR displacements were zero, indicating that no lateral spread displacement should be expected at the BYU test site.
Table 1. Lateral Spread Displacements Predicted by MLR Procedure for Primary Soil Layers in Borehole Log (Fig. 11) from BYU Test Site, Salt Lake International Airport
Depth (m)Soil descriptionLiquefiable?(N1)60T15 (m)F15 (%)D5015 (mm)Predicted DH (m)Comments
1.7–2.3SiltYes0.6850.050.085% fines yields DH=0
2.3–3.7ClayNo0.0Nonliquefiable clay
3.7–4.6Sandy siltYes>150550.80.0qt>15  MPa (Fig. 10)a
4.6–6.6SandYes>15052?0.0(N1)60>15 (45 at 5.3 m, 18 at 6.3 m)
6.5–7.0Clay (CH, CL)No095–1000.0Nonliquefiable clay
7.0–7.5SiltYes0.5950.050.095% fines yields DH=0
7.5–8.4Sandy siltYes>15a0700.060.0(qt>10  MPaa
8.4–9.8Silty sandYes>150201.00.0(N1)60>15 (31 at 8.5 m, 18 at 9.3 m)
9.8–11.3SiltYes1.5850.050.085% fines yields DH=0
11.3–14Fine-grained soilNo0.0Soil>11,000 years oldb
(N1)60 estimated from CPT log and correlations by Kulhawy and Mayne (1990).
Sediments deeper than 10 m are older than 11,000 years and likely have been shaken by about 10 magnitude-7 earthquakes, greatly increasing liquefaction resistance and reducing lateral spread potential.
The MLR predicted displacement (0 m) varied greatly from the Zhang et al. (2004) predicted displacements (40–155 cm), which I assert are overpredictions. As noted previously, most of the Zhang et al. (2004) predicted displacement originated from thinly layered fine-grained sediments deeper than 9.0 m. Calculation of these predicted displacements required extrapolation to thin layers and fine-grained sediments, making predicted displacements uncertain and, apparently, overpredicted.
Neither the MLR (Youd et al. 2002) nor the Zhang et al. (2004) procedures directly address the influence of sediment age or episodes of past seismic shaking; however, both procedures indirectly account for these factors through the prerequisite that only liquefiable soils are susceptible to lateral spread and that liquefaction resistance increases with both age and past seismic shaking. Sediments deeper than 10 m at the BYU test site are most likely Pleistocene lacustrine deposits, most of which are fine grained and have likely experienced as many as 10 nearby magnitude-7 earthquakes since deposition. Such sediments are essentially immune to liquefaction and lateral spread. Although not specifically listed in procedure guides, astute users should be aware of the influence of aging and preshaking and should incorporate these factors through engineering judgment.
Unfortunately, I have encountered a few engineering reports in which practicing engineers have used the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure to predict lateral displacement profiles similar to that plotted on Fig. 10(a) and then recommended costly remedial measures to prevent lateral spread damage. (Many practicing engineers do not fully understand corrections for transition zones and depth weighting and justify not applying those corrections because neglecting them is considered conservative.) I have strongly questioned such recommendations and suggested a more thorough or alternative analysis, such as MLR. More consideration should be given to sediment age, past seismic shaking, fines content, and soil plasticity.

