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Technical Papers
Jul 26, 2019

Dependency of Dilatancy Ratio on Fabric Anisotropy in Granular Materials

Publication: Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Volume 145, Issue 10


The relationship between dilatancy and anisotropy is a fundamental aspect of anisotropic behavior of granular materials. Existing test data directly investigating this relationship are scarce and conflicting. Discrete element biaxial and triaxial numerical tests on idealized granular materials in both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) are conducted in this study to acquire high quality stress, strain, dilatancy, and fabric data for various anisotropic samples, which are utilized to analyze the dependency of dilatancy ratio on fabric anisotropy. The test results indicate that the dilatancy ratio is not only dependent on the initial fabric anisotropy, but is also influenced by the evolution of fabric, especially the contact normal fabric. At low deviatoric stress ratio under biaxial and triaxial loading, difference in initial fabric anisotropy of granular materials can lead to distinctly different dilatancy ratios. As loading continues, the deviatoric stress ratio, void ratio, and fabric of granular materials evolve toward the unique critical state, causing the dilatancy ratio to converge irrespective of its initial value. The anisotropic critical state theory (ACST) is shown to be capable of providing a framework for quantitative mathematical depiction of the dependency of dilatancy ratio on fabric anisotropy.


The volumetric deformation behavior of granular materials under shear is a fundamental characteristic of such material. This volumetric deformation, either in contraction or expansion, can be referred to in a general sense as dilatancy. Since the establishment of the dilatancy concept for granular materials by Reynolds (1885), significant effort has been dedicated to seeking the relationship between the dilatancy ratio and the stress ratio (e.g., Oda 1975; Bolton 1986; Wood 1990; Collins and Muhunthan 2003), following the pioneering work by Taylor (1948) and Rowe (1962). The dilatancy ratio D can be expressed as the plastic volumetric strain increment dεvp divided by the plastic deviatoric strain increment dεqp, while the stress ratio η can be expressed in terms of the deviatoric stress q divided by the mean effective stress p.
Internal material characteristics such as void ratio and anisotropy are also considered to influence the dilatancy behavior of granular materials (Rowe 1962; Dafalias 1986; Houlsby 1993). The dependency of dilatancy on void ratio has been studied extensively with significant accumulation of experimental data (Been and Jefferies 1985; Li and Dafalias 2000), and its inclusion in constitutive models has become a standard practice (Manzari and Dafalias 1997; Gajo and Wood 1999; Wang et al. 2014). However, a conclusive consensus is yet to be reached regarding the influence of anisotropy on dilatancy ratio. Constitutive theories have been formulated to reflect the dependency of dilatancy on fabric anisotropy in granular materials (Nemat-Nasser 2000; Li and Dafalias 2002; Dafalias et al. 2004; Wan and Guo 2004; Wan et al. 2010; Li and Dafalias 2012; Zhao and Gao 2016). In particular, Li and Dafalias (2012) and Dafalias (2016) directly incorporated a fabric anisotropy variable within the dilatancy-stress relationship of the ACST.
Meanwhile, direct data evidence regarding these theoretical propositions for the relationship between dilatancy ratio and fabric anisotropy are scarce and often conflicting. Oda (1972) and Arthur and Menzies (1972) conducted tests under a conventional triaxial compression stress path on sand samples, with various angles between the major principal stress axis and the normal to the bedding plane on which the sand is deposited (i.e., bedding plane angle φ). Based on these tests, Oda (1972) and Tatsuoka (1976) suggested that the dilatancy-stress relationship is independent of fabric anisotropy. However, the scarce data points at low stress ratio and the strong scatter of the data undermines the comparison of dilatancy ratio between samples with different bedding plane angles, especially considering that the influence of inherent fabric anisotropy is most prominent at low stress ratio. In contrast, Yoshimine et al. (1998) and Nakata et al. (1998) indicated through undrained hollow cylinder torsional tests that changes in the bedding plane angle of the sample can dramatically affect the dilatancy behavior of sand, ranging from dilative hardening to contractive static liquefaction. Being undrained tests, the dilatancy ratio could not be directly analyzed based on these test results.
Under both conventional triaxial compression and undrained torsional stress paths, the evolution of mean effective stress can be drastically different for samples with different bedding plane angles, obscuring the influence of anisotropy. Drained constant mean effective stress hollow cylinder torsional test results from Kandasami and Murthy (2015) show clear variation of dilatancy ratio for samples with different bedding plane angles, especially at low stress ratio. Unfortunately, the resolution of the test data does not allow for scrutiny of the relationship between dilatancy ratio and the bedding plane angle.
For the analysis of the relationship between dilatancy ratio and fabric anisotropy, discrete element method (DEM) (Cundall and Strack 1979) is a powerful complementary tool to physical testing by providing high resolution data, better control in sample repeatability and boundary conditions, and easier access to fabric measurements (Kruyt and Rothenburg 2006; O’Sullivan 2011); and thus, is a means to link stress and micromechanical fabric (Rothenburg and Bathurst 1989; Li and Yu 2013). The few existing DEM studies on this subject yield contradicting results and are still inconclusive (Yunus et al. 2010; Vincens and Nouguier-Lehon 2012; Hosseininia 2012; Jiang et al. 2018). Through applying load reversal at different strain levels during triaxial tests, Yunus et al. (2010) observed that the stress ratio at which the material behavior changes from contractive to dilative is dependent on fabric anisotropy. Vincens and Nouguier-Lehon (2012) discussed the dependency of dilatancy on fabric anisotropy based on observations from cyclic loading. The data from Hosseininia (2012) also shows variation of dilatancy with respect to fabric anisotropy. In contrast, Jiang et al. (2018) suggested otherwise. However, close scrutiny of the results from simulations on a loose sample in Jiang et al. (2018) does, in fact, show some dependency of dilatancy ratio on initial bedding plane angle, which the authors suggested should be further analyzed.
This study aims at investigating the dependency of dilatancy ratio on fabric anisotropy in granular materials through carefully conducted 2D and 3D DEM numerical tests, and to provide important evidence for the development of constitutive theories associating soil behavior with fabric anisotropy. Existing knowledge of dilatancy ratio dependency on void ratio allows for the numerical test program to focus mainly on fabric anisotropy. Detailed descriptions of the numerical test setup are provided. The test results are presented and analyzed, with special focus on the dependency of dilatancy ratio on fabric anisotropy. The quantitative relationship between dilatancy and fabric anisotropy is examined using the test results with ACST, connecting discrete micromechanical observations with continuum constitutive theory.

