
Detection of anomalies in pipe networks (leaks, blockages, and wall deterioration) is critical for targeted pipe section replacement and maintenance in water distribution systems. A hydraulic signal-processing approach, termed the paired-impulse response function (paired-IRF), has been previously proposed for anomaly detection by transforming the persistent principal wave reflections by anomalies into distinctive paired spikes. In this paper, a new higher-order paired-IRF has been derived, which considers both principal and higher-order wave reflections by the anomalies. A correlator has then been designed (and incorporated into the higher-order paired-IRF) to highlight anomaly-induced spikes and suppress noise. A looped pipe network with realistic background noise was assembled in the laboratory to examine the efficacy of the new methods. According to the experimental results, it is observed that (1) the higher-order paired-IRF is an extremely sensitive detection technique and clearly identifies anomalies inducing wave reflections as small as 0.5% of the injected wave magnitude; (2) its sensitivity is sufficiently accurate when using micropressure waves as small as 20 mm in magnitude and contaminated by 2-m background pressure fluctuations; and (3) the proposed advanced correlator highlights the anomaly-induced spikes in the paired-IRF trace in a noisy environment.


Water distribution systems (WDS) typically consist of buried pipes that deteriorate with age. One of the consequences of deterioration is pipe failures, which can lead to water supply and traffic interruptions, property damage, and also, may result in a reduced public sentiment for water utilities. Subsequent repair of third-party buried telecommunications and power infrastructure caused by the pipe failure may also cause further interruptions and economic losses. Another issue in aged WDS is blockages due to tuberculation, which may significantly reduce the efficiency of water transmission. Therefore, anomaly detection (mainly leaks, blockages, and deteriorations) of underground pipe networks is essential for targeted and preventative pipe maintenance.
During the last 3 decades, hydraulic transient-based detection methods have been developed to detect different anomalies in WDS (Colombo et al. 2009). The principle of this class of methods is akin to the use of radar or sonar waves to detect remote objects. Controlled small-magnitude transient pressure waves can be injected into a pipe, and the existing anomalies can be detected by analyzing the wave reflections induced. Anomalies with a limited spatial extent can be analyzed as lumped elements, such as a leak. Frequency response diagram (FRD) analysis (Lee et al. 2006; Sattar and Chaudhry 2008; Duan et al. 2011); cepstrum analysis (Taghvaei et al. 2006; Shucksmith et al. 2012); transient damping method (Wang et al. 2002); inverse transient analysis (Liggett and Chen 1994; Kim 2005; Vítkovský et al. 2007; Covas and Ramos 2010; Capponi et al. 2017); time-domain reflectometry (TDR) methods (Brunone 1999; Ferrante and Brunone 2004); impulse response function (IRF) analysis (Liou 1998; Nguyen et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2020); the matched-field processing method (Wang and Ghidaoui 2018; Wang et al. 2019); and the paired-IRF method (Zeng et al. 2020a) can be used to detect such localized anomalies.
For extended anomalies with nonuniform properties, such as extended blockages and wall deterioration, the reconstructive method of characteristics (Gong et al. 2014), inverse transient analysis (Stephens et al. 2013), approximate inverse scattering technique (Jing et al. 2018), area reconstruction method (Blasten et al. 2019; Zouari et al. 2020) and layer-peeling method (Zeng et al. 2018, 2019) can be applied to estimate the properties of the extended anomaly.
Among the methods outlined in the preceding paragraphs, the paired-IRF method shows an extremely sensitive detection capability, which has been demonstrated in experiments on a single copper pipe (Zeng et al. 2020a). In this method, persistent pressure waves, such as discharge-induced hydraulic noise, were injected into the pipe instead of using a discrete sharp controlled small-magnitude transient wave (Gong et al. 2018), which is typically used in conventional hydraulic transient-based methods. For this method, a pair of pressure transducers were installed close to the transient generator. The measured pressure traces contain the injected wave and wave reflections. A deconvolution process was then applied to the two measured pressure traces. Because the deconvolution operation is equivalent to division in the frequency domain, it normalizes the pressure traces and reconfigures the complicated pressure waves into impulse responses in the form of simple spikes, which represent the wave injection and wave reflections by the anomalies. However, only the principal (first-order) wave reflections in the paired-IRF trace have been studied previously, with some visible higher-order reflections being neglected by Zeng et al. (2020a). The order of the wave reflection is defined as the number of times that the injected wave has been reflected off a discontinuity. Without a clear accounting of these higher-order reflections, they may be incorrectly treated as the spikes induced by extra anomalies, leading to misdiagnosis.
Laboratory validations of existing hydraulic transient-based anomaly detection methods have been mostly conducted on single pipelines under controlled conditions. Usually, the base pressure in the pipe was held constant by connection to a statically controlled pressure vessel (Meniconi et al. 2013; Ferrante et al. 2014; Nguyen et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2019; Capponi et al. 2020; Zeng et al. 2020a). Experiments with real hydraulic noise and background pressure fluctuations, which are defined as background noise in this current paper, have been rarely conducted to examine the robustness of the transient-based methods. When the effect of the background noise is sufficiently strong to adversely affect the detection results, then new signal-processing methods are needed to further enhance detectability.
The research reported in this paper presents the analytical derivation of a paired-IRF that considers the higher-order wave reflections to an arbitrary order. The higher-order paired-IRF equation clearly explains some visible higher-order spikes on the paired-IRF trace and aids in avoiding misdiagnosis. To further relieve the adverse impact of background noise, a correlation technique, referred to as a correlator, has been developed based on the features of the spikes in the paired-IRF trace to enhance the detectability of the paired-IRF method. The paper presents an experimental study on a small-scale looped pipe network, which has been modified from a single copper laboratory pipe and connected to the municipal water supply (details can be found in the “Experimental Validation on a Looped Pipe Network” section).
The new design of the pipe system provides realistic background noise and a network configuration that makes the application of many existing transient-based detection methods more difficult but which exists in real WDS. Experimental results using hydraulic noise as the injected waves demonstrate that the higher-order paired-IRF can accurately detect very small anomalies inducing small wave reflections (as small as 0.5% of the magnitude of the injected wave) in the pipe network in a noisy environment. The magnitude of the injected pressure wave can be as small as 20 mm even when the background pressure fluctuations reach 2 m. The detection method is extremely sensitive for anomaly detection. The application of the advanced correlator results in a distinctive detector of the anomalies even when the paired-IRF is significantly contaminated by noise.