Comments on SPT and CPT Procedures for Estimating Lateral Spread Displacement

The MLR procedure relies on SPT to define the penetration resistance of soil layers and on laboratory index testing to define grain-size properties. The only direct use of SPT N-values is to define the thickness parameter T15. (The influence of blow-count distribution within T15 is discussed later.) The MLR procedure is robust, in that it was regressed and verified from field measurements and laboratory index testing at sites of more than 400 measured lateral spread displacement vectors. These sites incorporate a wide variety of geotechnical properties (layer thicknesses and extents, grain sizes, and textures); geometric features (slopes and free-face ratios); and seismic factors (earthquake magnitudes and source distances).
The semiempirical procedure of Zhang et al. (2004) relies on CPT data to estimate the factor of safety against liquefaction, SBT, and lateral displacement index (LDI). These soil parameters, along with geometric parameters (slope and free-face ratio) and seismic parameters [magnitude and peak ground acceleration (PGA)], are used to predict horizontal displacement. As noted, that procedure was verified by comparing predicted displacements against measured displacements for 13 lateral spread sites underlain by layers of sand, silty sand, and sandy silt thicker than 0.6 m. With further research and development, the MLR and Zhang et al. (2004) procedures would likely gain compatibility over a broader range of soil, geometric, and seismic conditions.
One major difference between the MLR procedure and the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure is the influence of fines content on predicted displacement. In the MLR procedure, grain-size properties (F15 and D5015) enter the regression as independent variables and both are statistically significant. Thus, the influences of both grain-size parameters on predicted displacement can be directly determined. For example, doubling the fines content from, say, 15 to 30%, while holding all other parameters constant, decreases predicted displacements by about a factor of 2; doubling the fines content again from 30 to 60% decreases predicted displacements by about a factor of 7. Thus, the MLR procedure is very sensitive to fines content. Fines content enters the Zhang et al. procedure indirectly through equivalent clean sand normalized CPT penetration resistance (qc1N)cs. However, (qc1N)cs does not vary with fines content for fines content greater than 35%. (qc1N)cs is used for the calculation of both the factor of safety against liquefaction and the predicted horizontal displacement. Thus, the influence of fines content on lateral displacement is hidden, but appears to have much less influence on predicted displacement than in MLR, particularly for fines content greater than 35%. For example, at the BYU test site, about 30 cm of lateral displacement was calculated to occur in sandy silt and silty sand layers below 9 m using the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure with corrections applied (Fig. 11), whereas, with the MLR procedure, zero displacement was predicted, largely because of fines content greater than 55%. As noted above, most of the CPT-based displacement came from the deformation of fine-grained layers, whereas, with the MLR procedure, fines content in the fine-grained sediments were too high to allow lateral displacement (Table 1).
For this paper, I reexamined fines contents and mean grain-size bounds for the MLR procedure and noted an error in the plot of these parameters by Youd et al. (2002), which is reproduced in Fig. 12. The error occurred in extracting data from logs from four boreholes drilled at the River Park site following the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake (M=6.6). Those borings (Bennett et al. 1981) were located within nearly flat pastureland and an adjacent playground area. The flat land was littered with sand boils, but where there were no visible ground fissures or other evidence of lateral ground displacement. When fines content data were extracted from those four borehole logs, the fine sand fractions (0.2 to 0.06 mm) were erroneously added to the silt and clay-size particles in determining F15. Those sediments were rich in fine sand, leading to incorrect fines contents that ranged from 54 to 71%, whereas the actual fines contents ranged from 19 to 30% (with the sand-silt boundary adjusted to 0.074 mm). Those four points are marked with an X, indicating an incorrect point on Fig. 12. Because those four points were characterized by zero displacement, their removal from the database has little effect on the regressed equations [Eqs. (1) and (2)], so the corrected data set was not re-regressed. I also forced the limiting curves to nearly converge at a mean grain size of 0.074 mm and a fines content of 50%, a fixed point in grain-size space. With no fines contents greater than 60% from lateral spread sites in the MLR database, extrapolation of MLR to fines contents greater than 60% is not constrained by empirical data and leads to uncertain predictions. As a side note, the three lateral spread sites in the MLR dataset (three points plotted on Fig. 12 with fines contents between 50 and 60%) are all from Alaskan lateral spread localities where liquefaction occurred during the 1964 earthquake (M=9.2). Those sites were in glacial sediments that were rich in rock flower (blocky silt-sized particles rather than irregular lenticular particles contained in most silty sediments). Thus, for common non-glacial and non-sensitive sediments, the maximum fines content at lateral spread sites was 50%, a maximum that could be applied in screening for lateral spread susceptibility.
The influence of fines content on predicted displacements using MLR was verified, in part, by a lack of lateral spread displacements at two fine-grained, but potentially liquefiable sites [by Bray and Sancio (2006) procedure] in Adapazarı, Turkey (Youd et al. 2009). At the Ḉark Canal site, an artificial channel was incised into flat terrain, underlain by fine-grained soils. The measured fines content in the softest layer beneath the west bank was 94 and 68% for the east bank. Assuming the sediments are sandlike materials [by the Boulanger and Idriss (2006) classification] and extrapolating the MLR to fines contents greater than 60%, the predicted displacements are zero at the east bank and 0.7 m (an overprediction) at the west bank. Actual displacement at the site was too small to detect or essentially zero (Youd et al. 2009). The second site, Cumhuriyet Avenue, has 0.3% ground slope and a fines content of 73% in the softest and most liquefiable layer. Again, assuming sandlike sediment and extrapolation of the MLR procedure, a predicted displacement of 0.14 m (an overprediction) was calculated. Lateral displacements at that site were also too small to detect or essentially zero.
Fig. 12. Plot from Youd et al. (2002) showing grain-size bounds for application of MLR; errors were found in this plot and corrections applied here to update the plot (adapted from Youd et al. 2002, © ASCE)
Assuming the sediments at Cark Canal and Cunhuriyet are claylike, rather than sandlike (Atterberg tests on sediments from the sites were inadequate to clearly make this distinction), the MLR procedure predicts zero displacement at both the Ḉark canal and Cunhuriet Avenue sites. Zero displacement was predicted because of the absence case histories of claylike sediments developing lateral spread in the MLR database. Claylike sediments apparently are too cohesive to allow lateral spread to develop.

