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Technical Papers
Mar 24, 2017

Turbulent Mixing of Floating Pollutants at the Surface of the River

Publication: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 143, Issue 8


Tracer tests were conducted using floaters equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) to investigate the turbulent mixing of the floating pollutant at the surface of natural rivers. The position data were collected by tracking the floaters at different reaches of the Nakdong River in Korea, and the diffusion coefficients were calculated by applying the moment method to the floater distribution data collected. While applying the moment method, the diffusion coefficient was calculated from the time evolution of variance of the particle distribution, which becomes the distance from the centroid of the particle cloud, based on the homogeneous turbulence assumption and the ergodic hypothesis of the turbulent mixing. Analysis of the trajectories of GPS floaters showed that the horizontal mixing in the initial mixing stage was hampered by the interaction and collision between floaters. The experimental results revealed that the dimensionless streamwise diffusion coefficients were larger, in the range of 0.11–0.56, while the spanwise component was in the range of 0.02–0.16. The simulation results using the Lagrangian particle tracking model of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code program showed that the discrepancy between the predicted values and the observed data in the initial time gradually decreased as time elapsed.


In Korea, river waters have been used as the main sources of drinking water as many of the large cities are located close to large rivers. To withdraw the surface water from the river, a number of pumping stations are located adjacent to the sides of the river. The main disadvantages of these riverside intake systems are that water supply plants are sensitive to the water pollution accidents that occur frequently in rivers. Among the rivers in Korea, the Nakdong River, which flows through the southeast portion of the Korean Peninsula, has frequently suffered from various water pollution accidents. The river runs through several large cities, including Daegu and Busan, where many industrial complexes and chemical factories are located. Recently, toxic chemical substances such as phenol and fluoric acid spilled into tributaries of the Nakdong River, while oil spills from car accidents and malfunction of factories have occurred more frequently in Korea (Ministry of Environment 2016). When oil spills into the river system, the physical mixing of spilled oil depends on both the current and the turbulence at the surface of the river because the oil spreads by advection and diffusion at the river surface as a floating substance, while it undergoes various chemical reactions as a decaying substance (Wang et al. 2008). Therefore, the surface mixing of floating pollutants, which is affected primarily by the surface current and turbulence, needs to be understood in order to properly deal with oil spill accidents.
For the analysis of the floating pollutant mixing, many researchers have used the Lagrangian particle tracking model because it is suitable to simulate pollutant particles that are randomly transported by the turbulent flow at the water surface. Particularly, oil spill accidents in coastal areas have been analyzed by many researchers using three-dimensional (3D) particle tracking models (Sugioka et al. 1999; Lonin 2000; Chang et al. 2011). Typical cases in Korea in recent years include the large oil spills that occurred on the coasts of Taean and Jinju as a result of shipping accidents, and these accidents were modeled using the particle tracking models to analyze the transport of oil slick (Jung 2009; Hyun et al. 2012). In those numerical studies of oil spills, the turbulent diffusion parameters were adopted from theoretical and empirical equations because of a lack of measured field data, and the simulation results were compared with the satellite image data without a quantitative comparison of particle displacement and mixing.
Most tracer studies in natural streams have been conducted by using soluble dyes such as fluorescent dye (Pilechi et al. 2016; Seo et al. 2016), radioisotope tracers (Seo et al. 2006), and synthetic gas (Clark et al. 1996) to analyze the shear flow dispersion in natural streams. Also, several studies proposed the nondimensional values of the transverse dispersion coefficient from the experimental results of soluble dye studies (Bouchez et al. 2011; Zhang and Zhu 2011; Azamathulla and Ahmad 2012). However, soluble dye tracer is inappropriate to investigate the pollutant mixing on a water surface because the soluble tracer is usually mixed in the vertical direction as well as in the horizontal direction, and, in this case, the effect of shear dispersion is more dominant than the turbulent diffusion by surface currents. Thus, to study the mixing characteristics of a floating pollutant on the water surface, experimental studies have been conducted in laboratory channels using small particles or specially designed floaters. The experimental results of straight channel experiments (Orlob 1959; Sayre and Chamberlain 1964; Engelund 1969; Prych 1970; Cederwall 1971; Rutherford 1994) conducted using small particles of polyethylene, plastic, and plexiglass revealed that the dimensionless horizontal diffusion coefficients calculated using the moment method ranged from 0.06 to 0.26. However, most of these laboratory experiments were conducted in narrow uniform channels with a width–to-depth ratio in the range of 6.42–40.0; the results therefore cannot be used for surface mixing in natural rivers with various side irregularities and a large aspect ratio. On the other hand, the field tests on surface mixing were mostly conducted in coastal or ocean waters (Poulain 1999; Kjellsson and Döös 2012; Maximenko et al. 2012; Alpers et al. 2013), in which the satellite tracking technique was used to detect the floater position. However, the turbulent diffusion coefficients obtained from the ocean tracer tests cannot be easily converted to the analysis of the floating pollutant mixing in natural rivers where the streamwise current is much stronger than the spanwise velocity.
The objectives of the present study were to determine the turbulent mixing characteristics at the surface of the natural river and to test the applicability of the Lagrangian particle tracing (LPT) model for the mixing simulation of the floating pollutants in natural rivers. To collect the trajectory data of the floating particles in natural streams, tracer tests were conducted using specially fabricated GPS-equipped floaters. From the experimental data of the floater position, both streamwise and spanwise diffusion coefficients were calculated using the moment method. The observed diffusion coefficient was inputted into the LPT model of Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC), which was developed by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in 1992 and has since been maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Craig 2009), in order to simulate the surface mixing in natural rivers. Particle distributions of both the field experiments and the numerical simulations were converted to the concentration field to calculate the peak concentration and arrival time of the floating pollutant at specific areas.