DEM Numerical Test Setup

In this study, 2D DEM biaxial tests are conducted using the Polyarc Parallel-processing Discrete Element Modeling code (PPDEM) (Fu et al. 2012), which has been successfully applied to a number of studies on the mechanical behavior and fabric anisotropy of granular materials (Fu and Dafalias 2011; Wang et al. 2016, 2017a, b, 2019). 3D DEM triaxial tests are conducted using Yade (Šmilauer et al. 2015), a widely used open source code (e.g., Kozicki et al. 2013; Zhao and Guo 2015). 2D and 3D granular materials share the same basic microscopic mechanisms related to particle interactions that govern the macroscopic behavior of the material. Due to computational efficiency considerations, 2D DEM is often adopted to provide adequate qualitative assessment of granular material behavior. However, for investigations with relatively limited existing data, such as that in this paper, it is important to provide corroborating data from both 2D and 3D DEM tests.
Sixteen tests on various samples are conducted in this study to investigate the influence of fabric anisotropy on dilatancy, including eight 2D constant mean effective stress biaxial tests and eight 3D constant mean effective stress triaxial tests. In both 2D and 3D, two sets of samples with different initial void ratios are used. Within each set, four samples with the same void ratio, but different bedding plane angles of 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90°, are adopted to generate variations in initial fabric orientation. The numerical test program is listed in Table 1. Each of the 2D samples consists of approximately 20,000 randomly generated elliptical particles with an aspect ratio of 1.5:1, grain size of Dmin=0.3  mm, Dmax=1.0  mm, D50=0.72  mm, and interparticle friction angle of 35°. The elliptical particles are generated using a polyarc formulation presented by Fu et al. (2012). In 2D, the interparticle contact normal and tangential stiffness parameters, Kn and Ks, are 500  GPa/m and 167  GPa/m, respectively, using the contact law described by Fu et al. (2012). For the 3D tests, each sample consists of approximately 40,000 clumped particles with the same aspect ratio of 1.5:1, grain size of Dmin=0.115  mm, Dmax=0.305  mm, D50=0.235  mm, and interparticle friction angle of 35°. A 3D clumped particle is created by rigidly connecting two identical overlapping spherical particles. The efficacy of clumped particles in representing the behavior of sand has been justified in numerous studies (e.g., Kuhn 2017; Li et al. 2016). A traditional linear elastic–plastic contact law (Cundall and Strack 1979) is used for interparticle contact in the 3D tests, with Kn=5×105r  kN/m2 and Ks=0.3Kn, where r equals the radius of the particle.
Table 1. Numerical test program and initial state of test samples prior to loading after isotropic consolidation
Test numberDimensioneinφ (degrees)αcθc (degrees)αpθp (degrees)
In both 2D and 3D, the particles are first pluviated under gravity. The pluviated assembly is rotated by the desired bedding plane angle φ, and then each sample (consisting of approximately 20,000 and 40,000 particles in 2D and 3D, respectively) is obtained from within the assembly and consolidated under 100 kPa isotropic stress. The stress after pluviation prior to consolidation is within 5 kPa, far smaller than the consolidation stress. Following this procedure, which has been presented in detail in Fu and Dafalias (2011), two sets of samples with initial void ratios ein of 0.2150±0.0004 and 0.1820±0.0004 are generated in 2D, and two sets of samples with initial ein of 0.690±0.005 and 0.656±0.005 are generated in 3D, as listed in Table 1. The unit of stress in 2D is presented in meters for consistency with 3D. The homogeneity of the samples are checked rigorously following the procedures proposed by Fu and Dafalias (2011). The damping parameters and load rates are chosen to achieve quasi-static loading with the simulation results being insensitive to moderate variation of their values. Two pairs of loading walls in the vertical and horizontal directions are used to apply the biaxial load in 2D, while three pairs of loading walls in the vertical and two in the horizontal directions are used to apply the triaxial load in 3D. Strain controlled loading is applied, during which constant p is achieved through a servomechanism. The loading walls are frictionless to allow uniform application of stress. Diagrams for the samples, the loading schemes, and typical initial fabric in 2D and 3D are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Diagram of samples, loading, and initial fabric for tests in (a) 2D; and (b) 3D.
The stress within the samples are calculated following Bagi’s (1996) formulation. In 2D and 3D, the deviatoric stress is the difference of the major and minor principal stresses, expressed as q=σ1σ2 and q=σ1σ3, respectively, while the mean effective stress is expressed as p=(σ1+σ2)/2 and p=(σ1+σ2+σ3)/3, respectively. For the triaxial tests in this study, σ2=σ3. The deviatoric stress ratio η=q/p. The strain of the samples are calculated following the procedure by Fu and Dafalias (2012). The volumetric strain is given by εv=ε1+ε2 and εv=ε1+ε2+ε3 for 2D and 3D, respectively, while the deviatoric strain is given by εq=1/2(ε1ε2) and εq=2/3(ε1ε3) for 2D and 3D, respectively. In this paper, compression is considered positive for both stress and strain, following the sign conventions in soil mechanics. It should be noted for samples with oblique bedding planes in 3D, ε2 and ε3 may be different due to fabric anisotropy, and εq=2/3(ε1ε3) is an approximation considering that only a small difference in ε2 and ε3 is observed.
The plastic strain increment dεp generated during loading can be calculated by subtracting the elastic strain increment dεe from the total strain increment dε; dεp=dεdεe. The elastic strain increment dεe is obtained using the procedure suggested by Calvetti et al. (2003) and Wan and Pinheiro (2014). Numerical snapshots of the DEM sample are taken at designated intervals during loading, and a probe in the loading direction with no contact sliding is conducted using each snapshot to obtain the elastic strain increment. This process is computationally costly, but is important when trying to bridge the gap between DEM and continuum models. For the data reported in this study, the deviatoric strain increment is set to 0.0005 during the strain hardening loading stage before the occurrence of peak stress, in which drastic changes in stress and dilatancy occur. After peak stress, during the strain softening stage, the deviatoric strain develops significantly while stress and dilatancy changes slowly, and the deviatoric strain interval is set to a larger value of 0.02.
The second order fabric tensor N reflecting the anisotropy of granular materials is formulated as (Satake 1982)
where N = count of the entity (e.g., contacts, particles) being quantified in the domain; v = unit norm vector of the directional entity that the fabric tensor is based on; = tensor product; and superscript k=kth entity in the domain. Use of the contact normal vector vc in Eq. (1) results in the contact normal fabric tensor Nc, while the particle orientation vector vp, which is the long axis of the particle, yields the particle orientation fabric tensor Np. The fabric anisotropy intensity α can be depicted in 2D by the difference between the major and minor principal fabric tensor components, N1N2, and in 3D by [(N1N2)2+(N2N3)2+(N1N3)2]/2, while the orientation of the fabric tensor θ is referred to as the angle between the major principal fabric tensor axis and the horizontal plane. The initial fabric anisotropy intensity and orientation of all the samples are listed in Table 1. In general, the looser samples have greater initial fabric anisotropy intensities compared to denser samples for both 2D and 3D.

