Journal of Surveying Engineering cover with an image of a satellite orbiting the earth on a green background. The journal title, ASCE logo, and Structural Engineering Institute logo are displayed as well.

Call for Papers: Special Collection on Precision Surveying and Alignment

Guest Editors:
Sergio Baselga, Ph.D., M.ASCE, Universitat Politècnica de València
Michael J. Olsen, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, Oregon State University

Aims & Scope

Supporting scientific and technological projects through surveying engineering faces demanding challenges, particularly when the required accuracies of the measurements are at the limit of the state-of-the-art. As a result, a relatively small amount of measurements can be acquired given the time, cost, effort, and other challenges associated with their attainment. The high accuracy that instruments can achieve must be preserved by the surveying methods used, considering the instrumental errors and corrections and those related to the environment –such as refraction— and to the different reference systems in use –such as vertical deflection— through the correct modeling of all the intervening parameters. For many practitioners, it can be difficult to understand how and when it is appropriate to apply these corrections.

To facilitate broader awareness and discussion, this special collection welcomes papers dealing with novel methods and instruments for precision surveying and alignment with their applications to the different fields of science and engineering, including construction surveys for large engineering projects, railway track surveying, local-tie surveying, deformation monitoring, complex facility surveying, tunnel surveying, linking indoor and outdoor surveys, and precise alignment in particle accelerators and their accurate ground and underground geodetic networks.

Papers accepted in this Special Collection will be published in the corresponding regular issue of the journal and also added to the Special Collection online site.

Submission Guidelines
  1. We invite researchers and practitioners in related fields to submit Forum articles, Technical Notes to present research in progress, full Technical Papers and Case Studies.
  2. Please submit your manuscript via the ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering website.
  3. Once on the Editorial Manager website, please indicate that your paper is for the special collection “Precision Surveying and Alignment”.
  4. Article type descriptions (including length limits) and detailed information on the submission process is provided in the “Publishing in ASCE Journals” section of the ASCE Author Center.

Please note that this is an invitation to submit papers for peer review and does not imply acceptance for publication. Acceptance of submitted papers depends on the results of the normal refereed peer review process of the journal. We will make every effort for a rapid review process. Please note that all accepted papers submitted in response to this Call for Papers will be published in regular issues of the Journal of Surveying Engineering and assembled online on a page dedicated to this Special Collection. See Journal of Surveying Engineering Special Collections for the list of Special Collections already published.