Higher-Order Paired-IRF

The system configuration of the paired-IRF method is given in Fig. 1 to illustrate the basic methodology. The corresponding block diagram is also shown in Fig. 1, which illustrates the wave propagation process in the pipe. A pressure wave generator (G) persistently emitting pressure waves into the pipeline is installed in the pipe, and a pair of pressure transducers P1 and P2 are installed at the right side of the generator (without loss of generality). The pipe section of interest is to the right of P1 (P1B). The boundaries of the pipe are assumed to be arbitrary, such as junctions in a pipe network, or a valve and a reservoir in a single pipe system. The terms H1 and H2 are defined as the transfer functions of Section GP1 and Section P1P2, respectively. The term R represents the impulse response function in the frequency domain, with the subscripts L and R referring to the pipe at the left side and right side of P1.
Fig. 1. Block diagram describing the wave propagation process.
The paired-IRF method was first developed by Zeng et al. (2020a) with only first-order wave reflections being considered. In the current paper, a new-generation paired-IRF method is proposed to include all higher-order wave reflections.
According to the block diagram in Fig. 1, the pressures P1 and P2 can be written
where plus-sign and minus-sign superscripts = positive direction (left to right from P1 to P2) and negative direction (right to left from P2 to P1), respectively. By assuming P0(jω) is the original pressure wave caused by the generator without any reflections and according to Fig. 1, the directional pressure waves P1+ and P1 considering all higher-order wave reflections can be written
A rearrangement of Eqs. (3) and (4) gives explicit expressions for P1+ and P1 as follows:
Substituting Eqs. (5) and (6) into Eqs. (1) and (2) yields
where a further division of P2 by P1 gives
To further explore the physical meaning of the equation, it is expanded using a Taylor series expansion as follows:
in which the first-order and all higher-order (2) wave reflections are clearly presented. By neglecting the higher-order wave reflections, Eq. (10) can be simplified to
which is identical with the result of Zeng et al. (2020a). By defining the one-way travel time of the pressure wave in the Section P1 to P2 as ¯t, the term 1/H2 in the brackets, for a lossless system, means transferring the IRF forward in time by a value of ¯t, whereas H2 in the brackets means reversing the sign of the IRF after delaying it by time ¯t. Thus, P2/P1, after transforming into the time domain, consists of a pair of superimposed IRFs and herein is defined as the paired-IRF.
Eqs. (10) and (11) give the frequency-domain transfer function of the paired-IRF, so accordingly, the time-domain paired-IRF P2/P1 from Eqs. (10) and (11) can be calculated using a least-squares deconvolution (Nguyen et al. 2018) or a truncated singular value decomposition (Forbes et al. 2003).

