Geotechnical Frontiers 2017: Geotechnical Materials, Modeling, and Testing


  • Selected papers from Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, held in Orlando, Florida, March 12–15, 2017. Sponsored by the Industrial Fabrics Association International and the Geo-Institute of ASCE.

    This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 97 peer-reviewed papers on geomaterials, modeling, and testing.

    Topics include: application of geofibers; behavior of compacted clays; energy geostructures; geosynthetics research, modeling, and testing; laboratory testing of offshore sediments; coastal geotechnics; soil and rock testing and modeling; thermal and hydraulic conduction; and unconventional geoengineering materials.

    GSP 280 will be of interest to geotechnical engineers and researchers working on the development and use of geosynthetics.

For selected items:

Application of Geofibers

Behavior of Compacted Clays

Energy Geostructures

Geosynthetics Research and Modeling

Geosynthetics Testing

Laboratory Testing of Offshore Sediments

Advancements in Coastal Geotechnics

Soil and Rock Testing and Modeling

Thermal and Hydraulic Conduction

Unconventional Geoengineering Materials