Theoretical Backgrounds

Turbulent Diffusion of Floating Particles

Based on the concept of molecular diffusion, Taylor (1921) first introduced Lagrangian statistics to analyze the scattering of particles attributable to turbulent motion. Following Taylor’s study, after a sufficient period of time (tTI), the variance of the ensemble-averaged concentration distribution for clouds dispersing in a stationary homogeneous field of turbulence grows linearly with time as
where xi2 = ensemble mean size of the cloud, in which i denotes the streamwise and spanwise coordinates; ui=uiu¯i = turbulent fluctuation that becomes the velocity of the particle, with zero mean (u¯i=0); ui2=ui(0)ui(0) = square of the turbulence intensity; TI = Lagrangian integral timescale, and this timescale is the time that particles remember their own velocity in the homogeneous and stationary turbulence field; TI = integral of the Lagrangian autocorrelation function (Ri) with given time
and Ri is defined as
When t is significantly large, Ri decreases from 1 to 0 because the motions of the particle gradually lose their correlation with time t.
In this study, following the moment method (Fischer et al. 1979), Eq. (1) was rearranged to calculate the diffusion coefficient as
where Ki = diffusion coefficient in streamwise and spanwise directions, and σi2 = variance of the particle cloud. Eq. (4) shows that Ki can be obtained from the time evolution of variance with the time series of particle distributions (Rutherford 1994). Richardson and Stommel (1948) reported that the relative diffusion between two particles was measured by the ensemble mean of separating distance. Further, using the fact that the ensemble mean is related to the size of the particle cloud, Rowinski et al. (2005) calculated the average size of the particle cloud from the position data of particles. Thus, in this study, from the discrete particle distribution, variance in the i-direction was calculated using the following equation (Rowinski et al. 2005):
where x¯i=1/Nk=1Nxik = centroid of particle distribution at time t; ()¯ indicates the average value; and N = number of particles. When particles introduced at the water surface are translated and scattered by turbulent motion, σi in Eq. (5) is the average displacement of the scattered particles, and this value represents the size of the particle cloud. In this study, a number of GPS-equipped floaters were deployed onto the surface of the river, and σi2 was then calculated from the time series data of the floaters’ displacements.

Numerical Models for Contaminant Transportation

Mixing of floating pollutants in turbulent flows can be modeled using either an Eulerian or Lagrangian description in a fluid continuum. In the Eulerian description, pollutant mixing is represented in a fixed control volume at a specific time t and is described using the advection-diffusion equation. The advection-diffusion equation for the turbulent flow in the Eulerian description can be derived from Eq. (6) by incorporating Fick’s law into the mass conservation equation (Fischer et al. 1979)
where C = time-averaged concentration; t = time; xi = Cartesian coordinates in three dimensions; u¯i = time-averaged velocity components; and Kij = turbulent diffusion coefficient. Since grid-based models based on Eq. (6) suffer usually from artificial oscillation and/or numerical dispersion, particle tracking methods in which pollutant particles are traced using the Lagrangian approach have been developed to predict the spatial mixing of particles and the temporal concentration field (Lonin 2000). The particle tracking model was initially developed in the 1950s to investigate the contaminant transport in groundwater flows (Scheidegger 1955). The Lagrangian description is more suitable than the Eulerian description for tracing the trajectories of discrete pollutant particles. The Lagrangian approach is a grid-free numerical method, so it can avoid artificial oscillations and numerical dispersion and can save computational cost. Therefore, a number of particle tracking models have been developed to simulate the contaminant transport in turbulent flows of inland and coastal waters. In conjunction with the 3D hydrodynamic model, particle tracking models such as the Lagrangian transport model (LTRANS) (Schlag and North 2012), the oil transport model (OILTRANS) (Berry et al. 2012), and the LPT model of EFDC (Dunsbergen and Stalling 1993) were developed to simulate the mixing of drifting particles, sediment, microorganisms, and oil droplets, primarily in coastal waters. Even though the Lagrangian approach is an effective method to simulate the mixing of floating pollutants, the particle tracking method has some limitations; a sufficient number of particles needs to be introduced for the random fluctuations, and some numerical difficulties are found in the results in a highly distorted grid (Salamon et al. 2006).
In the Lagrangian models, the transport of pollutant particles in the water body is described by a combination of the deterministic translation and random motion (Itō and Nisio 1964). If the position of particles, xi, has a conditional probability density function, then the Fokker-Planck equation was defined as (Gardiner 1985)
where p=p[xi,t|xi(t0),t0] = conditional probability density function; Ai = arbitrary vector to transport particles with deterministic forces; and Bij = arbitrary tensor that drives particles to random motion. Comparing Eqs. (6) and (7), which are mathematically similar, the following equation can be derived:
Eq. (8) includes the drift term, which covers the indeterministic transport of the simple random walk model from the Wiener process (Monti and Leuzzi 2010).
In this study, as a particle tracking model, the LPT module of EFDC was applied. The LPT model uses Eq. (8) as the governing equation in Lagrangian coordinates (Dunsbergen and Stalling 1993). With the isotropic turbulent diffusion in the horizontal direction, Eq. (8) can be decomposed into
where u, v, and w = velocity components in x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively; KH = horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient; KV = vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient; and Z = random number that follows the uniform distribution with a mean quantity of 0 and a range from 1 to 1. In this study, for the analysis of pollutant mixing at the surface of natural rivers, vertical displacements were neglected, and only two horizontal transports were considered. In this study, for the flow simulation, a quasi-3D hydrodynamic model of EFDC was applied, in which a hydrostatic assumption was used in the vertical direction.

