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Technical Papers
Jun 15, 2012

Transverse Joint Details with Tight Bend Diameter U-Bars for Accelerated Bridge Construction

Publication: Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 138, Issue 6


This paper focuses on an investigation of transverse joint details with tight bend diameter U-bars for accelerated bridge construction. It presents the testing results of potential alternate reinforcing materials and joint details in two phases. Headed bar and U-bar [stainless steel and deformed wire reinforcement (DWR)] specimens with the same joint detail configuration were tested and compared in Phase I, followed by testing of U-bars (DWR) with varied concrete strength, bar spacing, and overlap length in Phase II. Test results were evaluated based on tension capacity, cracking at service loading and failure, and steel strain. A strut-and-tie model is proposed to predict the tension capacity of a transverse joint, which is capable of identifying the most critical parameters and yields safe and consistent predictions. Based on the experimental results, a No. 5 U-bar joint detail with no less than 152 mm (6 in.) overlap length and No. 4 lacer bars was recommended.


Speed of construction, particularly for bridge replacement and repair projects, has become a critical issue in minimizing the disruption of traffic and commerce. Promising systems for rapid construction include precast bridge systems fabricated using decked bulb-T (DBT) concrete girders or precast deck panels on girders (Ralls et al. 2005). This paper focuses on the development of cast-in-place transverse joints between the flanges of the DBTs or between precast panels. Because of the similarity in these systems, the discussion herein focuses primarily on DBTs that generally have greater constraints on deck thickness than precast panel systems.
Fig. 1 shows a three-span DBT bridge being constructed. The DBT bridge system eliminates the time necessary to form, place, and cure a concrete deck at the bridge site. In addition, the wide top flange provided by the deck improves construction safety because of ease of installation and enhances durability because the deck is fabricated with the girder in a controlled environment (Ma et al. 2007). Despite the major benefits of this type of bridge, use has been limited to isolated regions in the United States because of concerns about certain design and construction issues. One of the hurdles that must be overcome to enable a wider use of this technology is the development of design guidelines and standard details for the joints used in these systems (Martin and Osborn 1983), which must produce full strength joints but still allow for accelerated construction.
Fig. 1. Three-span DBT concrete bridge being constructed

Proposed New Joint Details

To improve the current joint detail, the proposed new details should control joint cracking better and maintain the accelerated construction features. One concept was to replace the current welded steel connectors with distributed reinforcement to provide moment transfer as well as shear transfer across the joint. Well-distributed reinforcement can control cracks much better than widely spaced welded steel connectors. However, straight lap-spliced reinforcement requires a much wider joint to develop its strength. It is very important for the proposed joint width to be as narrow as possible. Joint width minimization will reduce the amount of required expensive grout and result in a reduction of cost and faster construction time. As a result, options to reduce the joint width have been explored. Such options included the use of bars with hooks (U-bars), bars with headed terminations, and bars with spirals (Li et al. 2010a).
U-bar details are oriented vertically in the joint to provide two layers of reinforcement fabricated with a single rebar. The U-bars provide continuity of the deck reinforcement across the joint by lapping with the U-bars from the adjacent flanges. The 180° bend of the U-bar, embedded in the joint, provides mechanical anchorage that is necessary to minimize the required lap length. The extended reinforcement of the U-bar details is staggered (i.e., out of phase) with the adjacent lapped U-bar to facilitate constructability in the field. The stagger cannot be too large or the transfer of forces across the joint would be difficult to achieve.
To allow for accelerated construction, details were also developed to minimize deck thickness, which would reduce the weight of DBT girders. To minimize deck thickness, the U-bar detail was designed to utilize an extremely tight bend. The inside bend diameter that was used was three times the diameter of the bar (3db); thus, by using No. 5 bars, the inside diameter of the bend was 48 mm (17/8in.). However, for a No. 5 bar made of conventional steel, the minimum bend diameter, as per ACI 318-08 (ACI 2008), is six times the diameter of the bar (6db), and for D31 deformed wire reinforcement (DWR) the minimum bend diameter is four times the diameter of the bar (4db) when used as stirrups or ties. Clearly, the U-bar bend diameter that was proposed (3db) violated the minimum allowable bend diameters established by ACI 318-08 (ACI 2008). The minimum bend diameters were established primarily for two reasons: feasibility of bending the reinforcement without breaking it and possible crushing of the concrete within the tight bend. To ensure that the reinforcement would not be broken while bending, two ductile reinforcing materials were used: DWR and stainless steel (SS) reinforcement. Concrete crushing in the tight bend was closely observed in the experimental investigation to determine if it would occur.
As an alternative to the U-bar details, two layers of headed bars were considered to provide continuity of the top and bottom deck steel through the joint. Li et al. (2010b) explored the use of single large-headed bars to provide continuity across the joint, where headed reinforcement consisted of a No. 5 bar with a standard 51 mm (2 in.) diameter circular friction welded head with a head thickness of 13 mm (0.5 in.). Large-headed bars have a bearing area (Abrg) exceeding nine times the area of the bar (Ab). In the current study, No. 5 bars with Lenton Terminator bearing heads were used in the headed reinforcement. The diameter of the head was 38 mm (1.5 in.), and the thickness of the head was 22 mm (7/8in.), which gave Abrg/Ab of 4.76. The smaller head dimension was necessary to fit the two layers of reinforcement within the deck while minimizing the deck thickness. The large-headed bars in two layers would have resulted in a much thicker, uneconomical deck system.
Transverse joints (perpendicular to the traffic direction) were designed and tested utilizing each joint detail described later in this paper. The main reinforcement in the transverse joint specimen is longitudinal reinforcement. To evaluate the proposed new joint details, the headed bar detail and U-bar details were investigated and compared in the first phase of a two-phase experimental program conducted to finalize the best-performing connection detail for further study. The detail with the best performance as deemed from the Phase I experiments was subjected to additional testing in Phase II to investigate variations in parameters including overlap lengths, rebar spacings, and concrete strengths. The cyclic tests to validate the joint fatigue performance as well as the joint durability issue have been published elsewhere (Zhu et al. 2011; Zhu and Ma 2010).

