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Technical Papers
Nov 3, 2022

Fractal Analysis of the Optimal Hydraulic Gradient Surface in Water Distribution Networks

Publication: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 149, Issue 1


This study aimed to examine the fractal properties of the optimal hydraulic gradient surface (OHGS), a geometrical body that describes the way in which the available energy should be spent within a water distribution network to ensure the calculation of a minimum capital cost design. For this purpose, multiple benchmark and Colombian systems were optimized and then analyzed to compute the fractal dimension of the OHGS and of the underlying structure of each network, which included the examination of randomly generated nonoptimal designs to recognize the differences in the fractal behavior of a least-cost and a more expensive solution. The results showed a dependency between the fractal properties of the OHGS and those of the topological structure, flow, and energy distribution inside the corresponding optimized network. Moreover, it was found that the degree of irregularity of the OHGS tended to be higher compared to a nonoptimal energy dissipation pattern. This suggests the applicability of the fractal analysis in optimization and operational improvement procedures.

Practical Applications

The design of a least-cost water distribution network, which refers to the process of calculating appropriate pipe diameters that ensure the fulfilment of water demands and reduce the required investment to a minimum, has been of interest due to its complexity and importance for the viability of water supply infrastructure projects. In this study, the inherent characteristics of a least-cost design were explored by involving fractal analysis, a novel technique that has been used to solve several problems in the management and operation of water supply systems. The results show that the hydraulic features of a minimum-cost water distribution network, analyzed by considering the behavior of pressure and water flow throughout the system, exhibit certain fractal properties that can be used to distinguish it from more expensive alternatives. These findings lead to the recommendation to use fractal analysis in prospective water distribution network planning and management applications, such as new design and operational improvement strategies. Furthermore, fractal analysis may be useful in identifying the proper hydraulic behavior of a water distribution network so as to maximize its reliability, water quality, and other desirable features that improve its performance and level of service.


