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Technical Papers
Oct 27, 2022

Wave–Current Impulsive Debris Loading on a Coastal Building Array

Publication: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 149, Issue 1


Waterborne debris impacts during inundation events are a widely observed threat to structures in coastal communities. This study investigates the probability of impact and magnitude of wave–current (N = 1,170) and current-only (N = 156) debris events on exposed and sheltered buildings within a 10 × 10 building array, using laboratory measurements of structural loading response, flow hydrodynamics, and video recordings of flow transport and impact. A methodology based on a structural system with a single degree of freedom is implemented to estimate the applied debris impulse from collisions and to investigate the dynamic impact of waterborne debris on structures. Results show that the debris collision probability varies greatly, between 42% for unsheltered rows and 2% for nine rows of sheltering. Given a collision, the normalized debris impulse in sheltered buildings is at maximum 0.8 times the impulse for unsheltered conditions, and this reduction increases as the number of sheltering rows increases. Using empirical exceedance probabilities of the applied debris impulse, a framework is developed to estimate the maximum structural loading response within a building array, along with a comparison with data and existing standards. The effect of the impact duration on the relation between the applied debris impulse and the maximum structural response is also discussed.


Inundation events generated by tsunamis and storms are a major hazard in developed coastal regions. The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 (Athukorala and Resosudarmo 2005), the 2010 Chilean tsunami (Fritz et al. 2011; Khew et al. 2015), the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami in 2011 (Suppasri et al. 2012; Davis et al. 2012); Hurricanes Katrina (Brunkard et al. 2008) and Sandy (Seil et al. 2016); and Typhoon Haiyan (Mikami et al. 2016) have all caused devastating loss of life and economic damage. Many postevent field surveys have shown that, in addition to failures from surge and wave loading (Lynett et al. 2003; Fritz et al. 2011; Fraser et al. 2013; Tomiczek et al. 2017; Izquierdo et al. 2018), significant damage has been associated with waterborne debris impacts. Waterborne debris includes a wide variety of objects carried inland by the flow, for example, structural fragments, such as concrete blocks and wooden poles (Hatzikyriakou et al. 2016), shipping containers (Mikami et al. 2016), boats and cars (Ghobarah et al. 2006), boulders (Fritz et al. 2011; Kennedy et al. 2017), and propane tanks (Stolle et al. 2020a). Residential structures frequently show damage from waterborne debris impacts (Reese et al. 2011; Yeh et al. 2013) but significant structural damage to bridges (Stearns and Padgett 2012; Ghobarah et al. 2006) and above-ground storage tanks (Bernier and Padgett 2020) has also been observed. An improved understanding of waterborne debris impacts and their loading is essential for increasing the resiliency of coastal communities after inundation events.

Debris Loading

Most studies of debris impacts are based on a single debris object impact on a single structure using a single degree of freedom (SDOF) model (Nistor et al. 2017a). The SDOF model is a one-dimensional, simplified mechanical model that characterizes the dynamic behavior of a structural system by representing it as a mass–spring–damping model. The SDOF solves a displacement for a given applied load and is used in civil engineering to model structural dynamics. The SDOF model is commonly used in the context of debris impacts on coastal structures; it has been formulated using three equivalent methods: the impulse–momentum approach, the work–energy approach, and the effective contact–stiffness method (Haehnel and Daly 2004). Each of these three methods requires the debris velocity, the debris mass, and an additional parameter that depends on the method. The additional parameters in the impulse–momentum, work–energy, and effective contact–stiffness methods are the impact duration, the debris stopping distance, and the effective stiffness of the debris impact, respectively (Stolle et al. 2018). Other methods estimate the impact force based on empirical equations. For instance, Ikeno et al. (2016) proposed a model based on the Hertz equation and Matsutomi (2009) integrated results from experimental tests to derive an empirical formula for the impact force. Of all the methods, the contact–stiffness approach is most common (Nistor et al. 2017a). This approach estimates the maximum debris impact load F, assuming a rectangular pulse of duration td, as
where u = impact velocity; k = effective stiffness of the debris impact; and md = mass of the debris. The effective stiffness of the debris impact is defined as k=(ks1+kd1)1, where ks = stiffness of the structure; and kd = stiffness of the debris (Stolle et al. 2018). Eq. (1) does not consider additional effects, such as the added mass of the displaced fluid, the load eccentricity, or the debris impact orientation. Haehnel and Daly (2004) studied these additional effects through reduced- and full-scale laboratory experiments of wood and steel impacts on an instrumented building on stationary water. These experimental results show that increases in load eccentricity and oblique impact orientations reduce the maximum impact force. However, when the longitudinal axis of the debris is aligned with the flow, the maximum load is well represented by Eq. (1), suggesting that Eq. (1) is an upper value and a conservative estimate for the maximum impact load F. Riggs et al. (2014) and Ko et al. (2015) also studied the effect of the added mass using 1:5 scaled tests of a shipping container and wood log impacts in both water and air. The maximum impact load was not significantly different between the in-water and the in-air tests, suggesting that an added mass coefficient is not necessary. A separate study of experimental full-scale in-air impacts of a wood pole, a steel tube, and a shipping container found that Eq. (1) agrees reasonably well with these experimental tests (Piran Aghl et al. 2014). Shafiei et al. (2016) found that in-air and in-water tests resulted in similar impact accelerations but the forces measured by loading cells attached to the structure were about 1.5 times larger for the in-water tests. This increase comes from the difference in the impacting mass. From the studies cited previously, it can be concluded that the effect of added mass is still to be determined.
ASCE (2017, Chapter 6.11) provides design guidelines for tsunami-borne debris impacts using the contact–stiffness approach. For logs, poles, and shipping containers, the ASCE7-16 tsunami design instantaneous debris impact force (Fi) is estimated as
where Fni = ASCE7-16 nominal maximum instantaneous debris impact force; Itsu is an importance factor, ranging from 1.0 to 1.25; CO is an orientation coefficient, equal to 0.65 for logs and poles and 0.75 for shipping containers; umax = maximum flow velocity; md = mass of the debris; k is the lesser value between the debris stiffness or the lateral stiffness of the impacted structural element; and Rmax is a dynamic response factor. The debris impulse, I0 = md umax, is the fundamental momentum carried by the debris that can be imparted to the structure. The ASCE7-16 tsunami-borne debris impact load assumes a rectangular pulse of duration td, which is defined as
The load experienced by a structural mode will be modified by its dynamic properties. For a fundamental structural mode with period Tn and short duration loading td/Tn ≤ 0.2 (known as an impulsive loading condition, which is studied here), the dynamic response factor can be simplified as Rmax = 4td/Tn, which greatly simplifies the ASCE7-16 tsunami debris impact load experienced by the structure, to
where Ftsu,impulsive = ASCE7-16 impulsive tsunami debris impact force.
Impact loads during flooding events are considered in ASCE (2017, Section C5.4.5), which estimates the maximum impact load using the impulse–momentum approach and assuming a half-sine loading pulse. For an impulsive loading condition, the ASCE7-16 flood debris impact load experienced by the structure can be expressed as
where Fflood,impulsive = ASCE7-16 flood debris impact force for td/Tn ≤ 0.2; I0 = md umax = debris impulse; Tn = structure or structural component fundamental period; CI is an importance coefficient, ranging from 0.6 to 1.3; CO is an orientation coefficient, equal to 0.8; CD is a depth coefficient that varies from 0 to 1 depending on the still water depth (SWD); and CB is a blockage coefficient that varies from 0 to 1 depending on the width of the flow path.
Both ASCE7-16 tsunami [Eq. (5)] and ASCE7-16 flood [Eq. (6)] impulsive debris impact forces are fundamentally very similar. The only difference is the set of coefficients that multiply the quantity I0/Tn, which are 8 Itsu CO and 2πCI CO CD CB for tsunami and flood loads, respectively.