Experimental Program

Specimen Design

Phase I

The main objective in Phase I was to test two joint details (i.e., U-bar and headed bar details) and select the best-performing joint detail for Phase II.
A deck thickness of 184 mm (7 1/4in.) was selected for the transverse joint specimens to accommodate the required reinforcement clearances. To determine the controlling load case for a transverse joint, the transverse joint should be positioned over an interior support in a continuous span bridge system. The required steel area for the transverse joint was then determined. The reinforcement in the transverse joint was designed as if the joint was located over an interior pier of a continuous span bridge system with the deck compositely connected to the girder. The negative moment developed in these locations would create large tensile forces in the deck, which would require more longitudinal steel in these regions. The composite cross section and the negative moment used in the flexural calculations were taken from an example in Chap. 9.6 of the PCI bridge design manual (PCI 2003). The negative moment value that was used in the flexural calculations was 6,558kN/m (4,837kip/ft). The amount of longitudinal deck reinforcement was determined by a conventional flexural design using the composite section. The centroid of the reinforcement was assumed to be at midheight of the deck, and the required amount of reinforcement was determined for both 414 MPa (60 ksi) and 517 MPa (75 ksi) yield strengths. Table 1 contains the results of the designs.
Table 1. Negative Moment Longitudinal Reinforcement
fy [MPa (ksi)]Rebar sizeSpacing [mm (in.)]
420 (60.9)No. 5114 (4.5)
520 (75.4)No. 5140 (5.5)
The reinforcement spacing was conservatively selected to provide the same detailing across the joint in the specimens with the Grade 75 reinforcement as that used in specimens with Grade 60 reinforcement. Because of the use of the U-bar detail, the top and bottom layers of the primary joint reinforcement had to have the same spacing (by the nature of the U-bar, it consists of two layers of reinforcement). In summary, the reinforcement that crossed the joint consisted of top and bottom layers of No. 5 rebar spaced at 114 mm (4.5 in.) as shown in Table 1. The top layer of reinforcement parallel to the joints consisted of No. 4 rebar spaced at 305 mm (12 in.) and the bottom layer of reinforcement parallel to the joint was determined to be No. 5 rebar spaced at 152 mm (6 in.).
The joint overlap length, which is defined herein as the distance between the reinforcement bearing surfaces, was determined based on the expected development length of a U-bar. The ACI 318-08 (ACI 2008) equation for determining the development length of a standard hook in tension was used to calculate the approximate development length of a U-bar. This equation does not directly apply to the U-bars that were used, because the U-bars do not meet the dimensional requirements for a standard hook, namely the 3db bend diameter used in the U-bar fabrication violated the minimum 6db bend diameter specified in ACI 318-08 (ACI 2008). Eq. (1) shows the ACI development length equation for a standard hook in tension (ACI 2008)
where ldh = development length from the tail of the hook; ψe = epoxy coating factor; λ = lightweight concrete factor; fy = reinforcement yield strength; fc = square root of the concrete compressive strength; and db = diameter of the bar.
Using Eq. (1), the development length was calculated for a No. 5 bar, assuming a concrete compressive strength of 41 MPa (6 ksi) and a steel yield strength of 517 MPa (75 ksi), because DWR and SS were the materials used for this joint detail. The development length of a standard hook bar in tension for this situation was calculated to be 216 mm (8.5 in.). In the testing program, an overlap length of 152 mm (6 in.) was used for the U-bar detail.
Based on Li et al. (2010a,b), one layer of headed bars with varying overlap lengths [64 mm (2.5 in.), 102 mm (4 in.), and 152 mm (6 in.)], were tested and compared, and the lap length for the headed bar detail was recommended to be 152 mm (6 in.). Although the head was larger in the study done by Li et al. (2010a), for the case of the No. 5 headed bars in this study, with the small head size, the overlap length was also taken to be 152 mm (6 in.).
Because the behavior of the specimens was to be compared, the overlap lengths for the U-bar and headed bar joint details were made the same [i.e., 152 mm (6 in.)]. Two transverse lacer bars were added to each joint detail to provide continuity and confinement of the joints (Gordon and May 2006).