The design of water distribution networks (WDNs) may be defined as the selection of a certain configuration of commercially available diameter sizes, in such a way that a group of hydraulic constraints are satisfied and a set of operational conditions are achieved (Bragalli et al. 2012; Qiu et al. 2021). In its traditional formulation, the optimized capital cost design of WDNs seeks to establish the least-cost set of diameter sizes that ensures the supply of nodal flow demands and a suitable water pressure without violating the law of conservation of mass and energy (Geem 2008; Ezzeldin et al. 2013; Saldarriaga 2016). However, additional criteria can be included, for example, water quality, reliability, and resilience (Prasad and Park 2004; Bi and Dandy 2014; Moosavian and Lence 2020; Sirsant and Reddy 2020). The complexity of the problem could be attributed to the nonlinear relationship between head loss and discharge (Saldarriaga 2016), the discrete nature of the available pipe diameters, and the extensive quantity of feasible solutions (Kadu et al. 2008). Consequently, the optimization of WDNs is a highly indeterminate problem (Reca and Martínez 2006; Saldarriaga et al. 2013).
Numerous stochastic and deterministic strategies have been applied for WDN minimum-cost optimization. The first approaches involved the use of traditional deterministic gradient-based techniques, such as linear and nonlinear programming (Alperovits and Shamir 1977; Lansey and Mays 1989), that are prone to local-optima entrapment and culminate in split-pipe sizes (Lin et al. 2007; Zheng et al. 2011; Qiu et al. 2021). Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) made it possible to overcome these disadvantages (Zheng et al. 2011). The use of metaheuristic alternatives offered a broader exploration of the search space by developing guided stochastic procedures with the use of learning functions based upon fitness measures (Saldarriaga et al. 2013; Marchi et al. 2014) yet tackling the problem from a mathematical perspective without considering the underlying fluid dynamics inside a WDN (Saldarriaga et al. 2010, 2015). One of the most prominent EAs are genetic algorithms (GAs), which are bioinspired procedures that recreate natural selection (Sivanandam and Deepa 2008). GAs generate an initial random population of possible solutions (individuals) that undergo an iterative process of recombination and mutation until a satisfactory configuration of diameter sizes is found (Dandy et al. 1996; Savic and Walters 1997; Montesinos et al. 1999; Mitchell 1999). Based on their fitness, the best individuals are selected to yield an improved offspring in terms of the objective function (Sivanandam and Deepa 2008). Note that the technique is applicable for demand-driven models, i.e., networks in which the nodal demands are known and independent of the hydraulic behavior of the system, or pressure-driven models, i.e., networks in which the nodal flow rates show a dependency on the available pressure (Farmani et al. 2007; Páez et al. 2014). Simulated annealing (Cunha and Sousa 1999; Reca et al. 2008; Cunha et al. 2019), harmony search (Geem 2008), and Tabu search (Sung et al. 2007; Cunha and Ribeiro 2004) are additional examples of metaheuristic approaches.
Within this framework, hydraulic-based power use methodologies introduced the physical phenomena inside the optimization process and lessened the computational effort by reducing the number of iterations to reach convergence (Saldarriaga et al. 2014, 2015). One of the first approaches in this matter was documented by Wu (1975) for main drip irrigation lines. Wu (1975) observed that the minimum-cost diameter size configuration in a system of pipes in series with constant and known flow demands could be obtained by predefining a parabolic hydraulic gradient line (HGL) with a sag of 15% of the total head loss. As a result, objective head loss values could be calculated for each pipe, providing enough information to determine the desired diameters (Wu 1975; Saldarriaga et al. 2010). Subsequently, Featherstone and El-Jumaily (1983) extended Wu’s criterion to looped networks, and the idea was further developed when the optimal power use surface (OPUS) methodology was introduced (Saldarriaga et al. 2010). OPUS requires the calculation of the optimal hydraulic gradient surface (OHGS), a discontinuous three-dimensional (3D) geometrical entity formed by the nodal piezometric head values that guarantee the calculation of a least-cost set of diameter sizes (Saldarriaga et al. 2005, 2010, 2013, 2020). In a similar manner to Wu’s (1975) observations, the OHGS establishes the way in which the available energy should be spent within the system to ensure an optimal design while satisfying the minimum water pressure and nodal flow demands (Saldarriaga et al. 2005, 2010, 2013). Although the resulting initial design is given in continuous pipe sizes, OPUS executes rounding procedures so that the final design is consistent with the commercial diameters and meets the hydraulic constraints (Saldarriaga et al. 2010, 2020). Several tests with benchmark networks have shown that OPUS can obtain high-quality solutions with very slight differences when compared to the minimum cost solutions reported in the literature (Saldarriaga et al. 2010). Nevertheless, it should be noted that optimization methodologies that use hydraulic-based power rely on the assumption that Wu’s criterion is fulfilled (Saldarriaga 2016). In pressure-driven models, the flow demands are unknown prior to the optimization of the WDN, thereby impeding the applicability of OPUS without supplemental adjustments (Saldarriaga 2016). In this regard, integer linear programming has been combined with some main features of OPUS, showing successful results (Páez et al. 2013, 2014). Furthermore, hydraulic-based methodologies may also be used for preconditioning purposes or as feedback to improve the performance of metaheuristic algorithms as shown by Páez et al. (2020) and Liu et al. (2020).
From a mathematical perspective, the OHGS may encompass interesting properties that could provide additional details of the underlying physics inside the optimization process (Jaramillo 2020). In terms of its structure, the OHGS exhibits a highly irregular appearance that suggests that it may not be described by Euclidean geometry, which is suitable for the characterization of regular objects. Therefore, given the mathematical complexity of the OHGS, a non-Euclidean approach, such as fractal analysis, may be used to provide a characterization of its main geometrical properties. Several works have stated that many of the amorphous surfaces found in nature or in biological and engineering applications can be analyzed under the postulates of fractal theory (Mandelbrot 1983; Zhou and Lam 2005; Ju and Lam 2009; Persson 2014; Spasic 2014). Treating the OHGS as an approximate fractal body widens the spectrum of possible examination viewpoints. For this purpose, it is necessary to understand the main concepts that are generally used when involving fractals. In a few words, a fractal can be defined as a complex and highly irregular mathematical entity whose geometrical characteristics are self-similar at any arbitrary scale (Falconer 1990). Although perfect fractals must show this property, the fractal behavior can be present in a statistical or approximate manner in real-life phenomena (Mandelbrot 1977; Falconer 1990). Measuring these entities is usually done by estimating the fractal dimension, a noninteger parameter that describes how a fractal fills space and its degree of irregularity (Falconer 1990; Jian-Hua et al. 2009). Different definitions of fractal dimension have been used in the literature, such as the Hausdorff, packing, or box-counting dimension (Edgar 2008). The latter is appealing because of its simplicity and applicability for computational purposes (Falconer 1990, 1997). In brief, the box-counting fractal dimension is based on the smallest number of sets of size δ that are required to cover the fractal (Falconer 1997). It has been stated that a scaling or power law relationship may exist between the number of sets Mδ(F) and the scale of analysis δ, involving the fractal dimension as the exponent (Mandelbrot 1977; Falconer 1990, 1997):
where D = fractal dimension; Mδ(F) = measurement of any fractal F at arbitrary scale δ; and δ = scale of analysis. Plentiful numerical strategies have been adopted in the field of landscape, remote sensing, and physical geography to estimate the box-counting fractal dimension of rugged surfaces using this concept (Clarke 1986; Zhou and Lam 2005; Sun et al. 2006). Some examples of these techniques include the triangular prism, differential box counting, variogram, robust fractal estimator, probability, and variation estimator methods (Clarke 1986; Sarkar and Chaudhuri 1992; Lam et al. 2002; Zhou and Lam 2005; Sun et al. 2006; Ju and Lam 2009). Furthermore, fractal behavior is not restricted to rough surfaces. It has been shown that a WDN may show fractal properties in its topological structure that may be applied in the analysis of the resilience, reliability, water quality, and operational conditions, as well as in classification, risk assessment, and sectorization procedures (Diao et al. 2017; Di Nardo et al. 2017; Vargas et al. 2019; Kowalski et al. 2019; Iwanek et al. 2020; Kowalska et al. 2020; Giudicianni et al. 2021). In this context, WDNs have been examined employing graph theory concepts by modeling their underlying topological structure as directed or undirected graphs whose vertices must be covered with the smallest number of boxes or clusters of a certain size (Diao et al. 2017; Vargas and Saldarriaga 2019). In this case, Mδ(F) is understood as a set of junctions or nodes that meet certain conditions, such as proximity (Song et al. 2007; Diao et al. 2017). It should be noted that the calculation of the minimum required covering units Mδ(F) is usually achieved with box-covering algorithms (Diao et al. 2017). Some of the most prominent box-covering methodologies include greedy and burning algorithms that differ in the way and order in which the nodes of a network are packed (Song et al. 2007; Wen and Cheong 2021). Moreover, the calculation of the minimum number of covering units can be restricted to involve the topological properties of the network only, such as the way vertices are linked, or include hydraulic criteria, such as the flow distribution or nodal piezometric heads (Kim et al. 2007; Song et al. 2007; Vargas and Saldarriaga 2019; Vargas et al. 2019).
In this study, a numerical modeling methodology was used to conduct the fractal analysis of several benchmark and Colombian WDNs and their corresponding OHGS. For this purpose, a least-cost design and several nonoptimal designs were generated for each system. Subsequently, the designs were analyzed using the variation estimation method and a greedy box-covering algorithm to compute the fractal dimension of the OHGS and of the underlying structure of each WDN design, respectively. In terms of the OHGS, the fractal dimension is employed as a spatial metric that translates the complex morphology of the surface into numerical data that can be used to understand the relationship between the geometrical properties of the OHGS and the inherent energy dissipation phenomenon of a least-cost design. In relation to the underlying structure of the WDNs, the fractal dimension is used as a parameter that reveals the degree of irregularity in the topology, flow, and energy distribution inside a given network to characterize the intrinsic mathematical properties of the hydraulic behavior of each design. The use of several nonoptimal designs was of interest to analyze the mathematical and physical differences between the hydraulic behavior of a least-cost design and a more expensive solution. Finally, this study also intended to consider the applicability of fractal analysis as a novel approach to solving WDN capital cost optimization problems and to guide operational improvement procedures. In the context of optimization, the fractal analysis of a hydraulic gradient surface (HGS) may be used to guide the calculation of pipe diameters by considering the inherent fractal properties in the hydraulic behavior of a least-cost design. In the case of WDN operational improvement, the fractal dimension may be used as a parameter that suggests the proper fractal properties of the hydraulic behavior of a network for achieving better performance in terms of operational cost, reliability, or water quality.


