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Feb 1, 2005


Publication: Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 9, Issue 1
This note marks the beginning of the ninth year of publication of the Journal of Composites for Construction (JCC). As the only international peer-reviewed journal dedicated exclusively to the research and application of fiber-reinforced polymer composites in civil engineering structures, the Journal continues to attract high-quality papers from leading investigators around the world.
In the past year, we have dramatically reduced the time typically elapsed between the day we receive a manuscript for review and the actual date of publication. Due in large part to a 50% increase in pages allocated to the Journal from ASCE with Volume 8, this “time-to-print” decreased from about 2 years to about 1 year for manuscripts needing only one round of review. Roughly half of manuscripts eventually accepted need only one round of review prior to publication. The target time to review a manuscript submitted to the Journal is 3 months from the date of submission. The time required to print a manuscript subjected to multiple reviews can be heavily dependent on the time it takes authors to carry out the suggested revisions. Recently, about two-thirds of the papers submitted have been ultimately accepted. Papers in the regular issues of the Journal (i.e., not including special issues) appear in the order in which they were received in finalized form at ASCE.
Another positive development that has occurred in the past year is the first-time listing of the Impact Factor for the Journal by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI 2003). The impact factor for the Journal is 1.234, which is the second highest among 22 journals filtered under the categories of “materials science” and “composites.” Such an impressive impact factor is a testament to the quality and timeliness of papers published in the Journal. Many thanks go to the authors and reviewers for this impressive statistic. In this regard, I thank the continued dedication and competent service of the distinguished members of the International Editorial Board, each of whom reviews, on average, three to four papers per year for the Journal, not including rereviews and resubmissions. Every paper submitted to the Journal is reviewed by at least one board member. Board members are appointed by the editor for 2 year renewable terms. In addition to providing timely reviews of exceptionally high quality, board members provide valuable input to the editor on the directions and policies of the Journal. Secondly, I thank the many reviewers who are not on the board yet provide equally important critiques of manuscripts. I try to keep the number of reviews by nonmembers of the board to no more than one or two manuscripts per year. Additional persons who are interested in reviewing papers for the Journal should feel free to notify me with their contact information and technical area of interest. Thirdly, I thank Ms. Renee Lindenberg, who assists me in the management of the Journal at Penn State and ensures that deadlines are met. Finally, I owe a great deal of thanks to Ms. Johanna Reinhart and Ms. Jackie Perry at ASCE Headquarters, who provide me with invaluable guidance and advice on all editorial matters.
The papers appearing in the Journal have traditionally been divided into five general areas, as follows:
Reinforcements for concrete,
Repair and strengthening of concrete and masonry,
Structural shapes,
Hybrid structural elements and systems, and
Codes and standards.
Table 1 shows the breakdown of the papers into the five areas for the last five volumes of the Journal. During the 8th year of publication, the following papers were published in the five topic areas:Reinforcements for concrete (5 papers):
“Energy Release in Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Reinforced Concrete Beams,” by Ana Lilia Orozco and Arup K. Maji;
“Acoustic Emission Characterization of Damage in Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Rods,” by Yujin Liang, Changsen Sun, and Farhad Ansari;
“Bond Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars under Direct Pullout Conditions,” by Zenon Achillides and Kypros Pilakoutas;
“Barrier Wall Impact Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Decks with Steel and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars,” by D. H. Deitz, I. E. Harik, H. Gesund, and W. A. Zatar;
“Environmental Impact of Steel and FRP Reinforced Pavements,” by Amnon Katz.
Repair and strengthening of concrete and masonry (43 papers):
“Prestressed Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets for Strengthening Concrete Beams at Room and Low Temperatures,” by Raafat El-Hacha, R. Gordon Wight, and Mark F. Green;