Debris Transport

In addition to predicting the debris impact loading, the occurrence probability of an impact is of particular interest in coastal engineering research. This has been addressed by studying the debris transport during inundation events. If the flow depth is large enough, debris are expected to spread in both the along-shore and the cross-shore directions. Based on a field survey after the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami, Naito et al. (2014) proposed and ASCE (2017) adopted a debris hazard region, defined as the area between two ±22.5 downstream headings, beginning from the debris source point. The ±22.5 headings are measured with respect to the wave propagation direction. Nistor et al. (2017b) found that the debris spreading angle follows an increasing function with respect to the number of debris elements, but is not larger than the spreading angle 22.5 proposed by Naito et al. (2014). Spreading angles obtained from the experiments of Park et al. (2021) and Goseberg et al. (2016) are also within this 22.5 cone. The debris spreading probability has also been represented as a Gaussian function, with the along-shore distance as the independent variable and with a variance that depends on the cross-shore direction (Matsutomi 2009; Stolle et al. 2020b). It is important to emphasize that, in all the studies mentioned, except for that of Naito et al. (2014), debris transport has been studied primarily on a flat surface or with a constant slope. Complex bathymetric profiles would evidently have a large influence on the distribution of debris.

Debris Loading on Building Arrays

Debris loading in current engineering standards is addressed assuming isolated structures. However, coastal cities are characterized by arrangements of many buildings. These arrangements, also referred to as structural arrays, will affect the flow conditions, influencing inundation levels and flow velocities, and consequently affecting waterborne debris loading. Evidence of flow disturbance through the presence of structural arrangements has been found in fieldwork (Reese et al. 2007; Leone et al. 2011; Hatzikyriakou et al. 2016), laboratory tests (Simamora et al. 2007; Rueben et al. 2011; Park et al. 2013; Goseberg 2013; Thomas et al. 2015; Nouri et al. 2010; Tomiczek et al. 2016; Moon et al. 2019; Moris et al. 2021), and numerical experiments (Nakamura et al. 2010; Ardianti et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2018; Sogut et al. 2019; Moris et al. 2021). The effect of structural arrays on wave loading generally results in a reduction in the maximum wave loading in the inland buildings, owing to a sheltering effect given by the front buildings (Simamora et al. 2007; Ardianti et al. 2015; Thomas et al. 2015; Tomiczek et al. 2016; Yang et al. 2018; Sogut et al. 2019; Moris et al. 2021). Although studies about the influence of obstacles on debris dispersion have considered arrays composed of one (Kihara and Kaida 2020; Park et al. 2021) or two rows of obstacles (Goseberg et al. 2016), the effect of structural arrays on debris loading is not known. Field survey data show that sheltering and debris are explanatory variables for damage from inundation events (Reese et al. 2011); however, debris loading predictions in sheltered buildings, up to this date, do not, so far as we know, exist. This is an issue because current estimates for impact debris loads [e.g., Eqs. (5) and (6)] could result in overly conservative load predictions for sheltered structures.
Limited research has been done regarding the effect of building arrays on debris loading under flooding conditions. Hence, we attempt to address that knowledge gap by investigating the effect of a building array on debris loading under flooding conditions by:
obtaining the structural response of waterborne debris impacts on buildings within a building array from laboratory experimental data,
applying a methodology based on a SDOF structural system to estimate the applied debris impulse from the collisions,
quantifying the debris collision probability and the collision impulse magnitude and its dependence on the number of sheltering rows within the building array,
developing a predictive equation for maximum structural loading based on the debris momentum, and
comparing the predictive equation from the aforementioned point with current design estimates.

Experimental Data

As part of a larger experimental project, a set of laboratory tests were conducted to study the effect of a building array on wave–current and current-only debris loading. All laboratory data used in this paper have been published in the National Science Foundation (NSF) DesignSafe data depot (Kennedy et al. 2021). All experiments were conducted at Oregon State University in the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory Directional Wave Basin (DWB), which is 48.8 m long, 26.5 m wide, and 2.1 m deep. A 10-m-wide concrete beach consisting of a 1:20 slope section followed by a 1-m-high flat and horizontal test section was constructed inside the basin; a 10 × 10 building array comprising 100 idealized structures was built on this test section (Fig. 1). All structures were 0.4 m cubes, with 1 m center-to-center spacing in the along-shore direction and 0.8 m spacing in the cross-shore direction.
Fig. 1. (Color) (a) Isometric representation of the DWB; (b) cross-shore elevation view in the center of the DWB; (c) plan view of the concrete beach, including the location of the video cameras; and (d) location of the instrumentation in the test section. All distances are in meters. ADV = acoustic Doppler velocimeter and; USWG = ultrasonic wave gauge.

Hydrodynamic Conditions

The initial SWD was 1.1 m, giving a water depth of 0.1 m on the flat and horizontal test section. Two pumps on each side of the DWB [Fig. 1(a)] generated a constant flow of approximately Q = 0.26 m3/s for all tests. Two test conditions were used in these experiments. The main condition consisted of random waves over a constant current (the wave–current condition), in which random waves were generated by a piston-type wavemaker following a TMA spectrum (Hughes 1984) with a peak period Tp = 2.25 s and a significant wave height of Hs = 0.2 m at the location of the wavemaker. Supplemental tests with a constant flow of approximately Q = 0.26 m3/s with no waves (the current-only condition) were also conducted.

Debris Test Characteristics

Thin rectangular wooden debris elements with dimensions 15 × 15 × 1.9 cm were painted and then submerged in water over the course of 12 days. The soaked debris elements were weighed daily until the mass did not increase any more. This ensured that the center of gravity remained the geometric center and all debris elements weighed about the same, reaching a mass of md = 359 g ( σmd = 9.4 g). The debris was released from a box (the Houdini box) with a horizontal trapdoor where 39 individual debris elements were placed in a line with a separation of 0.6 cm. The debris was marked so that each test had the debris placed in the same location. The debris was released by manually pulling a latch, which quickly opened the horizontal trapdoor, resulting in the dropping of the debris elements [Fig. 2(a)]. The Houdini box was located above the sloped section in the center of the concrete beach [Figs. 1(a and c)]. For the wave–current condition, 30 trials were conducted. In each trial, 39 individual debris elements were released for a total of N = 39 × 30 = 1,170 individual debris elements. For the current-only condition, four trials were conducted, totaling N = 39 × 4 = 156 individual debris elements.
Fig. 2. (Color) Experimental setup: (a) Houdini box releasing individual debris elements in sloped section of beach; (b) steel frame with four video cameras; (c) test section with 10 × 10 building array, highlighting location of load cells; and (d) snapshot from Camera 2 showing individual debris elements being transported through building array by flow.


