Construction Research Congress 2010: Innovation for Reshaping Construction Practice


  • Proceedings of the 2010 Construction Research Congress, held in Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 8-10, 2010. Sponsored by the Construction Institute of ASCE. This collection of 156 peer-reviewed papers covers 15 general state-of-knowledge areas in construction engineering and management. The papers address and analyze revolutionary research findings, technological advances, emerging trends, and functional characteristics that are shaping the future of the industry. Topics include: automated real time systems; construction industry institute research; construction education; construction modeling and simulation; disaster planning and mitigation; information technology and computer applications; infrastructure management and underground construction; knowledge management; organizational leadership and management; procurement, contracting, and legal affairs; productivity, benchmarking, and workforce issues; project planning and control; project risk assessment and management; quantitative methods and models; sustainable construction and facilities.

For selected items:

Automated/Real Time Systems

Construction Industry Institute Research

Construction Education

Construction Modeling and Simulation

Disaster Planning and Mitigation

Information Technology and Computer Applications

Infrastructure Management and Underground Construction

Knowledge Management

Organizational Leadership and Management

Procurement, Contracting, and Legal Affairs

Productivity, Benchmarking, and Workforce Issues

Project Planning and Control

Project Risk Assessment and Management

Quantitative Methods and Models

Sustainable Construction and Facilities