“Bond Strength of Tension Lap Splices in High-Strength Concrete Beams Strengthened with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Wraps,” by Bilal S. Hamad, Ahmad A. Rteil, and Khaled A. Soudki;
“Tension Stiffening of Reinforced Concrete Ties Strengthened with Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets,” by Francesca Ceroni, Marisa Pecce, and Stijn Matthys;
“Seismic Retrofit of Hollow Rectangular Bridge Columns,” by Y. L. Mo, Y.-K. Yeh, and D. M. Hsieh;
“Strength and Ductility of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Plates and Steel,” by Dat Duthinh and Monica Starnes;
“Strengthening of Masonry Walls against Out-of-Plane Loads Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement,” by Kiang Hwee Tan and M. K. H. Patoary;
“Mechanical Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Wrapped Concrete Columns—Complicating Effects,” by A. Mukherjee, T. E. Boothby, C. E. Bakis, M. V. Joshi, and S. R. Maitra;
“Structural Model to Predict the Failure Behavior of Plated Reinforced Concrete Beams,” by Vincenzo Colotti, Giuseppe Spadea, and Ramnath Narayan Swamy;
“Failure Mode Analyses of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened in Flexure with Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymers,” by Henrik Thomsen, Enrico Spacone, Suchart Limkatanyu, and Guido Camata;
“Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Laminates,” by P. J. Heffernan and M. A. Erki;
“Torsional Strengthening of Spandrel Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates,” by Pedro R. Salom, Janos Gergely, and David T. Young;
“Repair of Steel Composite Beams with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Plates,” by Abdullah H. Al-Saidy, F. W. Klaiber, and T. J. Wipf;
“Strengthening of Masonry Arches with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strips,” by Paolo Foraboschi;
“Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams by Mechanically Attaching Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strips,” by Anthony J. Lamanna, Lawrence C. Bank, and David W. Scott;
“Environmental Fatigue and Static Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer,” by Catalin Gheorghiu, Pierre Labossière, and Alexandre Raîche;
“Rehabilitation of Cracked and Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Patches,” by Chung-Yue Wang, Chien-Chih Shih, Shao-Chih Hong, and Wei-Chih Hwang;
“Effect of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminate Configuration on the Behavior of Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams,” by Sergio F. Breña and Beth M. Macri;
“Retrofit of a Three-Span Slab Bridge with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Systems—Testing and Rating,” by Bahram M. Shahrooz and Serpil Boy;
“Behavior of Bond-Critical Regions Wrapped with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets in Normal and High-Strength Concrete,” by Bilal S. Hamad, Ahmad A. Rteil, Bruno R. Salwan, and Khaled A. Soudki;
“Behavior of Concrete Beams Strengthened in Shear with Carbon-Fiber Sheets,” by Bimal Babu Adhikary and Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi;
“Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Externally Bonded Hybrid Carbon Fiber–Glass Fiber Sheets,” by G. J. Xiong, J. Z. Yang, and Z. B. Ji;
“Out-of-Plane Strengthening of Unreinforced Masonry Walls with Openings,” by A. Ghobarah and K. El Mandooh Galal;
“Effectiveness of Composites in Earthquake Damage Repair of Reinforced Concrete Flared Columns,” by M. Saiid Saiidi and Zhiyuan Cheng;
“Numerical Modeling of Concrete Confined by Fiber-Reinforced Composites,” by L. Javier Malvar, Kenneth B. Morrill, and John E. Crawford;
“Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Confined Circular Concrete Columns: Investigation of Size and Slenderness Effects,” by Michèle Thériault, Kenneth W. Neale, and Simon Claude;
“Model for Analysis of Short Columns of Concrete Confined by Fiber-Reinforced Polymer,” by Severino Pereira Cavalcanti Marques, Dilze Codá dos Santos Cavalcanti Marques, Jefferson Lins da Silva, and Márcio André Araújo Cavalcante;
“Analytical Model for Concrete Confined with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite,” by Kazunori Fujikake, Sidney Mindess, and Hanfeng Xu;
“Evaluation of Fracture Energy of Composite-Concrete Bonded Interfaces Using Three-Point Bend Tests,” by Pizhong Qiao and Yingwu Xu;
“Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite—Wood Pile Interface Characterization by Push-Out Tests,” by Roberto Lopez-Anido, Antonis P. Michael, and Thomas C. Sandford;
“Repair of Slab–Column Connections Using Epoxy and Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer,” by Ian Nicol Robertson and Gaur Johnson;
“Punching Shear Behavior of Flat Slabs Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates,” by Ehab El-Salakawy, Khaled Soudki, and Maria Anna Polak;
“Strengthening of Openings in One-Way Reinforced-Concrete Slabs Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Systems,” by Kiang Hwee Tan and Haidong Zhao;
“Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates,” by Zhichao Zhang, Cheng-Tzu Thomas Hsu, and Jon Moren;
“Role of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Sheets in Shear Response of Reinforced Concrete Beams: Experimental and Analytical Results,” by Ugo Ianniruberto and Maura Imbimbo;
“Simplified Shear Design Method for Concrete Beams Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets,” by Christophe Deniaud and J. J. Roger Cheng;
“Shear Strengthening Masonry Panels with Sheet Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer,” by Tim Stratford, Giovanni Pascale, Odine Manfroni, and Barbara Bonfiglioli;
“Shape Effect on the Performance of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Wraps,” by Xinbao Yang, Jun Wei, Antonio Nanni, and Lokeswarappa R. Dharani;
“Ductile Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with FRP Plates,” by Tai-Kuang Lee, Austin D. E. Pan, and Michael J. L. Ma;
“Analysis of Test Specimens for Cohesive Near-Bond Failure of FRP-Plated Concrete,” by Guido Camata, Enrico Spacone, Riadh Al-Mahaidi, and Victor E. Saouma;
“Ultimate Condition of FRP-Confined Concrete,” by L. Lam and J. G. Teng;
“Bond between Near-Surface Mounted CFRP Laminate Strips and Concrete,” by Jose Manuel de Sena Cruz and Joaquim Antonio Oliveira de Barros;
“Modelling of Tension Stiffening Behavior of RC Ties Strengthened with FRP Sheets,” by Marisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni;
“Fatigue Behavior of CFRP-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Bridge Girders,” by John Aidoo, Kent A. Harries, and Michael F. Petrou.
Structural shapes (5 papers):
“Shear Modulus of Standard Pultruded Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Material,” by J. T. Mottram;
“E-Glass/Vinylester Composites in Aqueous Environments: Effects on Short-Beam Shear Strength,” by V. M. Karbhari;
“Adhesively Bonded and Translucent Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Sandwich Girders,” by Thomas Keller, Julia de Castro, and Martin Schollmayer;
“Deflection Creep of Pultruded Composite Sheet Piling,” by Yixin Shao and Jayasiri Shanmugam;
“Experimental Study of Bonded PFRP Connector Assembly,” by Mehmet Saribiyik and Peter D. Gosling;
Hybrid structural elements and systems (7 papers):
“Close Look at Construction Issues and Performance of Four Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Bridge Decks,” by Reiner M. W. Reising, Bahram M. Shahrooz, Victor J. Hunt, Andy R. Neumann, Arthur J. Helmicki, and Makarand Hastak;
“Static and Fatigue Testing of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Concrete Bridge Superstructure,” by Yasuo Kitane, Amjad J. Aref, and George C. Lee;
“Performance Comparison of Four Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Deck Panels,” by Reiner M. W. Reising, Bahram M. Shahrooz, Victor J. Hunt, Andy R. Neumann, and Arthur J. Helmicki;
“Development of an Efficient Connector System for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bridge Decks to Steel Girders,” by Jennifer Righman, Karl Barth, and Julio Davalos;
“Service Load Effective Compression Flange Width in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Deck Systems Acting Compositely with Steel Stringers,” by D. C. Keelor, Y. Luo, C. J. Earls, and W. Yulismana;
“Axial and Shear Behavior of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Gypsum Wall Panels: Tests,” by Yu-Fei Wu and Mike P. Dare;
“Stay-in-place FRP Forms for Precast Modular Bridge Pier System,” by Zhenyu Zhu, Amir Mirmiran, and Mohsen A. Shahawy.
Codes and standards (2 papers):
“Development of a Specification for Bridge Seismic Retrofit with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites,” by Chris P. Pantelides, Larry Cercone, and Frederick Policelli;
“Concrete Contribution to the Shear Resistance of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Members,” by A. Ghani Razaqpur, Burkan O. Isgor, S. Greenaway, and Alistair Selley.
Table 1. Breakdown of Papers Published by Topic Areas
Topic areaVolume 4 (2000)Volume 5 (2001)Volume 6 (2002)Volume 7 (2003)Volume 8 (2004)
Reinforcements for concrete97385
Repair and strengthening of concrete and masonry922152043
Structural shapes00545
Hybrid structural elements and systems52657
Codes and standards10432


Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). (2003). “Journal Citation Reports.” (CD-ROM), Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia.

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Go to Journal of Composites for Construction
Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 9Issue 1February 2005
Pages: 1 - 3


Published online: Feb 1, 2005
Published in print: Feb 2005


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Charles E. Bakis

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