Other Technical Papers
Jul 10, 2010

Applicability of Sediment Transport Capacity Formulas to Dam-Break Flows over Movable Beds

Publication: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 137, Issue 2


In this paper, we investigate the extent to which well-known sediment transport capacity formulas can be used in one-dimensional (1D) numerical modeling of dam-break waves over movable beds. The 1D model considered here is a one-layer model based on the shallow-water equations, a bed update (Exner) equation, a space-lag equation for the nonequilibrium sediment transport and an empirical formula calculating the sediment transport capacity of the flow. The model incorporates a variety of sediment transport capacity formulas proposed by Meyer-Peter and Müller, Bagnold, Engelund and Hansen, Ackers and White, Smart and Jaeggi, van Rijn, Rickenmann, Cheng, Abrahams and Camenen, and Larson. We examine the performance of each formula by simulating four idealized laboratory cases on dam-break waves over sandy beds. Comparisons between numerical results and measurements show that for each case better predictions are obtained using a particular formula, but overall, formulas proposed by Meyer-Peter and Müller (with the factor 8 being replaced by 12), Smart and Jäggi, Cheng, Abrahams and Camenen, and Larson rank as the best predictors for the entire range of conditions studied here. Moreover, results show that in the cases where a bed step exists, implementing a mass failure mechanism in the numerical modeling plays an important role in reproducing the bed and water profiles.

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This work is funded by EDF-R&D, National Hydraulics and Environment Laboratory. The data sets employed in this paper derive from the broader study of dam-break waves over movable beds undertaken at the Laboratory of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) by Dr. Benoît Spinewine and his colleagues Prof. Yves Zech, Dr. Sandra Soares-Frazão, and Nicolas Le Grelle. They are gratefully acknowledged for making data available. The constructive comments of three anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 137Issue 2February 2011
Pages: 209 - 221


Received: Aug 25, 2009
Accepted: Jun 21, 2010
Published online: Jul 10, 2010
Published in print: Feb 2011


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Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak [email protected]
Research Engineers, EDF-R&D, LNHE, 6 Quai Watier 78401 Chatou, France (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
André Paquier [email protected]
Research Engineers, Cemagref, UR HHLY, 3bis Quai Chauveau-CP220, F-69336 Lyon, France. E-mail: [email protected]

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