Building on Sinkholes: Design and Construction of Foundations in Karst Terrain


  • Hundreds of sinkholes occur each year in many parts of the United States, causing significant property losses. Great potential exists for casualties unless measures are taken to minimize groundwater depletion and the increases in surface water infiltration that precipitate sinkholes. George Sowers examines the mechanisms of sinkhole formation in limestone (or karst terrain), methods for overcoming sinkhole-related failures, and techniques to avoid or minimize future sinkhole collapses. For new projects being planned, designed, and constructed, he identifies the most effective ways to prevent sinkhole problems in areas prone to sinkhole development.

    Topics include: formation of limestone deposits; limestone solution and its effects; groundwater in limestone terrain; site investigation; site preparation and earthwork; foundations supported on overburden; foundations supported on limestone; and risk and risk acceptance.

    About the Author: George F. Sowers, P.E., P.G., author of numerous technical papers and publications, has more than 45 years of experience as a vice president, senior vice president, and chairman of Law Companies Group, Inc. Prior to that, he served in the U.S. Navy as an instructor in electronic servicing. He now divides his time between consulting and his duties as a Regents Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.

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