Ultrasonic wave gauges (USWGs) and acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs) were mounted on a sliding bridge above the test section to measure water levels and velocities, respectively. The Houdini box was also installed on this sliding bridge; therefore, it was not possible to use these instruments during the debris tests. However, additional trials using the same wave–current and current-only conditions were conducted without debris to measure hydrodynamics (water levels and velocities). Figure 1(d) shows the detail of USWG and ADV placement. The ADVs measured the velocity 2 cm above the bottom test section, and the USWGs and ADVs were colocated in the same vertical line. All hydrodynamic quantities were recorded at 100 Hz. Four downward-looking video cameras were mounted above the flat test section [Figs. 1(c) and 2(b)]. The combined visual field allowed coverage of the entire test section, and it was possible to track all individual debris elements visually.
Debris loading was recorded on six aluminum structures (with identical dimensions to uninstrumented structures) mounted on load cells. The approximate mass of each instrumented structure was m = 20.77 kg. Two different types of load cell were used: one multiaxis load cell in Row 1 (i.e., the row directly exposed to the wave–current action) and five (5) inline load cells in the first five rows of the building array [Figs. 1(d) and 2(c and d)]. Hereafter, we refer to the building instrumented with the multiaxis load cell as M-LC-1, where the number 1 stands for Row 1; and to the buildings instrumented with an inline load cell as I-LC-n, where n is the row number, which ranges from 1 to 5. The load cell installed on M-LC-1 measured the structural loading response of the wave and debris action in the three spatial directions for both forces and moments, whereas the load cells installed on I-LC-n were constrained to move only in the cross-shore direction; therefore, they recorded the structural response in terms of force only in this direction. The structural response of the load cells was recorded at 1,000 Hz. The remainder of buildings in the 10 × 10 structural array were not instrumented.


The collision probability and the collision magnitude were assessed using both the video and the load cell recordings. We define (1) a debris event in Row n as an individual debris element passing through Row n within the building array, regardless of whether this debris element collides with any structure in Row n; and (2) a collision event in Row n as an individual debris element colliding with a structure located in this row at least once. If the same debris element impacts a structure more than once it is still treated as one collision event, but a subsequent impact on any different structure would be considered a new collision event.

Debris Collision Probability

The combined field of view of the four video cameras gave visual evidence of debris events and collision events for each of the 100 structures, whether the structure was instrumented or not. This was done manually by watching all the experimental video recordings and by registering the individual collisions. An example of a collision event is given in Fig. 3. In addition, and only for instrumented structures, the number of times a debris element collided with an instrumented structure during a collision event was obtained by analyzing the structural response time series, from which repeated collisions from the same piece of debris were identified. Confirmation that the observed multiple collisions were caused by the same piece of debris came from manual observation of the video. Figure 4 shows an example of a collision event for M-LC-1, with four impacts by the same piece of debris.
Fig. 3. (Color) Snapshots, alphabetically ordered, taken from Camera 2 every 0.16 (s), showing a collision event in Row 1 (debris element inside the dark circle in each snapshot).
Fig. 4. Structural loading response Fr,x during a collision event recorded at M-LC-1. This collision event consisted of four impacts from the same debris element.

Debris Structural Impulse and Load

The load cells do not provide a direct record of the debris load–time history on the structure; they instead provide the structural response to this loading in the form of cross-shore base shear (I-LC-n), or cross-shore and long-shore base shear (M-LC-1). The difference between these measured quantities and the raw debris load arises because the structure has a finite mass, stiffness, and damping; thus, impulsive debris loads on the front of the structure are modified by the structure to generate the measured response. The analysis presented here will use the measured loading records at the base of the structure to estimate the applied debris impulse on the front face. We note that the overturning moment is not considered here because its response was very resonant even without debris, preventing the separation into flow and debris loading components. The torsional moment is also not included in this work because its response was more complex and not possible to analyze using the SDOF model described next.

Applied Debris Load and Structural Response in Cross-Shore Direction

The structural loading response to a debris load in the cross-shore direction on the instrumented structures is estimated using a model based on the one proposed by Haehnel and Daly (2004), which is a standard SDOF system:
where m = structural mass; c is the damping coefficient; k = effective stiffness of the structural system; t = time; x = displacement in the x-direction; and Fx(t) = applied debris force in the x-direction. The response of the SDOF system defined in Eq. (7) can be obtained using Duhamel’s integral:
where ωn = 2π/Tn = fundamental angular frequency; ξ = c/(2n) = damping ratio; and ωd=ωn1ξ2= damped angular frequency. Using the relation ωn2=k/m, the structural loading response in the x-direction, Fr,x(t) = kx(t), is evaluated as
To analyze the applied debris loading, an assumption regarding the applied force type must be considered, as load cells measure the structural response Fr,x and not the directly applied debris force Fx. Categories of applied force are typically given as quasi-static, dynamic, or impulsive (Chen et al. 2019). This classification depends on the ratio between the loading duration to the fundamental period of the structure (td/Tn). Combining Eq. (4) and Tn=2πm/k, this ratio can be estimated for the tests considered here as td/Tn=π1md/m=0.042; thus, all results are categorized as impulsive loading, defined as td/Tn < 0.25 (Chen et al. 2019).
The impulsive loading exerted by the debris can be accurately approximated by an instantaneously applied load using a Dirac delta function as Fx(t) = I0,xδ(t), with I0,x = impulse applied by the debris in the x-direction. This is defined as I0,xtatbFd,x(t)dt, where Fd,x(t) = actual debris loading on the front of the structure; ta = beginning time of a collision; and tb = ending time of a collision. The difference between Fx(t) and Fd,x(t) is that the former is a mathematically convenient applied debris force used in the SDOF and the latter, Fd,x(t), is the true applied debris force. However, when integrated over time, Fx(t) and Fd,x(t) yield the same impulse, I0,x. This impulse will be the applied loading to be estimated in all of our analyses and, as will be shown, is a more fundamental quantity than the structural response. Considering this, Eq. (9) becomes
To estimate I0,x, the area below the first peak was obtained from the structural response Fr,x(t) recorded by the load cells. This was evaluated using the integral of Fr,x(t) evaluated between the impact time (t1 = 0) and the time when the structural response reached zero again (t2 = π/ωd). This integral is defined as the effective impulse of the structural response Ir,x (Fig. 5), which is evaluated as
Fig. 5. (a) Mathematical representation of impulsive load exerted by debris; and (b) structural response illustrating effective impulse Ir,x and maximum loading response Fr,x,max.
Solving Eq. (11) for I0,x yields
where C(ξ) is a factor that can be analytically expressed as
The factor C(ξ) is a strictly increasing function that only depends on the damping ratio ξ, defined for 0 ≤ ξ < 1, and bounded between C(ξ = 0) = 0.5 and C(ξ → 1) → 1.
Eq. (13) is used in this paper to estimate the impulse applied by the debris (I0,x), using the effective impulse of the structural response recorded by the load cells (Ir,x). It assumes an initially unloaded structure (Fig. 5); however, during the experimental tests, the debris did not impact a completely unloaded structure. The debris impacted the structures in an already loaded state, dominated by the flow field consisting of a steady current and, if applicable, random waves. Thus, the experimental Ir,x associated with the debris impact was obtained by following these steps. Step 1: the impact time (t1) was selected as the point when a sudden spike rose in the time series. Step 2: confirmation that this rise in the time series corresponded to a debris collision was obtained from the video camera recordings. Step 3: a horizontal line passing through Fr,x(t) = Fr,x(t = t1) was generated. Step 4: the intersection between this horizontal line and the structural response after the first peak was calculated using a linear interpolation scheme between the two adjacent Fr,x data points. Step 5: the area below the first peak and above the horizontal line Fr,x(t) = Fr,x(t = t1) was calculated. This area was assigned the value of Ir,x. The theoretical and experimental Ir,x are denoted in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively, as a gray shaded region.
Fig. 6. (Color) Examples of wave and debris loading responses, with examples of Ir,x and Fr,x,max,exp estimates for low and high damping ratios, and Ir,y and Fr,y,max,exp for a high damping ratio.
In this paper, we use the applied impulse I0,x instead of the maximum applied loading Fx,max because the applied impulse is a more stable and fundamental quantity than the applied maximum force (Bullock et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2019), particularly in cases like those here, where the impulsive loading has a much shorter duration than the fundamental period of the structure. An advantage of working with the impulses of Eq. (13) is that the relation between I0,x and Ir,x only depends on one structural property, the damping ratio ξ.
The damping ratio was obtained from the experimental structural response of each debris impact on the instrumented structures. The damping ratio ξ of each of I-LC-n was estimated using the half-power bandwidth method (Wu 2015). This method was applied to the structural response for each of the debris collisions for I-LC-n between the impact time and the time when the oscillating response completely decayed. The mean of the individual damping ratio estimates from each collision event for I-LC-n is considered as the representative value for ξ. The structural response recorded on M-LC-1 was highly damped; therefore, the damping ratio of M-LC-1 could not be estimated using the half-power bandwidth method because this method is only valid when ξ < 0.383 (Wu 2015). The M-LC-1 damping ratio was estimated by fitting the M-LC-1 structural response to a theoretical SDOF structural response to a Fx(t) = I0,xδ(t) load. To fit the theoretical loading response, the M-LC-1 structural response was zeroed as follows. A low-pass window-based far-infrared (FIR) filter with a cutoff frequency of 20 Hz was applied to the structural response. This filtered response was subtracted from the original response to obtain the zeroed signal (Fig. 7). The theoretical structural response was generated by varying (1) the damping ratio ξ; (2) the fundamental period Tn; (3) the impulse applied by the debris I0,x; (4) and a time offset between the time when the measured response began and the time when the theoretical structural response started. Figure 7 shows an example of a best fit using this procedure for a M-LC-1 collision event. This procedure was applied to all the M-LC-1 collision events from which a representative value of ξ was obtained, allowing for calculation of the mean of the individual values of the damping ratio of each collision event. The ξ estimates for M-LC-1 and I-LC-n, along with their respective standard deviations, are given in Table 1.
Fig. 7. Example of estimating individual ξi=30 for the collision NCE,i = 30 by minimizing the root mean square error between the best theoretical response and the zeroed structural response recorded for M-LC-1.
Table 1. Structural properties of each instrumented structure. ξ = damping ratio; σξ = standard deviation of estimated damping ratio; Tn = estimated fundamental period; σTn = standard deviation of estimated fundamental period; k=ωn2m = estimated effective stiffness; NCE = number of collision events; C(ξ) = factor defined in Eq. (14); and λ(ξ) = factor defined in Eq. (24)
Load cellMeasurementξσξTn (s) σTn (s)k (MN/m)NCEC (ξ)λ (ξ)