Design and Hydraulic Modeling

The first step in the analysis of a given WDN is to calculate an optimized design. The optimization problem is formulated as the determination of a least-cost set of diameter sizes in compliance with the minimum pressure requirement and nodal flow demands. All WDNs are treated as new water supply systems in which pipe diameters need to be calculated. Therefore, the objective function to minimize was defined in terms of the capital cost required to install a new WDN depending on its diameter sizes. A commonly used mathematical expression for this purpose is a summation of the individual cost of each pipe, calculated as follows according to its diameter and cost per unit length (Wu 1975; Saldarriaga et al. 2020):
where CT = total water pipe cost of a WDN; di = diameter of pipe i; K = coefficient; li = length of pipe i; NP = total number of pipes; and n = exponent. The capital cost of a new WDN, as defined by Eq. (2), considers the hypothetical required initial investment to acquire the WDN pipes and to install them (Saldarriaga 2016; Qiu et al. 2021). In addition, it is important to clarify that Eq. (2) does not consider operational, renewal, or asset management costs. The objective function coefficient (K) and exponent (n) were obtained from an exponential regression according to the unit costs of the available commercial diameters. The exponential regression was also visually depicted in a cost curve, as exemplified in Fig. 1. A Python algorithm to generate these graphs can be found in Jaramillo (2022).
Fig. 1. Cost curve for Colombian networks.
The optimization process was achieved using REDES, a hydraulic modeling and design software for pressurized pipe flows developed by the Water Distribution and Sewer Systems Research Center (CIACUA) (Saldarriaga 2016; Saldarriaga et al. 2017). The flow demands in every WDN were modeled by establishing a constant flow rate value per node in accordance with the peak hourly flow rate. If a WDN was modeled as a demand-driven system, the least-cost design was assumed to be the one calculated by OPUS due to its closeness to the global optima (Saldarriaga et al. 2010). Since conventional power use methods assume constant and known nodal demands prior to the optimization process (Saldarriaga 2016), the design of pressure-driven WDNs had to be executed using the available GA in REDES (Lopez-Giraldo and Saldarriaga 2004). In this case, the optimized design was obtained by carrying out multiple iterations until the capital costs did not vary in successive runs. Following calculation of a least-cost design, the computation of random nonoptimal solutions was of interest to analyze the differences in the fractal behavior when compared with the optimal solution. For a given WDN, 10 nonoptimal designs were randomly chosen using the GA, regardless of how nodal flow demands were modeled (demand-driven or pressure-driven systems). It should be noted that the nonoptimal solutions are valid designs that supply the required discharge and the minimum pressure but do not meet the least-cost criterion. Once the designing process was done, the diameter sizes and capital costs were stored.
An additional aspect to specify is how the hydraulic calculations were conducted, i.e., the process in which the piezometric head values on the nodes and the flow inside pipes were obtained in accordance with the nodal flow demands and diameter sizes. Since the design process is carried out considering the maximum nodal flow demands in a day, described by the peak hourly flow rate value, the corresponding discharge rates remain constant. Therefore, the hydraulic calculations were performed considering snapshot analyses only. Both OPUS and the employed GA are needed to perform a snapshot hydraulic computation for every required iteration to reach the desired optimal and nonoptimal solutions. In this case, the hydraulic computations were carried out using the EPANET calculation engine based on the gradient method presented by Todini and Pilati (1987) owing to its computational efficiency and speed in reaching convergence, allowing the reader to compare results if needed. In terms of head losses, the Darcy–Weisbach and Colebrook–White equations were preferred over the Hazen–Williams equation owing to their applicability and robustness. It has been shown that the accuracy of the Hazen–Williams equation deteriorates when the flow regime is outside a narrow range of Reynolds numbers and relative roughness, when the pipe diameter is smaller than 5 cm and the flow velocity is greater than 3  m/s (Ormsbee and Walski 2016). Since these limitations are hard to control due to the complexity of some WDNs, it was concluded that the Darcy–Weisbach and Colebrook–White equations were more suitable for this study. In addition, given its physically based nature, it has been stated that the Darcy–Weisbach and Colebrook–White equations have a more robust theoretical background than the Hazen–Williams equation (Ormsbee and Walski 2016; Saldarriaga 2016). Once the design process was completed, a final single period (snapshot) analysis was calculated for each optimal and nonoptimal design to store the definitive set of piezometric head values on nodes and flow rate values inside pipes.

Calculation of HGSs

The following step is to construct the OHGS for the calculated optimal designs. The goal is to acquire a raster representation or digital elevation model (DEM) of the OHGS with enough detail to perform the fractal analysis. As explained in a previous section, the concept of OHGS refers to a 3D surface formed by the piezometric head values on nodes that describe the way in which the available energy should be spent to assure the calculation of a least-cost design. Therefore, since the optimal piezometric head values on the nodes were known from the snapshot hydraulic calculation of the optimized network, a Python script was written to take this set of values as an input and perform an interpolation procedure to obtain the unknown values over the void space inside loops and between branches. The script can be consulted in Jaramillo (2022). In addition, it is important to highlight that interpolation has been extensively used to recreate rough surfaces by computational means. Some examples include the works of Przestacki et al. (2016), Erkal and Hajjar (2017), Abdalfattah et al. (2019), and Bishop-Taylor et al. (2019).
First, the algorithm determined several additional piezometric head values along the axis of the pipes to ensure better results during the OHGS building procedure. Since the discharge remained constant through an individual pipe, the corresponding decrease in the available energy due to the frictional effects was assumed to behave as a straight line (Saldarriaga 2016). Therefore, these additional values were computed with a linear interpolation method between connected nodes. Then a mesh grid with square cells of equal side lengths was generated over the WDN using the numpy function mgrid (Harris et al. 2020). The side length was defined to ensure enough detail in the corresponding OHGS. An interpolation procedure was carried out next with the scipy interpolate function griddata over the generated mesh grid (Virtanen et al. 2020). Griddata computes a Delaunay triangulation over the convex hull that circumscribes the WDN, followed by a linear barycentric interpolation on each triangle to provide the unknown piezometric head values, according to the scattered piezometric head data points, as established during the hydraulic snapshot simulation and the linear interpolation procedure between connected nodes (Barber et al. 1996; Bishop-Taylor et al. 2019). The convex hull was determined using the Quickhull algorithm, as included in scipy (Barber et al. 1996). In addition, it is worth noting that a linear barycentric interpolation was chosen to resemble the nature of the energy dissipation phenomenon inside pressurized ducts. Ultimately, the estimated surface was plotted in a 3D graph using matplotlib (Hunter 2007). Figs. 2 and 3 exemplify the output of the explained interpolation method if applied in the calculated least-cost design of the Balerma network.
Fig. 2. Three-dimensional view of OHGS of Balerma network.
Fig. 3. DEM of OHGS of Balerma network.
Although the concept of the OHGS was originally conceived considering the optimal designs exclusively, an analogous concept can be applied to describe how energy is used throughout a nonoptimal design. If the interpolation algorithm is applied over a nonoptimal design of a given network, the script generates a HGS that does not ensure the calculation of a least-cost design but shows how the available power is spent in the nonoptimized network. The calculation of the HGSs of the nonoptimal designs was of interest to compare the differences in the fractal behavior when compared to the OHGS. Therefore, after applying the interpolation algorithm to the optimal and nonoptimal designs, 11 surfaces were generated for a given WDN: the OHGS and 10 nonoptimal HGSs.