Correlator Design

A simple numerical case for a reservoir-pipeline-valve system is presented in this section to illustrate the process to design a correlator. The simulated pipe system of 180 m in length is shown in Fig. 2 and is used to demonstrate the method. Two pressure transducers in close proximity (distance apart of Lp=1  m in this case) are used in the paired-IRF method. The first transducer, P1, and pressure wave generator, G, are located 80 m away from the reservoir, which has a constant water head of 60 m. The generator is simulated by an emitter (an orifice discharging to the atmosphere) with its discharge area alternating over time. In this case, the pressure wave generator was set to follow a white-noise sequence. The valve at the other end of the pipe is partially open and has a base flow rate of 0.02  m3/s for steady-state conditions. The internal diameter of the pipeline is assumed to be 120 mm, the wave speed a is 1,000  m/s, and the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f is 0.02.
Fig. 2. Pipeline configuration for the numerical case.
Unsteady friction is not considered in the simulation. A circular leak with a diameter of 6 mm is assumed to exist 50 m downstream of P1. The flow rate out of the leak is 0.84  L/s with the flow coefficient Cd=0.9. The method of characteristics (Wylie and Streeter 1993) with a time step of 0.1 ms has been applied to simulate the pressures as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Simulated pressure waves in the numerical pipe at (a) P1; and (b) P2.

Characteristics of the Paired-IRF Trace

By applying the deconvolution to the measured pressures, the paired-IRF trace can be found for this numerical pipeline example as shown in Fig. 4. It shows that the leak and the valve at the end of the pipe can both induce a pair of spikes. For this case, only the first-order wave reflections can be observed, and the higher-order wave reflections are of a very small magnitude and are not visible.
Fig. 4. Extracted paired-IRF trace using the simulated pressures in Fig. 3 for the numerical case. Main spike indicates the injected wave; paired spikes in the enlarged box are induced by the leak.
If wave dissipation and dispersion of the pressure waves in the pipe Section P1P2 are not considered, the magnitude of the main spike indicating the injected wave should be unity, and the paired spikes should have the same magnitude but with opposite signs. Neglecting the wave dissipation and dispersion for the Section P1P2 is reasonable because the length of the pipe section is normally very short (1 m in this numerical case). However, if the wave dissipation caused by the steady-state friction loss is considered, then the transfer function H2 in Eq. (10) can be written as follows:
where Δt = time of travel for the pressure waves in the pipe in Section P1P2; j = imaginary unit; ω = angular frequency; and R = resistance term due to the friction loss. A simplification of the equation was derived by Zeng et al. (2020b), based on the fact that R is small, as follows:
where eΔtjω = time delay of the pressure wave by Δt=l/a s, with l being the length of the pipe Section P1P2; and eΔtR/2 = constant value that represents the wave dissipation caused by steady friction. Apart from the effect of wave dissipation on the magnitude of the spikes, other factors have more significant effects, such as background noise and numerical error associated with the deconvolution process.
Based on the preceding analysis, the characteristics of the paired IRF can be summarized as follows:
Each discrete anomaly induces two spikes with opposite signs, and they are considered as a pair.
The time interval between the paired spikes is constant and determined by the distance between the two pressure transducers and the wave speed.
Theoretically, the magnitude of the first spike in the paired spikes should be slightly different compared with the second one due to the wave dissipation in the pipe section between two transducers, noise contamination, and numerical errors in the deconvolution calculation.

