Editor, Ahmad Habibian

Meet the Editor: Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice

The journal covers a broad range of topics pertaining to the planning, design, construction, safety, operation and maintenance, and sustainability of pipeline systems, and is an important technical reference for both researchers and practitioners.

Editor Ahmad Habibian, Ph.D., P.E., sat down with ASCE Publications to tell us about the experience with the journal and his vision going forward. Habibian is the Global Technical Strategy Leader for Conveyance at CDM Smith and has been an active board member since the journal’s founding in 2009, previously serving as Associate Editor under former Editor-In-Chief, Dr. Mo Najafi.

ASCE Publications: Tell me about the Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice.
Ahmad Habibian: The journal’s focus is on applied research and as a result we see submissions not only from academic researchers but also from many practitioners. Our editorial board also reflects this preference and about a quarter of the editorial board members, including myself, are from the industry.

ASCE Publications: What are the critical topics you want to see covered in the Pipelines journal?
Ahmad Habibian: Pipeline system resilience is coming into focus as the impacts of climate change and other natural hazards become more pronounced. I envision the coverage of this topic will increase dramatically over the next decade.

ASCE Publications: What areas need to be addressed in this space now?
Ahmad Habibian: The challenges of aging infrastructure and how to assess and address these challenges is a major concern on a global level and we do see a good number of submissions in this area.

ASCE Publications: What are the biggest challenges facing pipeline engineers and researchers today/in the coming years?
Ahmad Habibian: A major challenge is the lack of adequate funding for research. There is not a specific US-based agency or organization solely focused on promoting research in the field of pipelines and as a result we sometimes see duplications among various centers who promote pipeline research.

ASCE Publications: What inspired you to become a Civil Engineer? What drew you to be an editor?
Ahmad Habibian: When I was 10 years old, my dad ordered a major renovation of the old house we lived in. For months, I witnessed how the construction workers demolished some parts of our house and built new additions. I myself ended up helping them erecting a brick façade, which peaked my interest in building things. By the time I graduated from high school and with encouragement from my two older siblings who were also engineers, the choice to pursue an engineering degree was very much a given. In fact I have a younger sibling who is also a civil engineer.

ASCE Publications: How did you get involved as an editor?
Ahmad Habibian: When I was the Chair of the ASCE Pipeline Division Executive Committee some 12 years ago, I collaborated with Dr. Mo Najafi in developing a proposal to establish the ASCE Journal of Pipeline System Engineering and Practice. Once we got the blessing from ASCE to establish the Journal, Dr. Najafi assumed the Editor‐in‐Chief position and invited me to serve as an Associate Editor for the Journal. I served in that capacity for about 10 years and was very honored when the UESI Board asked me to take on the Editor‐in‐Chief responsibilities.

ASCE Publications: What key features do you look for in an article submitted to your journal?
Ahmad Habibian: The key features we look for include originality, expanding the body of knowledge envelope, practical applicability and soundness of approach. We also consider the clarity of the written material and the use of graphics and tables to help convey complex concepts.

ASCE Publications: What are your aspirations for future of the journal?
Ahmad Habibian: The Journal has successfully established a solid footing for future growth and our Editorial Board is aspiring to execute a growth strategy which meets the needs of pipeline researchers and practitioners across the globe while maintaining the utmost level of quality.

ASCE Publications: Any advice for new researchers starting out?
Ahmad Habibian: Be bold and think big! I encourage researchers to look for those game changer ideas that can have a profound impact on the profession and the way we do business. My experience has been that taking the time and the effort to do it right the first time and avoid short‐cuts always pays off. And keep the end in mind!

Learn more about contributing to the Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice.