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Feb 1, 2006

Editor’s Note

Publication: Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 10, Issue 1
This note marks the beginning of the tenth year of publication of the Journal of Composites for Construction. As the only international peer-reviewed journal dedicated exclusively to the research and application of fiber reinforced polymer composites in civil engineering structures, the Journal continues to attract high-quality papers from leading investigators around the world. In the first issue of the new year, I present recent statistics for the Journal and acknowledge the individuals who help ensure the success of the Journal.
Recently, the average time period elapsed between submission and publication of a paper has been about 15 months, while the average period between submission and approval (including re-reviews) has been about 6 months. The average period between approval and publication, a measure of our printing backlog, is about 9 months. A paper submitted today can be published in as little as 12 months if only one round of reviews is required. The time required to complete a round of review has lately been about 12 weeks between the date that ASCE receives the manuscript and the date that ASCE mails the results of the review to the corresponding author. Recently, approximately two-thirds of papers submitted to the Journal have been accepted and one-third were declined.
Papers appearing in the Journal have traditionally been categorized into five general topics, as follows:
Reinforcements for concrete,
Repair and strengthening of concrete and masonry,
Structural shapes,
Hybrid structural elements and systems, and
Codes and standards.
Table 1 shows the breakdown of the papers and discussions published in the five general topics. The Journal published 57 papers and 2 discussions in Vol. 9. The year-end issue of each volume of the Journal contains an index of the year’s papers by subject and author.
Table 1. Breakdown of Papers and Discussions Published by Topic
Topic areaVol. 5 (2001)Vol. 6 (2002)Vol. 7 (2003)Vol. 8 (2004)Vol. 9 (2005)
Reinforcements for concrete738510
Repair and strengthening of concrete and masonry2215204337
Structural shapes05452
Hybrid structural elements and systems265710
Codes and standards04320
For Volume 9, the papers break down as follows.

Reinforcements for Concrete

“Rational Approach to Shear Design in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Prestressed Concrete Structures” by Paul Arthur Whitehead and Timothy James Ibell
“Statistical Lifetime Predictions for Aramid Fibers” by K. G. N. C. Alwis and C. J. Burgoyne
“Behavior of Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforced High Strength Concrete Beams under Bending” by Mohammad Abdur Rashid, Mohammad Abdul Mansur, and P. Paramasivam
“Shear Strength of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Bars” by Brahim Benmokrane, Ahmed El-Sayed, and Ehab El-Salakawy
“Bond Strength of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebar in Normal Strength Concrete” by Roman Okelo and Robert L. Yuan
“Effect of Sandblasting on Interfacial Contact Behavior of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Metal Couples” by Adil Al-Mayah, Khaled A. Soudki, and A. Plumtree
“Transverse Thermal Expansion of FRP Bars Embedded in Concrete” by Radhouane Masmoudi, Ali Zaidi, and Patrick Girard
“Discussion of ‘Bond Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars under Direct Pullout Conditions’ by Zenon Achillides and Kypros Pilakoutas” by Huanzi Wang
“Prediction of the Failure Time of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Reinforced Concrete Beams under Fire Conditions” by Abdolkarim Abbasi and P. J. Hogg
“Field Investigation on the First Bridge Deck Slab Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars Constructed in Canada” by Ehab El-Salakawy, Brahim Benmokrane, Amr El-Ragaby, and Dominique Nadeau

Repair and Strengthening of Concrete and Masonry

“Behavior of Gravity Load-Designed Rectangular Concrete Columns Confined with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets” by Mohamed H. Harajli
“Simple Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic-Confined Concrete Model for Moment-Curvature Analysis” by M. Saiid Saiidi, K. Sureshkumar, and C. Pulido
“Modeling the Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer-Confined Concrete Columns Exposed to Fire” by L. A. Bisby, Mark F. Green, and Venkatesh Kumar R. Kodur
“Effect of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Confinement on Bond Strength of Reinforcement in Beam Anchorage Specimens” by Bilal S. Hamad, Amal Y. Hage Ali, and Mohamed H. Harajli
“Development of the Nonlinear Bond Stress-Slip Model of Fiber Reinforced Plastics Sheet-Concrete Interfaces with a Simple Method” by Jianguo Dai, Tamon Ueda, and Yasuhiko Sato
“Creep Deformation of Fiber Reinforced Plastics-Plated Reinforced Concrete Tensile Members” by Marco Savoia, B. Ferracuti, and Claudio Mazzotti
“Behavior of Composite Unreinforced Masonry-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Wall Assemblages Under In-Plane Loading” by Ahmad A. Hamid, Wael Wagih El-Dakhakhni, Zeyad H. R. Hakam, and Mohamed Elgaaly
“Masonry Wall Crack Control with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer” by Gideon P. A. G. van Zijl and Peter A. de Vries
“Control of Corrosion-Induced Damage in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates” by Moataz Badawi and Khaled A. Soudki
“Discussion of ‘Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with CFRP Laminates’ by P. J. Heffernan and M. A. Erki” by Richard A. Barnes and Geoffrey C. Mays
“Masonry Confinement with Fiber-Reinforced Polymers” by Theofanis D. Krevaikas and Thanasis C. Triantafillou
“Underwater Fiber-Reinforced Polymers Repair of Prestressed Piles in the Allen Creek Bridge” by Gray Mullins, Rajan Sen, Kwangsuk Suh, and Danny Winters
“Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates” by Zhichao Zhang and Cheng-Tzu “Thomas” Hsu
“Flexural Response of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with End-Anchored Partially Bonded Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strips” by Ali Chahrour and Khaled A. Soudki
“Concrete Beams Exposed to Live Loading during Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strengthening” by Anders Carolin, Bjorn Taljsten, and Arvid Hejll
“Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Repair to Extend the Service Life of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams” by Tamer El Maaddawy and Khaled A. Soudki
“Peeling Behavior and Spalling Resistance of Bonded Bidirectional Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets” by Zhishen Wu, Hong Yuan, Toshihiro Asakura, Hiroyuki Yoshizawa, Akira Kobayashi, Yoshiyuk Kojima, and Ehsan Ahmed
“Computer-Based Mathematical Model for Performance Prediction of Corroded Beams Repaired with Fiber Reinforced Polymers” by Tamer El Maaddawy, Khaled A. Soudki, and Tim Topper
“Tests on Seismically Damaged Reinforced Concrete Walls Repaired and Strengthened using Fiber-Reinforced Polymers” by Konstantinos K. Antoniades, Thomas N. Salonikios, and Andreas J. Kappos
“Flexural Response of Steel Beams Strengthened with Partial-Length CFRP Plates” by Akhrawat Lenwari, Thaksin Thepchatri, and Pedro Albrecht
“Design of a Test Specimen to Assess the Effective Bond Length of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strips Bonded to Fatigued Steel Bridge Girders” by Katsuyoshi Nozaka, Carol K. Shield, and Jerome F. Hajjar
“Strength-Fatigue Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strengthened Prestressed Concrete T-Beams” by Kyle H. Larson, Robert J. Peterman, and Hayder A. Rasheed
“Shear Retrofit of Hollow Bridge Piers with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strips” by Yeong-Kae Yeh and Y.L. Mo
“Flexural Reinforcement of Glulam Timber Beams and Joints with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Rods” by Francesco Micelli, Vincenza Scialpi, and La Antonio Tegola
“Durability Evaluation of Glass Fiber Reinforced-Polymer-Concrete Bonded Interfaces” by Junhui Jia, Thomas E. Boothby, Charles E. Bakis, and Tennisha Brown
“Confinement Effectiveness in Rectangular Concrete Columns with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Wraps” by Gebran Karam and Mazen Tabbara
“Effect of Fiber Orientation and Ply Mix on Fiber Reinforced Polymer-Confined Concrete” by Ching Au and Oral Buyukozturk
“Seismic Rehabilitation of Deficient Exterior Concrete Frame Joints” by Ahmed Ghobarah and T. El-Amoury
‘Debonding in RC Beams Shear-Strengthened with Complete FRP Wraps” by S. Y. Cao, Jian-Fei Chen, Jin-Guang Teng, Z. Hao, and J. Chen
“Dynamic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Composite Materials” by E. Hamed and O. Rabinovitch
“Postrepair Fatigue Performance of FRP-Repaired Corroded RC Beams: Experimental and Analytical Investigation” by Sobhy Masoud, Khaled A. Soudki, and Timothy Topper
“Sensors to Monitor CFRP/Concrete Bond in Beams Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy” by Sangdo Hong and Ronald S. Harichandran
“Numerical Cracking and Debonding Analysis of RC Beams Reinforced with FRP Sheet” by Norimitsu Kishi, Guangfeng Zhang, and Hiroshi Mikami
“Experimental Study on Strengthening for Increased Shear Bearing Capacity” by Anders Carolin and Bjorn Taljsten
“Theoretical Study on Strengthening for Increased Shear Bearing Capacity” by Anders Carolin and Bjorn Taljsten
“In-Plane Seismic Response of URM Walls Upgraded with FRP” by Mohamed A. ElGawady, Pierino Lestuzzi, and Marc Badoux
“Experimental Investigation of Nonconventional Confinement for Concrete Using FRP” by Michael Karatzikis, Catherine G. Papanicolaou, Costas P. Antonopoulos, and Thanasis C. Triantafillou