Fractal Analysis of HGSs

Once the OHGS and the nonoptimal HGSs were calculated, a numerical procedure was employed to proceed with the calculation of the fractal dimension of the surfaces. For this purpose, the same Python script involved during the interpolation algorithm was used; it can be found in Jaramillo (2022). In the present study, the calculation of the fractal dimension of the surfaces was carried out by an adaptation of the variation estimation method as stated by Tolle et al. (2003) and Zhou and Lam (2005), chosen because of its simplicity and because it involves the influence of the energy dissipation phenomenon in a straightforward manner. The method is explained as follows for an arbitrary HGS.
First, the Python script stores the interpolated piezometric head values in a two-dimensional (2D) numpy array (matrix) that can be understood as a raster representation of the HGS (as exemplified in Fig. 3). Each position (i,j) of the matrix represents a specific location inside the plan view of the HGS and stores the corresponding piezometric head value. Now, take a gliding square window or box of side length L that can be slid over the raster data set. The side length L of the moving element is defined by the radius ε as L=2ε+1. Note that L is always an odd number. For each iteration, the algorithm moves the sliding box to a new position, thereby enclosing a set of piezometric head values. The variation is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum piezometric head values within the box. Therefore, a variation value is stored for each position of the moving window. When the whole surface is examined, the mean variation V(ε) is computed by averaging the calculated variation values. The algorithm iterates over a range of ε values to obtain a V(ε) versus ε data set. This range is defined according to the resolution of the raster data set (matrix size) and to avoid infringing on the image borders as defined by the 2D array.
As stated in Eq. (1), a fractal can be described by a scaling or power law. Since the moving window is extensively used to cover or enclose the fractal body of interest (HGS), the variation method is a box-covering algorithm that makes it possible to empirically compute the fractal dimension of a HGS. In this case, the mean variation V(ε) is understood as a measured quantity Mδ(F) over the fractal, whereas the radius ε can be understood as the scale of analysis δ. Therefore, the following expression is stated to describe the relationship between V(ε) and ε:
where D = fractal dimension; ε = radius of moving box; and V(ε) = mean variation of HGS at scale ε. If Eq. (3) is rewritten by taking the common logarithm of both sides, the following alternative equation is found:
At this point, a V(ε) versus ε data set is known, so a new log-transformed logV(ε) versus logε data set can be established to obtain the fractal dimension of the surface (Zhou and Lam 2005). Eq. (4) shows that the fractal dimension can be estimated as D=3m, where m is the slope of the least-squares regression line that better describes the log V(ε) versus logε data set (Zhou and Lam 2005). The process to obtain the fractal dimension of a HGS is summarized in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Fractal analysis methodology for HGSs.

Fractal Analysis of WDN Structure

The final step is to calculate the fractal dimension of the underlying structure of the WDNs. For this purpose, two different Python scripts are proposed: one for small networks, assumed to be systems with less than 250 nodes, and one for large networks, assumed to be systems with 250 or more nodes. Both files can be found in Jaramillo (2022). The scripts run a greedy box-covering algorithm that estimates the minimum number of boxes of an odd size lB to cover the WDN nodes considering the procedure proposed by Diao et al. (2017), Vargas and Saldarriaga (2019), and Vargas et al. (2019). Note that the box size lB establishes the required number of nodes to fill up a box. The algorithm works as follows. First, the network is modeled as a directed graph in which the orientation of its edges is defined according to the water flow direction inside pipes as established by the output of the single period hydraulic analysis. Then every node is marked as uncovered or free. Next, the individual weight wj of each node is computed depending on the desired analysis criterion. In this case, four options were included: a topologic, flow, energy, and infrastructure criterion. The first option considers how nodes are interconnected [Eq. (5)]. The second option estimates the individual weight as the sum of all flows that converge to the examined node [Eq. (6)]. The third criterion involves the piezometric head over the node as the individual weight [Eq. (7)]. The latter requires adding the diameters of the surrounding connected pipes to the examined node [Eq. (8)]. The following equations summarize each of the proposed criteria:
where dCij = diameter of pipe i that converges in node j; HGLj = piezometric head over node j; QCij = flow rate from pipe i that enters node j; and wj = individual weight of node j. After the individual weights are computed, the mass of each uncovered node is calculated by adding the individual weight of the uncovered neighboring nodes located at a distance less than (lB1)/2. This distance is measured over the shortest path between nodes according to the outline of the pipes. For this purpose, the scipy shortest_path function was employed, obtaining the shortest path by applying Dijkstra’s algorithm with Fibonacci heaps (Virtanen et al. 2020). Later, the node with the highest mass is selected as the new center of a box and the neighboring uncovered nodes located at a distance less than (lB1)/2 are marked as covered. The process is repeated until every node belongs to a box. Once the network is fully covered, the algorithm computes the total number of boxes or sets NB.
The procedure is repeated for a suitable range of lB values to obtain a NB versus lB data set. This range is defined in a similar way to that proposed by Vargas and Saldarriaga (2019). For small networks, the minimum lB is equal to one, whereas the maximum lB is the value that ensures enclosing the whole network with only one box. For large networks, it is suggested to choose a reduced number of box sizes lB considering that the obtained fit does not vary significantly if a few sample points are included and considering that the box-covering algorithm requires a long computational time to be performed (Vargas and Saldarriaga 2019). In this case, seven lB values were considered: lB=1, a maximum lB defined as the odd integer closest to the square root of the total number of nodes, and the five last odd lB values before the maximum lB (Vargas and Saldarriaga 2019).
Finally, the algorithm computes the fractal dimension by applying the main concepts of fractal theory. A WDN is considered a fractal object if the number of covering units NB and their size lB are related by a power or scaling law as established by Eq. (1) (Diao et al. 2017). In this case, the number of covering units NB is understood as a measured quantity Mδ(F) over the fractal, whereas the box size lB can be understood as the scale of analysis δ. Therefore, the following expression is used to describe the relationship between NB and lB (Diao et al. 2017):
where D = fractal dimension; K0 = total number of nodes in the WDN; lB = box size; and NB = minimum number of required boxes of size lB to cover WDN. If Eq. (9) is rewritten by taking the common logarithm of both sides, an alternative equation is found (Vargas and Saldarriaga 2019):
At this point, an NB versus lB data set is known, so a new log-transformed log NB versus log lB data set can be established to obtain the fractal dimension (Diao et al. 2017; Vargas et al. 2019). Eq. (10) shows that the fractal dimension can be estimated as D=m, where m is the slope of the least-squares regression line that better describes the log NB versus log lB data set (Vargas et al. 2019). According to Diao et al. (2017), a WDN can be assumed to be a fractal entity if a coefficient of determination of over 0.95 can be established when a least-squares linear regression is performed. The procedure is summarized in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Fractal analysis methodology for WDNs.

