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Sep 15, 2011

Challenges for Sustainability Assessment by Indicators

Publication: Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 11, Issue 4


This paper presents an overview of sustainable construction in civil engineering from the perspective of project management and sustainability assessment through indicators. It discusses the different approaches and requirements of sustainability assessment models that are based mostly on criteria and indicators, the needs that are deemed critical for the application of sustainability indicators in the civil engineering sector, and the challenges that remain to be overcome before they can be applied in general practice. The ultimate goal is indicators that allow comparison not only between alternatives but also between projects in regard to sustainability certification.
Sustainable construction has become a real challenge for the future of the construction sector. This new paradigm takes into consideration human satisfaction, minimal consumption of matter and energy, and minimal negative environmental impact (Augenbroe et al. 1998) in the search for a balance among project objectives (cost, time, and quality) and among environment, society, and economy. Generally, this paradigm has been widely applied to buildings, but it is time to apply it to the construction sector.
Sustainable management is not yet being considered adequately in civil engineering projects over their life cycle, in spite of the fact that project management standards have been adapted to the construction context. The two main entities in project management are the Project Management Institute (PMI), which is based in the United States but has a wide international following and members in more than 165 countries, and the International Project Management Association (IPMA), which emerged in 1965 and represents more than 50 project management associations around the world. Both organizations publish standards and procedures periodically (IPMA 2006 and PMI 2008 are the latest editions), and PMI (2007) has adapted its procedures for the construction industry.
Although PMI does not consider any kind of sustainable management among its general procedures, IPMA has a contextual management competence in health, safety, and the environment that considers elements of and impact on the environment. This competence does not explicitly include sustainable development considerations (e.g., social integration, social economy, and environmental concerns regarding the project) but points to future developments in this direction.
PMI, in its extension of procedures to the construction industry, includes environmental management of both the organization and the project. Regarding projects, it focuses on a methodology close to the current environmental impact assessment widely used in infrastructure projects. Thus, a gap appears between social integration and the societal costs incurred in civil engineering projects. It seems that sustainability criteria are not currently being considered.
Some organizations have developed proposals to manage sustainability assessment in civil infrastructure projects, however (Table 1). These proposals are based primarily on indicator systems that reduce the complexity of the sustainability concept and ensure easier management and control of a project’s sustainability goals. Several prerequisites arise, however, when trying to apply a sustainability indicator system to real projects.
Table 1. Sustainability Assessment Models in Civil Engineering Projects
NameScopeProject typeCountry and references
Sustainability Appraisal in Infrastructure Projects (SUSAIP)Indicator system based on surveys of all stakeholders; sustainability managed integrallyInfrastructure, bridgesChina and South Africa (Ugwu et al. 2006; Ugwu and Haupt 2007)
Technical Sustainability Index (TSI)Indicators based on scientific literature, with two categories: environmental and technicalInfrastructure, power linesCanada (Dasgupta and Tam 2005)
Application of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system to infrastructureBased on checklists of LEED criteria adapted from building projects; no value given for effort in each criterionLinear infrastructureUnited States (Campbell 2009; Soderlund 2007)
Infrastructure sustainability indicatorsIndicator system to classify alternatives in order of sustainability (environment, economy, and society)Linear infrastructureSpain (Fernández-Sánchez and Rodríguez-López 2010)
CEEQUALAssessment and awards scheme for civil engineering projects (design and construction) evaluating areas of environmental and social concerns qualitatively with checklistsAll civil engineering projectsUnited Kingdom (Campbell-Lendrum and Feris 2008)
Index of Structures’ Contribution to Sustainability (ICES)Based on Environmental Sensitivity Index (ISMA) with social and life cycle variablesAll kinds of concrete structureSpain (Aguado et al. 2007)