Structural Shapes

“Fabrication and Testing of Cuff Connections for GFRP Box Sections” by Sudhir K. Singamsethi, James M. LaFave, and Keith D. Hjelmstad
“Evaluation of GFRP Honeycomb Beams for the O’Fallon Park Bridge” by Guido Camata and Benson Shing

Hybrid Structural Elements and Systems

“Rectangular Filament-Wound Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tubes Filled with Concrete under Flexural and Axial Loading: Experimental Investigation” by Amir Z. Fam, David Schnerch, and Sami H. Rizkalla
“Rectangular Filament-Wound Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tubes Filled with Concrete under Flexural and Axial Loading: Analytical Modeling” by Amir Z. Fam, Siddhawartha Mandal, and Sami H. Rizkalla
“Anchorage of Reinforced Concrete Parapets on Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bridge Decks” by Clay J. Naito
“Long-Term Performance Monitoring of the Tech 21 All-Composite Bridge” by Daniel N. Farhey
“Experimental Investigation of Cyclic Behavior of Concrete-Filled Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tubes” by Yutian Shao and Amir Mirmiran
“Interface Characteristics and Laboratory Constructability Tests of Novel Fiber-Reinforced Polymer/Concrete Piles” by M. Sakr, M. Hesham El Naggar, and Moncef Nehdi
“Experimental Validation of a Shear Stud Connection between Steel Girders and a Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Deck in the Transverse Direction” by Franklin L. Moon and John W. Gillespie
“Composite Action and Adhesive Bond between Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bridge Decks and Main Girders” by Thomas Keller and Herbert Gurtler
“Ballistic Testing of Polymer Composites to Manufacture Emergency Safe House Shelters” by Nasim Uddin and Uday Vaidya
“Laboratory and Field Performance of Cellular Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Bridge Deck Systems” by Aixi Zhou, Jason T. Coleman, Anthony B. Temeles, John J. Lesko, and Thomas E. Cousins
In closing, I take this opportunity to thank the many people who help me in assuring the continuing quality and usefulness of the Journal. First, the distinguished members of the International Editorial Board of the Journal are acknowledged for their tireless reviewing work. Every paper submitted to the Journal is reviewed by at least one Board member. Board members are appointed by the Editor for 2-year renewable terms. In addition to providing timely reviews of exceptionally high quality, Board members provide valuable input to the Editor on the directions and policies of the Journal. Second, I thank the many reviewers who are not on the Board yet provide equally important critiques of manuscripts. I try to keep the number of reviews by nonmembers of the Board to no more than one or two manuscripts per year. Additional persons who are interested in reviewing papers for the Journal are encouraged to notify me with their contact information and technical area of interest. Finally, I thank Ms. Renee Lindenberg, who assists me in the management of the Journal at Penn State and ensures that deadlines are met, and Ms. Johanna Reinhart and Ms. Jackie Perry at ASCE Headquarters for their expert handling of all manuscripts and valuable advice on many editorial matters.

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Go to Journal of Composites for Construction
Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 10Issue 1February 2006
Pages: 1 - 3


Published online: Feb 1, 2006
Published in print: Feb 2006


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Charles E. Bakis

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