Landmark American Bridges


  • From the earliest surviving stone bridges and romantic wooden covered bridges to the monumental Brooklyn and Golden Gate suspension spans, here is American engineering at its best. Landmark American Bridges is a visual feast documenting U.S. progress and illustrating the history of bridge building, transportation, and engineering. The book contains more than 200 images of more than 90 U.S. landmark bridges, arranged chronologically to reveal the evolution of American bridge building. Images in this book are selected from the collection of the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), established in 1969 to create a graphic and textual archive of America's building arts. In addition to profiles of selected bridges, the book contains a timeline of bridge history, a bibliography, and a list of bridges in the HAER collection.

    Through these drawings and photographs, bridges are shown to be testaments to engineering creativity, technological skills, and teamwork.

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