Field Experiments

Tracer Tests in the Nakdong River

The field measurements were conducted in the middle reach of the Nakdong River in Korea as shown in Fig. 1. In this river, to control the water discharge and the water level of the river, eight movable weirs were recently constructed in 2012. In this study, two series of experiments were conducted: Series 1 at Site 1, located between the Gangjeong-Goryeong weir (GGW) and the Dalsung weir (DW) in 2012 and 2013, and Series 2 at Site 2, located between the Gumi weir (GW) and the Chilgok weir (CW) in 2013. During the experiments, the water levels at Sites 1 and 2 were maintained as fixed values of 14.0 and 25.5 m, respectively. In these reaches of the river, the flow rate was manipulated by operating the gates of the movable weir to maintain the water level. At Site 1, the Geumho River merges with the Nakdong River downstream of GGW. Two large industrial complexes are located on the left side of the Geumho River and the right side of the Nakdong River. At Site 2, the Gam Creek and the Han Creek merge with the Nakdong River, and industrial complexes have been constructed near the tributaries. Downstream of the confluence in Sites 1 and 2, many water intake facilities operate to draw water from the river for municipal and agricultural purposes. Since water pollution accidents by oil spill are highly possible in this reach, the mixing behavior of floating pollutant needs to be studied based on tracer experiments and numerical simulations.
Fig. 1. Test sites in the Nakdong River
At Site 1, three tests, Cases GF11, GF12, and GF13, were conducted in the upper, middle, and lower portions of the reach, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1. In Case GF11, the floaters were released at the downstream of the Samunjin Bridge near the Geumho River confluence. The test for Case GF12 was conducted near the Dasan industrial complex, and that for Case GF13 was conducted at the downstream of the Seongsan Bridge, which is located upstream of the DW. At Site 2, the experiments were conducted near the confluence of tributaries in which water pollution accidents had occurred previously. Case GF21 was located near the confluence of the Gam Creek, which is 1.5 km downstream of the GW. At 13 km downstream from the Case GF21 site, and downstream of the confluence of Han Creek, the floaters were deployed on the left bank for Case GF22 and on the right bank for Case GF23.
In this study, floaters consisting of a plastic bulb in which the GPS sensor was inserted were used as the tracer for Lagrangian particle tracking experiments. As shown in Fig. 2, the GPS floater has a spherical shape to minimize the disturbance around the floater and the pseudodiffusion induced by the inertial force and wind stress. The diameter of the floater (d) was 10 cm in order to embrace the 7.2-cm-long GPS in which a self-logger was embedded to store time-series position data without additional equipment. The submerged depth of the floater was set as 4.5 cm with a weight of 145 g, in order for it to drift by the surface currents and turbulent motions. The GPS was situated at the center of the floater to receive stable data. The accuracy measurements of the GPS are usually defined with a dilution of precision (DOP) (Langley 1999), and the GPS in this study has 0.95 horizontal DOP (HDOP) and 2.11 vertical DOP (VDOP). Han (2016) maintained that this specially fabricated floater, named the GPS floater, could adequately represent the behavior of the floating pollutant; the laboratory experimental results of Han (2016) showed that the difference between the water velocity and transport velocity of a GPS floater was in range of 0.84–4.23%. This floater is neutrally buoyant, and its size is small enough to cover the spatial scale of the smallest turbulence at the surface of the river. Furthermore, unlike the image analysis required with the particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) methods (Suara et al. 2015), the data of particle position versus time were easily acquired without any further processes by tracking the position of the floater using the embedded GPS when drifting in river flows. In this study, the position data of each GPS floater along with time data were stored every 3 s. Before deploying GPS floaters, preliminary experiments were conducted with a dummy floater, which had the same size and weight as the GPS floater, to find a consistent trajectory in each trial. In the main experiments, 25–35 GPS floaters were deployed to minimize the interference between floaters that causes false spreading on the water surface. The logged data from the GPS floaters were stored with the format of World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84), a coincident coordinate system that is necessary to calculate the number of particles in a particular computational grid. The computational grid was defined in transverse Mercator (TM) coordinates, and the position data from the GPS floaters were transformed to TM coordinates (National Geographic Information Institute 2005). From the coincident coordinates system, the horizontal diffusion of the GPS floaters and LPT simulation results were able to be compared, and the floating pollutant mixing was analyzed.
Fig. 2. GPS-embedded floater for the particle tracking experiment (images by Eun Jin Han): (a) photo of a globular shape GPS float; (b) GPS floats drifting in the Nakdong River
In this study, both the GPS floater experiments and LPT simulation results produced discrete particle position information. Even though these discrete particle positions are useful to demonstrate the floating pollutant mixing, this information is not suitable to anticipate the peak values of the pollutant concentration and distribution of pollutant clouds. Therefore, in this study, the particle position was converted to the concentration field using the concentration conversion technique given below. Since the particle density is defined as the number of particles in a unit volume (Dimou and Adams 1993; Israelsson et al. 2006), the concentration value was calculated at a point by using Eq. (10) (Suh 2006)
where C(x,y,t) = concentration field; m = mass contained in each particle; np(x,y,t) = number of particles in a particular computational grid; H = water depth; and Δx and Δy = grid size in the x-and y-directions, respectively.