Test Results

Stress, Strain, and Dilatancy Ratio

Results of stress and strain from the 2D DEM biaxial tests are presented in Fig. 2, for the two sets of samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004 and ein=0.1820±0.0004. The η-εqp curves with εqp of up to 0.5 for the two sets of samples are plotted in Figs. 2(a and f), respectively, while a close-up of the η-εqp curves up to εqp of 0.06 for the two sets of samples are given in Figs. 2(b and g), respectively, during which most of the change in dilatancy ratio occurs.
Fig. 2. Stress and strain results of the 2D DEM tests on two sets of samples of ein=0.2150±0.0004 and ein=0.1820±0.0004 with different bedding plane angles. For samples of ein=0.2150±0.0004: (a) deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (b) close-up view of deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; (c) plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (d) close-up view of plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; and (e) deviatoric stress ratio and volumetric strain. For samples of ein=0.1820±0.0004: (f) deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (g) close-up view of deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; (h) plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (i) close-up view of plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; and (j) deviatoric stress ratio and volumetric strain.
The peak strength of the denser samples are generally greater than that of the looser samples, as shown in Figs. 2(a and f), while the looser samples experience greater contraction and smaller dilation, as shown in Figs. 2(d and i). This dependency of peak strength and dilatancy on void ratio has been well documented (Been and Jefferies 1985; Wood and Belkheir 1994; Manzari and Dafalias 1997; Li and Dafalias 2000). Figs. 2(b and g) also clearly exhibit the anisotropy in both peak shear strength and shear modulus for samples with different initial bedding plane angles, which has been studied in detail in existing literature (Pietruszczak and Mroz 2000; Fu and Dafalias 2011; Cao et al. 2017). At εqp of 0.5, the deviatoric stress ratios of the eight samples evolve toward the same value, and the volumetric strains in Figs. 2(c and h) also converge to constant values, respectively, suggesting the critical state is reached. The samples deformed relatively uniformly as discussed in detail by Wang et al. (2017b). The evolution of stress, void ratio, and fabric towards a unique steady critical state value under monotonic loading has been documented in detail (e.g., Thornton 2000; Li and Li 2009; Kruyt 2010; Zhao and Guo 2013; Kuhn 2016; Nguyen et al. 2017, 2018; Wang et al. 2017b) for granular materials.
Figs. 2(d and i) plot close-ups of the volumetric strain εvp, up to εqp of 0.06 for both sets of samples, to depict the distinct difference in initial volumetric strain development for the four samples with different bedding plane angles within each set. The volumetric strain εvp against εqp and η in Figs. 2(d and e) and Figs. 2(i and j) clearly exhibit the dependency of εvp on the bedding plane angle φ. The samples with φ=90° experience greater contraction compared with their counterparts with φ=0°, and the phase transformation state, in which the material behavior changes from contractive to dilative, occurs at greater εqp for the samples with φ=90°. The stress and strain results from the 3D triaxial tests in Fig. 3 show similar trends, confirming the patterns of initial bedding plane angle dependent behavior observed in the 2D tests, albeit with quantitative differences. It should be noted that the values of fabric, void ratio, and deviator stress can depend upon the intermediate principal stress for 3D conditions (Zhao and Guo 2013; Nguyen et al. 2017), which is not explored in this study.
Fig. 3. Stress and strain results of the 3D DEM tests on two sets of samples of ein=0.690±0.005 and ein=0.656±0.005 with different bedding plane angles. For samples of ein=0.690±0.005: (a) deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (b) close-up view of deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; (c) plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (d) close-up view of plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; and (e) deviatoric stress ratio and volumetric strain. For samples of ein=0.656±0.005: (f) deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (g) close-up view of deviatoric stress ratio and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; (h) plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.5; (i) close-up view of plastic volumetric strain and plastic deviatoric strain with εqp ranging from 0 to 0.06; and (j) deviatoric stress ratio and volumetric strain.