Approaches to Sustainability Assessment by Indicators

Different methods have been developed to achieve an integrated sustainability value using multiple indicators. Essentially, what is stated in developed standards (and under development; e.g., the International Organization for Standardization’s [ISO’s] TC 59/SC 17 standards for sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works) is the determination of a sustainability indicator set and its implementation, evaluation, and control over the project life cycle from design, through construction, operation, and maintenance, to demolition (end of life). Project alternatives can be classified according to their sustainability by applying these indicators and therefore establishing whether the targets posed by the indicators are satisfactorily achieved.
An indicator set must describe sustainable construction through its social, economic, and environmental pillars of sustainable development and in consideration of the relationships among these pillars; additionally, selected indicators should describe the essential impacts on the three pillars, and their selection must be justified, reasoned, and validated. Finally, the development process and application of indicators must be fully transparent (ISO 2006).
According to Bell and Morse (2008), there are two methods for integrating different indicator values to achieve a sustainability index:
Cost–benefit analysis involves the ratio of costs to benefits of the project. The Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) tools apply a similar concept (ecoefficiency), which evaluates benefits and services yielded by the project (in economic or other terms) versus negative consequences of the project for the environment. The ratio of benefits to negative consequences indicates the efficiency of each alternative. Impacts are valued relatively (positive vs. negative). This method is rarely used because of its major limitation: the need to quantify in comparable units (usually in financial terms) both the benefits and costs of the project.
Multicriteria analysis is the most commonly used method for decision making. It considers all variables or indicators, positive and negative, together and integrates them into a single final value, which allows decision makers to choose among alternatives according to the index value and their own goals. However, it is necessary to weigh and normalize the criteria to enable calculation of a sustainability index.
In addition to these analytical techniques, there are several other ways to approach sustainability. One is the “binary view”: whether a project is sustainable or not. Another approach is to grade sustainability from the lowest to the highest level. This approach is the most commonly applied in the construction sector. Thus, the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design; U.S. Green Building Council) rating has four levels (certified, silver, gold, and platinum) indicating the sustainability of a building, the SBTool (International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment) uses five levels from 1 to 5, CASBEE (Japan Sustainable Building Consortium) has levels from 1 to more than 3 according to the ecoefficiency value, and so on. It is more important to detail how sustainable a project is rather than to analyze whether the project is sustainable or not, perhaps because it is unclear whether the variables assessed can absolutely define a project as sustainable. It is easier to determine which projects have a greater or lesser degree of sustainability according to an indicator set.
Sustainability assessment may also have different outcomes. The most commonly used is the spider or radar diagram, which expresses the valuation of a project or alternative in relation to each indicator or dimension (see Figure 1 for an example of a spider diagram illustrating areas or dimensions of sustainability). The diagram has as many axes as dimensions measured—for example, water, energy, atmosphere, society, economy, land, biodiversity, and so on—and shows the value obtained for each dimension. Impacts may also be included in such diagrams; each axis would correspond to a different impact. New developments in sustainable building are centered on this kind of impact assessment (Macías and García Navarro 2010). There is also the possibility of integrating all ratings for each criterion into a single value or index by applying cost–benefit or multicriteria methods. Generally, existing tools include this result as the most visual and simplest, even in spite of significant error due to the mix of units and scales in the same value.
Fig. 1. Example of a spider diagram illustrating areas or dimensions of sustainability.