Applied Load and Structural Response in Along-Shore Direction

The debris impulse in the y-direction (along-shore) applied to M-LC-1 (I0,y) was estimated identically to the cross-shore procedure:
where Ir,y is the effective impulse of the structural response in the y-direction, and is obtained using the same method as for Ir,x.

Dimensionless Impulse

The impulses applied by the debris in the cross-shore direction (I0,x) and along-shore direction (I0,y) are made dimensionless using the hydrodynamics and debris properties in the following manner:
The normalizing impulse pn is defined by the debris mass and the local hydrodynamic conditions in Row n using the following relationship:
where un is the cross-shore component of the steady current; (Hs,ngdn/2dn)= maximum orbital velocity from the local significant wave height, Hs,n, calculated using linear theory and shallow water conditions; dn = local SWD; and g = gravitational acceleration. The linear maximum orbital velocity is taken as the representative value for the wave component in the wave–current condition, but this does not imply that the wave is linear; most of the waves broke close to the structures, beginning around the end of the 1:20 slope. All hydrodynamic variables are evaluated at the center of the unobstructed cross-shore channel, 0.1 m seaward of the corresponding row. For instance, for an impact on I-LC-2, located at the second row, pn is evaluated at point number 3 according to Fig. 1(d). Values associated with the hydrodynamic conditions in the test section are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Debris and hydrodynamic conditions in test section
RowLocation [Fig. 1(d)]md (kg)un (m/s) (Hs,n/2dn)gdn (m/s)pn,wave-current (N · s)pn,current-only (N · s)


Debris Impact Probability

Collisions are more frequent in the first row and decrease in rows further inland for both the wave–current and the current-only conditions [Figs. 8(a and b)]. A collision ratio (CR) is defined as
where Nrow n is the sum of the collision events in all structures that occurred in Row n and N is the sum of the debris events in all structures that occurred in Row n. Values of CR(n) are given in Fig. 8(c), indicating that the collision probability strongly decreases with row number.
Fig. 8. (Color) (a) Collision map showing total number of collision events in each building for wave–current condition (N = 1,170); (b) collision map showing the total number of collision events in each building for current-only condition (N = 156); and (c) CR as a function of row number.
The number of times the same individual debris element collided with an instrumented building during a collision event was denoted q. For the wave–current condition, the fraction of debris events with q or more collisions is presented in Fig. 9. Two features are immediately evident. First, it is not at all uncommon for a debris element to have more than one collision with the same structure: up to seven individual collisions from one piece of debris on a single structure were noted in the instrument record. A number of collisions could occur when a debris element was trapped for a short time in front of a structure, or when different edges of the debris element impacted sequentially. An example of this situation is presented in Fig. 4, with q = 4. The second observation is that the fraction of debris events with q or more collisions strongly decreases with the row number, indicating that the more shelter is given, the fewer times the same piece of debris collides with the structure. In Row 5, which contained the most sheltered structure with a load cell, very few multiple collisions were recorded.
Fig. 9. (Color) Distribution of number of collisions within debris event, wave–current condition.