Case Studies

The aforementioned methodology was applied to 28 WDNs. Thirteen of the chosen systems have been widely studied in the literature and are usually conceived as benchmark networks with a well-known hydraulic behavior and a reported least-cost design. The remaining 15 networks are real water supply infrastructure located in various Colombian towns and cities that were analyzed in previously published dissertations and research projects. All case studies are treated as new water supply systems in which pipe diameters need to be calculated. The networks were chosen in such a way that different topographical, topological, and energy availability conditions were tested so as to identify differences in the fractal behavior. Therefore, the 28 selected systems include demand- and pressure-driven models with flat and steep topographical conditions, one or more reservoirs, and branched and looped structures. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the analysis was restricted to gravity-driven networks, i.e., without pumping devices. As stated by Saldarriaga et al. (2020), the OPUS methodology was originally made to be applied to gravity-driven WDNs. Coding adjustments of the original algorithm are required if networks with pumps will be included in the analysis (Saldarriaga et al. 2020). Consequently, so as to maintain the current OPUS version unaltered, the analysis was only conducted in gravity-driven networks. The main properties of each network are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Case studies
NetworkInfrastructure propertiesDesign parameterReference
IDName (demand type)PipesNodesReservoirsPmin (m)Kn
1Two loops (DD)87130.001.31861.59Alperovits and Shamir (1977)
2Two reservoirs (DD)1710215.000.02981.46Gessler (1985)
3Taichung (DD)3120115.001.94821.26Sung et al. (2007)
4Jilin (DD)3427115.000.01041.53Bi and Dandy (2014)
Kyriakou and Vrachimis (2016)
5Hanoi (DD)3432130.000.00851.50Fujiwara and Khang (1990)
6Blacksburg (DD)3530130.000.00082.00Sherali et al. (2001)
7New York Tunnels (DD)4219177.723.60921.24Schaake and Lai (1969)
8BakRyan (DD)5835115.000.37850.99Lee and Lee (2001)
9Fossolo (DD)5836140.000.00151.95Bragalli et al. (2012)
10R28 (DD)6739120.001.50001.45Saldarriaga et al. (2015)
11Pescara (DD)9968320.000.07281.27Bragalli et al. (2012)
12Modena (DD)317268420.000.07281.27Bragalli et al. (2012)
13Balerma (DD)454443420.000.00042.06Reca and Martínez (2006)
14La Uribe (DD)4949110.006.75341.87CIACUAa
15El Overo (DD)676719.006.75341.87CIACUA
16San Vicente (DD)7162110.006.75341.87CIACUA
17Cazucá (DD)150145115.006.75341.87CIACUA
18Elevada (DD)26325513.006.75341.87CIACUA
19Andalucía Alta (DD)360329110.006.75341.87CIACUA
20La Cumbre (DD)378339115.006.75341.87CIACUA
21Andalucía Baja (PD)394358115.006.75341.87CIACUA
22Toro (DD)42336315.006.75341.87CIACUA
23Candelaria (PD)567464215.006.75341.87CIACUA
24Bugalagrande (PD)656583115.006.75341.87CIACUA
25Carmen del Viboral (DD)894716115.006.75341.87CIACUA
26Morrorico Bajo (DD)762666115.006.75341.87CIACUA
27Chinú (DD)1,089828215.006.75341.87CIACUA
28La Enea (DD)1,5921,413115.006.75341.87CIACUA

Note: DD = demand driven; ID = network identification; and PD = pressure driven.

This CIACUA material is not published.
Each of the analyzed networks was modeled using an EPANET data file that contained all the necessary information about the spatial locations of nodes, pipes, valves, and reservoirs, as well as minor loss coefficients, emitter coefficients, maximum nodal flow rate values, and the available head on each reservoir. Most of the EPANET data files corresponding to the benchmark networks were retrieved from Wang et al. (2015), available online in the University of Exeter Centre for Water Systems. EPANET Colombian network data files were retrieved from CIACUA. Although many of the benchmark networks were originally conceived using a Hazen–Williams empirical equation to describe frictional losses, Darcy–Weisbach and Colebrook–White physical equations were preferred, as described in the proposed hydraulic calculation methodology. In this regard, an absolute roughness of 0.0015 mm was assumed for all networks, excluding Balerma in which a roughness of 0.0025 mm was used according to the literature. Furthermore, even though some of the selected benchmark networks were originally conceived to include pipes with fixed diameters and a maximum and minimum pressure requirement, every model was optimized assuming that every diameter had to be found in a completely new system and that the minimum pressure was the only piezometric head constraint. Lastly, it is important to mention that the unit cost information used to specify the coefficient (K) and exponent (n) in the capital cost equation [Eq. (2)] was obtained from different sources. For benchmark networks, the information was retrieved from the literature, whereas for Colombian networks the unit costs were retrieved from PAVCO Wavin, a pipe manufacturing company (Bogotá, Colombia). All the unit cost information is summarized in Tables S1S14, the corresponding cost curves are showcased from Figs. S1S13, and the resulting K and n values for each network are presented in Table 1.