Comparisons of the results from samples with different bedding plane angles and different initial void ratios show that the difference in volumetric strain behavior between samples with varying bedding plane angles is analogous to the difference between samples with varying densities. Samples with greater φ behave similarly to looser samples, exhibiting lower peak deviatoric stress ratio and shear modulus, and greater volumetric contraction.
However, the volumetric strain results presented in Figs. 2 and 3 are not adequate to directly determine the dependency of dilatancy ratio on fabric anisotropy, as the development of both volumetric and deviatoric strains depend on φ. For a sample with φ=90°, although it experiences greater contraction at the same deviatoric strain level [Figs. 2(d and i) and 3(d and i)] compared with other samples with smaller φ, it also experiences greater εqp due to a smaller plastic modulus [Figs. 2(b and g) and 3(b and g)]. Since the dilatancy ratio D=dεvp/dεqp, one may suggest that the increase in both dεvp and dεqp could result in D being independent of φ.
To better quantify dilatancy, the dilatancy ratio D is calculated via a central difference approach in this study. The dilatancy ratio D in the 2D and 3D tests are plotted against η in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. Within each set of tests, D varies depending on the bedding plane angle (i.e., the initial fabric anisotropy orientation) especially at low η values. Samples with greater φ exhibit greater dilatancy ratio (in contraction) at low η values, which is consistent with the observation of greater contractive volumetric strain. For the loose set of samples in both 2D and 3D scenarios, the initial D of the samples with φ=90° is more than three times that of the samples with φ=0° [Figs. 4(a) and 5(a)]. The phase transformation deviatoric stress ratio is also greater for samples with greater bedding plane angles. As an example, within the 2D ein=0.2150±0.0004 set of samples, the phase transformation deviatoric stress ratio is 0.52 for the sample with φ=0°, and 0.73 for the sample with φ=90°. In general, the initial dilatancy ratio of the looser samples is greater than that of the denser samples, although exceptions can occur due to anisotropy. The dilatancy ratio for the 2D looser sample with φ=0° is 0.12 [Fig. 4(a)], while the dilatancy ratio for the 2D denser sample with φ=90° is greater, at 0.18 [Fig. 4(b)]. These observations show that both void ratio and fabric anisotropy affect the dilatancy of granular materials.
Fig. 4. Relationship between dilatancy ratio and deviatoric stress ratio for 2D samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) for samples of ein=0.2150±0.0004; and (b) for samples of ein=0.1820±0.0004. The critical state with zero dilatancy ratio is plotted as a point of reference.
Fig. 5. Relationship between dilatancy ratio and deviatoric stress ratio for 3D samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) for samples of ein=0.690±0.005; and (b) for samples of ein=0.656±0.005. The critical state with zero dilatancy ratio is plotted as a point of reference.
Another interesting observation that can be made is that the variation of initial dilatancy ratio depending on bedding plane angle is more significant for the looser samples compared with their denser counterparts, especially in 2D. For example, the initial dilatancy ratio for the 2D ein=0.2150±0.0004 samples varies between 0.12 and 0.36, while the 2D ein=0.1820±0.0004 samples only varies between 0.11 and 0.18. This is due to the greater initial fabric anisotropy intensity of the looser samples. In 2D, the significantly greater initial fabric anisotropy intensity of the looser set of samples (Table 1) contributes to the stronger dependency of initial dilatancy ratio on bedding plane angle (Fig. 4); while in 3D, the marginally greater initial fabric anisotropy intensity of the looser set of samples (Table 1) leads to only a marginally stronger dependency of initial dilatancy ratio on bedding plane angle (Fig. 5), ranging from 0.21–0.79 for the looser set and 0.17–0.54 for the denser set. This phenomenon will be discussed in more detail in the following sections.
The difference between the dilatancy ratio of the different samples reduces with increasing η, almost converging to the same values in the D-η space at high η values (Figs. 4 and 5); especially after the occurrence of the peak negative D, eliminating the influence of the initial bedding plane angle. The absolute value of peak negative D decreases as φ increases, following a similar trend to that of the peak strength. The absolute value of peak negative D is greater for the denser samples compared to the looser samples. After the peak, the absolute value of dilatancy ratio D in each test decreases almost linearly along a similar line, regardless of the bedding plane angle, towards the critical state value of zero.

