Low Impact Development 2010: Redefining Water in the City


  • Proceedings of the 2010 International Low Impact Development Conference, held in San Francisco, California, April 11-14, 2010. Sponsored by the Low Impact Development Technical Committee of the Urban Water Resources Research Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE. Cosponsored by California State Water Resources Control Board and California Storm Water Quality Association. This collection contains 149 papers that address topics relevant to a sustainable approach to stormwater management using the Low Impact Development (LID) technology. The papers attempt to: promote the use of LID as an effective alternative for or integrated with traditional stormwater management, as well as examine successful watershed management practices related to protection of streams through hydromodification; consider how changes in the traditional urban drainage design paradigm interconnect with ideas of sustainability and green building and help create a constituency for more livable and sustainable cities; inform practitioners throughout the country on strategies to address and go beyond common impediments for implementation of these techniques; accelerate change in the practice of stormwater management, including an information exchange that intends to refine design processes, review procedures, and evaluate construction standards related to LID technologies; and to improve our collective understanding of how vegetation helps manage stormwater, intercept precipitation, expand urban greenspace, and improve urban livability.

For selected items:

A National Assessment of Rainwater Harvesting: Challenges, Needs, and Recommendations

Advances in LID BMP Design Methods—Lessons Learned

Case Studies

Coast to Coast, Integration of Stormwater Management with the Urban Landscape/Impacts on Organizational Culture

Computational Methods

Constructing LID Facilities

Costs of LID

Education, Training, Outreach

Green Streets in Harsh Climates (Invited Presentations)

Incentives for Using LID

Incorporating LID into New Developments

LID and Reimagining Cities

LID and Sustainability

LID from Rules to Reality (Invited Presentation)

Long-Term Performance, Maintenance

Overcoming Institutional and Other Barriers to LID Implementation

Recent Monitoring/Performance Findings

Site Design Considerations

Special LID Applications

Watershed Retrofit with LID