Use of CPT Data with the MLR Procedure

For a consulting project in which the prediction of lateral spread displacement was required and for which both SPT and CPT data were collected, but the SPT data were too sparse in critical layers to be useful, the following principles were applied to estimate T15. For shallow Holocene granular soils, a corrected blow count (N1)60=15 roughly marks the bound between contractive and dilative behavior. Granular soils with (N1)60<15 are generally contractive and granular soils with (N1)60>15 are generally dilative. Similarly, the state parameter ψ=0 roughly marks the bound between contractive and dilative granular soils (Jefferies and Been 2006). That is, for ψ0, granular soils are generally contractive; for ψ<0, granular soils are generally dilative. Thus, (N1)60=15 roughly corresponds with the state parameter ψ=0. Jefferies and Been (2006) developed a procedure for calculating ψ from CPT and laboratory test data. Robertson and Cabal (2012) simplified the Jeffries and Been procedure to allow determination of ψ solely from CPT data for uncemented, Holocene age, granular soils. Soils at the project site were uncemented Holocene dune sands, complying with the Robertson and Cabal limitation. Thus, the Robertson and Cabal procedure was applied to the site to develop profiles of ψ versus depth. The project CPT data are proprietary and not reproduced here. I and the project engineers agreed on the following criterion, which we felt was conservative: for ψ<0.08, the dune sand should be sufficiently dilative to prevent lateral spread. We summed thicknesses of segments in the soil profile with ψ>0.08 to estimate T15. That estimated T15 was then applied in MLR, along with grain size data determined from laboratory tests on nearby sand samples, to predict DH for each pertinent CPT sounding. Those DH were then applied in design.