Basic Correlator

Based on the aforementioned characteristics, a basic correlator as shown in Fig. 5(a) can be applied to the paired-IRF to extract anomaly-induced spikes. The magnitude of the first spike in the correlator is unity and that of the second one is 0<K1<1. The time interval between these two spikes is Δt=2Lp/a. The paired spikes in the correlator in Fig. 5(a) have the same form (ratio of two spikes and time interval between the two spikes) as the paired spikes induced by a discrete anomaly, as shown in Fig. 4. Theoretically, K1 should be one for frictionless pipes and equal to eΔtR for pipes considering steady friction according to Eq. (13). Accounting for the uncertainties caused by the background noise and numerical errors, K1 should be a value smaller than eΔtR and may be calculated from the ratio of two distinctive spikes induced by a known impedance change, such as the valve-induced spikes at 0.2 s as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 5. Application of the basic correlator to the paired-IRF of the numerical pipe in the numerical case: (a) basic correlator as described in this section; (b) cross-correlation between the paired-IRF trace in Fig. 4 and basic correlator in plot (a); and (c) cross-correlation between the paired-IRF trace in Fig. 4 and the advanced correlator described in Eqs. (18) and (19). The outcome in plot (c) is a single spike, which is the most desirable outcome for any correlator. This result is in contrast with the result in plot (b), which shows multiple spikes.
The correlation between the paired-IRF and the basic correlator is shown in Fig. 5(b). As shown in the result, the correlation reaches its maximum at 0.1 s, which corresponds to the leak. However, another two spikes can be also observed close to the major spike, and these may mislead the anomaly detection.

Advanced Correlator

To design a correlator that can generate a single distinctive spike for each anomaly type and can accommodate all the characteristics of the spikes including the uncertainties associated with the background noise and numerical error, four functions R1 to R4 are defined as Eqs. (14)(17). They are calculated by the values of two spikes with an interval of Δt=2Lp/a in the paired-IRF trace
where i=1,2,,M, where M is the length of the selected paired-IRF trace; p21 = time domain trace of the deconvolution P2/P1; and N = half of the interval between the paired spikes and can be calculated using N=Δt/2Fs, with Fs being the sampling frequency.
By defining C as the correlation result, the correlation process can be defined as follows:
C(i)=0,if  R1(i)>0,orR2(i)>K2,orR3(i)>K2
C(i)=R4(i)BK3,where  B=min{R2(i),R3(i)}
Due to the characteristics of the paired-IRF trace that the paired spikes in the trace should have different signs, their product R1 should be negative. Thus, the correlation is set to zero when a positive R1 is observed, as shown in Eq. (18). The parameters R2 and R3 in Eq. (18) indicate the difference between the magnitudes of the two spikes. Theoretically, the terms R2 and R3 should be equal to one. However, background noise will change the magnitudes of the spikes and thus a threshold K2 larger than one is set in Eq. (18) to consider the uncertainties. These settings in Eq. (18) will effectively remove the side spikes evident in Fig. 5(b).
Eq. (19) is similar to the correlator defined in Fig. 5(a). The correlation with the basic correlator in Fig. 5(a) gives C(i)=R4(i), whereas for the new correlator, the result is multiplied by a factor BK3. If the noise level in the paired-IRF trace is very low, the paired spikes should have B approaching one, whereas other noise spikes should have B much less than one. Thus, an exponent K3 larger than one will further highlight the paired spikes that have similar magnitudes. The parameter K3 is one by default and can be set to a value larger than one.
By applying the advanced correlator to the paired-IRF trace as shown in Fig. 4, the correlation result is shown in Fig. 5(c). The numerical case study does not include any distinctive noise spikes in the paired-IRF trace, and the correlator can easily transfer the anomaly-induced paired spikes into a single distinctive spike in the correlation result. Experimental studies using this advanced correlator are presented in the following sections to illustrate its advantages when noise is present.

Experimental Validation on a Looped Pipe Network

A looped copper pipe network system has been designed in the Robin Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of Adelaide. Laboratory experiments have been conducted on the system to validate the higher-order paired-IRF and the advanced correlator.