Phase II

The main objective in Phase II was to test the best-performing detail to investigate and compare variations in parameters, including concrete strength, bar spacing, and overlap length.
Based on the test results from Phase I, U-bar details with DWR were selected for further testing in Phase II. The testing parameters of the joint detail for Phases I and II are listed in Table 2. Each specimen is labeled as follows: “H” represents headed reinforcement, “S” represents SS reinforcement, “W” represents DWR, “T” represents tension test, and the number represents the specimen number tested in chronological order. Specimen HT-1 utilized a headed bar joint detail made of conventional deformed bar reinforcement. Specimens ST-1 and WT-1 both utilized the U-bar joint detail.
Table 2. Testing Parameters
PhaseSpecimenConcrete strength fc [MPa (ksi)]Bar spacing s [mm (in.)]Overlap length l [mm (in.)]
IHT-169.0 (10.0)114 (4.5)152 (6.0)
ST-169.0 (10.0)114 (4.5)152 (6.0)
WT-169.0 (10.0)114 (4.5)152 (6.0)
IIWT-248.3 (7.0)114 (4.5)152 (6.0)
WT-369.0 (10.0)114 (4.5)102 (4.0)
WT-469.0 (10.0)152 (6.0)152 (6.0)
Specimens HT-1, ST-1, and WT-1, along with connection details designed for the transverse joint, are shown in Fig. 2. Bar spacing and overlap length are the same for these three specimens. As shown in Fig. 2, one side of each specimen was lightly reinforced with four No. 5 bars and the other side of the specimen was reinforced with six No. 5 bars. The joint zone is where the rebars end and stagger with respect to each other.
Fig. 2. Specimen detail: (a) Headed bar specimen, (b) U-bar specimen (typical)
As shown in Table 2, specimens WT-2, WT-3, and WT-4 were tested. Two different concrete strengths [69.0 MPa (10 ksi) and 48.3 MPa (7 ksi)], two different rebar spacings [114 mm (4.5 in.) and 152 mm (6 in.)], and two different overlap lengths [152 mm (6 in.) and 114 mm (4 in.)] were considered in the second phase tests. The typical detail of Test Specimens WT-2, WT-3, and WT-4 are provided in Fig. 2(b) with varied fc, l, and s listed in Table 2.

