Automated People Movers and Transit Systems 2013: Half a Century of Automated Transit—Past, Present, and Future


  • Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automated People Movers and Automated Transit Systems, held April 21-24, 2013, in Phoenix, Arizona. Sponsored by the Transportation and Development Institute of ASCE.

    Automated People Movers and Transit Systems 2013: Half a Century of Automated Transit—Past, Present, and Future contains 46 papers that look back over the past 50 years of APM development. These papers examine the current state of automated people movers (APMs) and automated transit systems (ATSs) and explore future possibilities in automated transit.

    Topics include: personal rapid transit; airport projects and other major activity centers; facility planning and design, system improvements, safety and security; automated train control; and standards and policy.

    Transportation engineers, designers, builders, planners, and owners and operators of automated transit in all forms will find these papers of interest.

For selected items:


Major Activity Centers and Urban Systems

Personal Rapid Transit


System Components