Requirements for Implementation of the Indicator System

Practical application of sustainability indicators in civil engineering projects, as in other sectors, requires attention to the following:
All stakeholders must reach a consensus both on the identification and selection of indicators and on methods for their assessment and control throughout the project life cycle.
Sensitivity ranges must be established for the various indicators, taking into account regional variations.
Public administrators and private promoters and developers must adopt sustainability as a key requirement in project specifications.
Civil engineering projects must be differentiated by type (e.g., transportation, water, energy, urban, structural) to allow comparison between projects.
It would be extremely beneficial to create new standardized procedures for integrated sustainable management in construction project management that differ from the lifecycle point of view, for which indicators are simply a helpful tool.
The establishment of sensitivity ranges is probably the most complex task. Maximum and minimum possible values need to be established for each indicator, and these two values must be normalized in a range of standard scores—for example, [0, 1]. Value functions are usually used to reach a minimum to maximum score, considering the effort to improve the rating of each indicator; depending on the indicator characteristics, different functions can be used (see Figure 2). The exponential function is used when looking for an analysis in which the improvement of initial values is simple and seeks to reward efforts to improve the indicator near the maximum. The logarithmic function is used for those criteria for which a small effort to improve its valuation increases its score substantially, whereas an improvement near the maximum value does not produce a significant increase in score. The linear function, with a simple line between the maximum and minimum points, is used when looking for a linear rate between improvement effort and the final score. Finally, the discontinuous function is used when there are set fixed levels of effort.
Fig. 2. Examples of the value functions of sustainability indicators.
Checklists are based on discontinuous functions. If the criterion is met, one point is obtained, and if it is not, the criterion is not scored. For example, for the indicator water use reduction used by LEED–NC (Version 2.2; U.S. Green Building Council 2005), reducing water consumption by more than 20% is 1 point and by less than 20% is 0 points. However, indicator sets are generally based on continuous value functions that assign a better indicator value when a greater effort is made, depending on each criterion.
Because sustainability indicators are usually new, emerging criteria, the biggest problem is frequently the establishment of these maximum and minimum values. They are typically not legislated and vary dramatically over time. For these reasons, it is very important to continuously monitor and use a feedback system after each indicator’s assessment in order to validate established ranges. An alternative is to measure a standard project and use its results as a benchmark against which to compare.


Society and stakeholders are increasingly concerned about the impact of construction projects on the environment, society, and the economy. To enable the implementation of new sustainability criteria that will enhance positive impacts and reduce negative impacts, operational tools and procedures are required. We have outlined some of the sustainability indicator systems that are currently available in civil engineering and described what we see as the key issues in their application if indicators are to become the definitive way to measure sustainability. It is also vital to form a consensus on sustainability assessment: What is a sustainable project? Additionally, what are the key sustainability variables and indicators that must be measured? Adopting lessons learned in similar fields such as building and urban planning, which have two decades of experience in developing sustainability assessment tools, may be a first step in answering these questions. There is also a need for the development of general standard procedures in sustainable project management.
Sustainability criteria are becoming a requirement in project management that is important to society, and government and promoters have committed to using them. Indicators can be a great aid in sustainable management of engineering projects, opening new opportunities to achieve added value in infrastructure projects.


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Augenbroe, G., Pearce, A. R., and Kibert, C. J. (1998). “Sustainable construction in the United States of America: A perspective to the year 2010.” Rep. CIB-W82, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
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Campbell-Lendrum, E., and Feris, J. (2008). “Trialling CEEQUAL on a London railway embankment.” Proc. ICE Eng. Sustain., 161(1), 71–76.
Dasgupta, S., and Tam, E. K. L. (2005). “Indicators and framework for assessing sustainable infrastructure.” Can. J. Civ. Eng., 32(1), 30–44.
Fernández-Sánchez, G., and Rodríguez-López, F. (2010). “A methodology to identify sustainability indicators in construction project management: Application to infrastructure projects in Spain.” Ecol. Indic., 10(6), 1193–1201.
International Organization for Standardization. (2006). “Sustainability in building construction—Sustainability indicators—Part 1: Framework for development of indicators for buildings.” Rep. ISO 21929-1, Geneva.
International Project Management Association. (2006). “ICB-IPMA competence baseline version 3.0,” Nijkerk, Netherlands.
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Fernando Rodríguez López is professor, Construction Civil Engineering Department, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. He is also chair of the Sustainability Seal Subcommittee of the World Council of Civil Engineers and a member of COST C-23 Action for a Low Carbon Urban Built Environment in Europe. He was the managing director of International CPV Group until 2009.
Gonzalo Fernández Sánchez is a civil engineer and researcher in sustainability issues at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He can be contacted at [email protected].

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Published In

Go to Leadership and Management in Engineering
Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 11Issue 4October 2011
Pages: 321 - 325


Received: Jun 28, 2011
Accepted: Jun 28, 2011
Published online: Sep 15, 2011
Published in print: Oct 1, 2011


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Fernando Rodríguez López, Ph.D.
Gonzalo Fernández Sánchez, Ph.D.

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