Instrumentation and Test Setup

Simple static tests were performed for the transverse connections. The specimens representing the transverse joint direction were tested in tension because of the tensile forces assumed to be generated in the deck created by the negative moment regions of the bridge system. Both joint details (i.e., U-bar and headed bar) were tested.
The longitudinal reinforcement in the transverse joint specimens extended beyond each end of the test specimen and was welded to 19 mm (3/4in.) threaded rods. These threaded rods were used to bolt the tension specimen to the support and loading beams. The support beam was connected to the specimens and then placed on top of the load frame. The support beam was then braced and clamped into position so it would remain stationary. The loading beam was then connected to the specimen and the actuators. The actuators pushed the loading beam down, which applied a tension force to the specimens. Fig. 3 shows the tension test setup and the top connection detail.
Fig. 3. Tension test setup: (a) Testing frame, (b) Zoom-in detail of top connection
The specimens were instrumented to achieve an understanding of the U-bar and headed bar details in tension in the transverse joint tests. Load cells were used to measure the loads applied to the specimens. Linear motion transducers (LMTs) were used to measure the deflection of the specimens. The strain in the joint reinforcement was measured using strain gauges. The main purpose of the strain gauges was to determine whether the reinforcement could achieve yielding in the joint, which would indicate that the joint details could produce a precast deck system that would emulate monolithic behavior. Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) show the strain gauge configurations used for the U-bar and headed bar details, respectively.
Fig. 4. Strain gauge configurations: (a) WT-1 and ST-1, (b) HT-1, (c) WT-3, (d) WT-2 and WT-4, (e) Lacer bar
The strain gauge notation used in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) indicate the U-bar or the headed bar set where the gauge was located and the relative position of that gauge. For example, Strain Gauge 2–3 indicated that the gauge was located on U-bar 2 or Headed Bar Set 2 and that it was the third gauge away from the bearing surface of that bar. In the strain gauge results section of this paper, the strain gauges are labeled additionally with a T or B indicating that they are located on the top or bottom of a U-bar or located on the top or bottom bar of a headed bar set. The distances to the centerlines of the strain gauges are given at the top in millimeters. The first length given for each bar is the distance from the centerline of the first gauge to the bearing surface of the reinforcement. The other distances shown in Figs. 4(a), 4(b), 4(c), and 4(d) represent the center to center spacing between consecutive strain gauges in millimeters. Figs. 4(c) and 4(d) show the strain gauge configurations for each joint overlap length of the specimens tested during Phase II.
Strain gauges were also installed on all transverse lacer bars. A strain gauge was installed 25 mm (1 in.) away from the bearing surface of the head and another strain gauge was installed in the center. Fig. 4(e) shows the strain gauge configuration of the lacer bars. The strain gauge diagrams in Fig. 4 have notations indicating the U-bar identifier and the location of the gauge on the bar. The U-bars are labeled UB and the lacer bars are indicated by LB. The distance from the inside of the bend of the U-bar to each gauge is shown at the bottom of the diagram. All distances indicated in the diagrams are in millimeters and measured from center to center.
LMTs were used to determine specimen deflections at various locations. They were installed on the top and the bottom of the joint to measure joint elongation and at the bottom of the specimen to measure the total deflection of the specimens.

Material Testing

Table 3 shows the results of the concrete compressive strength tests. All cylinder tests complied with the ASTM C39 standards when tested to determine the concrete compressive strength (ASTM 2005). The cylinders were loaded as specified in the standards and within the limit of 35±7psi/s. Some cylinders were not able to be tested because of a machine malfunction, as denoted by an N/A label in Table 3.
Table 3. Concrete Compressive Strengths
Specimen7-Day test [MPa (psi)]Day of test [MPa (psi)]28-Day test [MPa (psi)]
HT-156.3 (8,161)N/A [67 days]66.1 (9,582)
ST-1 (and WT-1)65.0 (9,428)N/A [85 (70) days]77.2 (11,192)
WT-253.2 (7,719)53.2 (7,719) [7 days]62.8 (9,111)
WT-363.7 (9,231)65.5 (9,496) [10 days]73.0 (10,584)
WT-463.4 (9,231)66.0 (9,576) [15 days]73.0 (10,584)

Note: N/A = not applicable.

