Meet the Editors: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering

The Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (JCCE), an important journal within the ASCE collection, covers advances and innovative ideas in computing as applicable to the engineering profession. The journal publishes research, implementation, and applications in cross-disciplinary areas including software, database-management systems, computer-aided design systems, and expert systems; hardware for robotics, bar coding, remote sensing, data mining, and knowledge acquisition; and strategic issues such as the management of computing resources, implementation strategies, and organizational impacts.

Editors, Nora El Gohary
Editor, Yong Kwon Cho

The new Co-Editors-in-Chief, Yong K. Cho and Nora El-Gohary shared their thoughts and aspirations for the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering with us. Yong K. Cho, Ph.D., M.ASCE is a Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Nora El-Gohary, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, is a Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

ASCE Publications: How do you plan to differentiate this journal from similar journals in the civil engineering field?

We aim to differentiate JCCE by focusing on promoting intellectual diversity and enhancing the rigor of the peer-review process. By attracting authors and readers with high-quality research and innovative ideas from diverse backgrounds and subfields within computing in civil engineering, we believe we can set ourselves apart.

ASCE Publications: What critical topics do you intend to see covered in this journal?

We intend to cover vital emerging areas of computing, such as big data analytics, artificial intelligence, building information modeling, sensors and sensing systems, automation, robotics, and their applications across various civil engineering subdomains, including structures, materials, water resources, geotechnical engineering, construction, transportation, and infrastructure systems.

ASCE Publications: What are the biggest challenges facing researchers working in your field of engineering today / in the coming years?

The rapid advancement of data science and artificial intelligence presents both opportunities and challenges for researchers in computing in civil engineering. One challenge is ensuring the ethical and responsible use of emerging technologies while maximizing their potential to address pressing societal and environmental needs.

ASCE Publications: What inspired you to become Co-Editors for the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering?

Our inspiration stems from a desire to contribute to the advancement of the field by fostering intellectual diversity, enhancing the review process, expanding the journal's community, and collaborating closely with the editorial board to envision the journal's future and strategic planning.

ASCE Publications: What aspirations do you have for the future of the journal?

We aspire to further cement JCCE as the world's preeminent scholarly publication in the field of computing in civil engineering by enhancing its quality, reputation, and visibility through collaborative efforts with the esteemed editorial board, authors, reviewers, and readers.

ASCE Publications: How does climate change and sustainability impact the content you publish?

Climate change and sustainability are integral aspects of the content we publish, as they are crucial considerations in civil engineering. We aim to feature research that addresses climate change impacts on infrastructure resilience and promotes sustainable development practices across various civil engineering subdomains.

ASCE Publications: What emerging technologies are impacting your area, and how do you address these in the journal?

We touched on this earlier, but among the emerging areas mentioned above, we'd like to stress on artificial intelligence. All of these technologies are profoundly impacting the field of computing in civil engineering. We will be covering research on the application of these technologies across various subdomains and promote discussions on their implications and challenges.

What advice do you have for new researchers?

New researchers in the field are encouraged to develop a multidisciplinary outlook, stay informed about the latest advancements, seek guidance from mentors, and actively participate in the scholarly community through professional organizations, publications, conferences, and collaborative research projects. Also, establishing a distinct identity within the research subject area is particularly crucial for their academic journey. Lastly, strive for innovation, discovery, and pushing the boundaries.

Learn more about contributing to the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.