Experimental Results

The river velocity data were collected using the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) at Section 1 of each site shown in Figs. 3 and 4, and the cross-sectional average values of velocity and depth from the ADCP measurements along with wind speed data were listed in Table 1. The secondary current profiles and velocity magnitude contours from the ADCP transects at Section 1 of each case were plotted in Fig. 5 using the VMT software (Parsons et al. 2013). From the velocity measurements in Fig. 5, the secondary current intensity (SCI) was calculated using Eq. (11) (Seo et al. 2006) and listed in Table 1
where un=unu¯n, un = spanwise velocity at vertical measurement points; u¯n = depth-averaged transverse velocity; Up = cross-sectional averaged streamwise velocity; and L = number of lateral measurement points. As shown in Table 1, even though the SCI of Series GF1 was larger than those of Series GF2, it is difficult to directly relate the value of the SCI with the turbulent diffusion by surface currents as shown in Table 2 because the secondary currents that were induced by the channel curvature and irregularities of the channel boundary contributed to an increase of the transverse dispersion rather than the turbulent diffusion (Rutherford 1994; Sharma and Ahmad 2014).
Fig. 3. Trajectories of GPS floaters deployed downstream of the GGW: (a) GF11; (b) GF12; (c) GF13
Fig. 4. Trajectories of GPS floaters deployed downstream of the GW: (a) GF21; (b) GF22; (c) GF23
Table 1. Summary of Field Experiments
CaseDateQ (m3/s)H (m)W (m)U (m/s)US (m/s)UST (m/s)SCIWind speed (m/s) (direction)
GF11September 12, 20125476.03830.190.210.0810.770.15–0.22 (SW)
GF12September 15, 20136817.13080.210.240.0630.400.50–2.00 (NE)
GF13September 15, 20136978.53600.220.260.0720.480.50–2.00 (NW)
GF21October 11, 20131693.42630.290.290.0490.520.16–1.25 (NW)
GF22October 12, 20133525.64800.320.260.0480.240.82–1.90 (NW)
GF23October 12, 20133525.64800.320.260.0480.240.82–1.90 (NW)
Fig. 5. Velocity contours and secondary profiles from the ADCP measurements: (a) Case GF11; (b) Case GF12; (c) Case GF13; (d) Case GF21; (e) Cases GF22 and GF23
Table 2. Results of Surface Mixing Coefficients
CaseTI (min)KL (m2/s)KT (m2/s)KL/Hu*KT/Hu*KL/KTKH/Hu*
The surface current can be evaluated by the surface velocity and wind stress. In this study, the surface velocity was taken from the top cell of the ADCP measurements. The cross-sectional mean values of surface velocity, US, and the magnitude of spanwise component, UST, were given in Table 1. As shown in this table, as with the SCI, the UST of Series GF1 were larger than those of Series GF2. Also, in this table, wind speed data were given to consider the wind stress effect on the floaters, in which the local wind speed and direction were measured with an anemovane, which has 3% accuracy. This data showed that the wind speed was lower than 2.0  m/s; thus, in this study, the force induced by wind on the floater was considered to be insignificant.
In Figs. 3 and 4, the trajectories of all GPS floaters for each case are depicted as continuous path lines. These lines can be considered as streak lines because GPS floaters were simultaneously introduced at the same injection point as that in the test reach. However, these lines do not represent the streamlines because the particles had drifted as a result of both the mean motion and the unsteady turbulent fluctuations of the river water. In Case GF11, the GPS floaters released downstream of the Samunjin Bridge were transported downstream by about 716 m for 85 min; the floaters then reached the left bank of the Nakdong River, where they became trapped, as shown in Fig. 3(a). This figure shows that for Case GF11, the scattering of the path lines in the spanwise direction was relatively large compared to those of the other cases. This was considered to be a result of the stronger lateral mixing induced by the velocity fluctuation compared to the advection caused by the mean motion at the water surface. The GPS floaters were transported down the river by about 414 m for 20 min in Case GF12 and by about 500 m for 26 min in Case GF13.
Compared to the experimental results of Site 1, in the tests of Site 2 the floaters were transported a longer distance downstream because of the higher velocity at this reach, as shown in Fig. 4. In Case GF21, the floaters were transported about 1.6 km for 79 min, and landed on the left bank since surface currents at the curved bend were directed outward because of the secondary currents, as shown in Fig. 5. In Cases GF22 and GF23, the floaters deployed downstream of the Sanho Bridge were transported by about 768 m for 66 min in GF22 and by about 556 m for 53 min in GF23.
The measured data of the floater scatterings are plotted in Figs. 6 and 7 along with simulation results by EFDC. In this study, the floater distributions were plotted as a scatter diagram at the specific times. These figures show that the floaters were transported by the surface current while being simultaneously scattered by the turbulent fluctuations, which can be represented by the velocity deviation on the water surface in both the streamwise and spanwise directions. In this study, the advection of the particles was represented by the translation of the centroid of the cloud, and the turbulent diffusion, as mentioned in the previous section, was calculated by the scattering of each individual particle from the centroid in both the streamwise and spanwise directions.
Fig. 6. Measured and simulated particle positions with time for Series GF1: (a) GF11 (30 min); (b) GF11 (50 min); (c) GF12 (10 min); (d) GF12 (15 min); (e) GF13 (10 min); (f) GF13 (20 min)
Fig. 7. Measured and simulated particle positions with time for Series GF2: (a) GF21 (30 min); (b) GF21 (50 min); (c) GF22 (35 min); (d) GF22 (60 min); (e) GF23 (35 min); (f) GF23 (50 min)
These figures clearly demonstrate that particle scattering in the flow direction was considerably greater than the spanwise scattering. This variation in the scattering is considered to be a result of the stronger turbulent motion in the streamwise flows of the natural rivers, in which the streamwise current is also much higher than the spanwise flow. Thus, as mentioned in the previous section, the turbulent diffusions at the surface of the rivers in the streamwise direction and in the spanwise direction should be determined separately. However, in the Lagrangian particle tracking models (e.g., EFDC, OILTRANS, and LTRANS) in which there are no directional differences, only the single turbulent diffusion coefficient in the horizontal direction has usually been considered.