System Setup

The layout of the looped system is shown in Fig. 6. Traditionally, a single-pipeline system (i.e., the copper pipe section between the two valves) connected to pressure vessels (on one or both boundaries) has been used to validate transient-based techniques (Wang et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2007; Vítkovský et al. 2007; Gong et al. 2016; Nguyen et al. 2018). In this current research, modification of the pipe system has been made to disconnect the copper pipe from the pressure vessels by closing the valves at the two ends. To pressurize the pipe system and introduce real background noise into the pressure measurements, the original copper pipe section was connected to the water main through a polymer hose (J7A) and a copper pipe (J3B) at each side. These pipes together with part of the water main formed a looped network as shown in Fig. 6. The copper pipe (J7J3) has an internal diameter D0 of 22.14 mm, and the calibrated wave speed of the pressure wave in it is a0=1,319  m/s.
Fig. 6. Schematic of the experimental pipe network. Two individual configurations were used in experiments with the components G2 and L2 replaced by joints in Configuration 1 and the components G1 and L1 replaced by joints in Configuration 2. (Images by Wei Zeng.)
Two different configurations were used during the experiments. For Configuration 1, a discharge orifice connected to a T-junction was used to simulate a leak (L1 in Fig. 6) and the diameter of the orifice was calibrated to be 0.93 mm (Zeng et al. 2020a). A side-discharge valve (G1) was connected with the copper pipe to create persistent micropressure waves. When the side-discharge valve is partially open, pulsating pressures can be generated due to the turbulent flow around and through the valve (similar to a leak). The magnitude of the pressure waves can be adjusted by altering the opening of the valve. Two pressure transducers separated by a distance of 0.8 m were installed close to the side-discharge valve. There were two junctions and many joints to connect different pipe sections, as shown in Fig. 6.
Other components of interest in the pipe network are shown in the schematic. The sampling rate of the data acquisition system for the experiments was 10 kHz. Experiments have been conducted by opening the side discharge valve G1 and measuring the pressures at P1 and P2. With Configuration 1, the pipe section at the right side of P1 can be examined according to Eq. (10).
To examine the left half of the pipe, the side-discharge valve G1 and leak L1 were replaced by joints and a new configuration (Configuration 2) was used. A side-discharge valve G2 as shown in Fig. 6 was installed at the same location as P2. A simulated leak L2 with a similar configuration to L1 was installed at the left side of the pipe.

Paired-IRF Trace Using Persistent Micropressure Waves

By using Configuration 1 in Fig. 6, the pressure waves caused by the turbulent flow through the valve (G1) are shown in Fig. 7 (Test 1). They are contaminated with background noise from the real water distribution system. The magnitude (size) of the pressure waves is around 0.1 m as shown in Fig. 7(a). By applying a deconvolution process to the measured pressure traces, the paired-IRF trace is obtained as shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8(a) shows the overall view of the paired-IRF trace, and Fig. 8(b) shows the enlarged view of the same paired-IRF trace.
Fig. 7. Measured pressure waves in Test 1 for the experimental pipe network at (a) P1; and (b) P2.
Fig. 8. Paired-IRF extracted for Test 1 for the right half of the copper pipe (P1J3) in the experimental pipe network: (a) overall view; and (b) enlarged view. Noise in the paired-IRF trace is within the 0.5% reflection threshold, which illustrates the extreme sensitivity of the method.
Four pairs of spikes can be found in the paired-IRF trace, and the occurrence times of these pulses, as well as the average times calculated, are listed in Table 1. In the table, t1 and t2 are the occurrence times of the paired spikes, and tav is the average of t1 and t2. The distance from the anomaly to the sensor close to the generator can be calculated by Lc=a0×tav. According to the calculated distances to P1 corresponding to these paired spikes, these spikes are attributed to joint J1, the simulated leak L1, joint J2, and junction J3. The comparison between the calculated distances and the measured values Lm as in Table 1 demonstrates the high degree of precision of the detection. Other fluctuations with very small amplitudes can be observed around 25 ms, which is twice the averaged occurrence time of the leak-induced spikes. According to Eq. (11), these fluctuations are the second-order wave reflections with the corresponding wave path as P1-L1-P1-L1-P1.
Table 1. Accuracy analysis of the detection result for Test 1 using Configuration 1
Anomalyt1 (ms)t2 (ms)tav (ms)Lc (m)Lm (m)Error=(LcLm)/Lm (%)
The enlarged paired-IRF trace is shown in Fig. 8(b). It shows that all the noise spikes are within the 0.5% (of the incident wave magnitude) reflection threshold indicated by two dashed lines in Fig. 8(b). Therefore, it can be concluded that the anomalies that induce wave reflections larger than 0.5% of the magnitude of the incident wave can be clearly detected using the paired-IRF with micropressure waves contaminated by real background noise in this pipe network.
By using Configuration 2 in Fig. 6, a similar test (Test 2) has been conducted by opening the side discharge valve G2. The deconvolution P1/P2 gives the paired-IRF trace for the pipe section on the left to P2, and the trace is shown in Fig. 9. Five groups of spikes can be found in the paired-IRF trace and they are listed in Table 2. Based on the calculated locations, these spikes are induced by J4, J5, L2, J6, and J7, respectively. Similarly, as for Test 1, the noise spikes are within 0.5% reflection threshold as shown in Fig. 9(b), which indicates the great sensitivity of the paired-IRF method.
Fig. 9. Paired-IRF extracted for Test 2 for the left half of the copper pipe (P2J7) in the experimental pipe network: (a) overall view; and (b) enlarged view. Noise in the paired-IRF trace is within the 0.5% reflection threshold, which illustrates the extreme sensitivity of the method.
Table 2. Accuracy analysis of the detection result for Test 2 using Configuration 2
Anomalyt1 (ms)t2 (ms)tav (ms)Lc (m)Lm (m)Error=(LcLm)/Lm  (%)