Debris Impulse

For each collision event, the impulse applied by the debris in the cross-shore direction (I0,x¯) was estimated in all instrumented structures and the impulse applied by the debris in the along-shore direction (|I0,y¯|) was estimated in M-LC-1 using Eqs. (16) and (17), respectively. It must be noted that absolute values were considered in the along-shore direction because there could be either positive or negative values depending on the angle of impact. For debris events with q > 1, the collision with the largest value of I0,x¯ or |I0,y¯| in a particular event was considered representative; for the debris events with no collision (q = 0), a value of I0,x¯=0 or |I0,y¯|=0 was recorded. For each instrumented structure and for each direction, the dimensionless impulses were then sorted in ascending order. This allowed the calculation of an empirical exceedance probability Pi, estimated as
where Ri = rank number of the impulse I0,xi¯ or I0,yi¯; and NDE = number of debris events in the area of the instrumented structure. The empirical exceedance probabilities of I0,x¯ and |I0,y¯| are presented in Figs. 10(a and c). The same procedure was applied to the current-only condition; however, here M-LC-1 was the only instrument with enough data points to generate meaningful probabilities (orange symbols, Fig. 10). Results show how, for a given Pi, the magnitude of the debris impulse decreases with the number of sheltering rows. Moreover, for a given Pi, the impulses in the along-shore direction are lower than the impulses in the cross-shore direction, but higher than might be expected with an average flow in the cross-shore direction. To assess the relevance of repeated impacts by the same debris element, the second largest impulse applied by the debris was evaluated for both the cross-shore (I0,x(2nd)¯) and the along-shore (|I0,y(2nd)¯|) directions in all debris events. If the collision event has only one collision (q = 1), then I0,x(2nd)¯=0 and |I0,y(2nd)¯|=0. These empirical exceedance probabilities are presented in Figs. 10(b and d), which show that the impulse from the second largest collision from the same debris element can still exert an important structural load, especially for the first row.
Fig. 10. (Color) Empirical exceedance probability within a debris event for (a) largest applied impulse in x-direction I0,x¯; (b) second largest applied impulse in x-direction I0,x(2nd)¯; (c) largest applied impulse in y-direction |I0,y¯|; and (d) second largest applied impulse in y-direction |I0,y(2nd)¯|. The hydrodynamic condition corresponds to the wave–current condition, unless labeled otherwise.
The exceedance probabilities of I0,x¯, I0,x(2nd)¯, |I0,y¯|, and |I0,y(2nd)¯| were also obtained including only collision events, i.e., neglecting cases where q = 0, as
where NCE = number of collision events in the instrumented structure. These exceedance probabilities, under the assumption that a collision event will occur, also show that there is a reduction in the probabilistic magnitude of debris impacts with increasing row number for a given Pi (Fig. 11).
Fig. 11. (Color) Empirical exceedance probability within a collision event for (a) largest applied impulse in x-direction I0,x¯; (b) second largest applied impulse in x-direction I0,x(2nd)¯; (c) largest applied impulse in y-direction |I0,y¯|; and (d) second largest applied impulse in y-direction |I0,y(2nd)¯|. The hydrodynamic condition corresponds to the wave–current condition, unless labeled otherwise.
Considering only the first and exposed row, where the loads are largest, a plausible upper limit for the cross-shore dimensionless impulse might be I0,x,max¯1.0 for both wave–current and current-only conditions; and for the sheltered condition (Rows 2 to 5) a plausible upper limit for the cross-shore dimensionless impulse might be I0,x,max¯0.8 for the wave–current condition [Fig. 11(a)]. Regarding the dimensionless along-shore impulses, a dimensionless upper limit of I0,y,max¯0.6 might be applicable [Fig. 11(c)].

Maximum Structural Load

Ultimately, an estimate for the debris collision design load is needed for any structural system or component that is being considered. One of the most important aspects of this work is the emphasis that the load experienced by a particular structural system is a function not only of the debris impulse, but also of the structural properties. Under the assumption of the impulsive loading functions Fx(t) = I0,xδ(t) and Fy(t) = I0,yδ(t), the maximum loading perceived by the structural system corresponds to the maximum structural loading response Fr,x,max and Fr,y,max, respectively. This maximum loading response is obtained analytically as
Together, these predict the maximum structural load as a function of the impulse applied by the debris, the structural fundamental period Tn, and the damping ratio ξ. The fundamental period was estimated as Tn=2(t2t1)1ξ2, where (t2t1) was directly obtained from the structural response measurements (Table 1). The predictability of Eqs. (22) and (23) is assessed by comparing the predicted maximum loading response Fr,x,max and Fr,y,max with the experimental maximum loading response Fr,x,max,exp and Fr,y,max,exp, respectively, for each collision event, where Fr,x,max and Fr,y,max are computed using estimated values of I0,x [Eq. (13)], I0,y [Eq. (15)], Tn, and λ(ξ) (Table 1), whereas Fr,x,max,exp and Fr,y,max,exp are obtained from the load cell recordings by subtracting the experimental debris loading response at the time of the debris impact from the maximum experimental debris loading response (Fig. 6). The comparisons between Fr,x,max and Fr,x,max,exp and Fr,y,max and Fr,y,max,exp are presented in Fig. 12, along with the best-fit lines passing through the coordinate system origin.
Fig. 12. Comparison between maximum predicted structural force obtained from Eqs. (22) and (23) and experimental maximum structural force, as measured according to Fig. 6: (a) M-LC-1 current-only condition; (b) M-LC-1 current-only condition; (c) M-LC-1 wave–current condition; (d) M-LC-1 wave–current condition; (e) I-LC-1 wave–current condition; (f) I-LC-2 wave–current condition; (g) I-LC-3 wave–current condition; (h) I-LC-4 wave–current condition; and (i) I-LC-5 wave–current condition. Open circle = comparison between predicted and experimental maximum loading response; solid line = best-fit line intercepting coordinate system origin; and dashed line = 1:1 line.


Debris Collision Probability

The distribution of the collision events in the building array [Figs. 8(a and b)] shows that the buildings in the central portion of the first row are most likely to be impacted by the debris. Similar debris spreading distributions have been identified both in the laboratory (Nistor et al. 2017b; Park et al. 2021; Goseberg et al. 2016; Stolle et al. 2020b) and in the field (Naito et al. 2014), but these distributions are defined for debris spreading and not necessarily for collisions. However, debris dispersion is not a major focus of this paper: a complete analysis for this wave–current flow will be given by Cinar et al. (G. E. Cinar, A. Keen, and P. Lynett, “Motion of a debris line-source under currents and waves: An experimental study,” submitted, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., ASCE, Reston, Virginia).
The decrease in both CR [Fig. 8(c)] and q (Fig. 9) with increasing row number means that not only does the probability of a collision event decrease with sheltering, but the probability of repeated collisions decreases as well. It was found that CR(n) becomes very low as more rows provide shelter: the wave–current condition CR(n) decreases from CR(n = 1) = 0.42 to CR(n = 10) = 0.015, which means that a collision in the first row is CR(n = 1)/CR(n = 10) = 28 times more likely than one in the tenth row. This can be explained by the debris being channeled through the “streets” in between buildings. This observation has also been identified in a tsunami-like flow through a smaller building array (Goseberg et al. 2016). In the first three rows, the CR for the wave–current condition is higher than for the current-only condition, which can be explained by the enhanced effect of the wave orbital velocities transporting the debris onto the front face of the structures. However, once the debris passed the third row, there was not a significant difference in CR with respect to the hydrodynamic conditions, suggesting that once a debris element passes the first rows of buildings, the collision probability does not depend on the flow type (wave–current or current-only).
Cases with a number of collisions in the same debris event (q > 1) could be explained by the debris trajectory. In some cases, after the debris first impacts the structure [e.g., Fig. 3(d)], the debris stays on the front face for some time, experiencing repeated collisions [e.g., Figs. 3(e–h)] until it is carried inland by the flow [e.g., Fig. 3(i)]. Similar results were found for tsunami flow over an initially dry test section (Derschum et al. 2018), where the repeated collisions were explained by the debris being trapped in the surface roller of the tsunami bore. Although our results were obtained for only two hydrodynamic conditions, one debris material and dimension, and one building distribution, the potential impact of generalizing these results to more conditions could result in the quantification of collision damage risk and the improvement of fragility curves, which could significantly increase the resilience of coastal communities to inundation events.