Tension tests were performed on the DWR and SS reinforcement to obtain accurate material properties. The conventional Grade 60 reinforcement used for the headed bars was not tested. Four samples of each reinforcing material were tested. An Instron universal testing machine was used to test the reinforcement and to obtain the data necessary to construct stress versus strain curves for both reinforcement types.
The modulus of elasticity for the materials was taken as the slope of the stress-strain trend line using the extensometer data. The modulus of elasticity of the DWR and SS was determined to be 206.3 GPa (29,918 ksi) and 184.8 GPa (26,802 ksi), respectively. The stress versus strain curves for the DWR and the SS reinforcement are plotted in Fig. 5, which shows that the SS reinforcement was extremely ductile compared with the DWR.
Fig. 5. Stress versus strain curves for DWR and SS

Results and Discussion

Tensile Capacity (Phase I)

The calculated tension capacity was the force determined by multiplying the area of steel of the lightly reinforced side of the specimens by the appropriate rebar yield strength assuming continuous reinforcement (i.e., not staggered as in actual specimens). Table 4 shows the calculated and tested tensile capacities. Although the actual tested yield strength varies a little between ST and WT as shown in Fig. 5, 517 MPa (75 ksi) steel nominal yield strength was used to calculate the tensile capacity for both ST and WT in Table 4. For Phase I, all specimens produced similar tensile capacities. HT-1 produced the lowest tensile capacity, which was to be expected because HT-1 contained conventional rebar with the lowest nominal rebar yield strength. The second highest tensile capacity was produced by the U-bar detail using SS reinforcement (ST-1). The largest tensile capacity was produced by WT-1.
Table 4. Calculated (Assuming Continuous Bar Yielding) Versus Tested Tensile Capacities
PhaseSpecimenTensile capacity [kN (kip)]
IHT-1399.5 (89.8)330.9 (74.4)
ST-1408.3 (91.8)413.7 (93.0)
WT-1414.6 (93.2)413.7 (93.0)
IIWT-2394.6 (88.7)413.7 (93.0)
WT-3336.3 (75.6)413.7 (93.0)
WT-4474.2 (106.6)413.7 (93.0)
Table 5. Calculated (Using STM) Versus Tested Tension Capacities
SpecimenMain design parametersPu,str (kip)Pu,u-bar (kip)Pu,l-bar (kip)Pu,pred (kip)Pu,exp (kip)Pu,exp/Pu,pred
fc (psi)s (in.)l (in.)

Note: 1kN=0.225kip; 1MPa=145psi; and 1mm=0.0394in.

Both WT-1 and HT-1 exceeded the expected tensile capacity. The additional capacity of Specimens WT-1 and HT-1 may be explained by the fact that actual yield strength is higher than design yield strength or that the steel reached the strain-hardening stage. However, Specimen ST-1 did not quite meet the expected capacity. The low capacity could have been because of the fact that the welds broke during testing at a load of approximately 289.1 kN (65 kip). The specimen was rewelded and tested to failure, but the specimen may have been damaged during the first unsuccessful test. ST-1 may have experienced damage that could have affected its behavior and tensile capacity during the second successful test.

Cracking (Phase I)

All three specimens produced similar crack patterns up to and beyond the service loading. The tensile service load was calculated by using the service-level negative moment found in the design example of Chapter 9.6 of the PCI bridge design manual (PCI 2003) and the neutral axis found for the cracked composite cross section. The area of steel in the specimens was compared with the total required area of steel to determine the tensile service loads for the specimens. The tensile service load determined was 196.2 kN (44.1 kip) and 245.1 kN (55.1 kip) for headed bar and U-bar specimens, respectively.
The first cracks to appear were transverse cracks evenly spaced along the length of the specimens. The joint zone usually experienced transverse cracking after several other transverse cracks had already formed in other locations. Delayed transverse cracking in the joint zone may have been caused by the larger area of reinforcement in the joint region compared with that of the body of the specimens. The transverse cracks initially were found only on the surface of the concrete, and as the loading progressed, the cracks propagated through the entire thickness of the specimens. Additional loading produced longitudinal cracks that appeared above the main longitudinal reinforcement in the specimens. These longitudinal cracks appeared above the longitudinal reinforcement located in the lightly reinforced half of the specimen, or the top half of the specimens in this particular setup. When the capacities of the specimens were approached, diagonal cracks appeared close to the sides of the specimens. These diagonal cracks would usually propagate toward a transverse crack in the joint zone and lead to the failure surface for the specimens. Fig. 6 shows the crack patterns at failure. The written numbers by the cracks represent the total force applied in kips when the crack was formed.
Fig. 6. Tension crack patterns at failure: (a) Specimen ST-1, (b) Specimen WT-1, (c) Specimen HT-1
A crack width gauge was used to visually determine the widths of the cracks. The average width of all cracks within the joint zone at 245 kN (55 kip) was found to be 0.254 mm (0.010 in.) for ST-1 [a comparable crack width measurement was taken at 200 kN (45 kip) for Specimen ST-1, and the average crack width was found to be 0.152 mm (0.006 in.)]. The average crack width at 196 kN (44 kip) for Specimen HT-1 was determined to be 0.305 mm (0.012 in.]. The last crack width measurement for Specimen WT-1 was taken at 178 kN (40 kip) and the average crack width was found to be 0.200 mm (0.0079 in.). Comparing the crack widths of the two joint details, one can see that the headed bar detail of Specimen HT-1 generated the largest crack widths at its service-level loading compared with Specimens ST-1 at its service-level loading and WT-1 at approximately 178 kN (40 kip).