Sensitivity Analysis for the Wave Magnitude of the Pressure Wave

Sensitivity analyses have been conducted on Configuration 1 in Fig. 6 to analyze the effects of the magnitude of the pressure wave on the results. A further test (Test 3) was conducted by enlarging the opening of the valve. All the tests in this section have been replicated multiple times, and repeatable results have been obtained. However, only one trial for each test is analyzed in the paper, and because the pressure traces measured by the two pressure transducers have high similarity, only one trace is shown subsequently to avoid repetition. In Fig. 10, it can be seen that the wave magnitude is around 0.7 m (about seven times that in Test 1).
Fig. 10. Measured pressure waves for Test 3 on the experimental pipe network at P1. The magnitude of the injected wave increases compared with that in Test 1, as shown in Fig. 7.
By applying the deconvolution to the measured pressure traces, the paired-IRF trace can be obtained as shown in Fig. 11. An enlarged view of the paired-IRF trace is shown in Fig. 11(b), through which it shows that the sensitivity slightly decreases compared with Test 1 (as demonstrated by the reduced size of the anomaly-induced paired spikes and the increased size of noise in the paired-IRF trace).
Fig. 11. Paired-IRF extracted in Test 3 for the right half of the copper pipe (P1J3) in the experimental pipe network: (a) overall view; and (b) enlarged view. Noise in the paired-IRF trace is within the 1% reflection threshold, which illustrates that the sensitivity slightly decreases compared with Test 1.
By enlarging the valve opening in Test 3, the magnitude of the pressure waves increased, leading to an increase of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which was expected to have a positive effect on the sensitivity. However, the flow-induced pipe vibration was also increased with a larger flow rate. The pipe wall vibrations were coupled with the fluid in the pipe, and thus the fluid–structure interaction (Zanganeh et al. 2020) might have induced lateral bending wave modes and changed the waveform of the pressure waves, reducing the sensitivity.
Test 4 was then conducted with a reduced valve opening area. Fig. 12 shows that the magnitude of the measured micropressure waves is only around 20 mm. The low-frequency fluctuations observed on the pressure trace are from the background interference from the mains pressure variation. By applying the deconvolution to the measured pressure traces, the paired-IRF trace was obtained as shown in Fig. 13.
Fig. 12. Measured pressure waves for Test 4 on the experimental pipe network at P1. The injected pressure wave is of a 20-mm magnitude and contaminated by 2-m background pressure fluctuations.
Fig. 13. Paired-IRF extracted in Test 4 for the right half of the copper pipe (P1J3) in the experimental pipe network: (a) overall view; and (b) enlarged view. Noise in the paired-IRF trace is within the 1% reflection threshold, which illustrates that the sensitivity decreases compared with Test 1, but it is still great enough to detect the leak.
From the enlarged view of the paired-IRF shown in Fig. 13(b), it can be observed that the magnitudes of the noise spikes are close to the 1% threshold lines. But even with such small pressure waves, the anomaly-induced spikes that are larger than 1% can still be detected with a slightly lesser prominence than the result shown in Fig. 8. The sensitivity of Test 4 is reduced compared with Test 1, but the reason is different from that for Test 3, which uses a large magnitude of the pressure waves. For Test 4, the SNR has been decreased as well as the flow-induced pipe vibration, and thus the decreased SNR is the main reason for the decreased sensitivity.