Debris Impulse in Unobstructed Row 1

The empirical exceedance probability of I0,x¯ for unobstructed Row 1 [Figs. 10(a) and 11(a)] shows that it seems to be an upper limit for the maximum value for I0,x¯ that does not exceed 1.0 for unobstructed Row 1. This means that I0,x = 1.0 · pn might be a reasonably conservative upper limit for the dimensional impulse applied by a debris element in the average flow direction. The empirical exceedance probability of |I0,y¯| for unobstructed Row 1 [Figs. 10(c) and 11(c)], shows that although the mean flow direction was predominantly in the cross-shore direction, the along-shore flow variations cannot be neglected. It seems that there is an upper value for |I0,y¯| that does not exceed 0.6, however this upper limit is not as clear as the upper limit for I0,x¯.
Collision impulse statistics from the current-only condition could only be analyzed for structure M-LC-1, where 11 collision events were registered [Fig. 8(b)] from the four current-only trials. The empirical exceedance probability regarding the current-only condition for both I0,x¯ and |I0,y¯| shows a similar trend with respect to the wave–current condition.
The empirical exceedance probabilities of I0,x(2nd)¯ and I0,y(2nd)¯ for the unobstructed Row 1, with wave–current forcing, show upper limits of about 0.6 and 0.25, respectively [Figs. 10(b–d) and 11(b–d)]. This means that secondary collisions, even though they are not as high as the largest collision, should not be neglected. The structural damage from repeated impacts can be substantial, as the structural elements can deteriorate because of the number of applied impacts (Derschum et al. 2018). For the current-only condition, the second largest impulse was found to be much weaker than the wave–current condition. This could be explained by the fact that a flow without waves somewhat decreases the probability of debris to significantly impact a building after the first impact has taken place. However, a general statement about the second largest impulse for the current-only condition cannot be made because we registered only 11 current-only collision events, of which only 5 were collisions with q ≥ 2.

Collision Magnitude and Its Distribution Within the Building Array

The empirical exceedance probability functions of I0,x¯ and I0,x(2nd)¯ show that the impulse applied by debris decreases as sheltering increases [Figs. 10(a and b) and 11(a and b)]. Similar results have been found for maximum force reduction (Simamora et al. 2007; Nakamura et al. 2010; Ardianti et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2018; Sogut et al. 2019; Moon et al. 2019; Moris et al. 2021), maximum pressure reduction (Tomiczek et al. 2016), and observed damage reduction (Tomiczek et al. 2017; Hatzikyriakou et al. 2016; Dall’Osso et al. 2010, 2016; Izquierdo et al. 2018; Reese et al. 2011) in building arrays. Our results present, for the first time, to our knowledge, the decay of the applied debris loading in a building array for a coastal inundation event, showing that there is a compounded sheltering effect in the building array, owing to (1) a lower CR; (2) a lower number of multiple collisions q; and (3) lower I0,x¯ and I0,x(2nd)¯ as the row number increases. The most significant difference is found between Row 1 (unobstructed) and Rows 2 to 5 (sheltered), suggesting that once the debris passes the first row, the collision physics is similar for Rows 2 to 5. It was noted from the video recordings that, for some debris collisions in Row 1, the debris stopped after the impact, transferring most of its momentum to the instrumented structures, whereas most of the debris in the inner rows, Rows 2 to 5, did not come to a stop after the collisions, which means that only a fraction of the momentum was transferred.
The experimental flow had two hydrodynamic components: the steady current and the waves. For the steady current, there is a nonnegligible increase in the steady current between Row 1 and Row 2. This is due to the reduction in the cross-sectional area, where the flow enters the building array area. The steady velocity between Rows 1 and 2 increases from 0.26 to 0.41 m/s, giving an important increase of 58%. Regarding the waves, the maximum significant linear orbital velocity ( Hs,ngdn/2dn) gradually decreases with the row number, which indirectly shows how the wave energy is being dissipated, owing to the breaking of the waves. Therefore, these two hydrodynamic components somewhat offset each other (see pn, Table 2). Although pn considers both a current and a wave component, the debris velocity might be lower than the sum of both components, owing to the inertia of the debris. It is also more likely that the debris could move with the steady current, but not necessarily with the orbital velocity, which would correspond to an upper value for the wave component velocity of the debris. Similar findings were obtained in experiments of tsunami-borne downscaled shipping container collisions (Derschum et al. 2018), where the measured debris velocity was lower than the flow velocity in the front of a tsunami-like bore. This issue suggests that a probabilistic approach to estimating I0,x¯ is more appropriate, given the uncertainty of the actual debris velocity at the impact time, which is addressed by the empirical exceedance probability curves presented in Figs. 10 and 11.

Maximum Loading Response

The maximum loading responses Fr,x,max and Fr,y,max were predicted using Eqs. (22) and (23) and compared with the respective experimental maximum loading response (Fig. 12). Extremely high correlations are seen between the predicted and the experimental maximum loading response, with correlation coefficients r2 = 0.92 − 0.98. These demonstrate the impulsive nature of the debris loading, where the debris impulse translates directly to loads on the structural system. However, the best-fit lines are not 1:1, with slopes over the range [1.11, 1.34]; thus the maximum measured load is somewhat larger than that predicted by Eqs. (22) and (23). Although quantitative details of the difference will need to wait for a future paper, the differences are almost certainly related to the negligence of higher-order structural modes in our analysis. When obtaining the fundamental structural frequency and damping ratios, clear secondary modes with higher frequencies were also observed. These modes also appear to have been excited by debris impacts: as can be seen in Eqs. (22) and (23), a secondary mode with a shorter period (higher frequency) will increase the maximum load experienced by the structure, as seen in Fig. 12. A better representation for impacts with more than one mode is the two degree of freedom system proposed by Stolle et al. (2019); however, its implementation is beyond the scope of this paper, but Stolle et al. stress that it should be considered in future research. However, the excitation of higher modes does not appear to be a problem with a simple analytic solution, for which a safety-factor approach may be a relatively straightforward workaround, as will be discussed later.

