Geo-Congress 2022: Advances in Monitoring and Sensing; Embankments, Slopes, and Dams; Pavements; and Geo-Education


  • Selected papers from sessions of Geo-Congress 2022, held in Charlotte, North Carolina, March 20–23, 2022. Sponsored by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Geo-Institute of ASCE.

    This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 56 peer-reviewed papers on monitoring and sensing and embankments, dams, and slopes.

    Topics include: monitoring and remote sensing for geo-systems; geotechnics of resilient infrastructure; pavements; geotechnical engineering education; and data and software in geotechnical engineering.

    GSP 336 will be valuable to practitioners and researchers working in the areas of pavements and remote sensing and monitoring of geo-systems.

For selected items:

Monitoring and Remote Sensing for Geo-Systems

Embankments, Dams, and Slopes

Geotechnics of Resilient Infrastructure


Advances in Geo-Education

Education for Geotechnical Engineering

Data and Software for Geotechnical Engineering