Anomaly Highlighted Using the Correlator

In this section, the advanced correlator is used to highlight the anomaly-induced spikes and suppress other spikes in the paired-IRF traces obtained from the system shown in Fig. 6. Eqs. (14)(19) have been applied to the paired-IRF traces in the period from 0.002 to 0.028 s, which excludes the injected wave at 6 ms and the reflections by junction J3. In the correlator as shown in Eqs. (14)(19), the parameter K1 describes the ratio between the paired spikes induced by one anomaly considering numerical error. If the magnitude difference of the paired spikes is not taken into account in the correlator design, the parameter K11. The parameter K2 in the correlator is a selected threshold: the paired spikes with the magnitude difference larger than the threshold will be excluded. If K2 is set as infinity, the threshold will be disabled. The exponent K3>0 highlights the paired spikes that have similar magnitudes and will not work if K3=0.
To illustrate the effects of the parameters K1, K2, and K3 on the correlation results, the paired-IRF of Test 1 as shown in Fig. 8 is analyzed. Letting K1=1, K2=+, and K3=0, the correlation result for Test 1 is shown in Fig. 14(a). Corresponding to the anomalies J1, L1, and J2 identified by the paired-IRF trace, distinctive spikes at 3.4, 12.6, and 19.9 ms can be identified in the correlation result as shown in Fig. 14(a). However, apart from these spikes, three additional spikes can be found at 4.6, 11.4, and 21.0 ms, and they may contribute to false positives in the anomaly detection process. At around 12.6 ms in Fig. 14(a), two spikes can be identified, and they are ascribed to two wave reflections at L1: one by the T-junction itself and the other by the leak at the end of the T-junction, as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 14. Correlation results using the advanced correlator for the looped pipe network for Test 1: (a) K1=1, K2=+, and K3=0; (b) K1=0.93, K2=+, and K3=0; (c) K1=0.93, K2=2, and K3=0; and (d) K1=0.93, K2=2, and K3=2.
The ratio of the two spikes induced by joint J3 at 28.6 and 29.6 ms in the paired-IRF trace is 0.93, as shown in Fig. 8, and the correlation was replicated after changing the parameter K1 to 0.93. The result is shown in Fig. 14(b). By comparing the result with Fig. 14(a), a slight improvement of the correlation result can be observed. The magnitude of the anomaly-induced spikes at 3.4, 12.6, and 19.8 ms increases from 0.068 to 0.070, from 0.185 to 0.192, and from 0.049 to 0.051, respectively.
By further changing the parameter K2=2, which was selected by a preliminary study, the correlation was conducted again with its result shown in Fig. 14(c). From the result, it shows the false spikes in Fig. 14(a) have been eliminated. By further changing the parameter K3=2, the correlation result in Fig. 14(d) shows the noise on the correlation trace has been diminished. The spikes at around 25 ms in both subplots are not noise spikes but are induced by L1 corresponding to second-order wave reflections as illustrated in Eq. (11).
The advanced correlator has been also applied to Test 3 (in which the pressure waves are of a large magnitude) and Test 4 (in which the pressure waves are of a small magnitude). The parameters K1 for these two tests were calculated by the ratio of the paired spikes induced by J3, and they are 0.89 and 0.91 for Tests 3 and 4, respectively. The other parameters remain unchanged at K2=2 and K3=2. The correlation results are shown in Fig. 15. The results show that the selected K2 and K3 can effectively suppress the noise. But the result for Test 3 shows that the noise suppression is excessive, and the spike induced by J1 is also suppressed. Thus, the parameter K2 is increased to three to allow a larger difference between the anomaly-induced paired spikes, and the parameter K3 is reduced to 0.5 to reduce the effects of highlighting the paired spikes with similar magnitudes. The correlation result is shown in Fig. 16.
Fig. 15. Correlation results using the advanced correlator for the looped pipe network for (a) Test 3; and (b) Test 4 with K2=2 and K3=2.
Fig. 16. Correlation results using the advanced correlator for the looped pipe network for Test 3 with K2=3 and K3=0.5.
For Tests 3 and 4, the joint induced spikes in the paired-IRF traces have become attenuated in Figs. 11 and 13. By applying the advanced correlator to the paired-IRF traces, the existence of anomalies becomes clearer in Figs. 15(b) and 16, especially for the joint J2, which induces a distinctive pulse in the correlation traces. For the paired-IRF trace in Fig. 13, a distinctive spike is found at 27 ms. But because there is no other spike that can be paired with it, it does not contribute to false positives in Fig. 15(b).