ASCE7-16 Impulsive Flood Debris Impact Force

ASCE (2017, Section C.5.4.5) estimates the impulsive flood debris impact force using Eq. (6). It uses as impulse I0 = umaxmd, which only explicitly considers steady currents. By replacing I0 in Eq. (6) with the impulse pn defined in Eq. (18), the ASCE7-16 impulsive flood debris impact force can be extended to wave–current conditions:
which is evaluated using coefficients CI = CD = CB = 1.0, and setting the orientation coefficient as CO = 0.8, following ASCE7-16 recommendations. These loads are compared with the 2% and 10% experimental exceedance probability loads for a given collision event, denoted EP2CE and EP10CE, respectively (Table 3).
Table 3. Comparison between 2% and 10% empirical exceedance loads, ASCE7-16 impulsive debris flood impact force, and proposed impulsive impact force
Hydrodynamic conditionImpact force descriptionFx (N)Fy (N)Fx (N)Fx (N)Fx (N)Fx (N)Fx (N)
 ASCE7-16 impulsive debris flood impact force, Eq. (25)44.7N/A**25.638.738.236.140.8
 Proposed impulsive impact force, Eqs. (26) and (27)
 ASCE7-16 impulsive debris flood impact force, Eq. (25)119.7N/A**68.776.379.273.465.3
 Proposed impulsive impact force, Eqs. (26) and (27)95.257.1125.395.7101.393.082.0
*Not enough sample points.
**No guidelines for Fy in ASCE7-16.
Results show that the ASCE load overestimates both the EP2CE and EP10CE loads on M-LC-1, mainly because ASCE7-16 does not account for the structural damping ratio in its formulation. The response of highly damped structural elements will result in a reduction of the load according to the factor λ(ξ) [Eq. (24)]. The ASCE load slightly underestimates the I-LC-1 EP10CE load and slightly overestimates the EP10CE loads in the sheltered Rows 2 to 5. This shows the lack of consideration of a sheltered condition in the ASCE formulation.
An alternative and simple approach to address these issues is the proposed maximum impulsive debris impact load (Fx,max,proposed) given by
where CL is a load correction coefficient that accounts for the possible excitation of different modes and departure from the SDOF model. A value of CL = 1.3 is recommended, given that the slopes of the best-fit lines presented in Fig. 12 are in the range [1.13, 1.34]. Figures 11(a and b) show a plausible upper limit for the cross-shore dimensionless impulse of I0,x,max¯1.0 for the unobstructed Row 1, and I0,x,max¯0.8 for the sheltered Rows 2 to 5; thus, it is recommended to use in Eq. (26) a value of I0,x,max¯=1.0 for exposed structures, and a value of I0,x,max¯=0.8 for sheltered structures. Here, a sheltered structure is defined as having at least one structure in front of it that covers its entire along-shore width for a given flow direction.
For the along-shore load, an expression similar to Eq. (26) is proposed:
where, in this case, a plausible upper limit for the along-shore dimensionless impulse of I0,y,max¯0.6 is suggested; thus, it is recommended to use a value of I0,y,max¯=0.6 in Eq. (27). Owing to the lack of along-shore load data in the sheltered rows, it is not possible to suggest any potential inland reduction.
Both Eqs. (26) and (27) are evaluated with respect to the experimental hydrodynamic conditions for both the current-only and the wave–current conditions (Table 3). The loads from the proposed equations have the advantage of (1) considering the damping ratio; (2) accounting for sheltering through Eq. (26); and (3) providing conservative predictions with respect to the observed EP2CE and EP10CE loads.

Loading Duration Effects on the Maximum Loading Response

The assumption that the impulsive debris loading can be represented by Fx(t) = I0,xδ(t) is only valid when the impact duration is very short with respect to the fundamental period of the structure. If the ratio of the impact duration to the fundamental period of the structure (Δt/Tn) is significant, the impulsive debris loading must be represented with a finite impact duration. In this section, we analyze how the maximum loading response Fr,x,max varies depending on the ratio Δt/Tn. A half-sine pulse has been found to be representative for the applied debris impact load (Piran Aghl et al. 2014); therefore, a half-sine pulse of magnitude I0,x and a duration of Δt, measured between the start of the pulse and when the pulse reaches its maximum value, is considered for the analysis. Assuming a SDOF system with a damping ratio ξ and a fundamental period Tn, the loading response Fr,x(t) is obtained by solving Duhamel’s integral [Eq. (8)] with a finite applied force, defined as
By substituting Eq. (28) into Eq. (8), the maximum structural loading response Fr,x,max can be estimated as
where γt/Tn, ξ) is a coefficient that only depends on the ratio Δt/Tn and the damping ratio ξ, the values of which are presented in Fig. 13. The derivation of Eq. (29) can be found in the Appendix.
Fig. 13. (Color) Values of γt/Tn, ξ). Constant ξ lines are presented with an increment of 0.02, from ξ = 0 to ξ = 0.16. Open square = γt/Tn, ξ) for steel moment-resisting frames of different heights; open circle = γt/Tn, ξ) for reinforced concrete (RC) moment-resisting frames of different story heights (Ns).
The function γt/Tn, ξ) takes values between 0 and 1. The longer the I0,x pulse with respect to the fundamental period and the larger the damping, the smaller the maximum response (Fig. 13). The particular case of a fully impulsive impact (γt/Tn → 0, ξ) → λ(ξ)) corresponds to the case represented by Eq. (22), which was used in this study to estimate the fully impulsive maximum responses Fr,x,max and Fr,y,max presented in Fig. 12. Another particular case corresponds to the case when damping is neglected (ξ = 0) but an impact duration greater than 0 is considered (γt/Tn, ξ = 0)). This case has been presented by Chen et al. (2019), who proposed a modified dynamic response factor, similar to the factor γt/Tn, ξ = 0), for an applied triangular loading history. If the ratio of impact duration to the fundamental period of the structure, (Δt/Tn), is significant, impulsive debris loading must be represented with a finite impact duration. In the case where an impulsive impact is considered with a small (Δt/Tn) without any damping, γ takes the upper limit of γ = 1, which yields the maximum loading response of Fr,x,max = 2πI0,x/Tn.

Application to Moment-Resisting Frames

This section details the effects of finite loading duration and damping applied to generic steel and reinforced concrete (RC) moment-resisting frames. The fundamental period of moment-resisting frames is estimated as Tn=0.0724hn0.8 and Tn=0.0466hn0.9 for steel and RC, respectively, with hn as the structural height (ASCE 2017, Section The damping ratios in these two cases are estimated as ξ = 0.013/Tn (steel) and ξ = 0.014/Tn (RC) (Satake et al. 2003). A story height of 3.6 m is assumed; thus, the structural height is expressed as hn = 3.6Ns, with Ns equal to the number of stories of the moment-resisting frame. ASCE (2017) recommends an impact duration of Δt = 0.03 s for full-scale flood debris impacts. This yields different γASCE,flood values (Table 4 and Fig. 13) for steel and RC frames of three different heights. The different γASCE,flood values represent the reductions in maximum loading with respect to the fully impulsive and undamped responses.
Table 4. Fundamental period (Tn), damping ratio (ξ), γASCE,flood, λ, and γASCE,flood/λ for moment-resisting steel and RC frames of different heights
Structure typeNshn (m)Tn (s)ξγASCE,floodλγASCE,flood/λ
Steel moment-resisting frame13.60.200.0650.830.910.92
RC moment-resisting frame13.60.150.0940.750.870.86
The most important result here is that all cases presented in Table 4 and Fig. 13 are within the impulsive region (Δt/Tn < 0.25). The loading duration effect is assessed by taking the ratio γASCE,flood/λ (Table 4): although this effect is somewhat relevant for single-story structures (Ns = 1), it is negligible for two- and three-story frames (Ns ≥ 2). Consideration of the relative impact duration and structural damping will yield a more accurate maximum structural response; however, a more conservative alternative for structural design involves assuming a fully impulsive load with zero damping (γ = 1.0), which is particularly recommended when detailed information about the structural system or structural component is not available.

Considerations and Scope of the Results

The building array presented in this paper has unobstructed transverse and longitudinal streets, which allows the development of a clear cross-shore flow on which debris elements are transported. Different results would have been obtained if the building array were composed of staggered rows. This would result in a variation of the flow, resulting in different debris loads. Also, only one building array geometry was used in the tests, with a building array blockage ratio of 0.4. Different ratios will give different collision probabilities and different flow focusing effects. Thus, the probabilities and loads presented in this paper should only be applied to an obstruction ratio similar to the one used in this document.
Only one type of debris was tested, which consisted of a unique debris mass, density, material, and dimensions; and only one wave–current condition and one current-only condition over a constant SWD were considered. Although this paper presents results in terms of dimensionless quantities, different debris and flow characteristics should be tested in the future to ensure the applicability of our results to a wider range of conditions.