Evolution of Fabric Anisotropy

The stress, strain, and dilatancy ratio results exhibit the dependency of the dilatancy ratio of granular materials on the bedding plane angle that reflects the initial fabric anisotropy orientation. However, during 2D biaxial and 3D triaxial loading, the various fabric tensors of the samples do not remain fixed, but evolve from the initial state toward the critical state. The evolution of fabric anisotropy should also be expected to affect the dilatancy ratio.
Fig. 6 plots the evolution of the contact normal fabric anisotropy intensity αc and orientation θc against η in the two sets of 2D tests with ein=0.2150±0.0004 and ein=0.1820±0.0004. Initially, the four samples with different φ in each set have almost the same αc, but θcφ+90°. The initial contact normal fabric anisotropy intensity αc of the looser set of samples is about twice that of the denser samples.
Fig. 6. Evolution of contact normal fabric anisotropy in the 2D DEM tests on samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004; (b) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004; (c) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.1820±0.0004; and (d) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.1820±0.0004.
Although αc evolves constantly during loading, drastic changes in both θc and αc occur mostly after η exceeds 0.7 (Fig. 6), which coincides with the stress level that the dilatancy ratio D, for samples with different bedding plane angles, begin to cluster in the D-η space (Fig. 4). After the peak stress ratio, the contact normal fabric of the different samples converges towards the same critical state, regardless of the initial fabric and void ratio (Wang et al. 2017b), as the dilatancy ratio decreases along the same path towards zero.
In the 3D tests, the initial αc of the looser set of samples is slightly greater than that of the denser samples, while again θcφ+90°. Similar observations of drastic fabric evolution can be made in the 3D tests after η exceeds around 0.8 (Fig. 7), when D begins to cluster in the D-η space (Fig. 5).
Fig. 7. Evolution of contact normal fabric anisotropy in the 3D DEM tests on samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.690±0.005; (b) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.690±0.005; (c) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.656±0.005; and (d) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.656±0.005.
These results indicate that rather than depending only on the initial fabric anisotropy, the dilatancy ratio of granular materials evolves along with the contact normal fabric anisotropy. When samples with distinctly different initial contact normal fabric anisotropy evolve toward states of similar contact normal fabric tensor values during loading, the difference in dilatancy ratio also diminishes. Ultimately, at the critical state, both fabric and dilatancy evolve to become the same for all the different samples, with the dilatancy ratio of zero. This can also explain the observed independence of dilatancy ratio on initial fabric anisotropy in several studies based mainly on data at high stress ratios (e.g., Oda 1972).
The particle orientation fabric tensor is another prominent measurement of fabric and has been shown to evolve at a slower rate compared to the contact normal fabric tensor during loading (Wang et al. 2017b). Figs. 8 and 9 plot the evolution of particle orientation fabric anisotropy intensity αp and orientation θp against η in the 2D and 3D tests, respectively. Prior to biaxial/triaxial loading, the samples with different φ have the same αp, but θp=φ. Similar to the contact normal fabric, the initial particle orientation fabric anisotropy intensity αp of the looser set of samples is almost twice that of the denser samples.
Fig. 8. Evolution of particle orientation fabric anisotropy in the 2D DEM tests on samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004; (b) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004; (c) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.1820±0.0004; and (d) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.1820±0.0004.
Fig. 9. Evolution of particle orientation fabric anisotropy in the 3D DEM tests on samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.690±0.005; (b) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.690±0.005; (c) fabric anisotropy intensity for samples with ein=0.656±0.005; and (d) fabric orientation for samples with ein=0.656±0.005.
The particle orientation fabric changes very little in terms of both intensity αp and orientation θp until near the peak η. At the stage when the dilatancy ratio D of samples with different φ begin to converge in the D-η space, the particle orientation fabric is still close to its initial state for each sample, with a distinct difference in θp between samples with different φ. In comparison to the results of contact normal fabric, this suggests that the dilatancy ratio is dominantly influenced by the contact normal fabric anisotropy. However, the difference in particle orientation fabric anisotropy may contribute to the difference in peak negative dilatancy ratio observed for the different samples. At the critical state, the particle orientation fabric of the samples with different bedding plane angles becomes the same, oriented in the horizontal direction.
The results for evolution of the contact normal and particle orientation fabric tensors further highlight the importance of obtaining high resolution dilatancy ratio data at low deviatoric stress ratio in the evaluation of the dependency of dilatancy on fabric anisotropy. At low deviatoric stress ratio, the difference in the fabric anisotropy of samples with different bedding plane angles is most significant, allowing for the analysis of the influence of fabric anisotropy on dilatancy ratio. At high deviatoric stress ratio, the difference in the fabric anisotropy of samples with different bedding plane angles gradually diminishes during evolution, resulting in the convergence of dilatancy ratio. Hence, the dilatancy ratio data at high deviatoric stress ratio alone is insufficient in providing a clear depiction of the dependency of dilatancy on fabric anisotropy.