Calculation of Horizontal Diffusion Coefficient

In this study, the floaters horizontally scattered after a single slug consisting of 25–35 floaters was released into the turbulent flow of the river. As aforementioned, the turbulence in the study reach area was assumed to be stationary and homogeneous. Furthermore, it was assumed that the ergodicity hypothesis could be satisfied; thus, instead of using the ensemble average of the particle location from a large number of releases, we could use the position data of the single cloud to analyze the turbulent mixing characteristics after a long period of time from the release. This assumption also implies that when the tracer has been in the flow longer than the Lagrangian timescale, further changes in the ensemble average concentration are governed by the Fickian diffusion equation with constant coefficients.
The temporal characteristics of turbulence for each case were evaluated using the Lagrangian autocorrelation functions and were plotted in Fig. 8. R(τ) was calculated from the velocity of the centroid of the particle cloud of 25–35 floaters, in which the τ increment was taken as 3 s. At Site 1, R(τ) gradually decreased with increasing time lag, and R(τ) approached 0 after 6 to 17 min. At Site 2, R(τ) reached 0 after 4 min in Case GF21. However, as shown in Fig. 8(b), the floater motion in Cases GF22 and GF23 abruptly lost their own velocity for several seconds. This unexpected decrease of R(τ) for Cases GF22 and GF23 indicates that the scattering of the floaters was interrupted by the collision and interaction between floaters before being assimilated with the surface current of the ambient water. From R(τ), TI values were calculated and are listed in Table 2.
Fig. 8. Lagrangian autocorrelation function versus time lag: (a) Series GF1; (b) Series GF2
Fig. 9 shows the relations between σi2 and t for each case. This figure shows that σi2 is growing linearly with t in Cases GF 12, GF21, and GF23, whereas σi2 in other cases is growing nonlinearly with time, showing a non-Fickian diffusion. Cushman-Roisin (2008) proposed the alternative model, in which the probability density function of the turbulent velocity was adopted in the advection-dispersion equation instead of using the diffusion coefficient, to analyze the non-Fickian mixing behavior. Thus, the proportional coefficient of the best-fit line in non-Fickian mixing can be defined as the turbulent velocity, which is proportional to the square root of turbulent kinetic energy. However, in this study, the Fickian model was used to define the spreading of the pollutant cloud because most numerical models were developed based on the Fickian model. Thus, turbulent diffusion coefficients were determined with the time evolution of variance from the displacements of the floaters when the time is larger than TI. In calculating σi2 in Eq. (5), it was assumed that the centroid of the particle cloud at each time step is approximately the same as the centroid of the ensemble average of the clouds when tTI. Then, using Eq. (4), the diffusion coefficient was calculated as 1/2 of the slope of the linearly fitted line in Fig. 9. For cases showing the nonlinear growth of σi2, the slope was calculated after the nonlinear relation decreases.
Fig. 9. Time evolution of particle position variance: (a) GF11; (b) GF12; (c) GF13; (d) GF21; (e) GF22; (f) GF23
Table 2 shows the diffusion coefficients in each direction calculated from Fig. 9. In this table, for the calculation of u*, Eq. (12) was used
where R = hydraulic radius; Sf=(nU/R2/3)2 = energy slope; and n = Manning’s roughness coefficient, in which the value was adopted from MOLIT (2009). Table 2 shows that the dimensionless streamwise diffusion coefficients were larger, in the range of 0.11–0.56, while the spanwise component was in the range of 0.02–0.16. Compared to previous studies in laboratory channels (Rutherford 1994), of which values were in the range of 0.06–0.26, these results generated the wider range of diffusion coefficients even though the geometric mean values of KL and KT fell in the range of the previous experimental values of KH. Furthermore, these results clearly demonstrate that the turbulent diffusion in the streamwise direction was much stronger than the spanwise diffusion in the real river system, in which the primary flow is usually much larger than the secondary currents. Therefore, consideration of the directional diffusivity is required to properly reproduce pollutant mixing on the surface current in the Nakdong River. Table 2 also demonstrates that the diffusion coefficients in both directions were proportional to TI, as suggested by Taylor’s derivation (1921). As aforementioned, the diffusion coefficients in the spanwise direction showed a positive relation with UST, even though the spanwise diffusion coefficients were not proportional to the SCI.