Responses to Criticisms of MLR

Over the last few years, several unreferenced criticisms of MLR have come to my attention. I discuss those criticisms in the following paragraphs:
Criticism: The MLR model is purely empirical and is not based on soil mechanics theory.
Answer: I agree that the MLR model is empirical, but it contains some theoretical considerations. For example, the magnitude (M) versus source distance (R) relationship in the model is patterned after the M versus R relationship developed by Joyner and Boore (1993) for the attenuation of PGA. The empirical MLR model was regressed from 400 measured lateral displacement vectors with attendant measured or carefully estimated values for each independent variable in the model [Eqs. (1) and (2)]. Rigorous statistical procedures were applied in these analyses. The model was verified by the same 400 measured displacements (Fig. 5), providing verification that the model yields valid displacement predictions within the parametric limits and degree of accuracy stated with the model (Bartlett and Youd 1995; Youd et al. 2002; and this paper). Thus, MLR is based on ground truth against which other models, including theoretical models, should be tested.
Criticism: M and R are not ground motion values, such as PGA, CAV, or Arias intensity.
Answer: M is applied in MLR, similarly to its application in the simplified liquefaction evaluation procedure (Youd et al. 2001). In both instances, M is used as a rough proxy for ground shaking duration. The correlation between M and duration is not perfect and is a source for some of the scatter in the predicted versus measured displacements (Fig. 5). I also agree that R is not a ground motion parameter; however, several attenuation relationships for estimating PGA, such as Joyner and Boore (1993), are based on M and R. There is only one site in the MLR database [Wildlife (Youd and Holzer 1994)] where ground motions were measured on-site as liquefaction as ground displacement occurred; PGA for all other sites were estimated (by others) from empirical ground motion relationships, most of which were based on M and R. In formulating the MLR model, we statistically tested both PGA and R as possible independent variables. R has a higher statistical significance (produced more certain estimates of DH) than PGA; thus, R was added as an independent variable to the MLR model.
Criticism: (a) The MLR model uses T15, which is not a fundamental soil property; (b) a T15 with, say, (N1)60=3, should yield larger displacements than a T15 with (N1)60=14.
Answers: (a) The thickness of the deformable layer, T15, is a fundamental geometrical property if not a fundamental soil property. Theoretically, ground displacement is equal to average shear strain multiplied by the thickness of the deformable layer; T15 is an estimate of that thickness. Thickness is an important factor in other procedures, such as the prediction of ground settlement. T15 has high statistical significance and hence is an independent variable in the MLR model. (b) I agree that the distribution of blow counts within T15 should be an important factor. However, Bartlett and Youd (1995) tested several possible independent variables as measures of the blow-count distribution, including the lowest (N1)60 in T15, average (N1)60 in T15, lowest calculated factor of safety against liquefaction in T15, and so on. None of those potential indices of the blow-count distribution is statistically significant and thus they are not included in the MLR model. The reason for that insignificance is not because the blow-count distribution is unimportant, but rather because there is insignificant variation of the blow-count distribution within naturally occurring liquefiable layers compiled in the MLR database. Nature has not deposited liquefiable layers with uniform blow counts of, say, 3 or 14.
Criticism: Continual modifications of MLR indicate that the procedure is unstable and should be discarded.
Answer: Empirical procedures, such as MLR, are based on compilations of real data. When new data become available or corrections to a model are needed, new data are added to the database or the corrected model and the database is re-regressed to generate an improved empirical model. Such improvements are common and are a strength of the procedure, not a weakness. For example, during the last 30 years, ground motion data have regularly been added to the ground motion database, models have been adjusted, and the data have been re-regressed to develop improved empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs).
Criticism: MLR appears to have performed poorly in predicting lateral spread displacements generated by the February 22, 2011, earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand (M=6.2).
Answer: This criticism apparently stems from analyses and conclusions reported in a MS thesis by Deterling (2015). In that study, lateral displacements were predicted using several proposed procedures, including MLR and that of Zhang et al. (2004). Predicted displacements were then compared with measured displacements developed from analyses of satellite imagery and lidar surveys. Deterling, however, did not apply MLR in accordance with the procedures published by Youd et al. (2002); rather, several spurious modifications were introduced to facilitate computation. I note here that MLR was formulated for site-specific displacement predictions only. Correct application requires (1) an (N1)60 profile from the site in question compiled from site SPT data; (2) fines contents and mean grain sizes determined from laboratory tests on soil samples taken from the T15 layer; and (3) slopes and free face heights measured at the site or carefully estimated from reliable topographic maps or data. Apparently, borehole logs with SPT and grain-size information are available in the Christchurch geotechnical databases, but those data were not considered. T15 was calculated from Christchurch CPT logs using an unreferenced rough correlation between (N1)60 and qc1N. Fines contents (F15) and mean grain sizes (D5015) were conjectured from a plot of fines contents versus mean grain sizes developed from the MLR database and published with the MLR procedure (Youd et al. 2002), revised herein in Fig. 12. Those grain-size estimates were apparently applied uniformly across the Christchurch area. Deterling apparently applied only the free-face model [Eq. (1)] to generate MLR predicted displacements, leading to statements such as, “From Fig. 5.10, it is clear that most of the points with W values less than 1% (i.e., L>100  H) predict very small displacements although displacements as large as 0.9 m were observed.” Youd et al. (2002) specify that both the free-face model [Eq. (1)] and the ground-slope model [Eq. (2)] should be applied and the larger of the two predicted displacements applied for engineering design. However, for W>5%, the free-face model nearly always controls, predicted displacements and for W<1%, the ground-slope model nearly always controls. If the ground-slope model was not applied as specified, which appears to be the case, the conclusion that MLR greatly underpredicts displacement for W<1% is clearly erroneous. Nearly all of Deterling’s predicted MLR displacements are much smaller than observed displacements. Consistent underprediction suggests that the R-values applied were too large. Deterling (2015) defines R as “the distance to the fault,” whereas Youd et al. (2002) define R as “the distance to the seismic energy source.” Seismic source zones for smaller magnitude earthquakes (M<6.4) commonly do not coincide with a mapped fault. Consequently, it appears that R-values applied by Deterling were erroneously large. In summary, because Deterling (2015) did not correctly apply the MLR procedure, conclusions that MLR performed poorly and consistently underpredicted measured lateral displacements in Christchurch are without merit and must be disregarded.
Criticism: Why have some large and influential agencies, such as CalTrans, abandoned use of MLR?
Answer: Companies and agencies select lateral spread evaluation procedures that they feel best meet their needs. I obviously disagree with policies that discourage or prohibit use of MLR. When applied within stated limits, MLR is easy to apply, robust, and widely used in engineering practice, and yields valid predictions. Thus, I know of no rational reason to abandon MLR. One objection, reportedly from CalTrans, is that MLR overpredicts displacement. Perhaps that may be true for input values outside of the ranges constrained by data, for example, applying an R<0.5  km, but the data plotted in Fig. 5 indicate that future lateral displacements are very likely to be within a factor of 2 of predicted displacements when the procedure is applied correctly. Also, if the predicted displacements are greater than 6 m, Youd et al. (2002) state, “predicted displacements greater than 6 m are not well constrained by case history data and only indicate that large displacements are possible.” Finally, some within CalTrans seem to have bias that favors procedures developed at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER).
Criticism: MLR appears inadequate for use with large-magnitude earthquakes (M>8).
Answer: Youd et al. (2002) specify that MLR should not be applied for earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 8. Seismic source zones become very large for such earthquakes, particularly subduction zone earthquakes, and defining a source distance, R, becomes problematical. More research is needed to resolve this issue.