Associating Test Results with ACST

In ACST proposed by Li and Dafalias (2012), to establish the connection between fabric anisotropy of granular materials with continuum constitutive theory, the effects of fabric anisotropy on the dilatancy ratio is incorporated via
In Eq. (2), M = critical state stress ratio, and d and m are often assumed to be material constants in constitutive modeling (e.g., Dafalias and Manzari 2004; Wang et al. 2014). ζ = the dilatancy state parameter expressed as
where ec = critical state void ratio that is a function of the mean effective stress p; and e^A = a function of the void ratio e and/or the mean effective stress p, in general. For the 2D and 3D materials in this study, the critical state void ratios ec at p=100  kPa are 0.240 and 0.761, respectively. ec is determined as the mean of all eight samples of the same material after the void ratio reaches a steady state, at 0.8 shear strain. The fabric anisotropy variable A=F:n. F is a second order deviatoric fabric tensor normalized at the critical state, that is:
where r=2 and 3 for 2D and 3D cases, respectively; the fabric tensor calculated by means of DEM, is here normalized by the specific volume 1+e to become a per volume measure, achieving thermodynamic consistency with the continuum definition of fabric (Li and Dafalias 2015); and n = the unit-norm deviatoric tensor-valued loading direction. For the 2D biaxial loading in this study, the unit-norm deviatoric tensor-valued loading direction is constant at
For the 3D triaxial loading, the unit-norm deviatoric tensor-valued loading direction is simplified by neglecting the difference in the two lateral axial strain components caused by fabric anisotropy
According to the ACST, A=F:n=1 should be true at the critical state, indicating that F and n have the same orientation.
The evolution of the fabric anisotropy variable A under 2D biaxial load and 3D triaxial load are presented in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively, based on both contact normal and particle orientation fabric measured from the numerical tests. Note that when the particle orientation fabric is used, in order for the particle orientation-based fabric anisotropy variable Ap to be positive at the critical state, Ap=Fp:n. For samples with different initial bedding plane angle φ values, the initial fabric anisotropy variable A values are distinctly different. During loading, contact normal-based fabric anisotropy variable Ac evolves gradually, while Ap remains almost constant until high η values. At the critical state, both Ac and Ap reach unity, as is suggested in the ACST, regardless of the sample’s initial state. As shown in Figs. 10 and 11, the difference of the initial A values between samples with different bedding plane angles is greater within the looser sets, especially for the 2D samples, because the looser samples have greater initial fabric anisotropy intensity, echoing the greater difference of the initial dilatancy ratio within the looser sets of samples shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
Fig. 10. Evolution of fabric anisotropy variable A in the 2D DEM tests on samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) fabric anisotropy variable Ac based on the contact normal fabric for samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004; (b) fabric anisotropy variable Ap based on the particle orientation fabric for samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004; (c) fabric anisotropy variable Ac based on the contact normal fabric for samples with ein=0.1820±0.0004; and (d) fabric anisotropy variable Ap based on the particle orientation fabric for samples with ein=0.1820±0.0004.
Fig. 11. Evolution of fabric anisotropy variable A in the 3D DEM tests on samples with different bedding plane angles: (a) fabric anisotropy variable Ac based on the contact normal fabric for samples with ein=0.690±0.005; (b) fabric anisotropy variable Ap based on the particle orientation fabric for samples with ein=0.690±0.005; (c) fabric anisotropy variable Ac based on the contact normal fabric for samples with ein=0.656±0.005; and (d) fabric anisotropy variable Ap based on the particle orientation fabric for samples with ein=0.656±0.005.
The 3D tests of ein=0.690±0.005 with φ=0° and φ=90° are used as examples to analyze the influence of A on dilatancy. According to the ACST, at the initial state, the only difference for the two samples in terms of Eqs. (2) and (3) is the fabric anisotropy variable A. For the test with φ=0°, at the initiation of loading, Ac,φ=0°=Fc:n=0.37 when Fc is based on the contact normal fabric. For the test with φ=90°, the initial contact normal fabric yields an initial Ac,φ=90°=0.18. Thus, at the initial state, ζφ=0°<ζφ=90°, resulting in Dφ=0°<Dφ=90°, matching the relationship observed in the triaxial tests (Fig. 5). Based on the fabric measurements, Eq. (2) would also predict a greater phase transformation deviatoric stress ratio for φ=90° than for φ=0°, agreeing with the test results in Fig. 5. Once the contact normal fabric tensor major principal axis transitions from