This paper presents an evaluation of the influence of a building array on both the probability and the magnitude of debris impacts in wave–current flows using laboratory tests. The main conclusions of this paper are presented as follows.
Impulse is the fundamental quantity that characterizes debris impacts. Both waves and currents will contribute to debris impulsive loading, and these loads are stochastic by nature.
Debris impacts will generate impulsive loads in the primary direction of flow, but will also generate smaller yet still significant loads perpendicular to the main flow direction.
When a mean current in the cross-shore direction is present, the probability of a debris collision (the CR) in the building array strongly decreases with sheltering, with collision probabilities in the last rows of structures being remarkably low.
The probability of a debris collision in the first three rows is larger for the wave–current condition than for the current-only condition, but for a row number greater than three there is no significant collision probability difference between the wave–current and current-only conditions.
The number of collisions to a single structure from the same debris element decreases with the row number. This is explained by the fact that once the debris elements have entered the building array, they tend to follow the channeled cross-shore flow developed by the presence of the array.
The dimensionless debris-applied impulse in the cross-shore direction (I0,x¯) decreases as sheltering increases.
The building array provides a compounded debris impact sheltering effect: (1) a reduction in CR; (2) a decrease in the number of collisions per collision event; and (3) a reduction in the debris-applied impulse magnitude.
The maximum impulsive loading responses Fr,x,max and Fr,y,max may be estimated based on the applied debris impulses I0,x and I0,y, the fundamental period Tn, and the damping ratio ξ. These estimates provide a good correlation with the maximum experimental loading responses Fr,x,max,exp and Fr,y,max,exp.
An alternative approach to estimate maximum loading response is proposed [Eqs. (26) and (27)], which, in contrast to ASCE7-16, considers structural damping and sheltering. This approach is conservative with respect to the observed loads and may be suitable for design.
For a given applied impulse, I0,x, the maximum structural response decreases with increasing ξ and Δt/Tn. However, typical structural systems appear to fall into the impulsive range, (Δt/Tn < 0.25); this may simplify design loading.

Appendix. Maximum Loading Response for an Impact Duration Greater than Zero (Δt > 0)

Let the applied loading be a half-sine pulse, with a duration Δt from when the pulse starts until the pulse is at a maximum. The following dimensionless quantities are defined (* denotes dimensionless):
which allows us to express the dimensional finite applied debris force [Eq. (28)] in terms of the dimensionless finite applied debris loading Fx(t), as
Substituting the dimensionless quantities of Eqs. (30)–(33) into Duhamel’s integral [Eq. (9)], the structural loading response can be written as
Thus, the structural loading response can be expressed as
The structural response is zero at the impact time Fr,x(t = 0) = 0 and, since it has a decaying oscillatory response, the response will decay to 0 after some time; therefore, there must exist a time, tFr,x=Fr,x,max, that gives a maximum value of Fr,x,max. We define, for given values of Δt/Tn and ξ, the maximum value of the structural response as
where γ is the maximum value of Γ for a given Δt/Tn and ξ:

Data Availability Statement

All data used during the study are publicly accessible in the NSF DesignSafe Data Depot (Kennedy et al. 2021). Some postprocessing code that supports the findings of this study is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


Funding for this work was provided by the NSF (Grants Numbers 1661015, 1727662) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology Grant Number 70NANB17H278). Their support is gratefully acknowledged. Joannes Westerink was also supported in part by the Joseph and Nona Ahearn endowment at the University of Notre Dame. We thank Adam Keen, Pedro Lomonaco, Tim Maddux, Sean Duncan, Hyoungsu Park, Takuya Miyashita, Ezgi Çinar, Tori Tomiczek, and the staff of the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory for their help with the laboratory experiments; and we also thank Aikaterini Kyprioti for her comments that helped us to improve this paper.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
factor that relates Ir,x and I0,x;
blockage coefficient;
depth coefficient;
importance coefficient;
load correction coefficient;
ASCE7-16 orientation coefficient;
collision ratio in Row n;
damping coefficient;
steady current mean water depth at location of Row n;
2% experimental exceedance probability load, given a collision event;
10% experimental exceedance probability load, given a collision event;
contact–stiffness maximum debris impact load;
actual debris loading on front of structure;
ASCE7-16 impulsive flood debris impact force;
ASCE7-16 tsunami design instantaneous debris impact force;
ASCE7-16 nominal maximum instantaneous debris impact force;
structural loading response in x-direction;
predicted maximum loading response in x-direction;
experimental maximum loading response in x-direction;
predicted maximum loading response in y-direction;
experimental maximum loading response in y-direction;
ASCE7-16 impulsive tsunami debris impact force;
applied force in x-direction;
proposed maximum impulsive debris impact load in x-direction;
proposed maximum impulsive debris impact load in y-direction;
gravitational acceleration;
significant wave height at location of Row n;
structural height of moment-resisting frame;
structure located in Row n, instrumented with inline load cell;
effective impulse of structural response in x-direction;
effective impulse of structural response in y-direction;
ASCE7-16 tsunami importance factor;
debris impulse;
impulse applied by debris in x-direction;
largest dimensionless impulse applied by debris in x-direction;
upper limit for cross-shore dimensionless impulse;
second largest dimensionless impulse applied by debris in x-direction;
impulse applied by debris in y-direction;
largest dimensionless impulse applied by debris in y-direction;
upper limit for along-shore dimensionless impulse;
second largest dimensionless impulse applied by debris in y-direction;
effective stiffness;
debris stiffness;
structural stiffness;
structure located in Row 1, instrumented with multiaxis load cell;
mass of instrumented structures;
debris mass;
sum of debris events in all structures that occurred in Row n;
number of collision events in corresponding instrumented structure;
number of debris events in area of corresponding instrumented structure;
Nrow n
sum of collision events in all structures that occurred in Row n;
number of stories of moment-resisting frame;
empirical exceedance probability;
normalizing impulse determined by debris mass and hydrodynamic conditions;
approximate flow of experimental tests;
number of times same individual debris piece collided with instrumented building during collision event;
rank number;
dynamic response factor;
fundamental structural period;
peak period;
beginning time of collision;
end time of collision;
rectangular pulse duration;
debris impact time;
time after debris impact when structural response reaches zero again;
impact velocity;
maximum impact velocity;
cross-shore velocity component of steady current in Row n;
gamma factor;
duration of half-sine pulse from pulse start to when it reaches its maximum value;
Dirac delta function;
lambda factor;
damping ratio;
debris mass standard deviation;
damped angular frequency; and
fundamental angular frequency.


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Go to Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 149Issue 1January 2023


Received: Mar 30, 2022
Accepted: Aug 9, 2022
Published online: Oct 27, 2022
Published in print: Jan 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Mar 27, 2023



Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Facultad de Ciencias de Ingeniería y Construcción, Universidad Católica del Norte, Avenida Angamos 0610, Antofagasta, Chile (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]
Olivia Burke [email protected]
Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Email: [email protected]
Univ. of Notre Dame, 168 Fitzpatrick Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Email: [email protected]
Joannes J. Westerink [email protected]
Univ. of Notre Dame, 303a Cushing Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Email: [email protected]

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