Numerical Simulations

Simulation Results

The numerical simulation of the particle tracking using the LPT model was conducted, and the results were compared with the experiments in Site 1. Simulation conditions were the same as the field experiments as given in Table 1. The vertical layer in the LPT model was divided into 10 layers to obtain the surface velocity, and the horizontal grid size was 7×10  m on average for reproducing the flow feature on the water surface. The same number of particles was introduced at the injection point where the GPS floaters were released. In the LPT simulation, the released particles were only transported at the surface layer to enable the use of the surface velocity in determining the trajectory of the floating pollutants, as mentioned in the previous section.
For the validation of the numerical model, the flow simulation results of EFDC were compared with the ADCP measurements at Section 1 as shown in Fig. 10. From the results, the EFDC simulation results show a similar surface velocity distribution in the transverse direction as that in the field measurements. The observed values of the diffusion coefficients in Table 2 were applied to the LPT simulation, and the horizontal mixing of floating particles was then compared with the experimental results. In analyzing the field measurements, directional diffusivity was considered to calculate the diffusion coefficients. However, in the LPT model in EFDC, isotropic mixing is assumed; thus, in this study, KH, which was the geometric mean value of KL and KT, was used in the LPT simulation.
Fig. 10. Comparison of the surface velocity at the injection point for Series GF1: (a) GF11; (b) GF13
In Figs. 6 and 7, the particle scatterings in the simulation results were plotted on the xy plane, along with the observed positions of particles from the field experiments. Floating particles from the simulation results show trajectories similar to those of the experimental results, even though the particle trajectories during early periods had shown some discrepancies. The percent error of particle displacements in Case GF11 was 28.2% after 30 min, which decreased to 10.7% after 50 min. The error also decreased from 17.4 to 14.7% in Case GF22. Thus, as aforementioned, the displacements of the floaters in the initial mixing phase were restricted because of the interaction between the floaters and the external forces induced by the limited size and weight of the floaters. In some cases, especially Cases GF12 and GF21, some floaters in the observed data deviated from the simulated cloud. It is considered that this deviation was caused by local eddies that have different length scales from those simulated by the EFDC model.