horizontal to vertical, the difference of the fabric anisotropy variable value between the two tests becomes smaller. At η=1.1, Ac,φ=0°=0.87 and Ac,φ=90°=0.68. According to Eq. (2), the difference in dilatancy ratio value of the two samples would become much smaller compared to the initial state. This agrees with the observation that at high deviatoric stress ratio, the dependency of dilatancy ratio on initial bedding plane angle diminishes (Fig. 5). However, if the particle orientation fabric is used for F, Ap would still be distinctly different even at η=1.1, with the difference close to that at the initial state. This further suggests that the contact normal fabric serves as a better indication for the influence of fabric anisotropy in the dilatancy-stress relationship in Eq. (2).
Based on the η, M, e, ec, and contact normal based Ac data obtained from the DEM tests, the dilatancy ratio can be theoretically calculated with the ACST framework based on Eqs. (2) and (3), once d, m, and e^A are determined. With the simplified assumption that d, m, and e^A are constants independent of other variables, taking a single set of values of 0.4, 35, and 0.03 for the eight samples in 2D and a single set of values of 0.5, 8, and 0.12 for the eight samples in 3D, the calculated dilatancy ratio for the 2D and 3D tests are plotted against η in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively.
Fig. 12. Relationship between dilatancy ratio and deviatoric stress ratio for 2D samples with different bedding plane angles calculated via ACST: (a) samples with ein=0.2150±0.0004; and (b) samples with ein=0.1820±0.0004.
Fig. 13. Relationship between dilatancy ratio and deviatoric stress ratio for 3D samples with different bedding plane angles calculated via ACST: (a) samples with ein=0.690±0.005; and (b) samples with ein=0.656±0.005.
Comparisons between the theoretical results in Figs. 12 and 13 with the DEM results in Figs. 4 and 5 show that even under highly simplified assumptions, the ACST is able to capture the overall dependency of dilatancy ratio on fabric orientation in granular materials exceptionally well. The theoretical dilatancy ratio results not only show that tests with greater φ have greater initial D and phase transformation η, but they also exhibit the convergence of D as fabric anisotropy evolve toward the same critical state at high η in the tests with different φ, as observed in the DEM tests. Comparisons of the calculated dilatancy ratio between samples with different initial void ratio and fabric anisotropy intensity in Figs. 12(a and b) and 13(a and b) further highlight the ACST framework’s ability to depict the dependency of dilatancy ratio on not only fabric orientation, but also fabric anisotropy intensity and void ratio with a single set of parameters. Note that the void ratio, deviatoric stress ratio, and fabric used in the calculation of the theoretical dilatancy ratio are directly obtained from DEM, and are intended to validate the core concept of ACST’s incorporation of fabric anisotropy in the dilatancy ratio.
If the influence of fabric anisotropy is not considered in calculating the dilatancy ratio, the samples with the same void ratio and different bedding plane angles should have the same dilatancy ratio; and looser samples should display greater contraction compared to denser samples. Due to the considerations for the influence of fabric anisotropy within the ACST framework, the denser 2D sample with φ=90° and ein=0.1821 actually results in a greater initial dilatancy ratio in contraction of 0.14, compared to the 0.13 for the looser sample with φ=0° and ein=0.2150, agreeing with the observed DEM results (Fig. 4). The smaller initial fabric anisotropy intensity in the denser sets of samples (around 0.05 and 0.06 for 2D and 3D, respectively) compared with the looser sets (around 0.11 and 0.07 for 2D and 3D, respectively) also leads to the smaller difference in fabric anisotropy variable for samples with different bedding plane angles, which in turn results in the smaller difference of the dilatancy ratio within the denser sets of samples in Figs. 12(b) and 13(b) compared to that within the looser sets in Figs. 12(a) and 13(a).
In regards to the simplified assumptions made in the previous calculations, Li and Dafalias (2012) pointed out that, in general, e^A should be a function of e and/or p, rather than being constant. Although the state dependency of Eq. (2) naturally introduces nonlinearity in D-η relationship, more significant nonlinearity of the D-η curves is observed for DEM results in Figs. 4 and 5 compared with that for theoretical results in Figs. 12 and 13. This suggests that the parameter d may also be a function of the fabric anisotropy variable A, rather than being a material constant, as is assumed in the theoretical calculations. Nonetheless, these results can overall serve as direct proof that the formulation for dilatancy ratio in the ACST can provide an excellent mathematical framework depicting the relationship between dilatancy ratio and fabric anisotropy with an appropriate choice of fabric definition.

