Sediment Dynamics upon Dam Removal


  • Sponsored by the Task Committee on Sediment Dynamics Post-Dam Removal of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE.

    Manual of Practice 122 provides guidance, documentation, and field results for the numerical and physical modeling of sediment movement when dams are removed from waterways. Dams alter ecology, block fish passage, increase downstream scour, and displace residents. As awareness grows regarding the adverse environmental impacts of dams on ecosystems and fish populations, interest in dam removal is gaining momentum. However, the impounded sediment collected behind many dams poses another set of environmental and technical problems. This manual addresses issues such as the behavior of stored sediment and overall stream geomorphology after a dam is removed.

    MOP 122 offers information about dam removal that is valuable to watershed and river managers, environmental engineers, and consultants, as well as to researchers.

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