This paper addresses liquefaction and lateral spread issues I have encountered as a consultant.
For mitigation of lateral spread hazard to buried pipelines at stream crossings, areas commonly susceptible to liquefaction and lateral spread, I recommend the following criteria for mitigation of lateral spread hazard: For incised channels in relatively flat terrain, burial of the pipe to a depth at least twice the bank height (2H) below stream banks or at least 1H beneath the low point in the channel should protect the pipe against damage from lateral spread. My reasoning for these burial depths are as follows:
For thick liquefiable layers lying above the pipe (Fig. 7), shear zones generated by lateral spread would form above and not adversely affect the pipe.
For liquefiable layers deeper than 2H beneath the bank and/or 1H beneath the bottom of the channel, nonliquefiable soil above the pipe should provide sufficient buttressing strength to prevent lateral spread into the channel, at least for channels less than 4H wide. However, the adequacy of the strength of the nonliquefiable cap over the pipe should be verified through penetration or laboratory testing.
The logic developed in Conclusion 1b for deep liquefiable layers could also be applied for mitigation of damage to foundations supporting bridges crossing streams; however, the adequacy of the strength of nonliquefiable soil beneath the channel must be confirmed by penetration resistance or laboratory testing. This confirmation is commonly hindered by lack of borehole or penetration data from within the channel due to access difficulties.
The thinnest documented liquefiable layers in which lateral spread has developed is 1.0 m for the Youd et al. (2002) database and 0.6 m for the case histories applied by Zhang et al. (2004) to verify their procedure. Extrapolation to thinner layers adds uncertainty to predicted displacements and a tendency to overpredict displacement.
Similarly, only nonplastic granular sediments (gravelly sands through sandy silts) are contained in liquefiable layers compiled in the MLR database and in the liquefiable layers used to confirm the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure. Inclusion of finer-grained or more plastic soils in T15 adds uncertainty to predictions and a tendency to overpredict.
The MLR procedure is based on regression of compiled SPT and laboratory test data, while the Zhang et al. (2004) procedure is based on CPT data. These procedures should give comparable results for granular materials (sands through sandy silts) thicker than 0.6 m. Further research could increase the range of compatibility between the two procedures.
For a project in which insufficient SPT data were available, my colleagues and I used CPT data to calculate state parameter ψ profiles and then applied the criterion that, for ψ<0.08, dune sands beneath the site would be sufficiently dilative to prevent development of lateral spread. We then summed the thicknesses sand layers with ψ>0.08 to estimate T15 for use in MLR. Those predicted displacements were then applied for engineering design.

Supplemental Data

My investigation of the 1971 San Fernando Valley Juvenile Hall Lateral Spread to illustrate the anatomy and character of a lateral spread and types and examples of consequent damage, including Figs. S1S8, is available online in the ASCE Library (

Supplemental Materials

File (supplemental_data_gt.1943-5606.0001860_youd.pdf)


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Go to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 144Issue 6June 2018


Received: Mar 29, 2017
Accepted: Oct 12, 2017
Published online: Apr 12, 2018
Published in print: Jun 1, 2018
Discussion open until: Sep 12, 2018



T. Leslie Youd, Dist.M.ASCE [email protected]
Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT 84602. E-mail: [email protected]

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