Concluding Remarks

DEM numerical tests in both 2D and 3D are conducted in this study to directly reveal the relationship between dilatancy ratio and fabric anisotropy for granular materials. The 2D and 3D test results are shown to be qualitatively alike, providing mutual corroboration. The dilatancy ratio is shown to be significantly influenced by the initial fabric orientation and anisotropy intensity. The dependency of dilatancy ratio on initial fabric orientation is analogous to the dependency of dilatancy ratio on void ratio. The difference between samples with greater and smaller bedding plane angles, that is, the angle between the major principal stress and the normal to the bedding plane, is similar to that between looser and denser samples. Samples with greater bedding plane angles exhibit greater dilatancy ratio (positive in contraction and negative in dilation) at the initiation of loading, greater deviatoric stress ratio at phase transformation, and smaller absolute value of peak negative dilatancy ratio, compared with samples with smaller bedding plane angles. For samples with the same void ratio and fabric anisotropy intensity but different bedding plane angles, greater initial fabric anisotropy intensity results in more significant differences in initial dilatancy ratio.
The dilatancy ratio is observed to evolve along with fabric evolution during loading, instead of only being dependent on the initial fabric anisotropy. For samples with distinctly different initial fabric orientations, as the deviatoric stress ratio, void ratio, and fabric tensor evolve towards the same critical state, the difference in dilatancy ratio between the samples also diminishes, the dilatancy ratio becomes independent of the initial fabric anisotropy, and the data between peak dilatancy ratio and the critical state converges towards the same path. In this study, the dilatancy ratio is shown to be dominantly influenced by the contact normal fabric, while the particle orientation fabric plays a less significant role. The relationship between various fabric tensors, defined based on different entities such as particle, contact, and void, with the dilatancy ratio of granular materials should be further investigated. The evolution of these fabric tensors should also be studied in detail in future studies. Such studies will further bridge the gap between micromechanical fabric observations and constitutive modeling efforts in the macro scale.
By addressing the value of dilatancy using both DEM and ACST, direct proof for the cornerstone of the theory is achieved in this study. Based on the numerical test data, ACST is shown to be able to capture the phenomenon related to the dependency of dilatancy ratio on fabric anisotropy with an appropriate choice of fabric tensor definition. Using a single set of parameters, the ACST framework is able to correctly reflect the influence of fabric orientation, fabric anisotropy intensity, and void ratio on dilatancy ratio for the same granular material. The ACST framework bridges the gap between micromechanical fabric anisotropy and macromechanical behavior of granular materials, and provides a powerful framework for incorporating the dilatancy anisotropy in constitutive modeling efforts. The observation from the tests suggests that the slope of the D-η relationship may also be affected by fabric anisotropy, which is often considered constant in existing constitutive models. With further accumulation of laboratory and numerical test data, the currently assumed linear relationship between the dilatancy state parameter ζ and the fabric anisotropy variable A can also be discussed. A fully autonomous anisotropic constitutive framework with formulations for general stress–strain relationship and fabric evolution should be explored in future studies.


The authors would like to acknowledge the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51708332 and 51678346) for funding the work. The authors would also like to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions.


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Go to Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Volume 145Issue 10October 2019


Received: Sep 21, 2018
Accepted: Mar 5, 2019
Published online: Jul 26, 2019
Published in print: Oct 1, 2019
Discussion open until: Dec 26, 2019



Rui Wang, M.ASCE
Assistant Researcher, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China.
Wei Cao
Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China.
Jian-Min Zhang [email protected]
Professor, National Engineering Laboratory for Green and Safe Construction Technology in Urban Rail Transit, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]

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