Summary (Phase I)

All joint details produced adequate capacities and ductility in tension tests. Among the three specimens tested, WT-1 produced the largest tensile capacity without compromising ductility. Smaller crack widths at service-level loading were also produced by WT-1. The development of small crack widths increases durability by decreasing reinforcement corrosion, thus leading to longer deck life.
In terms of constructability and reinforcement costs of the joint, the U-bar detail created a less-congested joint, which made it the easiest to construct. Although headed bars layout could give designers more spacing options for top and bottom steel reinforcement compared with U-bars, the bearing heads of the headed bar detail require more space to accommodate the larger diameter of the rebar heads. This extra space would reduce construction tolerances and could, therefore, cause problems in placement of precast deck components. The U-bars can also be easily tied together to form a rebar cage, which would allow for easy construction in the precast yard when compared with the two single layers of reinforcement in the headed bar detail. The material costs were competitive between the conventional rebar used in the headed bars and the DWR, which are much lower than SS.
After consideration of capacity, service-level crack widths, constructability, and cost, the U-bar detail constructed of DWR was chosen for Phase II testing.
The Phase I experiments showed that the U-bar detail could develop adequate capacity with an overlap length of 152 mm (6 in.), a rebar spacing of 114 mm (4.5 in.), and two transverse lacer bars.

Tensile Capacity (Phase II)

Table 4 includes the results of Phase II tests. Specimen WT-1, tested in Phase I, is included in the following discussion for comparison. Specimens WT-1 and WT-4 exceeded the theoretical tensile capacity. The tensile capacity of WT-2, which had a decrease in fc from 69  MPa (10 ksi) to 48 MPa (7 ksi), was 4.6% less than the expected capacity, and the tensile capacity of WT-3, which had a decrease in joint overlap length from 152 mm (6 in.) to 102 mm (4 in.), was 18.7% less than the expected capacity. Because the amount of steel was not varied among the test specimens, the tensile capacity must be related to the interaction between the concrete and steel as well as the steel arrangement. This interaction is discussed in the following section describing the strut-and-tie model (STM).

Load Deflection (Phase II)

Fig. 7 shows the load versus deflection curves of the four W specimens. All the specimens had similar slopes after cracking of the concrete. As the loading increased beyond theoretical tensile capacity, the concrete began to form large cracks and crumble at the joint zone. In the case of WT-3 where the joint overlap length was reduced from 152 mm (6 in.) to 102 mm (4 in.), the specimen was observed to fail at a load that was almost 20% less than the expected failure load.
Fig. 7. Total force versus deflection curves in the Phase II test

Cracking (Phase II)