The optimization process culminated in 28 least-cost designs, one for each WDN, and 280 nonoptimal designs, 10 for each WDN. An EPANET data file was generated for each design and is available in Jaramillo (2022). All solutions were established in agreement with the minimum pressure constraint and the fulfillment of the nodal flow demands. In addition, nonoptimal solutions were chosen to ensure a progressive increase in the capital pipe cost; therefore, nonoptimal solutions were found near the achieved least-cost design as well as much more expensive designs. As an example, the evolution of Toro network capital cost is presented in Fig. 6. The remaining capital cost information can be consulted in Tables S15S17. Given that some modifications were carried out in the problem formulation of many of the analyzed benchmark networks in terms of the friction equation and the involved constraints, the achieved least-cost design may differ if compared with the reported record optimal design. The mean and standard deviation were also calculated for the set of diameter values of each design. The general tendency of the quantified statistical parameters is exemplified in Fig. 7 for some of the studied networks. The figure shows that the mean and standard deviation of the diameter values were generally higher in the nonoptimal designs. All mean and standard deviation values are included in Tables S18 and S19. Furthermore, Figs. 810 exemplify the application of the interpolation algorithm that computes the HGSs by illustrating the cases of R28, Cazucá, and New York Tunnels networks.
Fig. 6. Cost evolution in proposed designs of Toro network.
Fig. 7. General tendency of mean and standard deviation of diameter values.
Fig. 8. HGSs of (a) optimal; and (b) most expensive nonoptimal design for R28 network.
Fig. 9. HGSs of (a) optimal; and (b) most expensive nonoptimal design for Cazucá network.
Fig. 10. HGSs of (a) optimal; and (b) most expensive nonoptimal design for New York Tunnels network.
The calculated fractal dimensions of the OHGSs are summarized in Table 2 with their corresponding coefficients of determination from the least-squares linear regressions over the analyzed log V(ε) versus log ε data sets. Fig. 11 exemplifies the application of the fractal analysis over the OHGS and nonoptimal HGSs of El Overo network by illustrating the approximate linear behavior between log V(ε) and log ε. The remaining log V(ε) and log ε graphs are presented from Figs. S14S40. A box and whisker plot (Fig. 12) is presented to display the fractal dimension values of the OHGSs and of the nonoptimal HGSs for each of the analyzed networks and to depict the range and variability in the corresponding data sets. Eleven fractal dimension values were calculated for each WDN: one for the optimal design and one for each of the nonoptimal solutions. Fig. 12 also illustrates the interval where the 11 coefficients of determination were found for each WDN, denoting the maximum and minimum R2 coefficients from the 11 analyzed HGSs in each case. If the R2 coefficients were all the same in a specific network, a single R2 value is specified instead of an interval. Both Table 2 and Fig. 12 show that the OHGSs and nonoptimal HGSs are fractal objects given that the R2 coefficients are, in general, very close to 1.00; thus, the results reveal that the nature of the energy dissipation phenomenon in a WDN has an approximate self-similar behavior that can be characterized by the fractal dimension. In terms of the variability, Fig. 12 reveals little statistical dispersion in the data sets considering that outliers were not common and that the interquartile range (IQR) was narrow. If the computed fractal dimensions are compared with the theoretical feasible range between 2.00 and 3.00 (Bisoi and Mishra 2001), it is possible to identify that the estimated values are slightly below the lower limit in a few of the studied networks. This issue can be attributed to the numerical performance of the chosen algorithm and should be addressed in future work to avoid underestimating the fractal dimension of the surfaces. All fractal dimension values and coefficients of determination for each WDN can be individually consulted in Tables S20 and S21.
Table 2. Fractal analysis results of OHGSs and optimized networks
IDOHGSOptimized network
Topological criterionFlow criterionEnergy criterionInfrastructural criterion

Note: D = fractal dimension; ID = network identification; and R2 = coefficient of determination.

Fig. 11. Output of fractal analysis of OHGS and of nonoptimal HGSs for El Overo network.
Fig. 12. Fractal dimension values of OHGSs and nonoptimal HGSs.
Fig. 12 also suggests that each WDN can be classified into two groups depending on the fractal dimension of their corresponding OHGS. On the one hand, it was found that in 64.29% of the case studies, the fractal dimension of the OHGS was greater than or approximately equal to the third quartile of the data set. This means that the fractal dimension of the OHGS was greater than at least 75% of the fractal dimension values of the nonoptimal HGSs in these cases. Two Loops, Two Reservoirs, Taichung, Jilin, Hanoi, Blacksburg, Fossolo, R28, Pescara, Modena, El Overo, San Vicente, Cazucá, Toro, Bugalagrande, Carmen del Viboral, Morrorico Bajo, and La Enea are among this first group. On the other hand, it was found that in 35.71% of the case studies the fractal dimension of the OHGS was between the first quartile and the median of the data set. This means that the fractal dimension of the OHGS was only greater than 25%–50% of the fractal dimension values of the nonoptimal HGSs in these cases. New York Tunnels, BakRyan, Balerma, La Uribe, Elevada, Andalucía Alta, La Cumbre, Andalucía Baja, Candelaria, and Chinú are among this second group.
Moreover, the fractal dimension of the underlying structure of the optimized networks, for each calculation criterion, are also presented in Table 2 with their corresponding coefficients of determination from the least-squares linear regressions over the analyzed log NB versus log lB data sets. Table 2 shows that the underlying structure of the optimized WDNs exhibits a fractal behavior since a strong linear relationship was found between log NB and log lB for the four calculation criteria. Although the R2 coefficients were not always over 0.95, this was not interpreted as a complete absence of the fractal behavior but as the presence of self-similarity to a lesser extent. Fig. 13 shows the relationship between the fractal dimension of the OHGSs and the fractal dimension of the corresponding optimized networks, including Pearson correlation coefficients and distance correlation coefficients to characterize the statistical dependency between both quantities. The distance correlation coefficients were calculated as explained by Székely et al. (2007). Two important findings can be identified in Fig. 13. First, although the calculated Pearson correlation coefficients showed a weak linear relationship between the two parameters, a positive correlation was also identified. Second, since the distance correlation coefficients were greater than zero, neither quantity was independent, and a nonlinear relationship existed between the two.
Fig. 13. Comparison between fractal dimension of OHGS and fractal dimension of optimized networks.
Lastly, the fractal dimension of the underlying structure of the nonoptimal designs was calculated involving the flow, energy, and infrastructure criterion. Since the computed fractal dimension by the topological criterion does not change between the optimal and nonoptimal designs for a given network, this criterion was not used to analyze the nonoptimal solutions. Table 3 presents a summary of the main features of this data set by including the cumulative frequency at the fractal dimension of the optimized network, i.e., the number of nonoptimal designs in which the fractal dimension of their underlying structure is less than or equal to the fractal dimension of the optimized network, the standard deviation of the data set, and the minimum and maximum computed fractal dimensions for each WDN to illustrate the statistical range of the data. The cumulative frequencies show that in 64.29%, 75%, and 57.14% of the case studies, the fractal dimension of the optimized network was greater than or equal to at least six of the fractal dimension values of the nonoptimal networks when using the flow, energy, and infrastructure calculation criterion, respectively. The individual fractal dimension values and coefficients of determination for each WDN design are presented in Tables S22S27.
Table 3. Summary of main outcomes from fractal analysis of underlying structure of nonoptimal designs
IDFlow criterionEnergy criterionInfrastructure criterion

Note: CF = cumulative frequency; D = fractal dimension; ID = network identification; and σ = standard deviation.


