Infrastructure Reporting and Asset Management: Best Practices and Opportunities


  • Sponsored by the Infrastructure Systems Committee of the Transportation and Development Institute of ASCE.

    This report contains 25 papers describing current approaches to asset management and highlighting the importance of and best practices in infrastructure reporting. Civil infrastructure reporting practices at the national, state, regional, and local levels of government affect a community's ability to understand its asset capabilities and demands and to communicate effectively about these issues to political decisionmakers. When done well, infrastructure reporting communicates to political decisionmakers the relative urgency of investing in civil infrastructure versus other priorities, such as health care, education, energy and security.

    Topics include: building a credible reporting system, effective communication, and benefits of infrastructure reporting; infrastructure methodology and report quality; and tools and metrics to facilitate infrastructure reporting.

    This report is valuable to professional organizations, academics, and practitioners involved in infrastructure reporting and/or asset management, as well as to political decisionmakers.

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