For all specimens, as noted earlier for the Phase I tests, the first visible surface cracks developed in the transverse direction and were located outside the joint zone. As the tension loading increased, transverse cracks continued to appear in various locations outside the joint zone. For WT-1, the first cracks to appear were transverse cracks evenly spaced along the length of the specimens. The transverse cracks initially were found only on the surface of the concrete, and as the loading progressed the cracks propagated through the entire thickness of the specimens. For WT-2, the first transverse crack to develop at the joint occurred at approximately 125 kN (28 kip), which was at about 30% of the nominal tensile capacity. For WT-3, the first transverse crack occurred at nearly 151 kN (34 kip), at about 45% of the nominal tensile capacity. For WT-4, the first transverse crack to develop near the joint occurred at 240 kN (54 kip) at about half of the nominal tensile capacity. All initial transverse cracks occurred on the side of the specimen that had a 51 mm (2 in.) cover measured from the reinforcement surface to the surface of concrete. As testing progressed, the cracks began to form throughout the thickness of the specimen.
For WT-1, additional loading produced longitudinal cracks that appeared above the main longitudinal reinforcement in the specimen. As in the Phase I tests, these longitudinal cracks appeared above the longitudinal reinforcement located in the lightly reinforced half of the specimen, or the top half of the specimens in this particular setup. Longitudinal cracks began forming inside the joint zone at the following loads: 267 kN (60 kip) for WT-2, 196 kN (44 kip) for WT-3, and 311 kN (70 kip) for WT-4. The longitudinal cracks formed above the longitudinal reinforcement in the specimen, which relates to the longitudinal reinforcement that crosses the transverse joint in the deck of the precast bridge deck system.
Diagonal cracks appeared in the joint as the specimens approached capacity. These diagonal cracks propagated toward the first transverse cracks that developed in the joint. The concrete could be easily removed from the specimen where the diagonal and transverse cracks met. The crack patterns at tensile failure for WT-1, WT-2, WT-3, and WT-4 can be seen in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Tensile cracks at failure: (a) WT-1, (b) WT-2, (c) WT-3, (d) WT-4
The lacer bars provided confinement of concrete within the joint and served as restraints for the U-bars. The lacer bars allowed ductile failure in all four specimens. An example of the deformation of the lacer bars can be seen in photograph in Fig. 9, in which the lacer bar is located such that it provides bearing for the U-bars. These bearing forces cause the lacer bar to bend. This interaction between the lacer bar and U-bars helps explain the ductile failure mode observed in the tests.
Fig. 9. Deformation of lacer bar
The crack widths for WT-2 and WT-4 at service level were 0.508 mm (0.020 in.) and 0.203 mm (0.008 in.), respectively. For WT-3, the crack width at service-level loading had exceeded the limits of the comparator of 1.27 mm (0.050 in.). Specimen WT-3, with the joint overlap length of 102 mm (4 in.), created the largest crack width at service-level loading.

Strain Gauge Data (Phase II)

The data provided by the strain gauges was not as consistent in proving increasing strain in the reinforcement. Also, the strains were smaller at each gauge located further from the bearing surface in the joint. According to the strain data, only a couple of U-bars in WT-2 and WT-4 yielded at failure, which was observed at the strain gauge closest to the bend. The data were consistent in showing that the reinforcement developed large strains where diagonal cracks occurred. In Fig. 10, one typical total applied force versus strain curve is shown for Gauge 4–2 for these specimens.
Fig. 10. Typical force versus rebar strain in Phase II (Gauge 4–2)

Strength Prediction Using the Strut-and-Tie Model

Model Development

The staggered U-bars are not continuous in the joint; thus, their forces must be transferred through the surrounding concrete to maintain continuity. The force transfer mechanisms in the tension joint can be idealized by a STM (truss model) shown in Fig. 11. With the help of diagonal concrete compressive struts, the tensions of U-bars in one side turn back to the other side. Meanwhile, the lacer bars are in tension to balance the vertical component of the forces in the inclined struts. The correctness of the model is supported by the evidence that diagonal cracking of concrete was observed and tensile strain of lacer bars was measured in the tests.
Fig. 11. STM model for the tension joint

Equations for Failure Load Prediction

The STM shown in Fig. 11 can be divided into isosceles triangles. The ultimate tensile load of a single triangle may be controlled by the crushing of the diagonal concrete strut and the yielding of the horizontal tie (U-bar) or vertical tie (lacer bar). If the joint zone is strong enough, the joint will work just like a slab with continuous U-bars. Otherwise, the capacity of the U-bars cannot be reached, and the ultimate load of the joint will be controlled by concrete crushing or by yielding of the lacer bar.
From force equilibrium, the internal force of each element in the STM can be expressed as
where P = tensile load acting on a single triangle; Fstr, Fu-bar, and Fl-bar = internal forces in the concrete strut, U-bar, and lacer bar, respectively; and α = angle between the diagonal strut and the lacer bar, which can be determined in terms of overlap length l and U-bar spacing s from geometry relationships.
According to the AASHTO specifications (AASHTO 2010), the ultimate capacities of the concrete strut, U-bar, and lacer bar are fcuAstr, fy,u-barAu-bar, and fy,l-barAl-bar, respectively. Substituting these strength components into Eq. (2), the ultimate tension strength of a single triangle controlled by each element can be expressed as
where Pu,str, Pu,u-bar, and Pu,l-bar = ultimate loads of a single triangle controlled by the concrete strut, U-bar, and lacer bar, respectively; Au-bar and Al-bar = areas of the U-bar and lacer bar, respectively; fy,u-bar and fy,l-bar = yield strengths of the U-bar and lacer bar, respectively; fcu = limiting compressive stress in the concrete strut; and Astr = cross-sectional area of the diagonal strut, which can be determined by
where tb = clear spacing between the layers of the U-bars; Wstr = strut width (Fig. 11), which is calculated similarly to the determination of the diagonal strut width in the truss model for a reinforced concrete beam (Collins and Mitchell 1991); dl-bar = diameter of the lacer bar; and l-dl-bar = clear spacing between the lacer bars.
Finally, for a tension joint with a number of nΔ triangles, its ultimate capacity can be determined by
The above equation can be further expressed as