Comparison of Concentration Fields

Particle distributions were converted to the concentration field using Eq. (10). Fig. 11 shows a comparison of the observed and simulated concentration contours. As aforementioned, the location of peak concentration by the LPT model differs somewhat from the observed results, especially for Case GF11. For this reason, it is suggested that the numerical model with KL and KT be applied to the analysis of the turbulent mixing in the river system, where the current and the turbulence are stronger in the streamwise direction than in the spanwise direction.
Fig. 11. Comparison of concentration contours for Series GF1: (a) GF11 (30 min); (b) GF11 (50 min); (c) GF13 (10 min); (d) GF13 (20 min)
In the case of pollutant spills, decision makers need detailed information about the peak concentration and arrival time of the contaminant cloud in order to set up a disaster prevention plan for a prompt response to the water pollution accident. For this purpose, time variations of concentration curves were extracted from the concentration fields shown in Fig. 11. In addition, the C-t-y curves at Section 2 for GF11 and GF13 were plotted in Fig. 12 for simulation and experimental results. In Fig. 12, C0 is the injected particle concentration and Cp is the peak concentration at each section. In Case GF11, the pollutant cloud was transported along the left bank; according to the decreased velocity distribution, the detention time of the particle cloud at Section 2 was about 10 min. For the pollutant cloud in Case GF13, the peak concentration occurred at y/W=0.3 after 15 min, and the detention time was about 3 min.
Fig. 12. Time evolution of concentration curves in Section 2 for Series GF1: (a) GF11; (b) GF13


In this research, particle tracking experiments with GPS floaters were conducted for the analysis of floating pollutant mixing in natural rivers. A number of GPS-embedded floaters that enclose a self-logger to store the time series of positions were deployed at two sites in the middle reach of the Nakdong River, Korea. The field experiments were compared with the simulation results of the LPT model, which is a component of EFDC.
The results of the floater trajectories show that the streamwise scattering was larger than the spanwise displacements because of the stronger turbulence of surface currents in the longitudinal direction in the study reach of the Nakdong River. The results of the autocorrelation function analysis showed that the floaters rapidly lost their own velocity in the initial mixing phase since the interaction among the floaters interrupted spreading on the water surface. With time, the floaters were transported by the surface currents of the ambient water, and the turbulence induced by the velocity variations scattered the floaters from stationary positions. Thus, sufficient spacing between floaters is required when the floaters are deployed on the water surface to decrease errors in the initial mixing phase.
Based on the ergodic hypothesis of turbulent mixing, the diffusion coefficients were calculated using the moment method. The results revealed that the scattering of floaters in the test reaches shows non-Fickian mixing behavior, in which σi2 is proportional to t2. In the diffusion-dominant transport region, KL/Hu* and KT/Hu* were the largest compared to the value in the advective-dominant region. Because of the directional diffusivity in the natural river system, in which the streamwise current is much larger than the spanwise flow, KL was 2–7 times larger than KT. Thus, the geometric mean values of KL and KT fell in the range of the previous experimental values of horizontal mixing. The diffusion coefficients were proportional to the integral timescale following Taylor’s theory (Taylor 1921).
Particle tracking simulations using the LPT model were conducted using the observed horizontal diffusion coefficients based on the isotropic mixing assumption. A comparison of the particle scattering between the field measurements and simulation revealed that the observed displacement of the floaters in the initial mixing phase decreased because of the interaction between the floaters. With time, the distances among floaters were widening by the large scale eddies and surface currents, so, the difference between the experiments and simulation results decreased. These discrepancies might contain simulation errors in which the LPT model might not produce the streamwise dominant diffusion in the river flow by adopting the isotropic mixing assumption.


This research was supported by the Water Quality Control Center of the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) and a grant (11-TI-C06) from the Advanced Water Management Research Program funded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of the Korean government. This work was conducted at the Research Institute of Engineering and Entrepreneurship and the Integrated Research Institute of Construction and Environment at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 143Issue 8August 2017


Received: May 22, 2016
Accepted: Jan 10, 2017
Published ahead of print: Mar 24, 2017
Published online: Mar 25, 2017
Published in print: Aug 1, 2017
Discussion open until: Aug 25, 2017



Inhwan Park
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National Univ., Seoul 08826, South Korea.
Il Won Seo, A.M.ASCE [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National Univ., Seoul 08826, South Korea (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Young Do Kim
Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Nakdong River Environmental Research Center, Inje Univ., Gimhae, Gyeongnam 50834, South Korea.
Eun Jin Han
Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Inje Univ., Gimhae, Gyeongnam 50834, South Korea.

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