Some important points can be made based on the trends depicted in Fig. 7. As for the mean, the observed behavior was expected considering that a more expensive design implies larger diameters. In relation to the standard deviation, the observed behavior can be explained considering that the calculated least-cost designs consist of a homogeneous set of smaller available diameters, while the nonoptimal solutions exhibit a greater dispersion considering that the corresponding sets of diameters involve a mix of small and large diameter values as randomly selected by the GA. The only two exceptions were Hanoi and Jilin. In these cases, the standard deviation was smaller in the nonoptimal designs considering that these solutions consisted of homogeneous sets of the larger available diameters.
Relevant findings were identified in the fractal analysis of the HGSs (Table 2, Figs. 11 and 12). In this context, the presence of self-similarity in the HGS means that the energy dissipation pattern that characterizes a specific WDN design tends to repeat itself throughout the network regardless of the scale on which the networks are analyzed. A greater fractal dimension in this context means a rougher and more tortuous energy dissipation pattern. In terms of the WDN classification suggested by Fig. 12, the observed behaviors can be explained as follows. On the one hand, for the cases in which the fractal dimension of the OHGS was generally greater than the fractal dimension of the nonoptimal HGSs, the OHGSs showed a higher degree of irregularity in accordance with the nature of the energy use in a least-cost design. Given that an optimal design is characterized by the predominance of the smaller available diameters and considering that the friction slope in a pipe is inversely related to its diameter (Saldarriaga 2016), it was expected that steeper hydraulic gradients would be found in the optimal solutions considering that smaller diameters induce higher frictional losses. As a result, the OHGSs exhibited a rougher and more tortuous morphology with sharper peaks, concavities, and abrupt head losses that translate into a higher fractal dimension. Figs. 8 and 9 display these observations for R28 and Cazucá networks by depicting the attenuation of the irregular morphology between the OHGS and the HGS of the most expensive design due to the increase of the pipe diameters and the consequent decrease of the energy losses throughout the network.
On the other hand, for the cases in which the fractal dimension of the OHGS was generally smaller than the fractal dimension of the nonoptimal HGSs, four features of these systems may be involved in the observed results. First, an elongated and stretched appearance was typical in the topological structure of these networks. Second, the nodal flow demands and pipe diameters in the corresponding designs induced the generation of HGSs with a flat structure, like a geometrical plane, as exemplified in Fig. 10. It is plausible that the performance of the variation estimation method may be compromised when no significant peaks or concavities are present in the HGSs. Third, some of these networks had an atypical connectivity, for instance, New York Tunnels and La Uribe. Finally, some of these networks had an atypical flow pattern, for instance, Balerma and Elevada, with the same flow demands in almost all nodes.
The fractal analysis of the underlying structure of the WDNs (Table 2 and Fig. 13) provided additional details to discuss. The identified self-similar behavior, as shown by the fractal dimensions of the network and the R2 coefficients, can be understood as the presence of scale invariance in the spatial arrangement of nodes and pipes and how they are connected (topological criterion) (Di Nardo et al. 2017), in the way in which the available discharge (flow criterion) and piezometric head (energy criterion) were distributed throughout the networks, and in the spatial distribution of the calculated diameters (infrastructural criterion). Another aspect to consider is that a greater fractal dimension in this context should be understood as a more dispersed spatial distribution of the nodes and pipes, a more uneven distribution of the available flow and energy or a more heterogeneous set of pipe sizes, depending on the chosen calculation criterion. In addition, the positive correlation between the fractal dimension of the OHGSs and the fractal dimension of the corresponding optimized networks, as shown by the Pearson coefficients, imply that an increase in the irregularity of the cost-optimized network, in terms of its hydraulic behavior, spatial arrangement, and its diameter values, translates into a rougher energy dissipation pattern, as depicted in the corresponding OHGS. In terms of the distance correlation coefficients, the existence of a nonlinear relationship shows that the fractal behavior in the topological structure, flow, energy, and diameter size distribution in the optimized network somehow influences the energy dissipation phenomenon exhibited in the OHGS.
These findings provide a hint as to some possible applications of the fractal analysis of HGSs in the context of WDNs. First, the fractal dimension may be used as an additional fitness measure to include in new or existing WDN capital cost-optimization algorithms. Since it was found that a higher degree of irregularity in the HGS was associated with a least-cost design, the fractal dimension may be used as a parameter to maximize during the calculation of the optimal set of pipe diameters. Moreover, optimization algorithms may also take advantage of the fact that the fractal dimension of the OHGS is influenced by the fractal properties in the hydraulic behavior of the WDNs, as shown in Fig. 13, to search for suitable diameter configurations that induce a higher degree of irregularity or unevenness in the flow and energy distribution inside a given WDN. Second, the fractal analysis of the HGS may be used in the operational improvement of WDNs. Prospective work can be done to identify how the fractal behavior of the HGS of a given network should be to accomplish a better performance in terms of water quality, reliability, reduction of water leakage, and operational cost. In this case, the fractal dimension of the HGS can be used as a parameter to guide the adjustment of a given WDN via valve operation, asset management, and renewal planning to establish the ideal hydraulic behavior.
Finally, there is Table 3. The cumulative frequencies show a similar outcome to what was found in the case of the OHGS, where the least-cost design presented a higher fractal dimension in comparison with the nonoptimal HGSs. In terms of the flow and energy criterion, the results may imply that a greater degree of irregularity or unevenness in the distribution of the available discharge and energy is associated with an optimal design. In relation to the infrastructure criterion, one would suspect that the higher dispersion in diameter values for the nonoptimal designs, as established in Fig. 7, would translate into a greater fractal dimension; however, the opposite was found. This can be explained considering that the individual weight of a node, when the infrastructure criterion is used, is affected not only by the magnitude of the surrounding diameters but also by the number of pipes connected to the node, thereby inducing a spatial irregularity in the individual weights when nodes with a different number of connected pipes are present in the network. Nevertheless, it is very important to mention that, in many of the analyzed case studies, multiple designs presented the same fractal dimension. The standard deviation values, as presented in Table 3, support this statement considering that a very small dispersion was found in each data set. This situation may be attributed to two feasible causes. First, it is possible that the proposed box-covering algorithm may have difficulty detecting the difference between one design and another in terms of their fractal properties and their corresponding hydraulic behavior. Second, it is plausible that there are no noticeable differences between the fractal properties of the involved network designs whatsoever. This issue should be addressed in future work before applying these findings to the optimal design and operational improvement of WDNs.