A higher-order paired-impulse response function (IRF) has been derived to identify anomalies in pipe networks with a high degree of sensitivity. It transforms the micropressure waves of complicated waveforms into discrete spikes and considers both the principle and higher-order wave reflections caused by the anomalies. Visible higher-order spikes on the paired-IRF trace can be clearly explained using the new higher-order paired-IRF equation to avoid misdiagnosis of anomalies. An advanced correlator has then been designed building on the paired-IRF trace. It highlights the paired spikes induced by anomalies in the paired-IRF trace and suppresses spikes associated with noise.
Extensive laboratory experiments have been conducted on a looped pipe network. The looped pipe system provides an uncontrolled network configuration with real background noise from the mains for the tests. Experimental results show that the paired-IRF method is capable of accurately detecting small anomalies that reflect only 0.5% of the incident wave in a network configuration in the presence of background noise contaminating the measured pressures. The higher-order paired-IRF equation successfully explains the second-order wave reflections observed in the experimental results.
Sensitivity analyses show an appropriate magnitude of the persistent pressure waves, which leads to a sufficient signal to noise ratio but does not excite strong pipe wall vibration, results in the maximum sensitivity of the detection. However, the sensitivity is great enough (detectable to wave reflections at 1% of the injected wave) even when the magnitude of the injected pressure waves is only 20 mm with the background pressure fluctuations reaching 2 m. The correlator applied to the experimental paired-IRF traces with its controlled parameters properly tuned further improves the sensitivity.
The persistent pressure waves used in proposed methods can be simply generated by opening a side discharge valve in the laboratory and potentially in the field without using any active transient generator. Different anomalies, such as leaks, blockages, and wall-deteriorated sections, which are essentially impedance changes that induce wave reflections, can all be detected using the proposed methods. Overall, the practical operability, high degree of sensitivity, and wide scope of application of the paired-IRF with the correlator indicate its high practical value in real applications.

Data Availability Statement

All data, models, or code that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


The research presented in this paper has been supported by the Australian Research Council through the Discovery Project Grant DP190102484. The authors thank technicians Mr. Brenton Howie and Mr. Simon Golding for their support in the experimental work.


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Go to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 147Issue 10October 2021


Received: Oct 22, 2020
Accepted: May 2, 2021
Published online: Aug 9, 2021
Published in print: Oct 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Jan 9, 2022



Research Fellow, School of Civil, Environmental, and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3525-0432. Email: [email protected]
Aaron C. Zecchin [email protected]
Senior Lecturer, School of Civil, Environmental, and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. Email: [email protected]
Benjamin S. Cazzolato [email protected]
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. Email: [email protected]
Angus R. Simpson, M.ASCE [email protected]
Professor, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. Email: [email protected]
Lecturer, School of Engineering, Deakin Univ., Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, Geelong, VIC 3216, Australia. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6344-5993. Email: [email protected]
Professor, School of Civil, Environmental, and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8272-6697. Email: [email protected]

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