Comparisons with Test Results

Table 5 shows the comparisons between the test results and the calculated capacities of the tension joint specimens using Eq. (6). Overall, the proposed STM yields safe and consistent predictions.
From the test results and Eq. (6), it can be observed that the main strength parameters of the tension joint include the concrete compressive strength, joint overlap length, and U-bar spacing. Generally, the higher the concrete compressive strength, the longer the overlap length, and the wider the U-bar spacing, the greater will be the ultimate tensile load of a single triangle controlled by concrete crushing. On the other hand, a widening of the U-bar spacing might reduce the number of triangles, which would decrease the ultimate tensile load of the joint.


Based on the experimental program and strut-and-tie modeling, it can be stated that:
Both the U-bar detail using DWR and the headed bar detail performed well in the testing program. However, the U-bar detail created a less-congested joint, which made it the easiest to construct. The U-bars can also be easily tied together to form a rebar cage, which would allow for easy construction in the precast yard when compared with the two single layers of reinforcement in the headed bar detail. The material costs were competitive between the conventional rebar used in the headed bars and the DWR, which are much lower than SS. After consideration of capacity, service-level crack widths, constructability, and cost, the U-bar detail constructed of DWR was recommended.
Based on the testing results of the WT specimens, a reduction in concrete strength led to a reduction in the tensile capacity. When decreasing the joint overlap length from 152 mm (6 in.) to 102 mm (4 in.), the crack widths were observed to be significantly larger, and the tensile capacity was decreased by 18.9%. Increasing the spacing of the U-bar reinforcement from 114 mm (4.5 in.) to 152 mm (6 in.) did not change the behavior of transverse joints very much in terms of crack width and tensile capacity.
To provide adequate ductility without significant loss of strength, the joint overlap length should not be less than 152 mm (6 in.) where No. 5 joint reinforcement is used. The No. 4 lacer bars were observed to provide restraint to help facilitate anchorage of the U-bar details for the joint zones in tension, and they should be included in the joint detail and be located at the bearing face of the U-bar.
The STM model provided safe and consistent strength predictions for transverse joints with U-bar details.


The research reported in this paper was performed under the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 10-71 project, “Cast-in-Place Reinforced Concrete Connections for Precast Deck Systems.” Other research team members include R. Eriksson, C. Prussack, A. Schultz, S. Seguirant, and C. Shield. The opinions and conclusions expressed or implied in this paper are those of the authors. They are not necessarily those of the Transportation Research Board, the National Research Council, the Federal Highway Administration, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, or the individual states participating in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. The authors also acknowledge Beth Chapman and Larry Roberts of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Tennessee, Knoxville for their assistance with the laboratory testing.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Structural Engineering
Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 138Issue 6June 2012
Pages: 697 - 707


Received: Dec 17, 2010
Accepted: Oct 14, 2011
Published online: Oct 18, 2011
Published in print: Jun 1, 2012
Published ahead of production: Jun 15, 2012


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Zhongguo John Ma, F.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville, 223 Perkins Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-2010 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Samuel Lewis
Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville, 223 Perkins Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-2010.
Qi Cao
Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Dalian Univ. of Technology, 2 Linggong Rd., Dalian, P. R. China 116024; formerly, Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville, 223 Perkins Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-2010.
Zhiqi He
Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville, 223 Perkins Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-2010.
Edwin G. Burdette, F.ASCE
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville, 223 Perkins Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-2010.
Catherine E. W. French, M.ASCE
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, 122 CivE Bldg., 500 Pillsbury Dr. S. E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0220.

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