In this paper, a fractal analysis methodology for the OHGS and the underlying structure of a WDN was presented. Multiple gravity-driven benchmark and Colombian networks with different topographical, topological, and energy availability conditions were designed so as to identify a least-capital-cost solution and several nonoptimal alternatives in accordance with the minimum pressure requirements and nodal flow demands. The OHGS and nonoptimal HGSs were successfully calculated for each network by conducting a numerical interpolation procedure, whereas the calculation of the corresponding fractal dimension was accomplished by the employment of the variation estimation method. Moreover, the fractal dimension of the underlying structure of each network design was estimated using an adapted greedy box-covering algorithm in which topological and hydraulic criteria were involved. Although the overall performance of the proposed fractal analysis algorithms was satisfactory, prospective work could be done to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the chosen procedures. In addition, future work should also include the analysis of additional networks in which pumping devices are included.
The results show that the OHGS exhibited fractal properties that suggested a self-similar behavior in the energy dissipation pattern of least-cost design. In 64.29% of the case studies, the fractal dimension of the OHGS was greater than at least 75% of the fractal dimension values of the nonoptimal HGS; thus, the way in which the available energy is used in the least-cost design of these systems favors a steeper and sharper hydraulic gradient that translates to OHGSs with a rougher morphology. The behavior in the remaining 35.71% case studies, where the fractal dimension of the OHGS was only greater than 25%–50% of the fractal dimension values of the nonoptimal HGS, may be explained by the topological structure, nodal flow demand pattern, and the planelike morphology of the corresponding HGSs. However, prospective work should be done to identify additional details to explain the occurrence of these exceptions. In addition, the results also indicate a growing nonlinear relationship between the fractal dimension of the OHGS and the fractal dimension of the optimized networks for any of the four calculation criteria: topological, flow, energy, and infrastructure. Hence, the sparseness of the nodes and pipes, the heterogeneity in the diameter values, and the unevenness in the distribution of the available flow and energy in an optimized design affect the geometrical properties of the OHGS. Furthermore, the results show that the fractal dimension of the underlying structure of the optimized networks using the flow, energy, and infrastructure calculation criterion was greater than or equal to six or more fractal dimension values of the nonoptimal designs in 64.29%, 75%, and 57.14% of the case studies, respectively. This implies that the hydraulic behavior of a least-cost design exhibited, in most of the case studies, a higher degree of irregularity in the distribution of the available flow and energy and in the diameter values compared to a more expensive design. However, it is also necessary to consider that, in many networks, some designs exhibited an identical fractal dimension. This suggests either that the chosen algorithm may be incapable of identifying the differences between some designs or that there is no difference in the fractal behavior of the involved designs at all. Prospective work should address this issue.
The principal outcomes of this study suggest that the fractal analysis of the HGS and of the underlying structure of a given network may have useful applications in the context of WDN capital cost optimization and operational improvement. Since a least-cost WDN design exhibits a particular fractal behavior that is related to its inherent hydraulic properties, the fractal dimension may be used as an additional fitness measure to guide new or existing optimization algorithms. In relation to operational improvement applications, forthcoming research may use the fractal analysis as a tool to identify how a given WDN design should be operated, modified, or renewed in order to enhance the hydraulic performance of the network and reduce the operational cost.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
total water pipe cost of water distribution network;
fractal dimension;
distance correlation coefficient;
diameter of pipe i that converges in node j in water distribution network;
diameter of pipe i in water distribution network;
piezometric head over node j in water distribution network;
coefficient for water pipe cost calculation;
total number of nodes in water distribution network;
side length of moving box in fractal analysis of hydraulic gradient surface;
least-cost design of water distribution network;
box size in fractal analysis of water distribution network;
length of pipe i in water distribution network;
measurement of any fractal F at arbitrary scale δ;
slope of least-squares regression line;
nonoptimal design of water distribution network;
total number of pipes in water distribution network;
minimum number of required boxes of size lB to cover water distribution network;
exponent for water pipe cost calculation;
flow rate from pipe i that enters node j in water distribution network;
coefficient of determination;
sample standard deviation;
mean variation of hydraulic gradient surface at scale ε;
individual weight of node j in water distribution network;
scale of analysis;
radius of moving box in fractal analysis of an hydraulic gradient surface;
mean value;
Pearson correlation coefficient; and
standard deviation.

Supplemental Materials

File (supplemental_materials_wr.1943-5452.0001608_jaramillo.pdf)

Data Availability Statement

Some or all data, models, and code generated or used during the study are available in a repository online in accordance with funder data retention policies. The available materials are EPANET data files, Excel data files, and Python scripts to generate figures and tables. The materials can be found in the following repository:

Reproducible Results

Figs. 1–3, 6–12, and S1S40 and Tables 2, 3, and S15S19 can be reproduced by accessing the uploaded material in Jaramillo (2022). Arturo Rodriguez (Research Assistant, Master’s Student in Structural Engineering, Universidad de los Andes) ran all scripts and reproduced all tables and figures.


The authors would like to thank PAVCO Wavin for providing essential information for the development of the research work as well as for their constant support in investigation activities concerning water supply.


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Go to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 149Issue 1January 2023


Received: Mar 4, 2021
Accepted: Jun 27, 2022
Published online: Nov 3, 2022
Published in print: Jan 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Apr 3, 2023



Researcher, Water Distribution and Sewerage Systems Research Center (CIACUA), Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este No. 19A-40, Bogotá 111711018, Colombia. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Water Distribution and Sewerage Systems Research Center (CIACUA), Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este No. 19A-40, Bogotá 111711018, Colombia (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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